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In space, no one can hear you Challenge Peng


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />An interesting ruling to be sure. But considering you are judge, jury, and janitor, there is no hope for an appeal in which the truth might be told. For I have naught but truth on my side, and truth has long foresaken this land. Go to bed son, the logic train doesn't make this stop anymore.

Now look you here bloat, unless you can provide evidence (NOT fabricated this time) that you are older than I ... doubtful ... you may NOT call me son.

You MAY call me Justicar, Sir Joe or Joe Shaw provided that you do so with proper respect for my exaulted station and recognition of my humility. I can call you anything I like until (unlikely) you become a Serf of the CessPoll at which time I will be forced to properly spell your name though it won't be bolded until (unlikely) you are taken to Squire by some Knight with nothing better to do.

YOU are an SSN, a Scum Sucking Newbie and as such you should bow your head and shed tears of gratitude that I am responding to you AT ALL. I do, I grant you, call YOU lad ... that would be because, HELLO, I'm older than you. Also because you're an SSN whilst I am not only the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, the Champion of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the Senior Senior Knight and the founder of the Shavian House but also, ask anyone, a HELL of a good guy AND a snappy dresser.

Did I mention that YOU are a miserable SSN?

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by stoat:

Any evidence I could produce regarding my age would be dismissed as fabricated regardless. Therefore, Sir Joe Justicar Shaw I propose that the issue be left idle, seeing as how the interweb is timeless, apparently much like your sense of style. (whoever coined "can't have too much of a good thing" was not referring to polyester{as it is not a good thing[so you can take off the zoot suit/only thing snappy about it is the static electricity it generates/]})

OH! Nested parentheticals! I like it. Can we keep him PShaw!? Huh? Can we, huh? Not that I can be repsonsible for a serf or anything... but still, nested parentheticals are the mark (or badge, if you will {badge in a figurative sense, I mean really, nobody [at least no oe I know]is going to walk around with an actual badge that says "Literary Person of Erudition and Style"}) of literary distinction and erudition, or of someone very very disturbed in the haid.

Erm, I think I'll just go back to baking bread...

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

Any evidence I could produce regarding my age would be dismissed as fabricated regardless. Therefore, Sir Joe Justicar Shaw I propose that the issue be left idle, seeing as how the interweb is timeless, apparently much like your sense of style. (whoever coined "can't have too much of a good thing" was not referring to polyester{as it is not a good thing[so you can take off the zoot suit/only thing snappy about it is the static electricity it generates/]})

OH! Nested parentheticals! I like it. Can we keep him PShaw!? Huh? Can we, huh? Not that I can be repsonsible for a serf or anything... but still, nested parentheticals are the mark (or badge, if you will {badge in a figurative sense, I mean really, nobody [at least no oe I know]is going to walk around with an actual badge that says "Literary Person of Erudition and Style"}) of literary distinction and erudition, or of someone very very disturbed in the haid.

Erm, I think I'll just go back to baking bread... </font>

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Shaw , you are a cheese-eating, poxy faced, sycophant!!!

Oh, MrPeng I'll do this, and Oh MrPeng I'll do that!!!

You make me ill...if it wasn't Christmastime I would go make myself throw up....but I have to save that for tonight, when I over endulge.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Shaw , you are a cheese-eating, poxy faced, sycophant!!!

Oh, MrPeng I'll do this, and Oh MrPeng I'll do that!!!

You make me ill...if it wasn't Christmastime I would go make myself throw up....but I have to save that for tonight, when I over endulge.

That's the problem with you Nidan1 ... well that and the body odor, you've no sense of tradition.

It is the DUTY of the Justicar to uphold tradition ... and I don't know anyone who needs holding up as often as Peng.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and we amused ourselves for an hour and a half or so calling Lars on the phone and asking when he was going to show up for the party.

I was going to call you sons a bitches back later from the hot tub, but I didn’t have a cellphone. Not that dalem can be arsed to answer his.

So how long is dalem gone for anyway? Looks like I’m going to need some time to round up a little help getting that big screen out.

Willing to work a deal here Seanachai. You can keep all booze found on the premises and I'll throw in his porn collection.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Nidan's whole problem is that he likes to gamily hide in buildings and copses of trees and slaughter my innocent pixeltruppen out for a harmless picnic, that is his problem.

Can I be blamed if you so willingly lined up?

Humbug!!! I won't let you spoil my happy Christmas mood.

Keep your head down Scout, Merry Christmas.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Nidan's whole problem is that he likes to gamily hide in buildings and copses of trees and slaughter my innocent pixeltruppen out for a harmless picnic, that is his problem.

Can I be blamed if you so willingly lined up?

Humbug!!! I won't let you spoil my happy Christmas mood.

Keep your head down Scout, Merry Christmas. </font>

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If someone could drink a nice Jim Beam with Lime Coke for me, I would greatly appreciate it! The holidays shouldn't be too bad, it looks like we are going to skate through till the 26th with no missions, and the mess hall has a pretty good line up. prime pib, turkey with all the fixings, even "sparkling wine, red and white, non-alcoholic". So I will be dining mightily on your tax dollar.

I will lift a glass of "sparkling wine, non-alcoholic" to you lot of tossers, here's to you.

[ December 24, 2005, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

If someone could drink a nice Jim Beam with Lime Coke for me, I would greatly appreciate it!

Ah widnae touch tha' ****e wi' Joe Ah cannae play ye just noo, mah bag needs emptyin' Shaw's laser pointer! Boot Ah'll tak a wee dram or twae o' Lagavulin an' lift tha glass tae ye, laddie. Yoo jus' stay safe an' keep awah fraim Qatar.

Didye ken tha "Qatar" as tha ainly country tha's name starrrts wi' a "Q"? An' Yemen as tha ainly wun tha' starrts wi' a "Y"? An' Oman as tha ainly wun tha' starrrts wi' a "O"?

An' didye ken tha Joe Ah've fallen an' Ah cannae reach tha telephone Shaw's stenographer kick starts jumbo jets?

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OGSF, I said someone, not OGSF, you shouldn't assume anytime alcohol is to be imbibed that you need to pull out your funnel and pump it down your gob. Maybe you should go to meetings, you know, the first step in fixing your problem is admitting that you have one.

thanks for the well wishes, you big softy you. I go to Qatar for R&R in February.

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NG Cavscout, Yes, yes, "manning the walls", "national security", "keeping us safe" etc. etc. etc. yada yada yada, God Bless Our Troops and all that.

It STILL doesn't change the fact that you're a swine and ALL here know it.

Naytheless ... {hummffgg} ... you ... uh ... you stay safe now hear ... you may be a swine but you're OUR swine.


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+The Twelve Gifts of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A Japanese transistor radio.

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

Green polka-dot pajamas,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

(It's a Nakashuma.)

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A calendar book with the name of my insurance man,

Green polka-dot pajamas,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

(It's the Mark IV model. That's the one that's discontinued.)

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A simulated alligator wallet,

A calendar book with the name of my insurance man,

Green polka-dot pajamas,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

(And it comes in a leatherette case with holes in it,

so you can listen right through the case.)

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A statue of a lady, with a clock where her stomach ought to be,

A simulated alligator wallet,

A calendar book with the name of my insurance man,

Green polka-dot pajamas,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

(And it has a wire with a thing on one end that you

can stick in your ear, and a thing on the other end

that you can't stick anywhere, because it's bent.)

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A hammered aluminum nutcracker,

And all that other stuff,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A pink satin pillow that says San Diego, with fringe all around it,

And all that other stuff,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

An indoor plastic birdbath,

And all that other stuff,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A pair of teakwood shower clogs,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

A chromium combination manicure scissors and cigarette lighter,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

An automatic vegetable slicer that works when you see it on television,

but not when you get it home,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, although it may seem strange,

On the twelfth day of Christmas, I'm going to exchange:

An automatic vegetable slicer that works when you see it on television,

but not when you get it home,

A chromium combination manicure scissors and cigarette lighter,

A pair of teakwood shower clogs,

An indoor plastic birdbath,

A pink satin pillow that says San Diego, with fringe all around it,

A hammered aluminum nutcracker,

A statue of a lady, with a clock where her stomach ought to be,

A simulated alligator wallet,

A calendar book with the name of my insurance man,

Green polka-dot pajamas,

And a Japanese transistor radio.

Merry Christmas everybody!

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

you shouldn't assume anytime alcohol is to be imbibed that you need to pull out your funnel and pump it down your gob.

Hey OGSF's an Aussie when it boils down to it. That's how we normally 'Imbibe'.

Maybe you should go to meetings, you know, the first step in fixing your problem is admitting that you have one.
And the ideal place to discuss such problems is down the pub while sinking some refreshing ales.

Btw I've got a bottle of Smirnoff which I'm going going to break the seal of this Afternoon mate, first toast will be for the best goddamned Sergeant in the US Army.

So Rick, once you find him let him know will ya?

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