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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Hmmm, Joes Squaw perhaps I have been, how should we say, a little harsh with you, as it seems that you might be wise beyond your rather tender years! Maybe I should pander a little to your crazy whims and help to keep you poor souls happy. Mind you, I won't be beasted, you hear? I won't, godamnit I will not.

Marvellous, fine... er, excellent. Are yer sure you want to do this?

I mean, I expected, well... er, never mind - off with you and do Serfy things and mind yer betters, especially the Ladies of the Pool.

Oh, and report on yer battles with something vaguely literate or authentic. No good in hoping for something original, just authentic.

You HAVE read the rules?

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I'm not greedy. Just forget about everyone else and send me what I need. For instance, A "FECKING" TURN.

As a matter of fact, it often works better to actually do the sending yourself, when it is your damn move, Pop Korn. I don't give a rat's a$$ (which is far better than you deserve, anyway), what you want. I want to live a life of decadent luxury, but it ain't gonna happen, either.</font>
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Rules, rules? WHAT DAMN RULES? :mad: Nobody said anything about rules!

Gordon Bennett *mutter* *mumble* yes, yes, RULES LOTS OF 'EM, WHOLE BLEEDIN' VOLUMES.

Attend to the first page, post no. 1 and digest. BOOT.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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Well, with any kind of luck I can actually get this posted before some rummy does a big no-no again and gets the thread closed down.

Just wanted to show you all how I totally flummoxed our own Just-a-girl-who-can't say-no in a battle of his choosing.


Yes that's right. 100 to ZERO.

Once again, my jack-booted thugs proved to be more than a match for his floundering Frenchies.

If I wanted to be fair, I would tell you that the computer gave Ol' Joe three jeep MG's and three mortars while it gave me a mortar, a HMG, a 'Shreck, a halftrack AND an assault gun. But I have no desire to be fair, so I won't.

As for D_Feat, I sent you move 106 earlier this week. Are you telling me that it never arrived? If so, I'll resend.

[ July 13, 2002, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

...I sent you move 106 earlier this week. Are you telling me that it never arrived?

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. You and Pop Kan, both. Maybe you two should consider...oh, I don't know...a REAL ISP service? You know, one that actually transmits your e-mail? Sheesh!
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Hey, did you guys see how I got the last word in? Guffaw! Anyhow, turns going out tonight, and as per your request, Pappy, you'll be last.

Oh, little side note: As I was moving yesterday (an entire household of 5(!) people) with no friends but a U-Haul and a dolly (where do friends GO on moving day?) I thought shin splints were bad. Today I would gladly accept shin-splints, arm-splints, you name it, to make this horrible feeling in my calves go away. next time we move (yeah right, there'll be no next time) we are hiring a moving company. They will box our stuff up, move it, delicately unpack it, and even enquire with an interior designer as to the most tasteful location.

Oh, in the Cesspool news, I say we send Atlatl packing unless he gets rid of the FECKING SMILIES!!!

That'll be all.

[ July 13, 2002, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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I arrived at the office this afternoon in a bit of a funk, wondering how long it would take me to finish up some matters before the boss returns Monday from vacation. I thought I might be chained up in here for hours or more, and I had other things to do.

Well, the Gods of Liberation have smiled upon me, in a way. The system is down until tomorrow afternoon.

Now I have no choice but to drive up to a party, err, campaign event, for one of my best friends and engage in heavy drinking, umm, that is, social discourse, while reminding him he owes me big, err, exerting some influence on the political process, through a large bribe, uhm campaign contribution.

God bless the scumbags, umm politicians and their slavemasters, err donors. God bless the rigged system, umm, open democracy in which we live!

Turns out tomorrow if I feel like it. Otherwise, ponder this: how does one keep a moron in suspense?


[ July 13, 2002, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Or are you just back on the "sauce"?

Was I ever off? I can't remember. Must be the DT's. Have to drink double tonight, just to be on the safe side. Expect a strange turn of events in the next file. Now, where did I put that bottle?

Sir dalem, have you had enough of that trekkie wannabe (opinionated, immature, uninformed, et.al.) on the outerboards, yet? My guess is 14 or so. "Research assistant"? I'll bet he works in his dad's garage, looking up replacement part numbers. I guess a bigoted post in the name of religion is okay on this forum.

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MrSpkr, did you really need to drag it out for three whole pages, just to tell a certain "vet" that he was a rude bastich? I believe I said the same thing, in about 4 short paragraphs. Or are you just practicing your 'lawyer type ranting skills'? Either House Bard has had more impact on you than you admit (not that I blame you), or you charge by the word.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Now I have no choice but to drive up to a party, err, campaign event, for one of my best friends

Best friend? Is that a sort of escort service for the legal professional, and what do they charge hourly?

Otherwise, ponder this: how does one keep a moron in suspense?
MrSpkr, we'll get back to you with the answer as soon as we can.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hey, did you guys see how I got the last word in? Guffaw! Anyhow, turns going out tonight, and as per your request, Pappy, you'll be last.

Oh, little side note: As I was moving yesterday (an entire household of 5(!) people) with no friends but a U-Haul and a dolly (where do friends GO on moving day?) I thought shin splints were bad. Today I would gladly accept shin-splints, arm-splints, you name it, to make this horrible feeling in my calves go away. next time we move (yeah right, there'll be no next time) we are hiring a moving company. They will box our stuff up, move it, delicately unpack it, and even enquire with an interior designer as to the most tasteful location.

Oh, in the Cesspool news, I say we send Atlatl packing unless he gets rid of the FECKING SMILIES!!!

That'll be all.

As a newly graduated, indentured, passer-of-no-tests serf and general piss boy to the entire Cesspool I bow down to your superiority, I grovel at your feet, and promise never ever to infest this thread with the afore mentioned smilies! I also promise to carry out my duties as befits a man of my stature and standing in this community wether you like it or not.
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So what's all this I hear about a tourney? All members of the houses are to challenge members of other houses? I think I'm fighting people from all the houses right now. Oh wait, I don't think I'm playing anyone from See 'Em Players house. Does he have a house? Or just a kennel? Perhaps a roach motel (and not one of those nice roach motels either. I'm talking about the kind of run down roach motel that would normally be referred to as a flea bag roach motel, but in this case the fleas wouldn't even be caught dead in it. You know what I'm talking about.)?

And also the other members of House Croda must challenge someone from one of the Nancy-boy houses, right? Fine.

Squire Lurker? Front and center, boy!

"Oh, do put something on!

Yes, I can see you're wearing a shower cap, but it's not covering, er...where you need covering most.

No, you may not use it to cover that part of you which is not covered.

Well, for one reason it's clear plastic and it wouldn't DO that much.

No, I'm afraid just lathering up a whole bunch, as you put it, is just not going to cut the mustard.

Look, OK fine. Just jump back in the tub and I'll try to scare up Croda. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since the kidlets made an appearance, but I'll do my best.

What? No, you can't help look after your bath, by then it'll be WAY past your bedtime.

Yes, yes, yes. If you're nice and get your jammies on all by yourself, I'll read you a story.

YES, I'll read you 'The Olde Ones meet Godzilla And He Eats Them All Up, Num-Num!'.

Honestly, squires today.

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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Oh, in the Cesspool news, I say we send Atlatl packing unless he gets rid of the FECKING SMILIES!!!

As a newly graduated, indentured, passer-of-no-tests serf and general piss boy to the entire Cesspool I bow down to your superiority, I grovel at your feet....


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Thus sprach Serf Athkatla:

I also promise to carry out my duties as befits a man of my stature and standing in this community wether you like it or not.

Was that a nubian or merino wether?

[ July 13, 2002, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Oh, in the Cesspool news, I say we send Atlatl packing unless he gets rid of the FECKING SMILIES!!!

As a newly graduated, indentured, passer-of-no-tests serf and general piss boy to the entire Cesspool I bow down to your superiority, I grovel at your feet....


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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Thus sprach Serf Athkatla:

I also promise to carry out my duties as befits a man of my stature and standing in this community wether you like it or not.

Was that a nubian or merino wether?</font>
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Athkatla sayeth:

I'm stressed, and need time to settle to my new duties, so be patient, or I might just let loose again!

Ah, yes, duties. Carrying the honey pot is the duty of a serf. Quite right. But not for a Squire.

Lorak scribble it thusly that Athkatla is now Squire to myself, Sir Stuka and Sir Leeo of the House of Hopeless Causes.

Your first duties as such * KICK * are to lose the excuses and subservient tone.

* KICK * Next, you shall commit to memory the only training you'll ever need: Go Forth to Kill, Maim, Destroy and Conquer. Granted, I am not very good at this sort of thing but those I have squired are quite respectable at it.

* KICK * Do not cross Sir Berlichingen, the Evil One, lest he heap a mass of Mondays on you.

* KICK * Show respect to the ladies of the MBT, all others must pay cash.

That is all for now.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Athkatla sayeth:

I'm stressed, and need time to settle to my new duties, so be patient, or I might just let loose again!

Ah, yes, duties. Carrying the honey pot is the duty of a serf. Quite right. But not for a Squire.

Lorak scribble it thusly that Athkatla is now Squire to myself, Sir Stuka and Sir Leeo of the House of Hopeless Causes. </font>

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Whoa there podnas! I do believe that the unseemly grovelling (good show that!) at my feet makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that little Spear-Chucker should rightfully belong (err serve under) to me!

I demand a recount! Justice! Justicarrrrrr!!!

Moriarty breezed in like he owned the place and snapped up a squire that I believe is rightfully mine. Where were you, Moriarty when the smilies were rolling across these pages like severed heads?

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