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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part IV)

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AD (Juha) Finished

PP (Diceman) Finished

FotM (von Lucke) Finished

SME (Saport) 2 minutes to go

H4tH (The Capt) 9 minutes to go

SME should be finished by about the 3rd Sept.

H4tH has just restarted after a travel induced hiatus. This one could go very close to the time limit :( Actually, with ~27 file transfers to go, and approx ~12 file transfers per week, I don't think we will quite make it. But, we'll be good boy-scouts and do our best ;)



Edit: to correct a scen name. God forbid that I should have Heinrich on my ass :( Again :(:(

[ September 02, 2002, 08:04 AM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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Kanonier Reichman,

I need a current email address for you. I will be finishing your game with StuG III. The address I have is not working.

To All,

I think I'm only one game result shy of 75% now. That's close enough. If you have finished ALL your games, and would like to see the raw CM scores for all the games reported so far, just email me requesting the scoresheet. It will be a text conversion of my Microsoft Works spreadsheet unless you specifically state that you would prefer the wks files. The spacing on the text files will be funky, but you can make sense out of it.

Fight On!!

Treeburst155 out.

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AD (Juha) Finished

PP (Diceman) Finished

SME (Saport) Finished

FotM (von Lucke) Finished

H4tH (The Capt) 8 minutes to go

After the activity over the weekend we're now confident that the last game will be finished by the deadline.



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I guess these results make interesting reading...

Thxs for sending the results so far...

I see I got my ass wooppped on a certain game and not many followed, ohhhh bugger...

A certain individual has a lot to answer for...

Damn Nocturnal birds!!!


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Ahhh hahhh it is all falling into place, you eat too many carrots...

Hence you can see in the day!!!

Yes I see that while you have done well, you have not always done well.

Hmmm This is a tough one to call.

Are the scores just relevant to your section of players? Or are the scores across all the sections relevant?

I do hope it is the latter and I shall try and find out in a previous thread...

Now I must play some CMBB as I have only done the training game and I have had the demo since Sunday but been too busy to really deleve into it...



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All scores are relevant as that detmines how much 4%(?) is that gets added to your score if you submit an AAR. They are also needed to find out how you did compared to the average and this will give your score for the tourny.

As for my battles - I tried to give as much as I got. Although in some battles the damage had been done.

I can't see me going through, but if I do, I supoose Jazza will be wanting his slot again :D

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Yes, the median scores for each scenario will be determined by all three tourneys.

The AAR bonus is 4% of the highest score achieved over all the tourneys for each AAR. A player could therefore get a max of 20% of the highest score added to his own score. There has been one instance where AARs have been the deciding factor in a section title. That was in the Nordic Wannabee tournament.

Treeburst155 out.

[ September 04, 2002, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:


I need a working email address for you!! Are you still with us? Time grows short.

Treeburst155 out.

Hi Treeburst. I'm still here but I was wondering where Erick had disappeared to as well since I've sent him at least 3 emails over 2 weeks & to date, no reply. My game with him (St Mere Eglise) only has about 4 turns to go so it is very frustrating!

As you know, my game with Tom (F.O.T.M.) has now finished so it only leaves my battle with Tabpub (H.F.T.H.) and, of course, Erick. Unfortunately, my game is not as far advanced with Rob a.k.a. Tabpub due to a whole bunch of problems at my end which I should be rectifying very shortly, fingers crossed. We probably wont meet the deadline by the 20th but hopefully we'll be about three quarters the way through by then. As for Erick, I really have no idea where he's disappeared to except that his last message in mid August simply said he was under very pressing real life issues.

As for my email address... it is back to jimbo@picknowl.com.au

Catch you later.

Jim R.

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Not only have I finished all five games (please E-mail me the scores, vanilla RTF if possible, as have Mac; if not, text or ASCII), but I finally marshalled the brains and energy to do my AAR, which you should have either today or tomorrow. Basically only need to cover the late portions of the battle and some thoughts and considerations for the designers to contemplate.


John Kettler

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Thxs for the response TB,

As for the Cpl it is a close race and by my reckoning too close to call between us.

No matter what the outcome is, you played very well as did all the others in our group.

Between us we have some of the highest scores in all the games played. There was only one other group in our section where certain people stand out and it proves interesting reading the results so far.

Hurry up chaps and finish your games so you too can have a sneak at the results so far.


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Kanonier Reichmann,

Thanks for posting. Erick (StuGIII) has had to withdraw. I will be finishing his games. I can't seem to get through to your email address (the one posted above). I've tried several times now. Anyway, I have a turn for you for Erick's game. We might have to move the turns through a third party (at least my turns to you). Try sending me an email from the Picknowl address when you get a chance. Thanks!!

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

...... There has been one instance where AARs have been the deciding factor in a section title. That was in the Nordic Wannabee tournament.

Treeburst155 out.


Tell me about it.

This time though I'll be writting the AAR's. I'm not writting them so I won't get skunked again but when I read the AAR of the player I played against, I felt bad that I didn't reciprocate and show what happened from my point of view. Plus (and this is a big one) the gratification of the scenario designers in seeing how their hard work drove me nuts smile.gif

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Kanonier Reichmann,

I think your email is....well...absolutely FUBAR!!

Fight On!

Treeburst155 out.

It's not Mike. It's just that I'm not able to get to my computer WITH the game on it until the weekend. After this weekend I should be alright to send relatively frequent replys.

In case you're wondering, I'm sending this message via my work laptop & because it runs Windows NT I can't use it for the game. :(


Jim R.

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Hi Kanonier,

The reason I think your email is FUBAR is because it keeps bouncing back to me with a "fatal error" message. I guess my email could be FUBAR when it comes to your email.

There are several pairs of people in the tourney who have trouble doing PBEM. Perhaps you and I are one of those. :(

Treeburst155 out.

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