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The Peng Challenge Thread Wishes You All a Merry ... No We Don't!

Joe Shaw

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Seanachai,

Thank you for posting the lyrics to the best damn Christmas song ever.

Merry Christmas,


P.S. I am curious...why is Kitty leaving again? I don't mean that in a sarcastic way...I really don't....has she become seriously ill? Losing her computer or internet? Going to prison? Getting banned by Steve or Matt? Did I miss something?

If she's banning herself, that was done to a "T" by The Bard himself. If Kitty has come up with a more amusing variation on that, it would indeed be a good Christmas gift. Hard to beat banning yourself for raking someone over the coals thinking their real name was a fake, though.

Maybe she's realized that living vicariously through a computer terminal is not healthy? I'd hate to think that Kitty is "the smart one" but really, I've always suspected it...

Best of luck out in the real world, in any event. From what little you have revealed about yourself, it seems like that aspect is on track.

I'll expect something delicious in the mail on September 18th. smile.gif Start the Purple!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big><big>A HOLIDAY PODCAST!</big></big>

Bugger, I missed getting in on it.

Oh well, happy Bailey's & Coffee everyone.

Moving on to the Tokaji soon! And I'll be raising a glass to Dame Kitty. Hurry back.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big><big>A HOLIDAY PODCAST!</big></big>

Bugger, I missed getting in on it.

Oh well, happy Bailey's & Coffee everyone.

Moving on to the Tokaji soon! </font>

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Originally posted by Patch:

Cheesecake isn't just for Christmas either.

Dame Patchy, how nice to hear from you again.

However, I must take issue with your statement above, not on the face of it you understand but on the implicit connection between it and the statement made by Yeknodathon in one of more illusory modes. Note that he said ...

I just wanted to say that sprouts are just not for Christmas.
Now at first I took that to mean essentially what you said about cheesecake, despite the fact that I've NEVER considered cheescake to be either Christmas or Non-Christmas related, it just IS.

But upon further review I think we have to acknowledge that Yeknodathon was, in fact, bemoaning a recent episode with sprouts and the unfortunate repercussions of that episode.

I don't see how we can take to mean anything else.

Unless we all agree that he's missed his meds again of course.


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Originally posted by Elvis:

I am curious...why is Kitty leaving again? I don't mean that in a sarcastic way...I really don't....has she become seriously ill? Losing her computer or internet? Going to prison? Getting banned by Steve or Matt? Did I miss something?

I know the reason because she told me last night and all I can say it's not because of any the above, just personal.

But contrary to Mike speaking out with that 'sensitivity' that he is so renown for, I do believe she'll be gone for good this time, although I hope not.

btw Happy Christmas everyone, especially Bugged, and Kitty as well.

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Originally posted by Mace:

But contrary to Mike speaking out with that 'sensitivity' that he is so renown for,

I think you're in the wrong thread, aren't you? Like I said, grow a pair. You may want to follow Kitty's lead and step away from the keyboard yourself; you're at the stage where you apparently feel like you have the right to intervene in the real world affairs of people based on a superficial understanding of them gained by email and internet chatting only. That makes you dangerous IMO. Kitty is doing the right thing, and I congratulate her on her bravery. You, on the other hand, wanting to suck her back into this den of iniquity only smacks of selfishness. You would rather she be subjected to Boo Radley and Hopalong Joe Shaw sing-songs? I think you see my point. :D

Besides, I think it is obvious that Bloody Emrys and Kitty have simply taken on new names and started their own forum somewhere. Armed Assault maybe, or perhaps that new My Pretty Pony site...you wouldn't have the stomach for the latter, and they know it. Oh, I know, I hate it when women know better than I do, too, but sometimes you just have to bow to feminine wisdom.

So come on, you stopped being funny the instant you decided to follow all the Ladies of the Pool from pillar to post (pun intended) with your sickly-sweet "oh you're so wonderful" dreck like a lost school boy. Maybe they respect it, but the rest of us don't, and they won't for long.

So on that note, take your sensititivy and stuff it in the Christmas turkey, and while you're at it have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

And it you must vent your spleen on me, be funny - it's kind of why we're all here. I'd hate to think you were taking any of this more seriously than you should be. Especially in the MBT. Perspective, Man, Ye Gods, Perspective!

And I refuse to use those fake "serious" UBB tags. If you can't figure out that I sincerely wish you a happy holiday without them, there's no point in going on. I presume you got the card I physically mailed to you? I only regret that I lost Seanachai's mailing adress, since a Card O'Hate would have been more my style.

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Wha hey! At's Lagavulin Day!

Season' Greetin's tae ye, whataiver tha may bae. Ah missed that feckin' Podcast thing, Joe Mah Depainds are full Shaw didnae leave enough time fer a proper raisponce.


Sae a Scottish feckin' poem fer tha Day...

Wee bairns kecklin’ late at nicht,

cries o’, "Git tae sleep!"

Wee bairns wishin’, een shut ticht,

bit naebidy’s coontin’ sheep.

Squeezed-oot whispers wauken dawn

wi’ oo's an’ ah's an’ aw's!

Thochts o’ sleep hiv lang syne gone;

"Look at them! An’ those!"

Tuggin’ grand bows, rustlin’ paper,

Skirls o’ sheer delicht.

Openin’ boaxes, weans a-caper,

Oh, for Silent Nicht!

Clanks an’ whirrs wi’ bangs an’ bumps;

Faint chimin’ frae a bell;

Crunches, thuds an’ clangs an’ thumps;

an’ noise that soonds like . . . Well!

Music is near, playin’ guid cheer,

Echoin’ Christ his been born;

Soonds that we hear, soonds we haud dear,

Soonds oan a Christmas morn.

- Francis Kerr Young

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Season' Greetin's tae ye, whataiver tha may bae. Ah missed that feckin' Podcast thing, Joe Mah Depainds are full Shaw didnae leave enough time fer a proper raisponce.
A PROPER response ... from you?

I grant you that leaving that slim window of THREE WEEKS for you to make ONE freaking phone call at YOUR convenience was cutting it tight.

My bad ...


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Yeknodathon in one of more illusory modes

Well, I should say that cheesecakes do not form on stalks. Besides, we are but the sullied plot, a muddied field from which emerges the stalk and from which blossoms a bunch of sprouts together closely entwined in a cheek-by-jowel commonwealth. And if one sprout should whither and fall or succumb to a sudden turpitude or corruption the commonwealth is disarrayed and the stalk sways this way and that until it is falls upon its own uneven weight. Or it might be some slight pestilence such as a Dorosh beetle nestling in the side of the plant or a dozing Prinzapillar nibbling along a leaf edge before metamorphosing into something very stupid.

As such it is not illusion... it is metaphysics.

*and with the skilled practice of a herbivore slices through the scalp of another sprout*

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I grant you that leaving that slim window of THREE WEEKS for you to make ONE freaking phone call at YOUR convenience was cutting it tight.


Cos at's Christmas Ah'll fergive ye thas WUN FECKIN' TEEM. Didnae lait at happen agin.

Ah cuidnae gi tha reeds ain mah peeps tae set anyhoo.

Ne'er meend, laddie. Mah limited expectaishuns fer ye shuid noo bae a benchmark, nae matter hoo oot o' reach they may bae.

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<tap> <tap> <tap>

Is this thing on?


Hmmph. Okay.

The stars are once again misaligning . . . I shall soon have rearmed myself with a new laptop computer from which to . . . well, probably from which to lose quite badly to each of you in turn.

But I am back, as it were.

Yes, yes . . . "there goes the neighborhood." But I ask to remember that it could be worse . . . you could be stuck in Minnesota.


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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I grant you that leaving that slim window of THREE WEEKS for you to make ONE freaking phone call at YOUR convenience was cutting it tight.


Cos at's Christmas Ah'll fergive ye thas WUN FECKIN' TEEM. Didnae lait at happen agin.

Ah cuidnae gi tha reeds ain mah peeps tae set anyhoo.

Ne'er meend, laddie. Mah limited expectaishuns fer ye shuid noo bae a benchmark, nae matter hoo oot o' reach they may bae. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What the HELL kind of Scotsman LETS his pipes get ... uh ... unset in the first place?

[serious]They unset themselves, Joe. Bagpipes are extremely temperamental. Sort of like Justicars. I would have played you a wee holiday tune for the podcast, but I don't quite hate my neighbours that much yet. Or any of you, for that matter. Bah. Find me someone worthy of my hate, that's all I ask of you, Santa![/serious]
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Originally posted by Elvis:

Imade it through...took pausing and walking away and coming backa few times but I did it.

The game of ping pong is not spelled peng pong.

Anyone in the mood to discuss game file numbering?

Game file numbering is for LOSERS. Oh, wait! I just beat you with a Total Victory, didn't I!

Cunningly ambushed you in an Andreas "game".

So there goes that idea...or does it?


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What the HELL kind of Scotsman LETS his pipes get ... uh ... unset in the first place?

[serious]They unset themselves, Joe. Bagpipes are extremely temperamental. Sort of like Justicars. I would have played you a wee holiday tune for the podcast, but I don't quite hate my neighbours that much yet. Or any of you, for that matter. Bah. Find me someone worthy of my hate, that's all I ask of you, Santa![/serious] </font>
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Well, it's Christmas Morning and my Better Half is fretting because the Kids are late turning up for breakfast - as usual.

So starts the day of festivity.

A Merry Seasonal Greeting to you all.

Now go and be usefull, and be nice to others at least once.


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