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That Olde Peng Challenge Has Me In It's Spell

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No longer will be the CM:BO turns take forever. No more whiplash as the stunning view of CM:BO pans jerkily from left to right, or right to left, or top to bottom, or bottom to top, or forwards, or backwards, or... or... are there any camera movements not yet covered? Maybe not...

Ye olde Celeron 366 machine is being retired (well, passed on to the kids actually). In it's place shall be assembled a fearsome machine based on the Abit KX7-333 mobo, Athlon XP 1800+, 512MB PC2700 DDR RAM, and nVidia GeForce 3 Ti 200.

Now my electronic CM:BO hordes can die bigger, better, and faster than ever before.

Flight shall be possible in IL-2. Maybe I'll shoot down someone other than Jowl Shaw.

And in the depths of the basement, it shall be Neverwinter...

Oohh, I'm all a tingle...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

mass snippage of nearly mindless drivel

Oh, and Papa Khan, I'd be happy to give you a game as soon as I get my email situation straightened out.

more bulk bunk snippage

Excellent. I'll be happy to give you a good drubbing, just as soon as you can get your *email situation* (does anyone else suspect he means self) straightened out.


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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

{snipped boring computer lingo}

Oohh, I'm all a tingle...

Fine, right whatever, but remember the sequence ... UNzip ... Tingle ... REzip ... let's not have any repeats of the unfortunate incidents in the past, besides once those zippers start rusting they're hell to open, just ask dalem.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Fine, right whatever, but remember the sequence ... UNzip ... Tingle ... REzip

Don't you mean "UNzip ... TinKle ... REzip"?

Oh, no, you really DID mean "TinGle".

Never mind.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hey whatever works for him I guess ... btw, what happened to the June 24th release date for CMBB ... I KNOW you've been waiting for someone to ask.


While I could offer some lame excuse, like "I didn't say what year" or "I got MY copy, where is yours?" or somefink, I won't. Obviously, something far more sinister was at work.

I now have reason to believe I was the victim of a disinformation campaign involving MadMatt and Mouse. My spies are busily at work gathering more information which our cryptographers will process upon receipt. Now, if you'll excuse me, my tinfoil hat needs repair.


P.S. Have mercy on the poor lad, Joe; use ArtyFest '45 instead of Jabo!.

[ June 25, 2002, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hey whatever works for him I guess ... btw, what happened to the June 24th release date for CMBB ... I KNOW you've been waiting for someone to ask.


While I could offer some lame excuse, like "I didn't say what year" or "I got MY copy, where is yours?" or somefink, I won't. Obviously, something far more sinister was at work.

I now have reason to believe I was the victim of a disinformation campaign involving MadMatt and Mouse. My spies are busily at work gathering more information which our cryptographers will process upon receipt. Now, if you'll excuse me, my tinfoil hat needs repair.


P.S. Have mercy on the poor lad, Joe; use ArtyFest '45 instead of Jabo!.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh fine, destroy what little remained of my faith in the legal profession.

No problem. That'll be $45.00.

As to using Arty Fest '45 wouldn't that give him an even break? Why would I want to do that?


Consider WHO your opponent is, Joe. Do you really think anything short of giving him 38 King Tigers against your lone Conscript HQ unit will really constitute 'giving him an even break"?

I didn't think so.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />It likes to you those ugly little faces, doesn't it Precious, Yesssss it does. We hates those little faces, don't we Precious, hmmmm? Yessss we hates them. WE HATES THEM FOREVER!

Too bad Bo Diddley the're here to stay, and frankly my dear, I couldn't give a damn :D What is a computer retoucher anyway, why did you touch it in the first instance? Do you have a fetish about computers? :eek: </font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />It likes to you those ugly little faces, doesn't it Precious, Yesssss it does. We hates those little faces, don't we Precious, hmmmm? Yessss we hates them. WE HATES THEM FOREVER!

Too bad Bo Diddley the're here to stay, and frankly my dear, I couldn't give a damn :D What is a computer retoucher anyway, why did you touch it in the first instance? Do you have a fetish about computers? :eek: </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hey I warned you not to put in your good teeth before you tried it, but no, you didn't listen.</font>
No, you're quite right I didn't ... but I thought the blowtorch did the trick nicely ... you certainly were a baby about it though, even after I put the fire out with my boots.


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Lars if you want us to look at something, PROVIDE A FREAKIN ADDRESS. I will be damned (sure sure I know I am already) if I am going to dredge through all that crap to see a traffic accident when there is no thread title with that in it, anything similar, any thread started by Hiram or any hint whatsoever about what the hell you are on about.

Quite a large portion of the most important of us are in entirely different time zones than you yanks are even aware exist, and most of us are gainfully employed and don't have time to comb the detritus like those of you holed up in a third hand trailer on Mille-Lacs with your small arsenal, a cable modem, a 2 litre botte of DEET and a few skin mags.

Actually, I'm not that interested but kinda needed to plant a book mark here after reading 4 pages of this twaddle. Ever notice how the first four pages of a new Peng thread go like a rat up a drain pie with all the tourists, interlopers and new bag of SSN's?

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Originally posted by athkatla:

I don't understand the word clothespin, I do wish you would learn to speak the Queen's English as it should be spoken, and not use those awful "Americanisms" that you people over there are so fond of, good lord man, whatever next :eek:

I wouldn't take that from some fellow who's apparently named himself after a city in Amn, Boo.
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Originally posted by Lars:

Hiram, you're a credit to the Pool.

Everyone trek over to the General Forum and look at the traffic accident.

Is that the one where he asks Grog Dorosh if the way to get girls is to have a mannequin in his apartment?

Loved Dorosh's extremely disturbed original post with pics of the be-uniformed mannequins he keeps in his apartment.

Norman Bates has nothing on our lad Dorosh.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

To whit, R_Leete, consider yourself CHALLENGED ... yada, yada, yada. {yawn}

I prefer: {stupid paramaters, more in kind with the typical grog than a 'pooler}

Next, you should know that I am squire to none other than Sir Seanachai , the creator of the MBT itself. Okay maybe not the creator. More like the fool who stumbles upon the chained, iron bound, oak door to Hell, (replete with dire warnings in ominously glowing letters) and strolls in without any thought to the consequences. Pandora's got nothing on him, no sir.

More, as to your half-hearted (and witted) attempt at a challenge: I have a website listed in my profile. Which, upon viewing, should provide ample oppourtunity for one of even your advanced senility to ridicule, debase and deride. Did you take the free shot? Noooo , you just think I'm going to let it slide, and grant you a game. Whadda ya think? I'm some soft-headed old goat like Joe ? Taunt me all direct and personal like, and then we'll see. First, you draw blood, then say "engarde". Lesson for the day.

Last, what's up with all the damn conditions? As the latest SSN (at least the only one barging around like we want them here), you takes what you gets, newb. Like Jabos!, maybe. Naw, that one is too long.

And other, seeing as your from the same Minisnowda as my Lord and Master, I'll grant you a boon. Pick something from Der Kessel. By the way, anyone heard from [loony] Mensch [/loony]? Byte Battles are perferred. If not, small QB. All random, either side. But beforehand, you must show me some back-stabbing verbal foreplay. I may be easy, but I'm not cheap.

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Next, you should know that I am squire to none other than Sir Seanachai , the creator of the MBT itself. Okay maybe not the creator. More like the fool who stumbles upon the chained, iron bound, oak door to Hell, (replete with dire warnings in ominously glowing letters) and strolls in without any thought to the consequences. Pandora's got nothing on him, no sir.

Fool! GIT! Pillock! Yes you may be his current watery squirrel, but it was I Panzer Leader who squirreled to the master in those heady days of yore (no not those heady days, but the ones one yore up, the ones just a bit less heady) and I can tell you from indisputable second-yore knowldege, that he did not stumble blindly into the gates of Berli's house, also known as "the ass of the world".)

No, he had many eons (a half-yore to be precise) of introspection, followed by an entire tome written on the subject of exactly why it was his duty, his raison de tree to open that ass of the world.

For, he reasoned (which becomes clear in paragraph 42) is it not better to look into the ass of the world and turn away in disgust, rather than to never have beheld the ass of the world at all?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Is that the one where he asks Grog Dorosh if the way to get girls is to have a mannequin in his apartment?

Loved Dorosh's extremely disturbed original post with pics of the be-uniformed mannequins he keeps in his apartment.

Norman Bates has nothing on our lad Dorosh.

That’s the one.

It had wit. It had style. It had panache.

It slipped the shiv in so deep you could hear the howls of laughter around the whole board.

A masterstroke.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Yes you may be his current watery squirrel, {snipped chest beating and bleating}

What in Crom's name is a "watery squirrel"? Are you breeding the local fauna? Is that what you get from too much BBQ sauce on the brain? You flatlanders sure are a strange crowd.

Edit: take that, you A-R spell checker. Yes, I mean you, Panty Sniffer .

[ June 25, 2002, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Lars if you want us to look at something, PROVIDE A FREAKIN ADDRESS. I will be damned (sure sure I know I am already) if I am going to dredge through all that crap to see a traffic accident when there is no thread title with that in it, anything similar, any thread started by Hiram or any hint whatsoever about what the hell you are on about.

Hmm, it’s the only thread on the General Forum started by Hiram, but then, you are Australian.

Quite a large portion of the most important of us are in entirely different time zones than you yanks are even aware exist,
We prefer it that way.

and most of us are gainfully employed and don't have time to comb the detritus like those of you holed up in a third hand trailer on Mille-Lacs with your small arsenal, a cable modem, a 2 litre botte of DEET and a few skin mags.
O.K., so that part’s true.

Actually, I'm not that interested but kinda needed to plant a book mark here after reading 4 pages of this twaddle. Ever notice how the first four pages of a new Peng thread go like a rat up a drain pie with all the tourists, interlopers and new bag of SSN's?
Tis fated to be, I’m afraid. But just for you, my little upside-down lizard.

Hey Panzer Leader, did you know…

And the rebuttal.

Hey Dorosh, how does one go about getting a girlfriend?

Not often you see a man begging for his own thread to be locked.

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