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A witty Peng Challenge and other Oxymorons

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Really, Peng, it could still be so much worse. While you were in the gentleman's at Glueks bar, Berli and I seriously discussed selling you to that horrible woman who was waving at you. I can't remember just now why we decided against it.

Because we thought we could set him up with the goat in the back room instead
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Did I ever say how annoying it is to sit at work and not being allowed to respond?

Well I'm about to make up for it now.......

Originally posted by Persephone:


The Justicar once told me he had a big pair - I assumed he was talking about his manhood.

Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hell, you Australians root for CRICKET

...a little rooting to liven things up ain't a bad idea...

...Oh, I forgot... at your age, rooting holds no interest any longer</font>

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Allison who?

She was not behind the bar tonight. Some of The brainshare bastards {not including me} had a banquet room and Dear, Sweet Allison was running her fanny off all night. I stole a moment of her time to say "hello." She offered a lame apology for blowing me off, and that was that. I sat at the bar and drank my porter and she avoided me the rest of the evening.

So do I feel bad? Who gives a rat's ass about some beer slinging wench?! Right? She has done this a million times to a million fat bellied balding conventioneers merely for big tips and to shill beer. That is all. No more no less.

I will be contacting Shaw and take my frustrations out by flogging him senseless in CM. dammit. I will also probably have one last porter after the thing is over tomorrow. One last longing look at what was never meant to be. Dammit.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Subsequently posted by AussieJeff:


Why thnak you my Liege. Its a pity schools these days don't curry that *biffo* sort of discipline, eh?

I must right on the BLACKboard 1,000<SUP><SMALL>4</SUP> times - BLACK is EVIL and therefore GOOD!


SOB (Squire Of Berli)


Quote of the week:

"Oohhh... Mr Peng is such a spunk (swoon)! I want him to have my babies!!"

The Beatiful Allusion

Heard recently at Glueks Karaoke Bar

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Guest PondScum

Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Why thnak you my Liege. Its a pity schools these days don't curry that *biffo* sort of discipline, eh?

I wouldn't mention curry to The Evil One if I were you. He gets a little... choked-up... on the subject.
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Really, Peng, it could still be so much worse. While you were in the gentleman's at Glueks bar, Berli and I seriously discussed selling you to that horrible woman who was waving at you. I can't remember just now why we decided against it.

Because we thought we could set him up with the goat in the back room instead</font>
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Originally posted by Stuka:


In the interest of satisfying this eternal foreign wonder and awe of all things Australian, I present to you ferrin types......

This weekends footy tips!

(i) Broncos over Bulldogs

(1F) Sharks over Melbourne Storm (sorry Mace)

(~) Knights over Cowboys (*sniff*)

(12) Raiders over Rabbitos

(7b) Dragons over Panthers

(oo) Eels over Tigers

(.) Warriors over Roosters

There you go, you Aussie-wannabees. Now you can impress all your freinds and co-workers with your intimate knowledge of the UberAustralis game of choice.

Especially you Joe, I know you root for all these teams.

Bah, nothing but bumsniffers the real footy doesn't start till next weekend.

P.S.- If you want to do some sporty rooting I suggest you take a trip to North Melboune.

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Originally posted by Mace:

...yet, Gnome's are always cast from the same mould.

Pssst, need I point out that Fanny means something else down here?


No, I'm already familiar with that concept. An Aussie told me they 'bout laugh themselves sick when Yank tourists keep talking about their Fanny Packs. Same thing for the Brits, according to some I've met.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

An Aussie told me they 'bout laugh themselves sick when Yank tourists keep talking about their Fanny Packs. Same thing for the Brits, according to some I've met.

By the way, do you guys know of any job vacancies Down Under that may suit my inclinations

Great news, Seanachai! I saw an ad in the main paper today that could be roight up your alley (so to speak).

The job description is as follows and is actually available in New York!:

Outstanding career opportunity with theatrical group. Excellent remuneration with tips included.

Intense job satisfaction with great travel opportunities.

The successful applicant must be small of stature but extremely flexible with good knowledge of Origami.

For a personal interview and unique opportunity to display your attributes to the world, please apply in writing to:







11/2 Second Avenue, Broadway.




[ March 22, 2002, 06:18 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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I wouldn't mention curry to The Evil One if I were you. He gets a little... choked-up... on the subject.
Hey AJ, Mace, Berli should become a member of Fremantle. He already has the "HEAVE - HO" bit sorted....



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Originally posted by Speedy:

Feh! and snort!, you southerners are all alike. Aussie rules footy is bloody aerial ping-pong and you know it.

A man gets sin-binned if he even glares at an opponent in a jaunty fashion let alone *gasp* actually dares tackle him.

Of course I must commend your Wayne Carey on the shagging of his Vice Captain's missus. Very well done, very well done indeed. She is a good sort wot? OOOERR, not too bad at all.

On a more serious note, gentle 'poolers, I must report that the first real footy match of the weekend has not quite played out to your old Uncle Stukey's prediction. The Brissy Bronco's and the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs played it out to a 20 all draw tonight.


Joe, I know this news won't affect you too badly as you root for both these teams.

Good on ya, buddy.

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Tidings from the hinterlands!

Lars has managed to salvage a draw out of the complete and utter victory he held going into the final turn.

This one started out with me on the ropes, losing four tanks by the fourth or fifth turn. My brave Americans rallied and took the fight to the Swedish huns, routing them on our right flank, and decimating them on the left -- American artillery fire was so accurate and deadly that post-battle reviews showed 3/4 of one of his platoons lay in perfect marching order along one side of the road.

A last minute infantry and bazooka charge at his two ubertanken sufficiently contested the victory location, costing him the win. The scalawag had the audacity to complain when my lone American Ronson refused to charge over a hill into the waiting guns of his two ubertanks waiting 10m below the crest.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

The scalawag had the audacity to complain when my lone American Ronson refused to charge over a hill into the waiting guns of his two ubertanks waiting 10m below the crest.

Nice of you to forget to mention that the said Ronson spent dang near the entire game in the hull-down spot from heaven. If you had moved him an inch in any direction he would have been dead.

At least I got someone over that bridge.

[ March 22, 2002, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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posted elsewhere by some SSN

When I stumble into a to a PENG thread I read a few lines and realize I have stumbled into the wardroom (shipboard o-ganger hangout and mess) and quickly excuse myself and head back up the passagway to the Chiefs Quarters. But I have to remind myself that when I play CM Im actualy trying to be an officer!

I always thought we were the Port Admirals?


[ March 22, 2002, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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To think that I just read 2 pages of that crap in an effort to 'catch up' with the absurd happenings in this asylum.

What have I leared?

My squire has no bile on Fridays.

Australian teams have goofy names.

Peng can't even get laid by a woman who makes a living off of 'extra payments.'

Fricking wonderful.

I'm away in scenic Massachusetts for the weekend (got my High School reunion tomorrow night ya'know) and won't return a thing until Sunday night at earliest.

Unitl then, if anyone sees that earless-freak, dalem, teach him how to use his email.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

So wait a minute, just was is a "fanny" in OZtralliya?

Ah geeze, Panzer Leader can't you just leave well enough alone? If we'd all just ignored them as I was doing they'd have started talking about something else, granted it wouldn't have made any more sense but it would have at least been different and we wouldn't have had to listen to all the crap about their stupid transplanted pommie games featuring guys in white zoot suits making "bang bang" finger signals and with scores like "East Fungus Sweat 34 - 129 - 87, Hoofinmouthingshire 25 - 156 - 91." Now, mark my words, they'll be going on about it forever!

Peng, it may be later ... it may be never, have to clear it with the spousal element and she won't be home until probably 6:30 and then she may say NO. Now I COULD be a real man, stand up to her and say something akin to "Damnit woman, out of my way, I'm off to a night of CM with Peng." But we both know that THAT'S not going to happen. I'll let you know either way.


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Originally posted by Croda:

What have I leared?

My squire has no bile on Fridays.

I'm away in scenic Massachusetts for the weekend (got my High School reunion tomorrow night ya'know) and won't return a thing until Sunday night at earliest.

A thousand pardons M'Lud, but I was expending my bile on several recalcitrant coworkers. That and the fact that my other liege (the one who actually PAYS me) had me confused with some type of circus poodle. Why else would he require me to jump through so many flaming hoops?

Oh, and about your trip this weekend. I must say, I think it's very cute. I was unaware that reform schools had reunions.

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