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What Should Be in the Patch?

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gunnersman, that is still possible. Up to you if you want to use Esc or Alt-tab

Another feature I want: Possibility to withdraw ceasefire request. If I think I have control of all the flags and spot a hiding enemy half squad I want to call off the offer until I have eliminated that unit. There are other reasons as well that can make me change my mind...

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Okay, I started a thread on this, but will mention it here as well.

In the scenario editor, I would like to be able to use a "Y" shaped hedge, fence, road, wall, woods/road, etc.

This would be particularly useful in urban or village settings, where the current work-around using three or four tiles to make a "Y" intersection is inadequate.


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Originally posted by mPisi:

When setting waypoints, allow the backspace key to delete the last waypoint, while the mouse is active for setting the next waypoint. CMBO allowed this, while in CMBB the backspace key doesn't do anything when the mouse is setting the waypoint. Enabling the backspace key allowed quick corrections of waypoints, especially when right-clicking to add a number of waypoints in a row.

I too missed this feature when playing the demo and I'm sorry to hear that it isn't in the final version either. I usually play with both hands, left one on the kayboard and right one on the mouse so it is most convinient to use backspace to delete the last waypoint and add a new one with the right mouse button. This minimizes mouse movement and the number of pressed keys.

While I'm at it I just want to raise again the question about the new rotate/starfe function. As I have described I play with the left hand allways on the keyboard so pressing shift has come second nature to me. So there is no new funtionality with this new system. Actually it is worse than with CMBO because I now have to pay attention how high my mousepointer is. So for me the easiest option would be turning of this new function(of course by it being optional) or adding a new functionkey, for example Control, which would set rotate mode on. I chose Control because it is under Shift key. My finger is on the Shift-key allready so pressing Control instead Shift would be easy.

This way you would not have to press either Shift nor Control if you don't want to, but if you don't want to pay attention to the mouse cursor you would just choose the key that suits your movement desires and push the mouse to the side! Maybe even further moving options could be added. Now you can move forward and rotate or move back and left/right. But with the proposed system maybe you could rotate and move at the same time by pressing both keys!

Originally posted by Visom:

Possibility to 'accept' a movie only turn without actually watching the movie. (When I receive a movie it would be nice to just accept it and return the result file and then later on watch the movie when the next file arrives). This would speed up PBEM games, as we could then tell our email clients to accept and return the file immediately without touching the PC.

This also would be very convinient.


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I'd like to see the PRINT SCREEN key remapped

to output a full color bitmap or TGA file of

what's on the screen at the moment to the CMBB


Some computers cannot ALT-TAB out from CMBB without

crashing, and having to save the pix outside of

CMBB is annoying, especially if you want to take

a lot of pictures....

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Thanks Andreas, missed that in the demo.

Ryan, if you want to get multiple screenshots without exiting CM try UOSU. You can take as many screenshots as you like and they'll be stored on the HD (numbered either in sequence 001, 002... or with a timestamp). Great tool for screenshots, I don't understand those who prefers to take one shot at a time.

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Originally posted by ciks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by redwolf:

When splitting squads, the second half always counts as dead with regards to victory points.

I'm not sure i understand this. You mean, when you split the squad, the B part is automatically, instantly considered as casualties?</font>
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Can only second most other posters.

- If fumbling of vehicle turnrate is necessary, please check out the brilliant www.jagdtiger.de Panther videos before (The beast turns fast on the spot, much much faster then an Abrams for isntance which almost throws his track,hehe).

- Marders can transport a halfsquad, if you don't believe i'll send you the photos.

- Even a vector blob would be suffice to me, to emulate horses for towing. (6th German Army for instance had around 300'000 horses !!!!), or in another word something which though being slow doesn't bog outside a road.....How should i emulate a retreating inf-column with support weapons in the open now ?????!

- Because the bikes hadn't made it in, we need something else with a MG being small and fast. How about VW-Schwimmwagen with an MG, and able to transport a 2-men section ??? (On the russian side the jeep with the same feature). Now i have no vehicle for recon, and by recon i mean to race to a spot in cover and then leave the vehicle take the glasses and observe. Why that ? In real one can easily recon even with a KT if deployed turret down, the observer then either can observe from the open hatch or climb onto the Turret, or park the beast behind a house leave the vehicle and observe. As all this can only be brought in with a lot of programming into CMxx the Schwimmwagen/Wheep-solution with passenger AND MG is the cheapest. (What in hell should i do with footslogger Recon units ???)

- Ari-Observer with radio can of course man a vehicle and do his duty. Ever heard of the flying Ari-observers which terrorised the germans in WWII ?

- For AI controlled vehicles the collision detection should be disabled or better by user choice even a command line para would be enough . Maps even with only a bit of wood or other obstacles (like road bends) hopelessly clog the AI-vehicles for turns without end, which makes their already tiring slow attack speed in general even slower (not to be misunderstanded as to low vehicle speeds in detail).....

- It's now quite difficult to plot waypoints within 2-story buildings. (Maybe i missed some new tweek ??)

- For unit selection in scenario design mode a general ammo selector would be great. Example i buy an Inf Cpy and adjust the ammo count for all the squads and units. It's extremely tiring to adjust levels for a multi Inf-bataillon force.

A short and cheap method would be a single checkbox in the HQ-unit's edit-screen "adjust all units", if checked adjustment of the HQ-unit then automatically adjust ammo counters of subordinated units, the same for morale and the like. This way one can quite fast adjust levels for a bat, cpy and platoon to a satisfactory level.



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Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:



Originally posted by -E:



Originally posted by japinard:

A way to save a camera angle and zoom you always use...


I second the motion.






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Please give people the option to go back to the CMBO style mouse commands. In otherwords, I would like placing the mouse in the lower left corner to rotate the camera left while moving the camera back.

I understand some people prefer camera movement the way it is, but it would be nice to allow toggling.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Andreas:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PawBroon:

That's true Andreas but then again so were Cardboard Counters.


I think what I am trying to make sure is that Shatter understands that there is no in-game effect from representing a 105mm gun instead of 150mm gun.</font>
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