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The Peng Challenge Thread - Landing Heads Up 49.87% of the Time

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, whatever happened to Bauhaus...

I'll tell you. That sorry pile of steaming AussieJeff has stopped playing CM entirely. You can now find him playing America's Army and speaking l33t.

I think it is high time for our first de-knighting. Strip him of his spurs and break his sabre


Quite Agree - The Heretic should be de-frocked, de-fanged, and de-fenestrated. De-finitely.

Where's me fookin file Berli?

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, whatever happened to Bauhaus...

I'll tell you. That sorry pile of steaming AussieJeff has stopped playing CM entirely. You can now find him playing America's Army and speaking l33t.

I think it is high time for our first de-knighting. Strip him of his spurs and break his sabre


Quite Agree - The Heretic should be de-frocked, de-fanged, and de-fenestrated. De-finitely.

Where's me fookin file Berli?</font>

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I'll tell you. That sorry pile of steaming AussieJeff has stopped playing CM entirely. You can now find him playing America's Army and speaking l33t.

I think it is high time for our first de-knighting. Strip him of his spurs and break his sabre

Which Witch?

Why do I bother playing your scenarios at all?

When do I get de-knighted?

What did I do to deserve such an honour?

Wherefore art thou, Spock?

Who is my name?



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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

{insert *GAA-ACK* here}

Please let it be because someone that knows you is choking the life out of you</font>
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It seems that since all the CM players on the "Sub Continent" are whipping my fan.... oops, not going down that road again....whipping my arse, I might as well add Sir Flamin AJ to the list of opponents who are crushing me. I throw down the gauntlet AJ , can you pull yourself away from the flock long enough to give me a go?


Variable Rarity


Central front, terrain of my choosing.

I will be the Germans.

I don't know what time it is in Aussie land right now, and whether or not you will see this right away, but who cares, eventually you will, when you recover from your cheap wine induced slumber, accept my challenge, or be forever labeled as the slack-jawed, knuckledragging, neer-do-well that you are.

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I will be lumbering head-long into the Peng thread soon enough to give those sorry, bloated sacks of cusk cock a good slapping around.
Be afraid Gentlewryms, be afraid.

Something stupid this way comes....

SSN Hint Of The Day: Take personal calls during important meetings.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I will be lumbering head-long into the Peng thread soon enough to give those sorry, bloated sacks of cusk cock a good slapping around.

Be afraid Gentlewryms, be afraid.

Something stupid this way comes....

SSN Hint Of The Day: Take personal calls during important meetings.

Now sod off.</font>

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Since my noble quest of tapping that magnificent booty has been fruitless, I might as well talk about CMBB. I am now starting a new PBEM with a Mister Boo Radley.

Many of you know him as an insignificant worm with delusions of greatness because of his association with the nasty bottom dweller called Croda. There is little need for me to hurl invective Boo’s way because he is already an opponent of mine, but I enjoy overkill and kicking the proverbial dead horse. I think of him as a stand in for Croda and will enjoy stomping his lifeless corpse into smaller bits. I would hyphenate here and there but my cat is currently sitting on my mouse. I will edit later to prove that I can never be as perfect as both Old Firm and their prophet Germanboy.

I’ve known for quite some time that Croda would spawn. You all didn’t believe me when I predicted this some time ago. He was entirely too cowardly to face me once again in a battle because I had thrashed him time and again. So, in a dark cavern fitting the bottom dwellers, he gave birth to the sin against nature called Boo Radley. When Boo had first opened his bloodshot eyes he saw the slimy visage of his mentor and heard these words, “Hurt Hiram”. Croda’s scion leapt to the task with all the fervor he could muster and hopped around on his spindly legs chanting “Hurt Hiram”. Since Boo’s master did not have legs, but owned a bloated, white, spineless, disgusting body, he could not share in the jubilation of his creation from his loins. He jiggled and undulated with ecstasy upon viewing his offspring. Boo had his father’s eye and propensity to play in traffic. Seems that nature has a sense of justice after all.

Sadly, he has yet to be pummeled by a cement truck. I would ask both of you who have the synaptic fortitude to read this far to run him over when traveling through Ohio. Think of it as the right thing to do. You would be doing a great service to the human race and would donate to your karma greatly to clip Boo Radly once and then back up over his thorax until all traces of the Croda genome are crushed. You would also be donating to the charitable effort started by good people across the world that notice the walking chancre sores and abhor them.

Yes, I would gladly travel to Ohio with my trusty baseball bat and take care of it myself, but am a bit low on funds at the moment. One does wish that dirty movies were cheaper.

Here is another prediction for the brainless twits that only read the first and last paragraph of everything. The nasty little offspring tyke of Croda known as Boo Radley will attempt every gamey little man-hoover, edge hugging, SMG toting, and Uber tank thrusting he can think of. He will attempt to flank my brave troops and his troops will die in droves. His burning tanks will dot the landscape and become beacons of ill will to any and all that wish to associate themselves with my nemesis.

Let the spanking begin!! EDIT – One last “sit down, Bauhas" for old time’s sake.

Edited repeatedly because I was never worthy to be an opponent to the Old Firm or their prophet Germanboy.

Edited once again because my intrinsic fallability is oh so obvious.

Edited for the last time because my keyboard is soaked with the tears due to knowing that I would always be beneath notice of the Old Firm and shall always be a pariah to their kind.

[ November 06, 2002, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

All sorts of dreck, drivel, prevarications, pernicious anemic droolings and other oral flatulance brayed by a person who wears a plastic bucket on his head when he speaks because the reverberations of his own voice entirely fill his ears to where he doesn't have to listen to those far more wise than he.

Ahhhh, Hiram, is it? I often wondered when you would find a truss large enough for you to gird your palid, fishy loins, stagger out of your double-wide in the bad section of Peth Amboy (like there's a GOOD section) and caw out your challenge.

My Lord and leige Croda the Criminally Insane warned me of you. I remember it well. I believe his exact words were, "Don't stand downwind of him, he's a stinky man." He had a photograph of you. At first I thought it was a 1980's shag rug that had been through a house fire, only to be taken by some hippies and used to decorate the roof of their Vanagon, only to be wrecked on the interstate, set on fire, dumped in a river and then washed up on some beach littered with infectious drug paraphenalia. Then Croda said, "No, you're holding it upside down."

Then I saw that the subject of the photo did indeed bare a slight resemblance to a mammal of some sort. Maybe a manatee crossbred in some satanic laboratory with a mountain gorilla or an armpit.

I've seen the set-up you've sent. It looks cold and bitter and devoid of any redeaming qualities. Much like what I imagine your profile consists of in those personal ads you place in the back pages of magazines like, Clog Dancer Monthly" or "The He-Man Woman Hater's Club".

It will be an indescribable pleasure to rend the matted hide off your pustulant torso. I would then take it and fashion out of it something with which I could swab out the biffy or perhaps hang it outside in the hopes that I could finally scare off those damn raccoons.

Great plans, great plans.

Here's looking at you, Squid.



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Updates. I am winning Seanachai is losing badly. Nidan is losing badly, thank you Nidan . The_Capt still has his foot firmly planted in his mouth as usual and is desperately trying to recruit MasterGoodale as a date for the French Chum of the year awards dinner.

Looking forward to the next silly pic Persephone .

[ November 06, 2002, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We've nothing to fear from something this dense.


What would you know about dense? You are a noxious stinky vapor that wafts through the Cesspool. You, Jo Xia are the polar opposite of dense.</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Pity, but I guess it's like that mangy, diseased cat you try to abandon by leaving town only to have it show up on your doorstep six weeks later.

I'd have been here sooner, but lately, every time I show up, I step in something like this:

Originally posted by little genital MB:

Marlow: ...blah...blah...blah...

Seems like you aren't doing your job as rent-a-car very well. Might not happen if whoever started this thread had posted a better set of rules. ... Who started this thing anyway? ... let me check ... Oh, well that explains it.
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