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Can anybody on this board play CM:SF with max settings?

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I have a modest system. Athlon 64 x2 4200+, 1Gb RAM, Nvidia 7800GT. I run at 1280 x 1024 60Hz with everything set to max EXCEPT Vertical Sync. That kills the frame rates for me. I still see slow downs when there is a lot going on but they are not crippling. That said I haven't played any massive scenarios yet so it could take a hit then.

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I'm running a Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, ATI X1900, 2GB RAM on Windows XP pro and am using balanced settings with framerates ranging from 20-25fps. When I switch up to max settings my framerates drop down to 10-15 fps according to what I'm looking at. I hope the performance issues are just little bugs BF can crush and they just havent had time to sort them out yet. I just feel a game with this level of graphics should be able to run no problem on our systems at around 30fps or higher. Maybe there is a load of number crunching going on under the hood that I dont understand, but I dont remember anything mentioned about the pooty performance yet.

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Can't give any specific FPS measurements because although I've asked how to take the FPS measurements at least 3 or 4 times I've yet to see an answer.

That said, I played in order of appearance on the scenario selection screen the first three scenarios over the weekend.

My settings were with all options to the highest and I had very reasonable results in WEGO mode. Depending on how much of the screen was visible and how many units were moving I had realistic looking motion just like looking out a window, and by that I mean probably better than watching a film.

My new machine is as follow;

Win XP Pro

Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 Conroe 2.67GHz

Gigabyte P35 DS3R mobo, (on board Realtek ALC889A Audio)

2gb DDR2 RAM (Low latency, high speed)

MSI GeForce 8800 GTS w 640mb running at 575MHz

Would be happy to run test scenarios and post FPS data but have no idea how to capture that data.

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Originally posted by drtechno:

I take that back.. retested and the best that I can do with a 8800 GTX ultra is 1280x960 balanced/balanced before it starts bogging down.. this is without any AA or aniso.

Definitely a bug.

Not sure about that. I'm playing the medium sized scenarios (with settings one lower than the max) with AA/AS in 1280x960 with an 8800 GTX and getting 30-40 fps.
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I have been doing some testing with 1.03. My rig is not top of the line, but its a good comparaison.

my rig:

-opteron 170 (2 ghz AMD dual-core);

-ASROCK dual sata;

-7900 GTX (with recommended 163.44 drivers);

-2 gb DDR @ 500 mhz;

-audigy 2 zs;

-win XP PRO w. SP2 and all recommended critical updates;

game settings;


-textures: improved;

-priority: fast;



card settings:

-AA: 4x

-Aniso: 2x

-texture quality: high;

-triple buffering & vsync: on

all testing w. FRAPS & processor affinity set to CPU 1;

1st test: training campaign mission #1/ WEGO

-average fps: 20-30;

-hi-lo fps: 15-70;

In all cases, I would lock one unit, increase multiplication to 3-4x and pivot around.

2nd test: main campaign mission #1/ WEGO

in this case, I lowered texture quality to BALANCED/ AA to 2x/ priority to normal.

-average fps: 35-45

-hi-lo fps: 20-60

same testing method as above.

some observations:

#1- I am very happy with the performance of CMSF on my system :D . The eye candy factor is definitely up with 1.03 and the 163.44 drivers.

#2- on my system, in game texture quality has the biggest impact on FPS. You can easily test it yourself in game. In a quick test in the Al Susah scenario, I got the following FPS:

-fastest: 50

-balanced: 35

-improved: 25

-best: 15

#3-on the other hand AA has practically no impact, less than 2-3 fps going from 2x to 4x @ 1280x960.

#4- it is a very smooth game, frames only become noticeably choppy if the fps is less than 20.

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Yes: Plays "Factory Outlet" and "Allah's Fist" with out trouble.

3 year old Emachine AMD 64 3200+

1.99 GHz

2.75 GB RAM

Nvidia Geforce 7300 GS w/latest driver 7/2007

1024X768 Monitor 85 Hz (7 year old ViewSonic)

32 bit color

Ver Sync Off

3D model Best

3D Texture Best

A A Off

High Pri Off

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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

Can't give any specific FPS measurements because although I've asked how to take the FPS measurements at least 3 or 4 times I've yet to see an answer.

That said, I played in order of appearance on the scenario selection screen the first three scenarios over the weekend.

My settings were with all options to the highest and I had very reasonable results in WEGO mode. Depending on how much of the screen was visible and how many units were moving I had realistic looking motion just like looking out a window, and by that I mean probably better than watching a film.

My new machine is as follow;

Win XP Pro

Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 Conroe 2.67GHz

Gigabyte P35 DS3R mobo, (on board Realtek ALC889A Audio)

2gb DDR2 RAM (Low latency, high speed)

MSI GeForce 8800 GTS w 640mb running at 575MHz

Would be happy to run test scenarios and post FPS data but have no idea how to capture that data.

Could be the handle....Open your Fraps Folder and look for the "Bench mark" folder. If there is nothing there than you need to go to the main screen and click on the stats you want to save and check the run for 60 sec box...easist to use.
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On the plus side it can decode "To Serve Man".
I loved that episode :D

As for the 8800... definitely some sort of driver problem. There are people who have no problems and others who have big problems. We're still trying to get to the bottom of it.

I play quite well on a 2.33 GHz Core Duo Mac Book Pro with a crappy ATI mobility card (1600). Runs very well (20+ fps) except for the largest scenarios where I get around 10 fps last time I checked (prior to v1.03). Graphics and Model details are usually ticked down 1-2 notches from max, depending on the scenario. V-Synch is OFF because that kills my framerate deader than a doornail.


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I can play with everything cranked except Vsinc. Haven't needed to mess with that. I do get slow downs with AA at 8Xs a AF 16X... but I can live with that considering how beautiful it makes everything look.

The one problem I am getting though is that my sound stutters with all the graphics at Best. Mostly it's the gun fire. It skips and stutters and sounds crappy. If I balance the graphics or bring my settings down everything is okay.

<font color= blue>Gateway Model GT5034

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core

Core Processor 4200+

2.20 GHz, 1.50 GB Ram

WinXP Media Edition SP2 (all Updated)

DirectX 9.0c

BIOS Phoenix-Award WorkstationBios v6.00PG

Page file 307MB used

BFG NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT PCIe 256MB GDDR3 Ram (newest Driver) Running at 1024 X 768 32 bit, 60Hz

Realtek AC'97 Audio (newest Driver)Running at full acceleration.</font>

Anybody have a clue as to how I can keep the sound from stuttering with the in game graphics cranked? I don't understand what graphics have to do with sound.

Would a sound card help that? Or more Ram? I had a DIMM go bad so I am 500MBs down from when I bought the system.


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