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Gaylord (is that as descriptive a term as it seems to be? (not that there's anything wrong with that)):

<big>SHUT UP!</big>

This is not the gaylord, gaylady, gaycowboy, gayemcee, or gaypillock show.

Have you ever gone back and read the threads of old? Have you no sense (talk about a rhetorical question) of the way this all works? Have you not studied the tomes of old? Have you no sense (there it is again) of the history, the glory, and the uniqueness of the MBT(and it will always be there)?

It's simple really. Give it a rest for awhile. Say, about 4 billion years. Maybe in that time, you can learn of the old ways (if you don't blister your lips reading).

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

And it is you, Papa Khann, that drove her to it! DO YOU HEAR ME! YOU, YOU! IT WAS ALL YOU!!

You monster. How do you live with yourself.

It's the training. Here in House Persiflage we are accustomed to living with ourselves in The Box for weeks on end.
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Originally posted by Poobear:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Poobear:


the official Peng Bunny!





Do not pass GO, do not collect a Sod Off, just die</font>

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I blame Croda

50 posts to late, but that's the story of my life and better than most around here.

Now what the feck has happened here??

What started as my thread has become a Geriatric convention reminiscing about various aspects of Ye Olde Onees' sex lives??

Shirley there's a clause in the rules somewhere....ah, yes - there 'tis:

14 G (32) (y) (lxxxix): Ye Olde Onees' sex lives shall not be discussed until hell freezes over*

Note: Hell shall not be deeemed to have frozen over as long as McDonalds continues to be the sponsor Senile Teabag in his spare tyre building efforts


some index nubmer no-one gives a toss about: Ye Olde Onees' shall remain rotting under fallen tree stumps.


The pool isn't yuors any more - there's been a revolt by the sludge - yes, we're revolting - one day we're all hoping to be disgusting as well, but in the mean time revolting will have to do.

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Originally posted by Poobear:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Poobear:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Poobear:


the official Peng Bunny!





Do not pass GO, do not collect a Sod Off, just die</font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

As a pant or an author?

I was thinking more of a stylist... ;)

Originally posted by Seanacoochie:

I can, of course, deny you nothing. And don't mind Papa Khann, it's just that the truss is too tight.

Ah so all becomes clear.... nothing like a tight truss to starve the brain of oxygen.

I had the same problem myself just recently.

And now, in honour of Grog Dorosh and to honour the request of the Fair Emma, a Canadian song! (will post the lyrics to a good Scots song when I have access to the hundreds at home).

Awww sheesh do I really have to?

Play my tamborine to a bloody Canadian song and in honour of Mr Dorosh no less....

*Looks around to make sure no one is listening*

Ok quick Sean sing as fast as you can.

I'll be more up for the Scots lyrics, hell I may even wear a kilt. :eek:

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:<HR>

{snipped it all cos he blathers on about buggar all}<HR>

GayLard I couldn't imagine you recognising an insult if it slapped you in the face, kicked you in the nuts, and and regurgitated itself all over your ugly face!

You seem to have some potential Bathtackler, there is only one way to settle this, send me a setup.
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Yep I'm with Mike! Who is this Croda? Ok, got a low member number, he's a programmer and he likes stuff!! Well take your stuff, and stuff it where the sun don't shine, then when your ready come back an act like you got a pair! Till then....sod off!

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Mike-You-Idiot hush in the presence of your betters.

That of course bars you from ever talking again, but, sacrifices must be made.

As for you, Mr. Bear (may I call you Mr. Bear? Thank you.) and Mr. (and I use that term loosely) Focker -- I know not what course others may take, but as for me, it's Coventry for the both of you.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

Yep I'm with Mike! Who is this Croda? Ok, got a low member number, he's a programmer and he likes stuff!! Well take your stuff, and stuff it where the sun don't shine, then when your ready come back an act like you got a pair! Till then....sod off!

I wouldn't take that if I were you Croda.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

If you still are stupid enough to think you have something to contribute to this thread, then pick a specific individual and challenge them. Be prepared to be rejected ad-infinitum unless you pick on some other SSN or newbie to the thread. We owe you nothing more than a swift kick in the head and a swim in the lake with an old transmission tied around your neck.

Another Pooligan will be along shortly to point out how woefully inadequate these rules are. Rest assured that though they are pillocks in their own right, they are leaps and bounds above your paltry self.

<big>Go Away!</big>

You may not want SSN's polluting the MBT, but methinks deep down you know you need us. New blood, a little freshening of the gene pool to correct those first tell-tale signs of inbreeding, some new cliches to pick over and regurgitate, a challenge to the old order - these things are essential for survival.

The captain's away and the butler will play!

Sodding off (for now)

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Mike-You-Idiot hush in the presence of your betters.

That of course bars you from ever talking again, but, sacrifices must be made.

As for you, Mr. Bear (may I call you Mr. Bear? Thank you.) and Mr. (and I use that term loosely) Focker -- I know not what course others may take, but as for me, it's Coventry for the both of you.


Ok how am i in the same boat as PoohBear again???

Spkr, ( i don't use terms loosley) if you have some kind of problem with me why not just come out with it instead of going all dynasty about it. I don't even believe i've attepted to make fun of you yet.

[ August 14, 2002, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by Nestor:

You may not want SSN's polluting the MBT, but methinks deep down you know you need us.

Need you? NEED YOU??? PAH!

We need the likes of you about as much as we need an oozing Croda where the sun don' shine.

Need you...the cheek!

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Gaylord (is that as descriptive a term as it seems to be? (not that there's anything wrong with that)):

<big>SHUT UP!</big>

This is not the gaylord, gaylady, gaycowboy, gayemcee, or gaypillock show.

Have you ever gone back and read the threads of old? Have you no sense (talk about a rhetorical question) of the way this all works? Have you not studied the tomes of old? Have you no sense (there it is again) of the history, the glory, and the uniqueness of the MBT(and it will always be there)?

It's simple really. Give it a rest for awhile. Say, about 4 billion years. Maybe in that time, you can learn of the old ways (if you don't blister your lips reading).

Practice what you preach Cleeo . :D
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

-- I know not what course others may take, but as for me, it's Coventry for the both of you.

An excellent idea. So, you got lucky. It happens. These two has been given enough chances. Time to enforce the rules. I'm all for general anarchy, but this chatroom crap has got to end.
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

-- I know not what course others may take, but as for me, it's Coventry for the both of you.

An excellent idea. So, you got lucky. It happens. These two has been given enough chances. Time to enforce the rules. I'm all for general anarchy, but this chatroom crap has got to end.</font>
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Yep I'm with Mike! Who is this Croda? Ok, got a low member number, he's a programmer and he likes stuff!! Well take your stuff, and stuff it where the sun don't shine, then when your ready come back an act like you got a pair! Till then....sod off!

I can't believe you're asking who Croda is..

It's times like this when I realise just how long some of us have been around and how NEW some of the newbies are.

Confused? Not yet? Then stick around I'm sure you'll get there.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Have you ever gone back and read the threads of old? Have you no sense (talk about a rhetorical question) of the way this all works? Have you not studied the tomes of old? Have you no sense (there it is again) of the history, the glory, and the uniqueness of the MBT(and it will always be there)?

Truer words were never spoken.

Okay, where's Leeo and what have you done with him?

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Yep I'm with Mike! Who is this Croda? Ok, got a low member number, he's a programmer and he likes stuff!! Well take your stuff, and stuff it where the sun don't shine, then when your ready come back an act like you got a pair! Till then....sod off!

I can't believe you're asking who Croda is..

It's times like this when I realise just how long some of us have been around and how NEW some of the newbies are.

Confused? Not yet? Then stick around I'm sure you'll get there.</font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

As for you, Mr. Bear (may I call you Mr. Bear? Thank you.) and Mr. (and I use that term loosely) Focker -- I know not what course others may take, but as for me, it's Coventry for the both of you.


Hmm, this is a difficult issue. Oh, not the dim and rather useless Poobear creature. I don't think we even need go to the trouble of declaring Coventry, although perhaps we'll have to if people don't stop responding to it. I believe it's best if we just ignore it. Even the Outer Boarders are ignoring it, and some of them would respond to any sort of idjit post.

No, it's Gaylord that presents the problem.

You see, while we can certainly declare Coventry for someone who's openly and deliberately disruptive, hateful (in it's more 'legalistic' sense, as all of you are hateful in your own ways), or only shows up here to try and violate BFC's board standards, thinking they can 'get around' restrictions because this is the Peng Challenge Thread, and they think the rules are 'non-existant', rather than more broadly and loosely defined.

However, what do we do with someone like Gaylord, who is attempting to participate, often in an almost painfully earnest manner? He's trying, people, he truly is. Is it really 'just' to banish him to the horrible limbo of Coventry, where all the squeaking little ghosts bleat at each other in the gray and empty air?

Can we really send this poor, half-witted lad to Conventry, simply because he's awful? That seems cruel, and heartless.

I say that we either have to let him post, or kill him outright.

What sayeth the 'Pool?

Oh, and please ignore the Poobear character.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

Have you ever gone back and read the threads of old? Have you no sense (talk about a rhetorical question) of the way this all works? Have you not studied the tomes of old? Have you no sense (there it is again) of the history, the glory, and the uniqueness of the MBT(and it will always be there)?

Truer words were never spoken.

Okay, where's Leeo and what have you done with him?</font>

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Well now, it's good to see everyone playing so nicely together. Herr Oberst has even seen fit to refrain from comments regarding my bovinity of late. This pleases me.

On a related subject...would it be possible for me to have a lower, heavier, somewhat larger, steel reinforced pedestal to call my own? You see, I didn't get my security job at Wal-Mart. This upsets me. When I get upset, I eat...and eat...and eat. So please, boys, build me another pedestal... one suitable for my imminent bovinity.


I will soon have a BIG fasion crisis, if you know what I mean. I will need your help. Perhaps some skin tight leather is appropriate?

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