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In space, no one can hear you Challenge Peng


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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

opening defense statement....presenting to the court some amaturely doctored screenshot....

I call to the stand the prosecution. Joe Xia you may make your opening statement...

and before anyone asks, yes the stenographers will be along presently... </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


......OR he could have altered the screenshot in any number of ways that your average Australian would be hard pressed to identify ... since they can't readily identify where they were LAST NIGHT (apart from the extra large pink panties found atop their heads).


So, Joe you being an Australian by invitation, or sumfink... how does that fit?

And is that an experience of yours with the pink panties? Could be you're making it up?

Nah, those panties would be your own...you'd never crack on to a sheila successfully and get her panties.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It is the Justi...... sniiiiip..... case closed.

It would seem, young Scroat, that the Crown has insufficient evidence on which to pursue this matter, and the prosecutor (in whom this court finds very little to restrain it from charging with contempt due to the lacklustre preparation of its case) is naught but a snivelling girly-man with delusions of being a justi..... barris.... solici.... law talking guy.


Oh and Stenographer Jessica Alba, I'll see you in my quarters.....

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

it is I, the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread who brings miscreants before the bar of justice here.


errr, what booze do you keep at this "Bar of Justice" thingy?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

opening defense statement....presenting to the court some amaturely doctored screenshot....

I call to the stand the prosecution. Joe Xia you may make your opening statement...

and before anyone asks, yes the stenographers will be along presently... </font>

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Did someone say, "Stenographers?!" Make mine a redhead. 22 years old. 114 lbs. Legs up to here. She doesn't really need to be so good at the whole stenography thing. As long as she sits on my lap. and wiggles. NO. NOT an Irish Setter dammit!

Almost forgot.

Q. Why does it take 12 women with PMS to change a light bulb?

A. It just DOES!

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An interesting ruling to be sure. But considering you are judge, jury, and janitor, there is no hope for an appeal in which the truth might be told. For I have naught but truth on my side, and truth has long foresaken this land. Go to bed son, the logic train doesn't make this stop anymore.
Now look you here bloat, unless you can provide evidence (NOT fabricated this time) that you are older than I ... doubtful ... you may NOT call me son.

You MAY call me Justicar, Sir Joe or Joe Shaw provided that you do so with proper respect for my exaulted station and recognition of my humility. I can call you anything I like until (unlikely) you become a Serf of the CessPoll at which time I will be forced to properly spell your name though it won't be bolded until (unlikely) you are taken to Squire by some Knight with nothing better to do.

YOU are an SSN, a Scum Sucking Newbie and as such you should bow your head and shed tears of gratitude that I am responding to you AT ALL. I do, I grant you, call YOU lad ... that would be because, HELLO, I'm older than you. Also because you're an SSN whilst I am not only the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, the Champion of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the Senior Senior Knight and the founder of the Shavian House but also, ask anyone, a HELL of a good guy AND a snappy dresser.

Did I mention that YOU are a miserable SSN?


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Done deal, Stenographer Jessica Alba is making herself comfy in my quarters, Peng is down for the redhead with the waggy tail......anyone else before I send the fat one with glasses back to Joe's 2nd hand Stenographer agency?

hmm, I will take her


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Not so fast there MG CubScout, you've been in the desert so long a shaved chimp with a twinkle in its eye would do it for you......

PS. there is nothing 'fat' about that stenographer. Where does Joe find them?

So you are saying I should ask you out?
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Ahhhhh, noooo.....thats not what I'm saying at all......

*backs gingerly towards the door*

I do believe I hear the good Lady Stuka calling me.....so sorry.....must dash....."yes coming dear!".....so ahh..... I'll see you 'round then eh MG.....

*sound of rapidly retreating footsteps*

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Hey there Stukey, no need to run, I won't hurt you.......

I have been in the desert a looooong time after all. Just try to relax, I am going to close my eyes and think of Jessica, you close your eyes and think of the Queen, or maybe Queen the band would be more appropriate?

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You have a leash fetish or something old fellah? I thought that was a disease of the Pom's, not red blooded Koala molesting Aussies. I think that photo came from the Australian Heritage days in Melbourne, something about the traditions brought over on the deportation ships or sumfink.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

it is I, the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread who brings miscreants before the bar of justice here.


errr, what booze do you keep at this "Bar of Justice" thingy? </font>

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How truly wonderful.

Dalem invited all the Minnesota Miscreants over to his house this evening...which is now, in fact, last evening, for a final get-together before Christmas.

Of course, because he's only slightly more coherent than a lemming, the only person he told a specific time to come over was Lars. I, wisely, called ahead, left a message, then waited by my phone for word from Dalem.

Eventually Papa Khann, who is something approaching Dalem's Keeper, called to tell me that Dalem had driven to the far southern suburb of Eagan, and, for reasons only clear to Dalem, was taking a route home that could only be explained by some dramatic form of brain damage.

The upshot is that Lars was left sitting for 30-40 minutes on Dalem's front steps, morosely drinking Leinenkugels and watching people with real friends drive by. Fortunately for him, it was at least 30 degrees Fahrenheit. So, for a real Minnesotan (not some Michigan import who's so fecking drunk from lunching with some chick that he thinks that 35E is a reasonable way of getting from Eagan to Columbia Heights...), it's not actually too cold to be sitting on the steps drinking beer.

Eventually Papa Khann and I spent the evening pointing out to Dalem that it's nasty to invite people to your home, and then not show up to actually let them in the door.

Oh, and we amused ourselves for an hour and a half or so calling Lars on the phone and asking when he was going to show up for the party.

After that, we amused ourselves by watching 'Once Upon the Time in the West', and then I beat the snot out of Dalem and Papa Khann in a game.

And we talked about poor Lars sitting there in the cold, drinking his beer, and waiting for someone to let him in, before he began the 20 mile drive back to his far western white trash pseudo-suburb.

How we laughed.

Of course, all righteous anger, not to mention eventual and extremely vicious retribution on Lars's part should be reserved for that complete and utter fatuous tosser, Dalem.

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