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Those (not so) backward Syrians--and their powerful friends

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The logbook of the Eldridge exists, and according to a Philadelphia Experiment program I saw on the History Channel, all the pages covering the purported period of her Project Rainbow involvement are missing. Since the ship's log is a primary document both historically and legally, mutilation of same is a grave military offense, much worse than merely altering it. If nothing happened aboard that ship, then why are those and only those particular pages missing? This is highly reminiscent of what the GAO Roswell investigation found: extensive commo logs before and after the reported duration of the Roswell incident, but nothing covering the period itself.

For an independent look at Montauk Project technology under operational use by the Navy at a covert part of the Great Lakes Naval Training Facility, please see www.themarsrecords.com If you do delve through any of the no less than three volumes of highly detailed transcripts, please notice the consistent pattern of measures to keep the security lid on. Note also the rather remarkable congruence between what Al Bielek says was done to him and the slightly tamer experience of the man being debriefed.


Since you invoked Clinton, may I suggest you read what his decidedly Establishment college prof Professor Carroll Quigley has to say about the hidden power structure in this country, based on privileged access to one such organization's internal archives? The book's called TRAGEDY AND HOPE. Both Benjamin Disraeli and Woodrow Wilson had some earnest and cautionary things to say about the real power running their countries, with Disraeli indicating that it was so potent that even the most august of men spoke of it only sotto voce and Wilson saying that twelve men effectively ran the entire country.

I could point you to literally stacks of equally credible data, but judging from your consistent, viscerally negative reaction to everything I've put forward so far, it wouldn't matter in the slightest. Why? It's because, in my view, you are completely shut off and profoundly resistant to the possibility that there may be any validity whatsoever to the data. While you apparently see me as a "conspiracy theorist fan" who can't be reasoned with at all, a premise I absolutely disagree with, it seems to me that you are utterly blind to your own sheer refusal to entertain the faintest possibility that anything I've said might be true.

As someone who has spent years painstakingly unlearning what I mistakenly believed to be true and deprogramming myself of what was pounded into me from earliest childhood, I can sympathize with your plight, for it is incredibly painful and scary to contemplate, much less undertake, a fundamental reassessment of one's core model of the world and one's place in it. I say this as someone whose parents did their level best to groom and aim him straight into the Catholic priesthood while in elementary school (was terrified I might slip on a banana peel and die with a "sin" on my soul), who worked Goldwater's election campaign, was a hard core hawk during the Vietnam War, and a card carrying Republican from when I first was able to vote. I even voted for Reagan. Fortunately, though, I'd gotten some painful education by the time Bush Senior ran for

president and knew more than enough to not vote for him. My own growth process, starting around 16, took me out of the Church, out of the Republican Party, showed me that what I "knew" about the Vietnam War was a lie

(I read THE PENTAGON PAPERS in college), ultimately forced me out of aerospace with my health in ruins, and has cost me unbelievable stress, trauma, family and social ostracization (of which the flak in this thread is minuscule), plus much more. Even so, there is no doubt in my mind that being awakened and aware beats hands down my previous state of being a robot asleep at the switch.


John Kettler

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Sorry dude, this guy Joe Vialls is full of ****.

Without even going near the technological "speed of light" stuff he's anti-semitic at best, and a supporter of Islamic terrorists at worst.

I may have a sarcastic opinion of the Jews at times but this guy could easily have been Hitlers right-hand man in another era!

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My own growth process, starting around 16, took me out of the Church, out of the Republican Party, showed me that what I "knew" about the Vietnam War was a lie

(I read THE PENTAGON PAPERS in college), ultimately forced me out of aerospace with my health in ruins, and has cost me unbelievable stress, trauma, family and social ostracization (of which the flak in this thread is minuscule), plus much more. Even so, there is no doubt in my mind that being awakened and aware beats hands down my previous state of being a robot asleep at the switch.

You are not going to find the help you need on the internet.
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It's because, in my view, you are completely shut off and profoundly resistant to the possibility that there may be any validity whatsoever to the data.
On the contrary, I do not believe that our government is truly run by the people, for the people. The Bush Admin, IMHO, has clearly shown that to be the case. When they came to office the critics stated that a For Sale sign had been placed on the White House lawn. The evidence that industry and powerful individuals have dicated policy since then is overwhelming. Even the mainstream media backs this up, and soon the courts will get their shot at it (Scooter Libby, DeLay, and Averhoff for starters). And I don't think this is all new either, just far more blatent, energetic, and disasterous than past presidencies.

But that doesn't mean that any theory about what is going on behind public view is credible simply because the "party line" is a lie. This is where the Conspiracy Theorists and I part company. The guy that was swearing up and down that Clinton would sieze power using the UN (this was the heyday of the Black Helocopters) when the milinium bug brought down the power and communications grid, was a nutcase. The "documents" he cited were just writings of paranoid nutballs. The ability to integrate the theory with the world around him noticable absent. Yet he believed every word he said to me, of that I am sure. And this was BEFORE the Interent.

Because the official story of what reality is can be demonstrated, reasonably and credibly, to be false there must be another story that is true. The difference between a paranoid, Consipracy Theory nutjob is that they think ANYTHING, and sometimes everything, is possible. Normal people, who use rational thought to filter information, instead look for what is more or less probable. It is probable that the US government listens more to corporate interests than the people they serve, but that doesn't mean the leaders are aliens who are using mind control to prepare the planet for colonization. There is a big difference between a skeptic and a nut. I am a skeptic.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

On the contrary, I do not believe that our government is truly run by the people, for the people. The Bush Admin, IMHO, has clearly shown that to be the case. When they came to office the critics stated that a For Sale sign had been placed on the White House lawn. The evidence that industry and powerful individuals have dicated policy since then is overwhelming. Even the mainstream media backs this up, and soon the courts will get their shot at it (Scooter Libby, DeLay, and Averhoff for starters). And I don't think this is all new either, just far more blatent, energetic, and disasterous than past presidencies.

Correct on all counts. Lewis Lapham, in one of his savagely witty and erudite editorials in Harper's magazine a few years back, referred to the government in Washington as the "Provisional Government" and contrasted it to the "Permanent Government" which resides in the boardrooms of the 100 or so largest corporations. These are the (mostly) men who determine in one fashion or another the direction of the nation's policies. The current structure of the economy and of such things as campaign financing ensures their continued stranglehold on power. Love it or hate it, that's the way it is for now.


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You've posted a lot of interesting and informative stuff over the years, and I enjoyed our ROW game immensely. However I stopped following your argument here:

"With charges of espionage placed against me, I expected a General Court Marshal. Instead I was transferred to Washington, D. C., whereupon charges were dropped and I was transferred to Montauk Long Island Military Base (Fort Hero). From that point I was time shifted to 1983, back in the Phoenix Project. Once there, I was given a super brainwashing-all memory was removed. Additionally, I was age regressed (reduction of physical age and size from a 30-year old to approximately 1 year of age) and then, at a physical age of 1 year, sent back in time to 1927 to be plugged into a new family as a substitute for a dead son. This new family -- the Bieleks -- became my only known parents for over half a century!

The project generated the time tunnels. People were able to travel in time and space and they did. But they also had other projects going on at Montauk. We still don’t know all of them.

The technology for the tunnels was given to us by cooperative effort of alien groups, primarily the Orion group, which involved reptilians, a sub group called the Leverons. A technical group which provided most of the assistance, was the group from Sirius A -- a materialistic, scientific, people. Perhaps not a bad heart but misdirected, because they had very long-term contracts with the Orions to provide them with the technical knowledge and assistance they needed. And they were working with our government in secret to work out mind-control techniques and technology and pushing for a highly automated, technical society, which would be much easier to control than it would be the way it is now. But we’re approaching that rapidly."

I like to think I'm as open minded as the next guy but this sort of thing is IMO the domain of nuts and con artists. Jesus Christ John, you're going to need cast iron evidence (which most of the forum wouldn't be in a position to verify anyway) to give any of this even a shred of credibility, otherwise how can you possibly expect anyone here to take this stuff seriously?

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I would just like to take a quick look at basic logic. Lets take for example Project Rainbow. You claim that is is highly likely that they tested invisibility technology. And that the result was a disaster. Now, you try to prove that with the fact* that there was some pages missing from the log book. Now, we have a situation that the official story isn't true. And therefore invisibility technology was tested. Unfortunately this logic doesn't make sense.

In the same way I could claim that they were trying to fly with that ship. It ended up in a disaster and they covered it up by altering the log. Or that they were testing the blowjob machine. In the same way I could claim that the Nazis killed Kennedy. Or aliens. We take that there is something fishy in the original story, and therefore my version must be true. The logic conspiracy theorists are using is: Not A => B is true, where A is the official story and B is something that could replace the original story. In reality the fact* that the official JFK story isn't true doesn't say anything about the truth value of the Nazi version. Expect that if the official is true, then ofcourse the Nazi version can't be true. Often used is also the logic that something a conspiracy theorist claims is found to be true, and then they claim that everything they say must be true.

One claiming anti-gravity technology or making something undetectable by any means must have _really_ strong evidence. I would believe it only if I didn't see the ship with my own eyes, and even then I would think that it is likely a trick. But what do you have? You have missing pages from a log book. BTW I don't think that the conspiracy theorists always believes their own stories. It might only be business for them.

* I don't know if this is really a fact or not, but it doesn't matter.

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Exactly. There are plenty of plausible explanations for the butchered log book (if it is indeed butchered). For example, perhaps the navy was experimenting with a high powered sonar device and something went horribly wrong. The need to censor evidence would be just as strong as any other reason. The invisibility thing could be a cover story just like the military apparently deliberately encouraged UFO theories to mask home grown cutting edge Cold War technologies. Or perhaps they really did try to do some invisibility thing and everybody wound up getting radiation poisoning or microwave damage as a side effect of a failed test. Or any number of other explanations, including that none of this really happened at all.

I'm reminded of the debunking of the Bermuda Triangle. I read a book as a kid that outlined all the mysterious things that went on. Reading the book you'd think there was no doubt that something strange was going on in that area. Then come to find out that most of the "reporting" in the book was false in some way (omission of counter facts, distortion of real facts, and blatent lies). Other "researchers" based much of their work on this book (Limbo of the Lost) and so on and so on. Now it is tough to say where the disinformation came from and harder to dispute it because it is printed in so many different publications.

But this show I saw went back to the source material, something the others did not do. They tore apart many of the most "shocking" stories that have been taken as fact by so many. They also went to Lloyds of London, the largest insurer of shipping, and they verified that they do not require any extra insurance for ships going into the Triangle because they've not noticed anything statistically unusual about it. Many other areas, you bet, but not there. Then they took a section of ocean, roughly the same size as the Bermuda Triangle, off the coast of Africa. Then they looked through Lloyds' shipping records and cherry picked the worst disasters in the past hundred or so years and whadda know... just as bad as the Bermuda Triangle.

So while the conspiracy theorists come up with all sorts of explanations for why the Bermuda Triangle is so dangerous and mysterious, someone else went about showing that it is really no different than any other comperable slice of ocean in the world. No aliens, Atlantis, sea monsters, lost tribes of pirates, etc. Just simple, easy, uninteresting "stuff happens" truth. And of course the conspiracy nuts keep on going because they really aren't interested in the truth. They're only interested in creating their own reality.


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Steve and Troops,

Considering what I said and how clearly out there it was for most of you, I must say I'm surprised and grateful that the reactions I'm getting are about the issues and not the all too common ad hominem

jugular attacks of the past.

I just went back in and attempted to insert the hyperlink to the Hour of the Time site


under HOTT Shop, then HOTT videos, then Project Redlight 1&2, so that those of you with an interest can order your own DVDs of the footage I saw and judge for yourselves.

There's a great deal of info on these matters at the previously cited Dr. Boylan site, and a lineal descendant of the great Napoleonic spymaster Fouche wrote a "fiction" book called ALIEN RAPTURE describing one such craft, the TR-3B. The book is fiction only because it could never be published otherwise, but is drawn on a series of Deep Black program insiders long personally known to Fouche, who himself had no access. The same technique was used by Dr. Michael Wolf (again, see Boylan), of the NSC, who wrote of his own direct ET interactions with alien scientists and tech in his "fiction" book THE CATCHERS OF HEAVEN. Another source is Air Force Sgt. Dan Sherman, in his ABOVE BLACK: Project Preserve Destiny: Insider Account

Of Alien Contact And Government Cover-up. Site's

www.aboveblack.com I believe the entire text is available for free download there. Dan Sherman is one of a handful who, in sworn testimony before

handpicked Congressional members in closed-door meetings, told what he knew of UFOs and ETs based on direct personal experience. Another such was David Adair, who I met shortly after he testified.

He was still shocked that two others had seen the

the same ET fusion containment engine that he saw

deep underground in Area 51. These men testified as part of the Disclosure Project of Dr. Stephen Greer's Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, www.cseti.org in an effort to create Congressional and public pressure and momentum to secure security oath releases so that the people working on the projects can come forward and tell the American public what they know, without fear of reprisals, loss of pensions,

or worse. I have a copy of a letter to then President Reagan on behalf of military personnel, Justice for Military Personnel, which minces no words on what happens to military types who work on ETs and UFOs, then talk. It says that the standard CIA procedure is "termination, murder" for those who won't shut up.

There's lots more available than this, but let me leave you with something anonymously quoted in the 1980s but now known to have been Ben Rich, head of the famous Lockheed Skunkworks after Kelly Johnson retired. Aviation writer Jim Goodall did the interview. In an issue of the now defunct GUNG HO

magazine whose cover feature was Stealth & the ET Connection (remember, this is a SOLDIER OF FORTUNE

hardcore military pub), the then anonymous source

is quoted as saying "We have stuff here which would make George Lucas green with envy." Elsewhere, it's stated that the engineers felt they would have no difficulty building their own Millenium Falcon.

Multiple eyewitnesses have seen glowing discs as wide as a B-52's wingspan emerge from the mountainside of a covert underground McDonnell Douglas facility in California's Tehachapi Mountains near a town called Llano. I've met several of these witnesses myself.

[ December 26, 2005, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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How is it that the government has allowed you to come forward with this obviously classified information?


They didn't allow or disallow anything. They had no choice. You have to understand that I didn't seek permission to write this book. I wrote it in complete secrecy, not even my wife knowing about it at first. Once it was finished, I initially sent it to Glenn Campbell at ufomind.com. I knew that once the manuscript was released into the public domain, there was nothing the government could do about it. It's also one of the reason I chose to self-publish the book. If it were published through traditional methods, flags could have been raised before reaching the street and the whole project could have been squashed before the public could set eyes to it.

So, the answer to the question is, I left them no choice. It was out before they could even react. Now, the REAL question is, "Why don't they arrest you for releasing classified information?" Here's where the "Above Black" classification of grey projects works to defeat itself. (This is more clearly spelled out in the book and in greater detail regarding the levels of classification and how they work to shield the one higher... etc.) Because I discussed ONLY aspects of my job related to the alien project I worked on, and not the black co-located projects I worked on, arresting me would only lend credibility to my story. They obviously don't want that to happen. So, as long as they leave it alone, it appears to the public at large that I'm just another loony talking about alien stuff. The kicker (and why they aren't too worried about further investigation regarding my story) is that the project I worked on had absolutely no physical evidence linking itself to the fact it was an alien project (at least accessible to me.) So, bottom line, they have no compelling reason to silence me.

It's a Catch-22 situation for me. I can talk all I want, but I have no evidence. But precisely BECAUSE I have no evidence, I can talk without fear of being arrested or worse.

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Elsewhere, it's stated that the engineers felt they would have no difficulty building their own Millenium Falcon.

But here comes the problem: why don't they? Or the US Air Force? Or the NASA?

If they have flying discs, why do they bother to stick with the Space Shuttle?!!??! To leave the "Axis of Evil" in doubt? It just does not make any sense?!

As long as I do not see Alien technology influencing anything, be it military or civilian, theories about the existence of the former do not impress me too much.

Best regards,


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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

But here comes the problem: why don't they? Or the US Air Force? Or the NASA?

If they have flying discs, why do they bother to stick with the Space Shuttle?!!??! To leave the "Axis of Evil" in doubt? It just does not make any sense?!

As long as I do not see Alien technology influencing anything, be it military or civilian, theories about the existence of the former do not impress me too much.

i think the strongest argument for all kinds of freaky secret mumbo jumbo technology is the fact that some of the current hi-tech stuff is almost half a century old. i used to know an engineer who built lots of strange stuff just for a hobby and he had no special tools. no doubt a group of engineers with plentiful resources can come up with all kinds of freak stuff.

not that any of it would have to do with Nazi Vixen from Venus.

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For sure the Space Shuttle question is the big one...

That technology is old and those old air frames seem to be a nightmare to maintain up to NASAs "new" safety specs...

I like to believe in conspiracies and UFO and retro engineering all the alien technology and all the stuff, but why have they not replaced the space shuttle yet if they have been working on this alien technology (and alledgedly TALKING to aliens) since 1947!

Why aren't we seeing that alien technology in more experiemental space craft and military aircraft????

Its a good question for sure..

-tom w

Originally posted by Rollstoy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by John Kettler:

Elsewhere, it's stated that the engineers felt they would have no difficulty building their own Millenium Falcon.

But here comes the problem: why don't they? Or the US Air Force? Or the NASA?

If they have flying discs, why do they bother to stick with the Space Shuttle?!!??! To leave the "Axis of Evil" in doubt? It just does not make any sense?!

As long as I do not see Alien technology influencing anything, be it military or civilian, theories about the existence of the former do not impress me too much.

Best regards,

Thomm </font>

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

"Why aren't we seeing that alien technology in more experiemental space craft and military aircraft????"

Well, considering that those space ships we got up in area 51 had all crashed it doesn't sound like those space ailens were really such great shakes as engineers! ;):D

Except that somehow, "theoretically" they had to travel great inter-galatic distances (presumably close to the speed of light, or something equally magical) to get here...

theoretically speaking that is...


-tom w

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errr...not wanting to truly get "into" this debate (although, for the record, I guess I fall into the "Steve and Troops" category because I don't believe this mess one bit), but I was curious and checked out a few of the links.

Noticed one very interesting tidbit in the second link in the very first post...

About halfway down the page are three pics in a row of some "bazooka" type weapons. Well, the third picture (supposedly of an "SA16 Igla 1" is nothing more than a picture of a plastic figure from a model kit.

Just found it ironic that someone trying to get people to believe in his tripe has to resort to "falsifying" pictures to support his beliefs...


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I believe last year(?) there was a photo going around the net of a U.S. soldier captured by insurgents, bount & tied, posed in front of a banner with a gun pointed at his head. Eventually someone noticed that soldier's G.I. Joe kung fu grip feature! Someone had taken a 12 inch tall 'collector's' action figure and posed it for the picture.

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