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Brink of civil war in Lebanon


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From the very beginning of the Iraq War, substantial numbers of American celebrities have spoken out against it. In fact, quite a number of American Movie Stars caught a lot of heat for speaking out against the war in the domestic press. Off the top of my head, Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, and and Alec Baldwin come to mind. There were others as well.
not to mention the multitudes of songs and albums that have been against the war.
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Originally posted by Dogface:

Or is it more like " Them damn brown people can't be smart enough to read American English" ? Cause that is how it comes across.

Ahem, not really, it may be a case of them damn Dogfaced Americans barking cockamamied malarky?

Besides, if the majority of Syrians were to be whiter they’d be ghosts. Your Hispanic browns exponentially outnumber ours ratio wise.

So am I to believe that you lonesyrian, are the only person in Syria who reads/speaks english beyond a basic level?
Dog is to believe the internet is a new medium in Syria, only Arabic words and pictures within it are thoroughly scrutinized. Moreover, official Syria’s premier foreign language is French not English.

The few, fluent in English intelligence personnel are busy counter surveilling and electronically eavesdropping on the American, Australian, and British embassies. And to prove it, I’m not sweatin’ while I post in English.

In other words, and to put it more decorously and politely, I personally don’t give a rat’s friggin’ ass what some Dogfaced okie chooses to believe.

YahkeeDog, if my impression on the stars bit is false, I’m very glad I stood corrected, all the greater accomplishment then, and thank you. I personally only heard one complain about gas.

Homo, I’m brain un-washed enough to admit I made a mistake on the La Bell Marines casualty count. Considering your tone however, I won’t even bother trying to convince you it’s an honest mistake, no exaggeration was intended, for the unfortunate event happened long ago.

Let me further stipulate only Homos like you are capable of conducting thorough analysis and a good, introspective conversation, you stand commended your nothingness, everyone is impressed with your cerebral superpowers, NOT.

Sorry about the fact you cannot post simple pictures of mundane locations in the great state of Syria
Oh Grunt, don’t be silly, there’s nothing “great” about Syria, it’s a small Levantine country which Battlefront chose, it didn’t choose Battlefront. smile.gif
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Perhaps this aspect of the debate about the war wasn't covered as much internationally?
I think a lot of it has to do with the lazy generalizations the media likes so very much. The support/opposition of the war in Iraq is extremely complex and is not easily boiled down. I'm a prime example:

I support the men and women in service to this county 110%

I supported the current government in 2001/2002 only, and only on certain foreign policy issues.

I never believed the "party line" about why we had to go to war against Iraq when we did for the reasons we did. The only thing I was wrong about was how big the steaming pile of BS was.

I supported the removal of a dictator that the US was in part responsible for in the first place.

I was skeptical that the politicians in charge were capable of executing a successful war effort after the Iraqi government fell. I was also unconvinced that the US military was ready for it even if the politican overlords gave them everything they said they needed.

I beleived that Iraq was a distraction and we should make sure Afghanistan was settled first before any other unnecessary military "adventure".

I've personally thanked many service personnel coming back from Iraq. I even bought a Brigadier General just back from 1.5 years in Iraq dinner after bumping into him at a rest stop along the highway.

I am in awe of how much the US military has been able to do under the circumstances.

I make wargames for a living and am making one projecting US military power into yet another totalitarian ME nation.

I don't think the US military can handle another war in the near future unless it institutes a draft and seriously alters its homefront strategy.

I love my country, whether it is right or wrong.

So... now... if you (not you specifically YankeeDog) were a journalist from France, Syria, or Indonesia... what would you make of my position on the war? Am I for it or against it in practical terms? And how would you summarize my own beliefs and actions with those of a couple hundred million other Americans? The media likes strong and simplified (often OVERsimplified) language... so how would you adequately describe my beliefs in a way that your editor wouldn't chop it to pieces?

I live in an evenly divided Blue/Red state and I can say for sure that the bulk of the people here have equally conflicting positions on the war in Iraq. There are, of course, some that are black and white for or against it, but my experience is that even the uniformed are somewhere in the middle. I don't think the media, domestic or otherwise, has done a good enough job portraying the utter lack of conviction one way or another on the war until recently.

This is a complex issue and it isn't boiled down nice and neat. I'm just glad I get to have a complex set of feelings and thoughts without fear of someone coming to, uhm, "simplify" my thinking.


[ December 10, 2006, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Originally posted by LoneSyrian:

Homo, I’m brain un-washed enough to admit I made a mistake on the La Bell Marines casualty count.

well, it took some provoking to get it out of ya. It seems you blurt out BS anytime you think the forum members would be too lazy to check your facts.

Considering your tone however, I won’t even bother trying to convince you it’s an honest mistake, no exaggeration was intended, for the unfortunate event happened long ago.
still completely puzzled as to how the hell you can tell my tone without hearing pitch differences and modulations in my voice. Tone by definition is sound.


Let me further stipulate only Homos like you are capable of conducting thorough analysis and a good, introspective conversation
uh-oh, homo joke, pretty sure thats in violation of the rules. Thats too bad, considering all the fun you have brought to our oherwise painfully boring forum.

you stand commended your nothingness, everyone is impressed with your cerebral superpowers, NOT.
Now that, truly and honestly hurt. Looks like you went to the same school of humor as Borat.
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Originally posted by Homo ferricus:

still completely puzzled as to how the hell you can tell my tone without hearing pitch differences and modulations in my voice.

One’s first reaction to such an asinine, moronic question is don’t dignify. But in the interest of not disappointing and maintaining the notion of the Ugly Syrian, here’s “how the hell”: I am prescient enough to ascertain Homo Ferry is one gargantuan, double Preparation H a hole.

Guess what, I determined all the above without a dictionary and a sound device. And Homo is your first name, it says it right there, look. So what do you mean Homo “jokes” and “rules”, if your first name is a joke don’t blame me.

Reminds me of Mario Cuomo, the once Governor of New York when he ran for president; so as to over-emphasize his ethnicity, the Republicans kept calling him on news talk shows, Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario, then the governor snapped and said “don’t call me Mario”, after which Dan Quayle responded, but Mario, that’s your name. Dig Homo?

And please take your infantile semantic parsing and go back to kindergarten.

In terms of laziness or lack thereof, you’re just chuck tootin’ full of vigilance aren’t you Homo?

You’re a light weight sport, I’ve said all there’s to be said to you, Homo.

[ December 11, 2006, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: LoneSyrian ]

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


I fear you've fallen into a semantic pit of sorts.

Homo ferricus simply means "iron man" in Latin. I believe that was his previous handle, but I don't recall the reason for his changing it.


John Kettler


Your caution is classy and graceful, yet discrediting. Even Syrians know full well the net meaning of Homo ferricus, its Latin roots and the use of titillating nicks on the board.

Don’t’ forget, it was the Arabs who gave the west all the Greek and Latin translations of note in the first place, be they scientific, of the arts or mathematical.

It is John who failed to recognize LoneSyrian’s intentional employment of Semantic gymnastics, for our Homo is of anything but “iron”. smile.gif

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Originally posted by LoneSyrian:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Homo ferricus:

still completely puzzled as to how the hell you can tell my tone without hearing pitch differences and modulations in my voice.

One’s first reaction to such an asinine, moronic question is don’t dignify. But in the interest of not disappointing and maintaining the notion of the Ugly Syrian, here’s “how the hell”: I am prescient enough to ascertain Homo Ferry is one gargantuan, double Preparation H a hole.

Guess what, I determined all the above without a dictionary and a sound device. And Homo is your first name, it says it right there, look. So what do you mean Homo “jokes” and “rules”, if your first name is a joke don’t blame me.

Reminds me of Mario Cuomo, the once Governor of New York when he ran for president; so as to over-emphasize his ethnicity, the Republicans kept calling him on news talk shows, Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario, then the governor snapped and said “don’t call me Mario”, after which Dan Quayle responded, but Mario, that’s your name. Dig Homo?

And please take your infantile semantic parsing and go back to kindergarten.

In terms of laziness or lack thereof, you’re just chuck tootin’ full of vigilance aren’t you Homo?

You’re a light weight sport, I’ve said all there’s to be said to you, Homo. </font>

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Man oh man... I've tried, and tried, and tried to cut LoneSyrian slac even though it keeps coming back to bite me. We have a standard here on this Forum and it is a simple one. It is also one that LoneSyrian is going out of his way to violate, despite repeated warnings and a very honest attempt to keep him here. That leaves me with no choice but to ban him.

Having said that, the same reasons I've been far more patient with LoneSyrian than I would someone from another country, is the same reason I'm making this a 30 day ban and not a lifetime one. If you are feeling more responsible in mid January, send me an email at tjat to,e and I'll give you another shot at this.

It's sad that the only reason LoneSyrian is getting this kind of slack is because of the country he is from rather than me thinking it will do any good. But since I'm the one that chose to virtually invade his country, I feel obligated to be more tollerant than I would if he were from somewhere else. Which is why we'll never make a game that involves invading Australia :D

Sorry it has to be this way, but longtimers here know that I've done my best.


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Hey, Steve,

Just to prove you don't harbor any antipathy towards LoneSyrian (and since he CAN browse these forums), I suggest you include beaucoup "LoneSyrian" graphics in CM:SF.

You know, the odd billboard, a street sign, maybe a vehicle name painted on the barrel, a deserted OP, whatever. Put it up for a contest!



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Originally posted by c3k:

Hey, Steve,

Just to prove you don't harbor any antipathy towards LoneSyrian (and since he CAN browse these forums), I suggest you include beaucoup "LoneSyrian" graphics in CM:SF.

You know, the odd billboard, a street sign, maybe a vehicle name painted on the barrel, a deserted OP, whatever. Put it up for a contest!



That would be great! Instead of "Kilroy was here", Syrian T-72's can sport a "LoneSyrian was here" monicker.
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Originally posted by Homo ferricus:

its like that feeling when your girlfriend just broke up with you, even though you never really liked her, so you'd think that you wouldn't really care, but now that shes gone, you just want her back.

so you can once again provoke her into getting herself banned :D:D:D:D:D

LoneSyrian might be reading this and so I would suggest your comments are not really all that funny.

I am a little surprised Steve did not comment on your activity here as well. IMHO

I enjoyed reading LoneSyrian's comments..... (and non-Western perspective) and he could write and compose his thoughts and opinions very well in english which was refreshing.

oh well ... maybe he will be back in mid January or he will have moved on to other things by then.

-tom w

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

I am a little surprised Steve did not comment on your activity here as well. IMHO


I enjoyed reading LoneSyrian's comments..... (and non-Western perspective) and he could write and compose his thoughts and opinions very well in english which was refreshing.
yes, don't get me wrong, i very much enjoyed him, and i have no hard feelings at all towards him. My posts where in response to LoneSyrian's in which he says something along the lines of, "I was merely joking around" after making a substantial amount of insulting remarks and what i would even regard as death threats. I decided i would let him get a slightly more mild experience of "merely joking around".
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Considering the potentially incendiary nature of the thread topic and the widely divergent opinions held by members, its a credit to the self-restraint and maturity of this board that there have been so few 'virtual fistfights' on this board! LoneSyrian didn't get himself banned for outragious views but for simply being impolite!

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Look at the celebratory grins of Homo, they’re akin to some all too flabbergasted Mongoloid nance jumping up and down after winning a bunny at the state fair.

So you provoked me into getting banned ey there HomoRooni? Why, aren’t you the Sultan of adroitness, your HomoShip. “Death threats” oy? Did I scare you, ya googoo gaga?

And what’s this talk about girlfriends? You’re a Homo for cryin’ out loud.

Without overbeating a dead horse, LoneSyrian was on his way out irrespective of Homos, Grunts and Dogfaces because his style is incompatible with these boards, yet more than welcome on others.

I don’t blame Steve either, he has to placate, be bias towards, and comfort a buncha whiners, nances and oversensitive buffoons. I know he’ll say he had problems with LoneSyrian too, but this pontification, the month ban monologue and the pseudo-papal qualifications, why… [Giggles].

Yeah Steve, I’m countin’ them 30 days by the nanosecond mano, check that inbox soon, everything I’m of and about has been disrupted till January, is it?

Before LoneSyrian came along, this board had the security, boviness and calmness of tombs and mausoleums, and it shall again.

Polite, impolite? LoneSyrian was polite to those who maintained cool heads, were courteous to him and weren’t shocked, shocked, just shocked and incensed by what he had to say.

How can you compare a true gentleman like John kettler to this Homo amoeba? Or a refined, subtle YankeeDog to a Dogface? A regal aka_tom_w to a MikeyD Mouse? Or an erics to a self absorbed, lumpa lard rudel.dietriech Himmler? The aforementioned are of mice and gents.

Although I’m outa here again, nor have I ever intended to loiter about these boards much longer, for the renovations to my clinic are over, and it looks like the game is a year away any who, LoneSyrian assures the war lovin’ masses that he will waltz into this forum anytime he pleases, speak his mind and infuse a Syrian perspective.

When you seek to disembowel Syria, you’ve to expect a modicum of Syrian **** right back at ya. _ Ban, shman, orangutan.

P.S. Although LoneSyrian is a devout Muslim, his favorite biblical figure is Lazereth.

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I am a little surprised Steve did not comment on your activity here as well. IMHO
OK, I will do so now.

Homo ferricus, thanks for being so restrained. You justifiably could have gone for a juglar, but your response was pretty tame considering that LoneSyrian was trying so hard to get you to go ballistic on him.

For those of you not paying attention, LoneSyrian behaved himself only when it suited him, reverting to Troll mode when he found himself without a logical and rational comeback. Including attacking me personally after something like four warnings to knock it off. Attacking a Moderator who has shown more patience than he should is not a very sensible thing to do.

Again, it's a shame. A rational and respectful opinion from the Syrian perspective would be great to have. I would have banned dozens of you guys if you attacked him for this perspective. But having to pick through childish, trollish, disrespectful, offensive posts to find the occasional valuable contributions isn't worth putting up with. I thank you guys for putting up with it more than you should have.


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