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Traditions... attempt deux (I'm watchin you Gpig!)

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For those of you who missed it the first time around (before Gpig assassinated my thread) here goes again...

It is time for the 2nd Berli Got drunk And Did Somefink Stupid Challenge. This time out, I can't challenge to play all the scenarios blind (If I didn't make them, I probably playtested them). So, this time around I propose the following...

40 Quick Battles a la CB:BB

Those who accept the challenge will have the choice of one of the following:

1) The battle... this includes the map and whether it is an Allied attack, Axis attack or meeting engagement. Also, the nations involved (ie. you decide that the Axis will be Italians and the Allies Partisans... that sort of thing)

2) Which side you will play and the date

In either case, you will chose the number and I will give you my choices for the other before you decide on your specifics. Example: You decide #2. I will tell you the map specs and that the Allies (Soviet) will attack the Axis (Italian). You then decide which side you wish to play and the date for the QB.

In all cases, weather & time of day will be set to random.

There lies the gauntlet, who shall pick it up?

Here's where we stand so far (Btw, sorry for forgetting who all responded already)

01) Geire... a complete swine, but he did talk me into reading Bulgakov (and he digs the tune 'Sympathy for the Devil')

02) Mr Peng... He and i have been at each others throats for so long it is necessary for me to make him Die-A-Lot-More Now™

03) Seanachai... his bloody sing-songs make me sick. I must kill him

04) Roxy (should she accept)... just to show here that those of us in the Mutha Beautuful thread are every bit the swine she thinks we are

05) Andreas... I intend to beat him like a gong

06) Goanna... been are to long since we last locked horns... I kinda miss puttin' the boot in

07) Micheal Dorosh... He's Canadian, therefore he deserves the boot

08) Holien... consider yourself pickled

09) ParaBellum? (could be wrong, but I thought you were on the list... correct me if i am wrong)

10) Flammenwerfer... AH! that was one I had forgotten. Sorry 'bout that

11) R_Leete... Me? Ladder? I'll smack you like an unwanted step child

12) mike the wino... drink up boy-o, it will deaden the pain

13) Dirtweasle... Tracks?! Cary?! Who are you?

14) Papa Khann... Looks like squire slappin' season

15) THumpre... You'll be changin' your username to THumpee

16) Enoch... I am, you will, both

17) JonS... cannon cocker. I don' like cannon cockers. Too afraid of getting dirty

18) Bad Dog... Ah! another username change - Whipped Dog

19) Epée... this is all your fault

20) Mike... Gods! The riff-raff of the Pool are crawling out

21) Speedy... Once more into the breach and all that

22) GWDWD... Are you related to MrSpkr?

23) PAEZ... You'll regret that

24) RobVarak... Copycat

25) MrSpkr... Ah! the other no vowel twin!

26) Gpig... I'm still watchin' you. Thread assassin!

27) ryddle... Hell, there are so many non-grogs here already

28) ciks... now all you have o do is challenge Peng. His bite is really worse than his bark

29) Simon Elwen... Between you and Goanna I sould get no sleep

30) Wisbech_lad... Slow, fast, matters not to me

31) Chupacabra... Urban map -- check

32) Herr Oberst... Damn! I had been so good at dodging you veiled attepts at a challenge

33) Boo_Radley... You can't. It is for people like you that my sig file exists

34) Warphead... Ah! There's the other missing one

35) Wildman... he so deserves a boot rather than a draw

36) Juju... How could i forget my introduction to the flamethrowing Sherman :)

37) argie... I'll give you somefink else to be angry about

38) a1steaks... Still accepting, but supply is limited

39) Nestor... Because I can't stand anyone that old

40) Panzer Leader... I do now and always shall hate you

Hold off on your choices folks. There is a bit more info I have to give you, but it must wait until the release so I don't inadvertantly violate the NDA

[ August 15, 2002, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Heh, heh. I wondered if you'd sobered up and reconsidered! Since you are bound and determined to be the cess ladder grog, I will have to show you just how quickly and utterly I can be defeated. Put me down for the next thrashing, oh dark one.

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I'll be up for a game once the "Two Steps of Death" wraps up.

Translation: Once I sort out who gets what and I start the fecking tourney.

That should all be wrapped up by Sept. 20th

Translation: I should have lost enough men for an auto-surrender.

I have always enjoyed your insightful prose in the Peng thread.

Translation: Your posts are reminiscent of the "1000 monkeys+1000 typewriters=Great American Novel" theory.

I look forward to our game.

Translation: [ editted for unsuitable content but there was some reference to your parentage, social upbringing, hygiene, and other less appropriate subjects ]

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Berli to the font of him,

Berli to the side of him,

Onward rode the brave Mike....

OK - so it sucks, but then that's the story of my literary skills from time immemorial.

Yeah - I'll play summit in here - book me a place at teh party please.

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I've been beaten by the rest, time to get beaten by the best. (Sorry Lurkur and Prinz Eugen.) smile.gif

Give me the Ruskies in '41. Prefer a small battle, since I don't want to prolong the agony. But it will be fun, and I can tell my grandkids that...

Well, shoot, it will just be fun.

SIX WEEKS!! (or thereabouts)


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Don't be silly Sprocket - it's just Berli getting his kicks.

Now as for kicking - I wanna do Kursk - as the Russian AT defence. I reckon the ping of 14.5 and 45mm shot off Panthers and Tigers will make a lovely symphony.

so Berli - if you wanna let's have a small map, Germans attacking with Armour, russians defending with Infantry, and lot's a' points so we can have bulk German heavies and a real nightmare of Russian AT nests! :D

[ August 08, 2002, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Test . . . test . . . Is this thing working?



Can I play you? (Despite fnorkin' your thread?)

I'll take the Italians on the Don river, watching Sixth Army's left flank.

(That should get you a measure of revenge.)



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