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CMx1 Veterans: How Do You Like CMSF?

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Every time i try and play i get to about the second turn and quit.Hate the differnt controls, i use to love boxing units and moving them with the other CM,s using the arrow keys to navigate the map etc, just dont like setup at all. Donts have the nice slick feel that CMBB or CMAK has, even when playing it just feels awkward and cumbersome.Tried playing in real time, felt it was impossible at this stage, tried turn based and i cant seem to get a handle on moving around the map so easy.At this point ive had enough of it already and will go back to CMAK will perservre with it later, but i guess we got abit spoiled with the earlier CM's

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Another thing that I hope will be fixed is an identical WeGo to CMx1. Right now as it is you have to watch an entire turn, after the orders are given, without being able to fast forward/rewind or pause. Only until that 'observation' mode is done can you review (doesn't make sense to me).
Remember that "bluebar" in CMBO, CMBB and CMAK when the turn was resolved? There is no such bar in CMSF the action starts directly when you end the turn. Someone said in another thread that the turn is resolved in real time (or something like that) and I for one rather watch that than that hideous bluebar that sometimes took minutes to resolve.
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I give it a 3 so far.

I had technical issues on my desktop (older ATI video card) but it runs fine on a newer laptop with a GeForce 7300.

I've seen a few weird LOS issues, like one story buildings not blocking LOS to a BMP behind them.

I find the controls a bit slow at the moment, though I am still getting used to the tabs and such. I find myself using the mouse to select the action category and the keyboard to select the actual action (I for quick e.g.). I think I am using an extra 1-3 mouse or key clicks per action, compared to CMBB.

Watching the movie twice (in Wego, which is how I play) is unnecessary, I find myself always hitting fast forward or ending the review so I can get on with the game. I appears the pacing was optimized for real time.

The Tac AI isn't brilliant, but it does move in plausible ways, employs overwatch, etc. Just doesn't seem to know facing or area fire. Somewhat better than CMBB is my impression so far, but still predictable by any decent human.

I haven't learned everything - haven't used indirect fire yet e.g. But I've already had fun. M-1s can be killed by T-72s used intelligently, and Strykers are T-72 meat. Now I want to get Syrian teams and arty to work in UT...

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I'd give it a 2 so far.

I've got a 4 year old computer, P4 something or other with 1gb of memory and a Gforce 6600GT.

Played a good 10 hours now, and have had no crashes, freezes or anything else bad happen.

Found myself stuck in front of the screen again

this morning..and before I know it, 4 hours are gone. So clearly it's entertaining the hell out of me. And I haven't played any of the previous CM games for at least 2 years.

The experience so far is very close to what I went though with CMBO. Im sucked into the game and I loose track of time. If that isn't a sign of a game that has my interest I don't know what is.

Some niggles though....

Keeping track of squads that are inside multi story buildings. Holy crap, that is a royal pain in the ass. Very confusing. What happened with being able to turn off roof tops? Oy, this is the biggest gripe for sure.

Vehicles that are hoplessly lost in city streets. I have a screen shot at home I should post... just bizzare behavior at times. And yah, I don't think vehicle path finding is much better than it was years ago. Bummer.

Tac AI? Depends on the scenerio I guess. But it seems to suffer the same problem that previous CM games did when it's on the attack. Especially in QB games. It doesn't do much at all sometimes, and often leaves a vehicle(s) sitting in the back...That said...I had my ass handed to me in game one of the campaign. I have no idea how I'll conquer that particular scenerio.... but that's part of the fun isn't it?

So this is D-day +1, so Im not too worried. This is a special group of game developers and I know they are already working on improving stuff.

Looking forward to user made scenerios, please make me some that don't have cities!!! Thanks! :D

Oh yah, and I almost forgot, as someone who HATES RTS games, I find I am playing this in RT more often than Wego. I never though that would happen....but once I found out you can pause the game to issue orders it wasn't so bad. Yah, I don't always know what took out what..but oh well, Im playing Veteran level so I don't know a lot about what's going on...I can't even imagine Elite level.

[ July 28, 2007, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Phoenix ]

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"Keyboard camera controls are atrocious."

Keyboard camera controls are very much secondary camera controls. Like flying a high-power flight simulator using the up-down-left-right keys on the keypad. Sure it can be done but it sorta loses something in the translation.

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2. Honestly the fact that's it's not set in the OstFront is only thing keeping it from being 1 - it can't be my favorite BFC product because my favorite is my favorite not for its technology so much as its scope and setting (CMBB).

If I'm excluding setting then it's easily changed to 1.

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I give a 2. It has a lot of rough edges, but it is a lot of fun. For me one of the biggest pluses is that it isn't WWII. WWII stuff has been done to death. I really like something original. I also agree with the basic premise that the technology gap between Western and Eastern weapon systems isn't so great. It's the training and doctrine that count for far more on the battlefield.

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3 so far (early days).

TacAI needs some tweaking, especially in built-up areas.

Love the RTS mode.

WEGO seems less flexible in terms of stacking commands than CMx1. Also I can't find the option to show "all" commands for my units, which is necessary for WEGO imo.

Camera controls not as good as TOW, but I'm getting better.

And mouse + keyboard should be workable because it's much more gentle on my old CTS. *flex*

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I just don't get why people want to use the keyboard at all?


It's really quite simple. If I use the mouse to scroll the map I cant give orders at the same time with the mouse.

I like to play CMSF in RT mode (only the demo so far) and even though it's not as fast paced as C&C it can get hectic from time to time and in those moments I'd like to have keyboard controls for map scrolling and hotkeys.

BTW, judging from the demo at least a 3 (expected it to be 5).

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

"Keyboard camera controls are atrocious."

Keyboard camera controls are very much secondary camera controls.

Well, they shouldn't be. There are IMHO to many functions assigned to the mouse.

To use your flight sim example, imagine a flight sim with nearly all important functions assigned to the joystick e.g. to retract the landing gear push button 3, 4 and 5 at the same time and move the joystick up. That's the reason why especially flight sims heavily rely on keyboard input.

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I miss the unit stats and kill list a lot. That, along with the lack of on-screen hit summaries makes it hard for me to tell who's shooting, even when I'm the one doing the shooting.

It would be nice if there were another difficulty setting in between vet and elite. a setting with realistic arty and relative spotting, but where you could issue orders while paused in realtime.

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I have to say I am also amazed at the level of excitement (or complaining) within the first 24 hours. Can anyone believe this would happen to you average computer game/sim/whatever? I find it rather amusing. I had problems with the demo just like everyone else, complicated by the fact that I play CMSF on an Imac with Bootcamp. Yet through the gracious help of Steve and others, I am playing, even on a MacBook (sorta) and I would give the demo (and I assume the game) a 2. No, not quite up to the CMx1 standard for stability, yet patches are already on the way, as are (I hope) scenarios smile.gif

So I agree with other posters, calm down and see what happens in the coming days and weeks...

I look forward to a lot of good time with this game/sim/whatever you want to call it. :D

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