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Very unoffical "Top Five" settings.

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Just to give BF a very rough steer as to where people would like the modules to go, and would most likely spend there money , people can put in there top five.

1) WW2 Western Front, 44-45. 3 mods (Cobra, Arnheim,Bulge)

2) Post WW2 possibly Korea, or Isreal 48' 2or3 Mods.

3) WW2 Pacific again abut 3 mods.

4) Centenial American 1775-1875, 3mods( Revolution, Civil War,

Indian wars, though war with Mexico might be nice...).

5) WW2 Eastern Front again 3 mods, Invasion, Stalemate, Retreat

I am sure most people have there own ideas, so lets see what scores highest. Personally I think it will be WW2 because thats what attracted us here in the first place, so BF may well be thinking to try a new market hoping we'll sign up anyway.


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1) Chaco War (Bolivia and Paraguay, early tanks in near-desert conditions).

2) The Rape of Nanking: Japan's invasion of China in the 1930's (including Zhukov in Mongolia).

3) Singapore: Japan's blitzkrieg in the jungle in WWII (perhaps to include a module on Chandra Bose, the INA, and Burma).

4) All Quiet on the Western Front: WWI with modules on Bloody Wipers, Verdun, and the Somme.

5) The Russian Civil War (battles at the gates of Warsaw, revolt in Finland, expatriate Czechs fighting their way across Siberia, the Tsar's gold, Americans invading Archangel...and lots of armored trains).

6) The Spanish Civil War. Dress rehearsal for you know what.

My all-time personal favorites are the Sepoy Mutiny and the Taiping rebellion (especially Chinese Gordon and the Ever Victorious Army), but I just can't believe that the game engine is going to handle maneuvers with formed troops properly. And that, sadly, rules out the Guano wars and the Spanish-American war. The war of the Harmonious Fists (aka Boxer Rebellion) would be a lot of fun but far too one-sided. Port Arthur and the Russo-Japanese war would be interesting, but a bit of a let-down without the naval war.

I seriously considered proposing Mussolini's war in Abyssinia, but hand-to-hand combat is not one of CM's strongpoints. But it sure would be fun to see spears pitted against tanks and have the spears win -- until they get hit with poison gas.

And given how unimaginitive the industry seems to be when it comes to subject matter, you can bet that if one of these oddball titles shows any success there would be a rash of inept imitations. Just imagine an FPS about Zhukov at Khalkin Gol, or an RTS about Chandra Bose (would probably sell a couple of million copies in India)...

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I'll buy whatever they put out, but given my druthers:

As far as Operations of the type that Steve Grammont listed in earlier threads (with interlinked battles), how about

Scheldt Fortress North - 2nd Canadian Division versus Battle Group Chill - a mix of stomach battalions, veteran German paratroopers, and Sturmgeschutzen in October 1944 - the fight to clear the last German holdouts on the Scheldt Estuary, vital for getting the port of Antwerp into operation and easing Allied logistical problems

Moro River - focussing on the New Zealanders and the 1st Canadian Division on the Moro River front in November and December 1943, including the fighting up to and culminating in Ortona, aka "Little Stalingrad"

Dieppe - company sized look at all the landing beaches where success on one beach affects the others (ie if the commandos on Yellow and Orange don't silence the coastal batteries, the landings on Blue and Green come under heavier fire - and the landings on Blue and Green likewise affect the landings on Red and White)

Band of Brothers - a tie in to the miniseries where you get to guide E/506 of the 101st Airborne through some major battles would be cool - can see an Operation based on their defence of Bastogne, including defence of the Bois Jacques, the advance to Foy and the other towns near there; would be a good solo Op I think

Grossdeutschland - anything featuring GD would be neat; Kursk might be too big in scope but anything out of their history would make for an interesting op

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Quote re. modules.

"We are going to use Voodoo to figure it out since there is no scientific way to go about it. I think the Modules will be pretty obvious, so we're not worrying about that.

Steve "


That said, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the Indian Wars would be cool.

[ September 16, 2005, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: Sequoia ]

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While I'm still unsure as to what would be appropriate size for modules, I venture the following ideas (which have been made by others already, quite a few time I may add ;) )

War in Europe 39-40 would be an interesting basis for modules like:

- Crossing to the Meuse

- Dunkirk

- Narvik

- Advance into Benelux

- Perhaps considering the forces involved and duration of the campaign, Poland 1939 would better be put out as a module ? I wonder if anything of the sort would score strongly on the american market though.

Call me old school, but the Battle of the Bulge retains all its flavor as far as I'm concerned, and it does provide another pretty good basis for many other late-war, western front modules.

I'm all for Korea, 50's or hypothetical.

My small stand alone title would have to be the Falklands War in 1982.

I'm all for anything Eastern Front related, but considering the gargantuesque size of that theatre, I wouldn't know where to start. smile.gif Grossdeutschland is an interesting idea.

And lastly, yes, an hypothetical Cold War gone hot would be interesting, just like I enjoyed playing USA vs USSR in 1962 at Steel Panther...

Oh, and I'm all for a well thought out sci-fi tactical game. There are just too many ideas to name here, but the opportunity is certainly great for very interesting weapon concept, terrain elements and ambiance. I suppose the same could be said of near future (2010-2040) stuff.


[ September 17, 2005, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]

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Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

I don't know if you're kidding or not, Philippe, but those do sound like cool games to me - I love bush wars and colonial fights and "small wars". I don't think that any of them are commercially viable, though.

Don't say that too loudly around Steve. I think that's what they said about CM in the first place.

I'm not kidding, by the way. I love bush wars too. And I left out two really obvious ones:

1) The Boer War, where they really were using modern methods. The speech files would be fabulous, and the music unforgettable.

2) Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck's successful defense of German East Africa in WW I. For those who don't know him, he was a great romantic figure, a much more successful precursor of Rommel, and one of the few undefeated German generals of WW I. He became involved with Isak Dinesen (author of "Out of Africa") on the boat to Dar-es-Salaam when she was on her way to Mombasa to marry a rich Swedish baron, and they remained lifelong friends. He probably epitomized what was best in Imperial Germany, and, unlike Rommel, would have nothing to do with the Nazi's later on. His black askaris ran circles around the British, the South Africans, and the Portuguese. He was always the German aristocrat to the core so never exactly went native, but had a profound understanding of human nature and accepted people as they were when he found them. Very different from the cultural attitudes of the British, South Africans, and Portuguese, whose relations with their colonials were often quite ugly. Von Lettow-Vorbeck's troops loved him -- especially when he would capture a British depot and make his askaris drink anything they couldn't carry.

He conducted his campaign from the back of a bicycle, and after he died in the early sixties the German government decided to settle up back-pay for the askaris. They sent a banker from Hamburg down to Tanzania who handed prospective candidates a broom -- if they remembered the German manual of arms, they got paid.

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Originally posted by Philippe:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

I don't know if you're kidding or not, Philippe, but those do sound like cool games to me - I love bush wars and colonial fights and "small wars". I don't think that any of them are commercially viable, though.

Don't say that too loudly around Steve. I think that's what they said about CM in the first place.

I'm not kidding, by the way. I love bush wars too. And I left out two really obvious ones:

1) The Boer War, where they really were using modern methods. The speech files would be fabulous, and the music unforgettable.

2) Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck's successful defense of German East Africa in WW I. For those who don't know him, he was a great romantic figure, a much more successful precursor of Rommel, and one of the few undefeated German generals of WW I. He became involved with Isak Dinesen (author of "Out of Africa") on the boat to Dar-es-Salaam when she was on her way to Mombasa to marry a rich Swedish baron, and they remained lifelong friends. He probably epitomized what was best in Imperial Germany, and, unlike Rommel, would have nothing to do with the Nazi's later on. His black askaris ran circles around the British, the South Africans, and the Portuguese. He was always the German aristocrat to the core so never exactly went native, but had a profound understanding of human nature and accepted people as they were when he found them. Very different from the cultural attitudes of the British, South Africans, and Portuguese, whose relations with their colonials were often quite ugly. Von Lettow-Vorbeck's troops loved him -- especially when he would capture a British depot and make his askaris drink anything they couldn't carry.

He conducted his campaign from the back of a bicycle, and after he died in the early sixties the German government decided to settle up back-pay for the askaris. They sent a banker from Hamburg down to Tanzania who handed prospective candidates a broom -- if they remembered the German manual of arms, they got paid. </font>

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I really am not sure why anyone would think that the Western Front would be more interesting than the Eastern Front? I am Canadian, and even though it might be interesting to play some Commonwealth scenarios, compared to the Eastern Front, they really do not compare in my mind. For top 5 I would pick

1. Any time period on the Eastern Front

- Great tank battles with great tanks (T-34,PzVD)

2. Italian campaign

- Monte Cassino, Anzio, Mountain Strongholds

3. The Far Eastern Front (Esp Island Hopping Campaign)

- Beach Landings vs entrenched defenders

4. Korea

- US/UN vs T34/85s and Chinese charges

5. The Finnish Winter War

- fantastic infantry vs weak infantry w/ tanks

#6 for good luck...

6. French campaign

- early great example of armoured German blitzkreig

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Originally posted by CanadaGuy:

I really am not sure why anyone would think that the Western Front would be more interesting than the Eastern Front? I am Canadian, and even though it might be interesting to play some Commonwealth scenarios, compared to the Eastern Front, they really do not compare in my mind.

Nice to see the education system in the People's Republic of Saskatchewan is still chugging right along....

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If you must go for something that modern, I would suggest Katanga in the 60's. Nice foreign intervention, and even a bit of cannibalism. But are we ready for Belgian nuns turning up in the recipe threads?

Other modern bush wars should include the Toyota Wars in the Sahel -- Chad and Mauretania. Interesting studies in what low tech solutions can do to high tech armies under the right circumstances. The Polisario drove the Moroccans to such distraction that they resorted to Roman methods to stop them: they built a wall in the desert to seal off threatened areas.

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I am very boring…. very conventional ;)

The two that interest me most, now that Borg Spotting/Absolute Spotting is dead, will be played over and over again for years, are NWE and Eastern Front games. Give me a NWE and Eastern Front version of CMX2, plus a couple of modules for each, and I will be a happy chap for the next five plus years.

I will no doubt enjoy a few months playing each new version of CMX2. Outside of the two listed above the modern/contemporary setting Steve has hinted is likely to come along interests me also. But for modern/contemporary settings the detail of the setting matters. I enjoy “high intensity” warfare on my PC, hunting small gangs of irregular infantry in Iraqi would not hold my interest for long.

A modern game would be fun; I love the thought of playing with a new set of toys smile.gif But I remain a little worried as to the exact setting BFC will use.

All good fun,

All the best,


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I want "OpFor" - 1970s red-vs-blue wargames!

U.S. versus Brits or Brits vs West Germans or Dutch vs Belgians, all playing laser tag with umpires!

Or maybe out west with rotating U.S. forces facing the 'house' OpFor troops in mocked-up Sheridans and M113s in the desert.

Either that or Space Lobsters.

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