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Sunday Bloody Sunday VS Black Sabbath


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Excellent round against you today, bane. A lot closer than I expected it to be tongue.gif I thought your 'tuti-fruti tank squad' would be the end of me :D

Oh, by the way, todays game gave me an idea for a feature request. A symbol the tacmap (that hopefully the bots listen to as well) to 'form line here'

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Well, only Jung and I showed up this Sunday. Jung kicked my ass twice in a row. In my defense, I joined the first game late and the second one I had to deal with blowing up a raft for the kids in the pool. Where is a cone of silence when you need one to isolate you from the world? Geez, doesn't everyone know that this is serious competition here?

At one point I was unable to tell my bots what to drop or where, so they happily killed themselves dropping all the cutters. I think that is a bug that has to be fixed, along with the spotting of infantry. Playing infantry is very very frustrating now and it is my favorite.

Hopefully when the summer is over, the gang will come back for some bigger battles.

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Originally posted by Chilibird:

I apologize for missing this one. I've just been busy as all hell. I graduate High School in a week (Friday, June 8th) so I've been all sorts of busy tongue.gif

High school? You should be playing Halo not Drop Team! The rest of us are old farts I think.
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Good games indeed. You guys deserved to win, as you played well as a team (esp. House to House) and I played like someone who'd been drinking all day. It makes me wonder how the Soviets crushed the Germans when the only ration not cut was the vodka ration. Maybe Russians are better drunk drivers than I am, who knows.

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  • 1 month later...

*magically revives thread*

Good Games yesterday (after CZ went titsup most of us went to DP)!

Best games were:

Boiling Point CTF (myself, poesel & Redcon vs. Nexus & Phonan (edit: & Rua)

Despite being down one man (IIRC)(edit: BS, Rua was with them) Nexus & Phonan were on the attack most of the time, but we finally chewed our way into their base (lots of tricky placed turrets)and the moment we had their flag I dropped into our base cathching Phonan & nexus as they were about to steal our flag. I then kept our flag safe while Redcon & Poesel did the flag run. After that Nexus got extremely close to capturing our flag, but was vaped by Redcon in an ambush in the last second. Phonan tried a last minute dash with the flag but I was waiting with a thor at the entrance to the base. hrhr.

Then we had an objective map (I can never remember the name...the one with the river)

Me & Redcon defending vs. Nexus and Phonan on the attack. Despite some harrowing moments we stayed in control, until I noticed that the attackers had run out of dropships....as usual feeling safe is the the beginning of one´s downfall (i´m sure Sun Tzu said something to this effect). We neglected our air defence (although we still had 4 AA turrets to spend !!!)and we were EMP -ed and turret-swamped turning our victory into a very narrow defeat. 30sec before the end Phonan was still muttering that they couldn´t make it...

[ August 13, 2007, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]

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Boiling Point was a really harrowing game. Nexus and I enjoyed a good deal of teamwork as we attacked from both sides in heavy Thors. As soon as the defenders turned to face Nexus's attack, they were hit with HEAT from behind. If they turned to attack myself, Nexus tended to nail them with brutal efficiency. I still think that one of my favorite parts of this game is blowing up a Thor's turret with one well-placed HEAT round. Unfortunately, as Nexus and I were having the time of our lives, the opposing team promptly stole our flag. Having been recently forced to redrop, we were just the tiniest bit too late to stop Poesel with the flag. Then we tried a run back with the opponents' flag. When Nexus was killed, with jby closing in on the flag in a heavy tank, we appeared to be done for. As I took a Thor, it was a race as intense as that of two snails. Luckily, as we came into view of each other, jby was facing a threat from the west, and I managed to blow his turret off. This of course was no help at all in our fiendish race against time. I barely managed to grab the flag and race back only to be destroyed by Redcon's infantry strike. Our second run was stopped rather short as well by a well-placed Thor.

In the next match (Slug Fest) Nexus, Rua'anith and I were pitted against our old opponents. After an initial artillery attack, we drove wave after wave at the base, but were stopped short by several well-hidden Hermes and a ring of mines, not to mention the stalwart defenders. Eventually, we made an EMP and Fire Mission attack, followed by waves of turrets, which finally drove the enemy outside their base, if only slightly. In the chaos that ensued, Rua'anith and I snuck two infantry squads into the base and sat on the objective. With roughly 20 seconds to go, it didn't look like we'd make it. Somehow, though, we gained an extra 200 points in the last seconds and won.

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I only played Boiling Point and now the Shrike is my most loved vehicle! It climbs hills and is quite fast and never, ever topples over ;)

At the beginning I just wanted to do some recon and ended up west of the enemy base. With help from Redcon we could blow up most of the defenses. With no ammo left I went Kamikaze and took over another Shrike nearby only to find that no enemies were left and so I took the flag and hit the pedal. Nothing beats having the flag and being on the run! Clockwise round the map and back to our base.

Did some defending afterwards and managed to put three (3) 120mm HEAT shells into the back left tire of Nexus Paladin. 8-)

Oh, and CZ didn't go belly up (ahem). Its just too slow to handle so many players. It had 8 bots per side and 16 players max. I've changed that to 5/14 and hope that that works out ok.

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I dropped into Dry Gulch for the last game of the day and help rua'anith try to take and hold that damn bridge...that was a nice battle. Lots of long distance HEAT throwing to interdict the defenders reinforcement. Redcon and company really threw the kitchen sink at us.

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Boiling point was an apt name for the event. Fevered pitch would have been more accurate. While jby and poesel handled the practical defenses I did some pointless digging, bad habit of mine. After that it was an infantry drop in to the base to help poesel clean out their turret defenses. A tip of the hat to Nexus, and Phoanan for novel turret placement, I had lost half my squad before I saw where the shots were coming from. (side rant: I agree with Imperial Grunt the turrets are spotting infantry way to easily, 2200m, no jump-pack , not a shot fired, and a 76mm turret spots me!) Once the defender were cleared poesel made a well executed flag run. Setting up to grab the flag as soon as it was back I was smashed down by a second wave of bot defenders. Some great gunning by both of my teammates allowed me to get a squad on to the base. But our fortunes changed as Nexus and Phonan had successfully started a heavy tank flag run. Jby put up a valiant counterattack just out side their base but was overcome by the odds. Having only a handful of infantry at my disposal against two Thor’s I hunkered down behind the rocks just outside the lava pool. Ordering my two other troops hold fast and not fire I waited, watching the two heavy Thor trudge toward me there was only one chance to stop them from scoring. The last rock before the ramp gave me the best shot and as Phonan’s Thor rumbled past I fired AT grenade from under 50 meters. One sneaky grunt can ruin everything.

Slug Fest was all jby. He did most of the base defense and did a wonderful job. I skirted the outer reaches of the map killing any Bacchus I could find. This kept our reinforcements flowing. At the high point of the wave attacks the 120 tango was being performed at the base by all in and amongst the rubble of buildings, but I must say I think we gave better than we got. Like my companion I was lead to a relaxing calm when no more dropships fell. That soon turned to panic as more drop pods then I could count fell on to the base. I believe my gun tube would have been white hot by end of that game.

The last match was Dead Gulch and I was defending the lone bridge. I’m sorry I don’t remember much to this fight other than few notable facts. Yunan joined in for this fight and accounted himself very well. I tried to set up the defenses to keep the attackers at a distance on the south side of the map. Mines were placed just outside their deployment zone in hopes of knocking out their dropship fleet. Still they managed to get in a Bacchus and I took off after it trying to restore the supply line. After it drove of a cliff and killed itself I saw the bboyle was harassing the bridge, and Yunan to great effect with long range Thor fire. So I spent a good deal of time using an infantry squad to sneak up on him. Yeah that didn’t work. Long range tank duels was the order of the day and soon it was down to Paladins and twenty paces. In the latter minutes the bridge was lost. However due to some miraculous team work (it was miraculous we were working as a team) we retook bridge by throwing the kitchen sink at them, we were out of bathtubs by that time. The last exchange of note was a infantry fire fight for the northern bridge head between Rua’anith and Recon.

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