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There are times when even an old bag 'o wind like Croda or a pretty but basically brainless ornament like Boxy can prove useful - like providing punctuation for 10 or 100 separate rantings by Burly.

Still, I guess we should be thankful for all the exercise his fingers are getting. I expect that tomorrow the official figures wil show a massive decrease in the average weight of his countrymen.

[ August 14, 2002, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Even the Outer Boarders are ignoring it, and some of them would respond to any sort of idjit post.

True... some even respond to you

No, it's Gaylord that presents the problem.
Minimalist. Gayloard, Papa Khan, Boo_Radley, Mike, Panzer Leader, CMPlayer, Assmaster...

Can we really send this poor, half-witted lad to Conventry, simply because he's awful? That seems cruel, and heartless.
And your point is?
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nestor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

If you still are stupid enough to think you have something to contribute to this thread, then pick a specific individual and challenge them. Be prepared to be rejected ad-infinitum unless you pick on some other SSN or newbie to the thread. We owe you nothing more than a swift kick in the head and a swim in the lake with an old transmission tied around your neck.

Another Pooligan will be along shortly to point out how woefully inadequate these rules are. Rest assured that though they are pillocks in their own right, they are leaps and bounds above your paltry self.

<big>Go Away!</big>

You may not want SSN's polluting the MBT</font>
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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I'm over here...why are you mad at me, seriously, what havei done that is so offenseive to you i'm curious?

Clueless -- You don't get it. Read the old threads. Get a clue

Witless -- Your language tends toward the lowest common denominator... Hell, I'd almost think you were Steven King

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Originally posted by Mike:

Hmm...maybe there's a cold snap down in hte Devil's Den, because I find myself nodding in agreement with Senacagoogie on this one instead of nodding off to sleep when confronted with his meanderings.

He will probably sleep better at night knowing that
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Minimalist. Gayloard, Papa Khan, Boo_Radley, Mike, Panzer Leader, CMPlayer, Assmaster...

Wasn't it just yesterday that BeerGut was nowhere to be seen? Yesterday was such a good day.

Today was going fine too until something disturbed the wretched "olde" sack of bones enough to wake him.



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Originally posted by Poobear:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

note the lack of nested quotes

Hey Berli, I think Poopbear is hitting on you.

His funeral</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

So come on Sean how's about a nice cheery sing song, you start and I'll go get the tamborine, cya around the camp fire.


I can, of course, deny you nothing. And don't mind Papa Khann, it's just that the truss is too tight.

And now, in honour of Grog Dorosh and to honour the request of the Fair Emma, a Canadian song! (will post the lyrics to a good Scots song when I have access to the hundreds at home).

I hate the SkyDome and the CN Tower too;

I hate Nathan Philips Square and the Ontario Zoo!

The rent's too high,

The air's unclean,

The beaches are dirty,

And the people are mean!

And the women are big and the men are dumb

And the children are loopy 'cause they live in a slum!

The water is polluted and the mayor's a dork!

They dress real bad and they think they're New York...

In Toronto . . . !

Ontario . . . oh-oh!

"You know . . . now that I think about it, I pretty much hate all of Ontario!"

"Yeah! Me too!"

I hate Thunder Bay and Ottawa,

Kitchener, Windsor, and Oshawa!

London sucks and the Great Lakes suck,

And Sarnia sucks and Turkey Point sucks!

I took a trip to Ontario to visit Brian Mulroney!

He beat me up and he stole my pants

And he put me in a tree!

I went to see the Maple Leafs

And got hit in the head with a puck.

"Uh I don't even know how they did it . . . I mean, I was playin' the organ at the time!"

(And Alan Thicke sucks!)

Ontario . . . oh-oh-oh sucks.

"Come to think of it, I pretty much hate every gosh darn province and territory in our country!"

"Well except Alberta!"

"Oh yeah, of course I love Alberta! Lot's of cows, rocks, trees and dirt . . . mmmmoo moo moo!"

But . . . I hate Newfoundland 'cause they talk so weird

And Prince Edward Island is . . . too small.

Nova Scotia's dumb 'cause it's the name of a bank;

New Brunswick doesn't have a good mall!

Quebec is revolting and it makes me mad!

Ontario sucks . . . Ontario sucks.

"Manitoba's population density is 1.9 people per square kilometre! Isn't that stupid?!"

Saskatchewan is boring and the people are old!

And as for the territories . . .

They're too cold!

"And the only really good thing about the province of British Columbia is that it's right next to us!"

'Cause Alberta . . . a-a

Doesn't suck!

But Calgary does . . . !

The Toronto Song

-Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie</font>

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Originally squeaked by Mouse:

I take him to quire.

You cannot take him to squire until he has been made a serf.

You cannot take a serf to squire until Foul Joe approves.

Currently, Foul Joe is on vacation from the Pool (or is it we who are on vacation from him?) -- therefore, you cannot take anyone as squire.

You lose.


Should be a feeling you're used to in life.


[ August 14, 2002, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I am confident that this little pillock has the right stuff. I take him to quire.

Joe! JOE?!?!<big>JOE!!!!!</big> Well, whatever, Olde Ones note in Lorak's pillaged Book of Deads that I have taken a soft, flacid, stinking piece of flesh to be my personal whipping-boy and piss-pot drinker.


Didn't we have you neutered, to prevent just this sort of thing from occuring.

In other words, weren't you specifically raised to Knighthood with the understanding that you would never have Squires of your own?

I don't remember anyone giving you permission to sew them back on, lad.

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Mr Spkr's logic is irrefutable as usual. This is just the reassurance a girl needs from her lawyer. BTW, Mr Spkr, that reminds me...about that MEANY prosecutor in Dallas, are you going to be able to take care of him, or should I go to Mexico for awhile? As Herr Oberst would say, "He's after my bovine butt", and he smells bad too.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Mr Spkr's logic is irrefutable as usual. This is just the reassurance a girl needs from her lawyer. BTW, Mr Spkr, that reminds me...about that MEANY prosecutor in Dallas, are you going to be able to take care of him, or should I go to Mexico for awhile? As Herr Oberst would say, "He's after my bovine butt", and he smells bad too.

One of the few things in the World, of late, that has actually brought a happy smile to the face of the ÜberGnome is the almost hilarious 'self deprecation' that Roxy is practicing here in the Peng Challenge Thread.

It is almost refreshing to see someone so good-naturedly accept something they'd never, ever be subjected to in Real Life™.

Possibly, of course, that's the appeal. I think 'Roxy' is enjoying even those things that most of us would consider to be the most 'negative' aspects of the way people are treating her. I think she really likes being 'Roxy'.

But let us not mistake her giddy good humour on this matter with a call to excess.

As I keep reminding you lot, especially you newcomers, part of the unique charm of the Cesspool (besides the sparkly effect you get as the sun sets over the vapours and people start showing up to call Panzer Leader an idiot) is the paradox presented by the fact that even this hive of villainy and drainage ditch of septic wit still maintains a rather rakish chivalry towards the Fair Ones.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

My word! We have a neutered Knight in The Realm?! So much wonderful history and no time to read it all....(sigh)

'Tis true. And another 'bit' of history should probably, in all fairness, be made known.

Panzer Leader, before being raised up to Knighthood, was my Squire. Sigh.

To get him his Knighthood took political maneuvering and behind the scenes negotiating not seen since the days of the Borgias (or at least outside the 'closed door' energy council sessions conducted by VP Cheney).

The concession that finally permitted the Knighthood was the understanding that Mouse would never, himself, raise up Squires and Knights. It was a harsh duty, but a fair one.

And it cannot be set aside without renegotiations and approvals.

But, for now, the point is in abeyance. Gaylord need not worry, just now, about his place within the Thread.

Mohammed has been sent to the Mountain.

[ August 14, 2002, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

As I keep reminding you lot, especially you newcomers, part of the unique charm of the Cesspool (besides the sparkly effect you get as the sun sets over the vapours and people start showing up to call Panzer Leader an idiot) is the paradox presented by the fact that even this hive of villainy and drainage ditch of septic wit still maintains a rather rakish chivalry towards the Fair Ones.

You DO love the Swedes after all???


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