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Will the blast wave make a comeback?

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On a wider issue, I think we should discuss explosions in general.

I think the explosions in CM are pretty good, and they look great in a lot of games, but I don't think they look "Real".

I think "Game" explosions tend to resemble "Movie" explosions more than the real thing, so they have a lot of flames and billowing black smoke, but not a big enough "Flash" or "Dust" cloud. They also tend to be too slow.

Looking at combat footage of explosions what you tend to get is a huge flash and bang and a massive cloud of dust and at the end a few small fires if any.

What you get in movies and games tends to be slower and have more fire and burning, all and all it makes a more visually stunning effect , but I don't think they are that realistic.

So shock wave or not as CM:SF is at the graphics stage I am for more realistic explosions.

Hows this for an idea.

Post some pictures or video from current conflicts of of real explosions and then have BF post some graphics of what they are thinking about and let people judge which is best or most accurate.


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Great site! This one, besides explosions, has a terrific RPG projectile in flight sequence--in slow motion.



I've seen lots of explosion footage from all over the world, for a period spanning decades, and the visible shock wave is a lot more common than you might think. I like the switch idea, and I do agree that the shock wave provided valuable information to the player, providing a much better

idea of the radius of weapon effect than the current no shock wave model does. I can also tell you from ROW experience that since treetop impacts were not modeled in CMBB as far as visuals went, the absence of the shockwave, under reduced visibility conditions, made it very difficult to see where my support fires were landing. This may not be a problem in CM:SF, what with a relative absence of trees in much of Syria, but I'd very much appreciate having the feature as an option.


John Kettler

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May I add that the recent Distant Guns: Russo-Japanese War has impact shockwaves too and it looks great. It's not a graphical step backwards for me, far from it. I do not know why but it looks very pleasing.

But Peter Cairns is right in regards to the 'Hollywood' gasoline explosions. It may be what many look for in an exlosion but it does little for me. I vastly prefer a 'real' explosion. A quick flash, chuncks of dirt and debris being flung about and a lingering column of smoke.

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CMx2 is being designed from the ground up. I doubt the explosions in-game are going to be those cleverly arranged BMP sequences anymore. Instead of shockwave I'd vote for lingering plumes of dust that stay suspended long enough to spot where the shell fell. The old CMx1 strobe-flash bomb blast may not be enough if the game's going to be realtime play (Gasp, no more repeatedly rerunning a sequence to see what's going on?).

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iono, i did miss em' when i first played CMBB, but recently i went back to CMBO and realized that they looked like crap! I'm all for it if they make an on/off toggle, i would actually like shockwaves to be in there (hopefully it would be situation-sensitive, so there aren't huge shockwaves in an environment in which there wouldn't be much humidity or moisture.) Just as long as they make them look a little more realistic.

o, and also, it would be neat to have dust kick up all over the place when a self-propelled howitzer fires an outgoing round, would give more visual bark, in proportion to the bite, i would think.

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Originally posted by Iron_man:

...(hopefully it would be situation-sensitive, so there aren't huge shockwaves in an environment in which there wouldn't be much humidity or moisture.)

That's a very good point. I was going to raise it myself, but Homo ferricus beat me to it.

Just as long as they make them look a little more realistic.
That too.

...and also, it would be neat to have dust kick up all over the place when a self-propelled howitzer fires an outgoing round, would give more visual bark, in proportion to the bite, i would think.
And that. Don't forget the same for the muzzle blast of high-velocity weapons. Remember the problems the 88 had in NA?


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My $.02:

The major issue I had with the Shock Waves in CMBO was the distinctive, translucent white hemisphere. From what I've seen in footage, this only seems happen in high humidity conditions, where the sudden change in pressure causes spontaneous condensation.

In less humid conditions, it seems to me like you get more of the lensing effect, where the overpressure wave causes visual distortion for a brief moment.

And also of course, a lot of dust and smoke. . .

Hopefully, Graphics technology has progressed far enough, that we won't get the cheesy translucent white hemispheres, and more distortion and fog/smoke effects to simulate the "shock wave". That would be cool.



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Originally posted by Iron_man:

Homo ferricus, thats got a nice ring to it...

Doesn't it? I'm rather proud of it. It sounds like you are sexually attracted to same-sex ferrets.

...is it too late to change names?
I don't know. It is possible to change your nick, but maybe you have to have been around for some minimum period first. Look in your profile and you should be able to find out.


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I vote for shockwaves if they look cool. I admit I like eye candy in games.

But what I am really hoping for is realistic sounds, especially that special "ca-rumph" sound that artillery makes when it lands on target. Warms the soul.

Oh and when an AC-130 fires its 20mm chaingun. And when fast movers come on station, and Cobras come in to make a gun run, and the sound of M1A1 main gun rounds being fired, and...

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Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

Have you played Mercenaries for PS2? The explosions in that game are very realistic/cool looking (particle effects,etc)

That game was friggin awesome, but it still had the whole Hollywood explosion thing going on.



i liked the effects and all, but it didn't look like the videos above.

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I want it all done right. I also hope the tracers are done realistically for all the different weapons systems. I also want to see the ricochets, the dust clouds from overpressure and impacts, and guys ducking.

Not that we need to see alot of blood and guts, but I wonder if the casualites are all going to be "bloodless" as in CMx1.

I also wondering about the debris of war: brass casings, ammo cans, expended fibers from missiles and mortar rounds, etc...

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