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Chicago Preview of CMSF

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Regret to inform you NG Cavscout's unable to attend--too busy rampaging through my defenses in Tiger Valley! (Am kidding only about his ability to attend.)

NG Cavscout,

If you can go, have fun! Have been to previews of both CMBB and CMAK myself and had a ball.


Will ACTOR be doing this in due course, too? Hope so!


John Kettler

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Well Jenka has been to Syria and survived sorta. The company of Strikers and Abrams he commanded are MUCH the worse for wear. I was on track to win my scenario when the gaming ended but *cough* there is very likely a court-martial in my future smile.gif As for Oh wows:

A heroic/foolish T55 charging towards the seemingly broken remnants of the Striker Coy. It pulls past the edge of a compound and its flank is lit by fire as a MK19 AGL on a Striker turns it into a burning wreck.

Watching a Round of 155mm HE hit a guard tower on the roof and blow two floors down while leaving the walls standing. There is one less HMG team to worry about.

The beauty that is 81mm and 155mm VT raining down across a trench line full of defending troops.

Being able to dedicate 2 gun sections of 155mm to easily and creatively help turn a horribly botched operation into near if pyrrhic victory.

Watching a company of Syrian T72’s charging into a town and leaving a pile of burning Strikers in their wake.

Me thinking to myself “God I’m having a great time smile.gif

Thank’s for having me over Rune, and thanks to Mrs Rune for snacks and most excellent Sloppy joes .

Some Oh nos:

Rune telling me “But Jenka this scenario is supposed to be stupidly easy and the other people who played this blew through it with hardly a loss.” ( I lost 3 M1, 6 strikers and had 18 dead and 31 wounded)

A HQ striker who decided on it’s own to drive in front of two bunkers stuffed with crack Syrian concrips who blew it to pieces at 40 meters range 

“Well I’ve knocked out all the T55’s “ Says Jenka “That you can see” says Rune as a T55 that moved up put a 100mm APFSDS through the turret side of my 3rd M1 Loss

Pathing issues where a striker decided to drive on top of a berm in full sight of 5 T55’s…. There were no survivors. In the striker that is.

Some very interesting discussions and conversation that layed my ignorance bare. A good thing :eek: 

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Ok, not including some features they are still working on.

I first tried a QB with US vs Syrians. I chose a small mech infantry force vs mechanized RG syrians. You are assigned a force rather than buying by points. That was interesting. A little disappointing, but it does eliminate unrealistic cherry picking. My M1's, all that survived to get to the objective actually, were able to blow down the walls surrounding the factory complex I was to assault, unfortunately I had no infantry left to go through the holes. That was caused by a combination of an unmentionable and my own ineptitude.

I then tried a blue vs blue qb. The FOW method is interesting in that you only see what the unit you have selected can see, including friendly units. M1's are just as deadly to other M1's as they are to T-62's, at least at close range. Bradleys seemed to be almost immune to 25mm API, and the graphics of the sparks coming off the armor as it is struck is impressive. Infantry given move quickly or fast tires more rapidly than in the CM1 games. Platoon leader units on level 4 roofs have impressive lines of sight. I didn't see any type of command delay, no matter how many orders I gave a unit, but this wasn't exhaustively tested.

I then did a scenario as the Syrians trying to secure a village before a Stryker unit can occupy it. This was an excellent demonstration of just how deadly modern weapons are, as all Strykers and Syrian AFV's that started with a LOS to each other were dead within 2-3 turns.

My final foray into the sands of Syria was an assault on a Syrian SF HQ in an airfield. By this time, I had somewhat taken in the lesson that you have to move more slowly and with proper overwatch compared to the CM1 games. This was a company level assault on an airfield and I had about 80 minutes for the battle. I learned that IED's are devasting, snipers can be deadly if you leave your support too far behind, and even a couple of guys in a mud hut with AK's are extremely dangerous to infantry in the open. Nothing I didn't know already, but it is neat to see it realistically reflected in a game.

That is about it, as I said at the preview, it won't replace CM1 games for me, but I do plan on buying it if my computer will run it.

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Good stuff. I didn't like the "it won't replace CM1" part. I would imagine that even if this isn't your favourite backdrop for a game the new game engine would make up for it. Well if it doesn't we will always have the old WW2 scenario in the next CMX game...


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NG, can you give a little more detail about how you are assigned a force for QBs?

I am assuming that the game selects the force based upon the parameters chosen for the particular game, but if that's right, what parameters do we have available to affect the assigned force?

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Becket - For the QB, you selected force type, such as Armor, Republican Guards, or Heavy Infantry, map type, map size, and size of battle. Size of battle determines your force. I first selected a small battle, and heavy infantry, and I got a platoon of M1's. I restarted the game with medium size, and then I got a platoon of M1's and a platoon of Bradley infantry, with a HMMWV and some 81mm mortar support. The Syrians had a bunch of T62's and some BTR's as I recall.

Salkin - I may change my mind when I have some more experience in the engine, and when they get some more games. I have literally hundreds of hours playing CM1, and about 4 playing CM2, so my comfort level isn't what it should be with the new engine. I am still hoping that with some additional supplements for the modern engine, that I will be able to simulate some mid 80's NATO vs WP goodness in Central Europe

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NG, glad you got hooked up with His Evilness and got to check out the game for yourself (and got your ass kicked, by the sounds of it!). It is SO true what you say about needing to take more time. This is something that I've been saying for several years now. Battles that would have taken 15 minutes to be decided in CMx1 take just about that long to really get into the thick of things in CMx2. In fact, we wound up bumpping up the time counts on many scenarios because the designers set the time based on their feel for CMx1, but when people played correctly they found the scenario ending too soon. Which makes perfect sense to me.

This is an interesting side effect of decreasing what we call the "time compression" problem of wargames. That is, you are likely to play FEWER games in CMx2 than you did in CMx1 on an hour for hour basis. But the intensitity is actually more strongly felt in CMx2 IMHO. I play exclusively RealTime and I tell you I find myself VERY content to sit around and wait for things to develop instead of the CMx1 system where sitting around was boooooooring. A few of our testers started out playing WeGo only and didn't even want to try RT, but after they did... WeGo became the minority. Each to his own, of course! We included both because both are great to have.


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