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The peng challenge: escape from Stalingrad?


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

The first time I saw one of my T-34's fire in the Toot-or-real, with the flash and the smoke, I thought, "Oh, how righteous."

Yeah, but the shockwave was SOOoooo much better. Gee, I wish BTS would scrap those new realistic looking explosions and muzzel flashes and give me back my shockwave. Hell, without the shockwave, I feel no reason to play CMBB at all
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Lars:

That's nothing.

We have none other than Grog Dorosh offering advice in the wrong uniform thread.

Advice?? He's offering HOT MANNEQUIN PORN.
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Joe Shaw, you feeble minded frickasee, send me a setup for that "Yelnia Stare" at once! I'm blind as a bat. You have my word as a Squire. I've devoted all my CMBB time so far to the Russian side of "Citadel Schwerpunkt", which I finally managed a Total Victory in.
Let me see if I have this right, I have YOUR WORD AS A SQUIRE that you've never played that scenario before, is that about it?

I have THE WORD of an admitted alias falsifier and scoundrel (okay I made up the scoundrel part but I defy you to prove me wrong about it) who is also a SQUIRE? Golly, that's good enough for me I guess!

I'll play your silly little scenario and much good may your foreknowledge do you sir ... I haven't trusted you since IL-2 ... and I've had no reason to change my opinion since. A setup is on the way, do TRY to remember to put it in the CMBB folder!

In other news, which idiot actually corresponded with that Barbarella clown? The only one I can think of that would do that is ... Treeburst155 ... based upon certain bizarre and likely drug induced suggestions he made to myself and the Olde Ones. No back channel communications around here Mikey me lad.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Great. Send me a turn, you knob.


I'd love to, you slobbering troglodyte, but Berli has visited a Monday on my Tuesday and I'm stuck at the office on a rush job. No idea when I will see the hallowed walls of Casa De Boo again.</font>
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Evening Comrades , I see we have moved in alright into our new home . A note or too . The demo sits in the hard drive all smug , not knowing its to be played too death over the next 3 weeks hehe .

Some Updates , The old game we used to play

Lars is beating me and I don't know why , I do know how but not why .

Everybody else , send a turn if you can be bothered .

The new game we all play now

Harv will attempt to break the defences around Kursk , the setup is winging its way too him right now . Its double blind , so should be intresting . Time for a Vodka methinks .

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Speaking of CMBO games in progress ( I know we weren't, but I am now, so tough.), I just finished up a wonderful attack on MacIsYouIsOrIsYouAintMyBaby,Jimmy where his defending Highland Lowlifers did the old Highland Fling Up Your Hands And Run Like Hell from the steady onslaught of my jack-booted thugs. Final score: 86-14, Total Victory.

Can ye ken tha, Jimmy?

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I fancy a little romp on the steppes.

Panty Waste - I do believe you reckoned you'd see me somewhere out in the vast wastes of Mother Russia but you've been very quiet about that, or are yuo still sulking because there's not enough whining on the CMBO board??

How about it boyo?

Mustard Pongo - where the feck are you?? I sent you an op for you to look over 3 weeks ago and you never erplied - now that's just plain rude and yuo deserve to have your bottom smacked. I'm sure Macey will be happy to oblige and may you both live happily ever after!

some updates from The olde worlde

alcasaltza - oh boy - mayhem, death and destruction in the forersts on the way to Arnhem, and that's just while our rear echelon troops get the latrines dug!

Dug the Demon - what sort of feckin' commando raid gets damned Stewarts and 8" artillery?? At least the gamey b'stard has stopped whinging about all his shock troops being dead!!

Poopsy Con is apparently on holiday rather than having to view the final turn of our postage stamp sized dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies. But all histanks and things died, and none of mine did, so he's losing nyah nyah nyah! It merely remains to see by how much.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Sweet thread dude! And you seem to have offended bman7755

Locked! And without even a 'by your leave' mate.


You know, this anti-allergy medification says it doesn't cause drowsiness. If that's true then I don't even wanna - ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

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Originally posted by Noba:


The wonderfull people at TELSTRA (spelt, not bolded) have seen fit to not let any mail escape from my pc. Therefore, those gits expecting turns can expect for a while longer.

At ease.


Bloody hell Noba look what you've done now!
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Guest PondScum

CMMB updates:

OGSF and I have out-stared each other to a DRAW in Yelnia. He might have owned more flag-like things at the end, but my men hunted down half his T34's like the wee spaniel-type armored DOGS they are. The crash of a Molotov cocktail is truly a sound to warm the heart - especially if said heart is trapped inside a rapidly heating tin can.

And if my hidden tin-can-openers had actually survived his gamey use of massed area fire, I might have got a win out of it. As it is, I shall just have to comfort myself in the happy thought of 18 dead at the hands of one little old HMG.

Those 11 points will still be mine, Jimmy. Oh yes.

[ September 03, 2002, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I feel no reason to play CMBB at all

Hooray - we're getting rid of you at last!</font>
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Originally posted by PondScum:

CMMB updates:


OGSF and I have out-stared each other to a DRAW in Yelnia.

And if my hidden tin-can-openers had actually survived his gamey use of massed area fire, I might have got a win out of it.

An' wee pigs might hae flown.

As it is, I shall just have to comfort myself in the happy thought of 18 dead at the hands of one little old HMG.

Pathetic. Ah present ye wi' 1,800 green an' conscript troops an' tha baist ye kin di as 18 killed? Ye're a damp patch o' gerbil pee.

Those 11 points will still be mine, Jimmy. Oh yes.

Final score: 54 tae 46, sae that'd bae 19 points noo. Nineteen, nana-nana-nineteen.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You SEE Mace ... you see what happens when you DON'T post the rules as you should!

For all the flock (sit dow ... no, on second thought Mace have at them) of SSNs who seem to be gathering at our door ... just go away. After trying to trudge through your posts I find you lot unworthy of even a sod off.

Justicar Joe Shaw, MrSpkr, all you two seem to do is whinge and whine about the lack of rules.

Let's look at this intelligently (I know it's a struggle but do try to keep up):

Pi) Outsiders who don't like the MBT aren't going to post here. In fact, they've probably never even going to venture here out of fear of being traumatised and suffering ongoing nightmares as a result.

Epsilon) Those that do like us are going to venture in here regardless of the rules, mainly to go look at me, I've posted in the MBT. Aren't I clever and witty! w00t!

What's the point of the rules? I for one don't bother reading them and if I ever start another MBT, I'm not even going to waste my time posting them.


oh yes, by the way, I'm the person who pointed out our good scribe's Website to Barbella.

And from discussions I've had with her, I'm convinced that she is a lady (albut a non CMBO or CMBB playing one) and thus should be welcomed here as much as Persephone and YK2.

btw, may your chooks turn into emus and kicky your dunny door in. tongue.gif


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