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Ok, so why are hexes so much more important to use than tiles? Please keep your answers to a paragraph or less, no reason to expound too much, just something concise. If you like tiles more that hexes, please feel free to express that too.

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Some beers, such as Guinness, are meant to be served just below room temperature. In general though I prefer most beers served cold and in a frosted glass (or out of a cold bottle).

Usually I prefer hexes because they do not distort the distances on the map. Most "square" grids are actually distorted octogons, because the corners are usually treated as sides (which is what Strategic Command 2 does). Also I think hexes look better. In general though I can live with either, especially in a game like Strategic Command 2 that emphasizes "gameplay" over "simulation".

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for player vs player games it is better tiles on my own point of view as you need 3 frontline units for each "reserve" unit to be under cover, more space available lead to more space for maneouver and out-maneouver enemy, On The Other Hand for plays against AI, computer opponents it will be better hexagons, frontline reduced to 2 units for each "reserve" unit, less maneouver available, so, less effort to the computer opponent to make his movements, aside all i personally think "strategic command 2" is a great wargame not matter it use tiles or hexagons,

with best regards,


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Hexagons are neat looking always were. A little over used over the past 15-16 years of PBEM gaming. I think Tiles are in a way a nice refreshing additive. Civilization uses Tiles and its most popular Empire Building game that ever was created. So it's neither here or there, Territories-Hexes-Tiles...It's how good the game is

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Hexes all the way.

Tiles and movement over the edges of a tile look ridiculous.

And yes, i like SC2 and even more CIV 4.

But still: if i want to play a strategic wargame, i want to play it with hexes, not with tiles.

I need only to look at a screenshot of CEAW and feel instantly the urge to buy this game, because everything looks so neat and right.

Can't say this for SC2, sorry.

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Hexes give more accurate movement (eg., diagonals in tiles should consume 1.4 or so in movement capacity, but don't). Only an issue with large-movement units, like ships, planes, and motorized armour.

Having said all that... the tiles/hexes ship has sailed, and tiles won.

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