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Units you'd like to see

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Thanks for the infos on the Zulfaghar!

About the "units I'd like to see"... well this thread is becoming a bit too much "impossible wishes" I'd like to see in CMSF...

For example: you can't ask for a vehicle such as the "famous" russian "black eagle", and this is just because this black eagle doesn't even exist as far as we know (don't be fooled by mock-ups!).

Asking for some other tanks like the T-90 might be correct but keep in mind that the Syrian context has its limits.

So CMSF will exit this context (and we'll see some kind of such units) OR we stick to real possibilities, vehicles that could really be included in next expansions.

This is the only way we can help BFC...

BMDs, Zulfaghar etc. actually seem to be good ideas.

I'd add the Safir 74/86, some kinds of T-55 with ERA (1st gen) but diplayed in differend layout than the one proposed in the game (which is the russian layout!)...

[ August 04, 2007, 12:24 AM: Message edited by: Kieme(ITA) ]

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Speaking of weapons that Syria actually has (or has a reasonable chance to acquire), I'd say:



T-12 ATG

RPO-A launcher

(the latter just to have a man portable weapon actually capable to collapse a small building with a single shot ;) )

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.50 Sniper rifles (Barret, MacMillan, whatever)

7.62mm miniguns- lot's of vehicles have them

Choppahs! I want to be able to rappel soldiers on the roof.

14.5mm AA Machine guns (ZPU-4)



More HMMWVs with guns- like Mk19s, miniguns, etc.

M60 tanks (Desert Storm and Israel)

Challenger tanks


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Originally posted by Kieme(ITA):

Thanks for the infos on the Zulfaghar!

About the "units I'd like to see"... well this thread is becoming a bit too much "impossible wishes" I'd like to see in CMSF...

For example: you can't ask for a vehicle such as the "famous" russian "black eagle", and this is just because this black eagle doesn't even exist as far as we know (don't be fooled by mock-ups!).

Asking for some other tanks like the T-90 might be correct but keep in mind that the Syrian context has its limits.

So CMSF will exit this context (and we'll see some kind of such units) OR we stick to real possibilities, vehicles that could really be included in next expansions.

This is the only way we can help BFC...

BMDs, Zulfaghar etc. actually seem to be good ideas.

I'd add the Safir 74/86, some kinds of T-55 with ERA (1st gen) but diplayed in differend layout than the one proposed in the game (which is the russian layout!)...

There once was planned an "ahistoric subsection" for the Red forces that would include vehicles not in the Syrian inventory. I wonder if this is still in the works?
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I'd like to see:-

1. Zu-23, Zpu-4, 57mm AA guns, used in both direct fire and anit-aircraft modes.

2. Manpads - SA7,SA14 for Syrian forces, to at least give them some change of beating of repeated Apache gun runs;

3. Syrian field artillery, 122mm and 152mm tubes, without indirect fire capabality on map, remember its a US breakthrough, you are going to overrun batteries (at least ones that haven't been smashed by counter battery);

4. M113's for HBCT pogues; and

5. Light UAV's, the Raven most likely, perhaps as part of the Scouting element of the SBCT and HBCT formations. I am however open to correction on who owns the goodies for that one. It would be a very useful addition to the M707 for sniffing out trouble in complex terrain.

[ August 05, 2007, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: average ]

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Actually T-64 is in Ucrainian inventory (reserve).

Since Ucraine is likely to selling off weapons it might be an option, although still a bit too far away...

Shilka has no part in this game since its role is not covered in actual game simulation...

Speaking about guns I think that much more than any 122mm or 152mm (consider also that they wouldn't have good optics for direct use)

a 100mm BS-100 could be applied (last AT gun in russian inventory and quite exported).

Finally I'd support ZSUs definitely, since they are very very common.

Some other additions:



these vehicles are quite common as troop transporters and artillery tractors.

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Well the tubes are not going to be much use in a direct fire role, although I'd guess the Russians have splintex rounds,heat rounds aviable and emergency sights for their tubes. They are good like that.

Be an interesting match up, Stryker Co+ against a Syrian battery or batteries. Maybe with some rear echelon types in support. Could the Strykers nail the gunners or would it end very badly if the Syrians had the guts to stick the guns and get a few rounds off.

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Well, something like that happened.

During '73 war an Israeli brackthru' Egyptian lines reached a SAM battery of SA-2.

It is sure the egyptians fired point blank some missiles (and they are quite huge AA missiles) to incoming Israeli tanks, but without success... smile.gif

Anyway I still think that would take too much effort to make such units just for a very rare situation...

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  • 1 month later...

From a Syrian (defensive) perspective mines are, or should be, very important. Heavy use of anti tank mines is the only way an infantry force can significantly delay a modern mechanized enemy... coupled with good defensive terrain, good anti-tank weapons, snipers and mortars ... (think of Lebanon). During my military service the proper and generous use of mines was stressed ... including mines that explode after X vehicles have passed, mines connected with other mines 5 m back on the road (for the mine clearing vehicle), tamper proof AT mines, or side impact HEAT mines (could be an AT-4 or RPG-18 with a trigger ...). And also fake mine fields mixed with real... all that good stuff. I must admit I have no idea of the mine inventory of the Syrian army, but the Russians are quite fond of mines so I figure they have a bit... any of this modeled in the game?



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I'd like to see more field defences. Improved positions into which a heavy weapons can be placed but with low profiles and hard to spot.

Trenchs with overhead cover (kip sheets anybody ?), fortified houses, and other prepared defences. We are going to need them for CMSF-WWII

The MG bunkers included are more like UN Peacekeeping Observation Posts !

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