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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Thread Two)

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Just a quick status report while waiting for turns from everybody...

Jeb told me he was going to be gone today, so he has an excuse. We're into turn 3 or 4 in our game.

Cuzn and I have started our game; I'm waiting for him to send me the next turn.

Easy V has offered a restart, and I've accepted, but he has has yet to send me his setup file.

Heavy Drop has also agreed to a restart, and I've sent him the setup file.

I've also sent a setup file out to GeneralSV, but haven't heard a single word from him yet. :confused:

GeneralSV, let me know if you want to do TCP/IP on ours. It looks like the scenario is of a very reasonable size, unlike some other ones [*cough* fire on the mountain *cough*]

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Snoorrr Snoorrr ahh uuhh ohhhh someone wake me...


Wolfie your turn is back now wake up and send it back. Damn Americans asleep when the Europeans are awake.


Just woke up and a turn from that nice man in Finland and the wolf greeted me.

Just done both and now have to build some shelves for my beloveded.

Jazza in NZ must still be chasing sheep and Cogust is off pillaging somewhere. I think his time is running out....

Please don't let it be Wreck.... smile.gif


[ June 23, 2002, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Hussah a second turn during the day, that sly old Finish chap is up and at it.

I have finished my shelves after her indoors told me where and where not to put it. Bloody women they think they are the bosses.

Right off to sort out my bloody finger, damn screwdriver slipped. It was a good job it was not the electric saw or I would be using my nose to type this. :eek:

Come on Wolfie wake up....


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In mid game with mike8g, Bimmer, and Jack Trap.

Have not heard from mPisi since sending him turn 1 on June 13th. He did say he would be running behind.

Have sent setup to Lopaka on June 7th but have not heard from him since June 10th when he said he'd be running behind.

Emailed both of them today.

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Since the "Cellar Dwellers" don't seem to be represented at all in the 10 pages of posts I'd just like to say "great group of guys." Everyone is returning turns promptly and we had no dropouts.

To the designers I'd like to say "good job" on the scenarios.

And again, Thanks to Tree.

[ June 23, 2002, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: StugIII ]

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Sore nose H here...

The sods sent three turns while I was asleep and I did not get up early enough to deal with them.

I sent Wolfie his back as it was the smaller of the three. As for Fire on the Mountain I am working out where my newly arrived Maus will go. So that will wait until tonight.

Head for the Hills is in the early phase and I need to give that some thought as Mr Uber Finn is too good and I have too little.

Hmmm I best do some work or I will not have the money to pay for more nails and screws to prop up my house.....


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Originally posted by Holien:

Head for the Hills is in the early phase and I need to give that some thought as Mr Uber Finn is too good and I have too little.

I hope that does not mean you will slow your ROP down. ;)

Status report:

Head for the Hills progressing at a steady pace (so far smile.gif ) as are Fire on the mountains and St Mere Eglise. The other two game have not progressed past set up.

I have not heard from Cogust since the start (in fact not at all, I sent him my set up but he never replied).

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Do not fear... my ROP will not be slow and come what may I will keep my pecker up.


If I get a video in the morning before work I will send it back. If it requires thought and I have time I will do it there and then.

However, I was pretty tired after the weekend of DIY and slightly late for work so I could not accomodate you.

Unlike the Yanks I am not allowed to load games software on my laptop and have to wait until I get home. This will be in 7 hours time.

In the mean time I had better stop abusing my right to surf...



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Originally posted by Holien:

Unlike the Yanks I am not allowed to load games software on my laptop and have to wait until I get home. This will be in 7 hours time.


Ahem... its not a game, its EVALUATION DEMO SOFTWARE which you are analyzing for the good of the company, and your client.

BTW, have never heard from Cogust. Replace him with someone who sends files as fast as Holien!!

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Ahhh America awakes...

I second that motion. I have now given him the European holiay benefit of doubt and he has still not responded.

Please don't let that nasty Mr Wreck in our group. I am losing badly enough against these players and do not need him to kick my butt as well.

Send in Mr Dorosh who I hear from JK is a roll over.



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Originally posted by Holien:

Ahhh America awakes...

I second that motion. I have now given him the European holiay benefit of doubt and he has still not responded.

Please don't let that nasty Mr Wreck in our group. I am losing badly enough against these players and do not need him to kick my butt as well.

Send in Mr Dorosh who I hear from JK is a roll over.



Hell yeah, I'd love a second shot at these scenarios. Pick me! Pick me!
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Sorry I couldn't return many turns this weekend. But I am very glad about that. Here is what I have seen in my movies this weekend, tourney, nordic wannabees playoff and normal PBEMs combined, so I don't give something away.

All HMG in one scenario jam in the same turn.

Someone is taking totally miracle shots at my armor in another prestige game.

Lost various other key pieces of equipment all over the place, in so few turns played this weekend. Every armor clash has me sitting in the armor that has to hope for weak spot penetration, gun or brain damage.

I lose an Ostwind, with HE ammo 132 left in a late-game situation where my opponent is flooding infantry at me because my spotters are all dead. I lose it from a Sherman which I immobilized many turns ago! And it wasn't the TacAI going wild, I actually plotted that crappy reverse into that totally surprising danger zone. It's like bumping into a walkway traffic light with your head, claiming it jumped on you and sueing the city.

But at least I successfully used a Helicopter in TacOps for the first time, to evacuate an important (not longer smile.gif ) enemy defector.

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All my turns have been shipped back to you hogs. Get replying. I've got 11 PBEM games running and I had trouble over the weekend - I was receiving turns faster than they were going out, had 42 PBEM turns Saturday and 29 Sunday(I was out Sunday afternoon). My wench was livid :D

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