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A witty Peng Challenge and other Oxymorons

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You are, my liege, a wimp. Now this is satisfying:

Noba: lost 41 vehicles, including many Panther-type thingies. Lost in a major way.

PondScum: lost 4 vehicles and 1 piddly little aircraft. French, and therefore did not lose.

Not quite true pumpkin...what about the infantry you lost ? Huh, Huh ??

Anyway. It was rigged.



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Guest PondScum

Originally posted by Noba:

Not quite true pumpkin...what about the infantry you lost ? Huh, Huh ??
Oh yes, the infantry. I lost 41 French waiters, and yet still managed to get a company of them around the flagpole on the village green. You lost 167 Panzergrenadiers, with just one platoon left twiddling their thumbs in the woods, waiting for my Shermans to hunt them down. Thanks for reminding me.

Need I mention that if I had had one more turn, your sole remaining gamey-flak-truck-of-doom would have been toast? And its little dog too.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

As I haven't had to dodge any globs (yet), no weeping is forthcoming. But the spitballs Boo Radley has been hurling at my pillboxes have made quite the mess. This one's going to alert the EPA, with all those burning tanks of his.

Too True, too true. The whole valley is beginning to smell like New Jersey and that's never a good thing.

As for the forthcoming globs, I know that you'll wear them with both pride and distinction now that you've been made serf.

It was only last week that poor R-Leete was telling me that he felt as shunned as an Amish boy with a nipple ring. Sad, really.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

The Justiacar is so...just.


Methinks I spy a spelling mistake in yon post.

A screwup me doest beleive.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

The Justiacar is so...just.


Methinks I spy a spelling mistake in yon post.

A screwup me doest beleive.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I have long made a practice of not hassling fellow CessPudlians about spelling or UBB errors, as who among us has not fallen afoul of either. In this particular case I, to my shame, stumbled from the path of righteousness...

I tip my hat to you, Sir.

Hey, buddy; can you spare a dime?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I have long made a practice of not hassling fellow CessPudlians about spelling or UBB errors, as who among us has not fallen afoul of either.


In this, I believe I see the Justicar's wisdom.

If you focus on each and every time a Cesspuddlian, walks out with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his foot, it detracts from the amount of fun you can have when you catch them in a public place with their breeks at half mast.

I know it's hard to forego instant gratification, but pleasure postponed is pleasure multiplied.

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Where shall I rudely interupt? What inane conversation should I thrust my unwelcome presence into? Nothing of note to be read today in the Mutha Beautiful thread. So, I shall reminisce about the Good Ol Days.

I miss being ignored by the Old Firm and being verbally castigated by Germanboy for being such a “newbie”. I do miss the chiding of jdmorse and the exhortations of PeterNZer. I miss the barking of Hamsters, the clever insults of Mark IV, and the inane bleating of Chupacabra. Those were the days when Moriarty would have these clever comebacks that always made me chuckle. I truly enjoyed the little verbal battle between Kitty and MrHappy. I agreed with MrHappy by the way. (he’s so kewl)

So many memories to be savored. We’ve created something larger than the sum of our number. I left for a while and came back to leave and then come back. Each time I came back, I was kicked and spat upon as a reward for my idiocy. (thanks, guys!! I get so choked up sometimes) I changed usernames as often as the Bard changes his frilly bloomers.

Those were the days.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. Not complaining over here, boss. I’m still loving the Mutha Beautiful Thread thanks to Mrs. Berliand a few other people. It’s just that sometimes, when I’m drinking my beer and sitting in my bubble bath, listening to my Mozart and clipping my tremendous toenails…I think of the Good Ol Days.

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Still swearing at printer configurations. But at least I’ve worked my way up from the HP430 to the Oce 9800. More progress than most of you lot will make in a millennia.

Game Updates:

Berli: Has thrashed my ubergamey KTs, Panthers, PIVs and Flak guns with good old American airpower. Lorak, you may scribe this one as a defeat for me.

Iskander: In keeping with the theme, has also thrashed a wide collection of Shermans and Kangaroos. What he didn’t kill, he burned. The tie breaker match is to commence. Lorak, scribe this one likewise.

Agua Perdido: Is still pondering the setup for Berli’s latest vision of hell, Rees-am-Rhein.

OGSF: The little Hetzer of Death has been joined by the little Armored Car of Death. I’ve never been so outnumbered and had such a good time winning.

MrSpkr: Random shelling. We’re both too beat to move much further. I predict a draw for this one.

CMplayer: Send a turn.

Noba: Your e-mail don’t work.

AussieJeff: Your e-mail don’t work either.

Hanns: Must be taking a matchbook correspondence course in how to fix computers.

Sock Monkey: His flanking attack is not as cunning as mine. My flanking attack doesn’t have a enemy tank waiting right there…

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


Methinks I spy a spelling mistake in yon post.

A screwup me doest beleive.


So do I. I believe it's "beleive".</font>
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Originally posted by Persephone:


Oh my Gawd! I've discovered a book with Seanachai on the cover!!! This is a real book. I promise I did no retouching.

Is that a red condom on his head? I always thought you could fit one (they're stretchy) on a small enough gnome.
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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Oh my Gawd! I've discovered a book with Seanachai on the cover!!! This is a real book. I promise I did no retouching.

Is that a red condom on his head? I always thought you could fit one (they're stretchy) on a small enough gnome.</font>
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Update time:

Seanachai and I are coming down to the wire. Hand-to-hand, and all the goodness that entails. Should be close, and very bloody. Next time, get some armor, Gnome.

Elvis: Gamey last turn flag rush was all that saved his sorry butt. That and copious amounts of artillery. Note that my flag rush was one turn previous to his, so as to not be gamey at all. Let that be a lesson to you not to leave a Priest sitting all by it's lonesome.

MarkIV has been missing in action for some time now. Anybody heard from that californicator?

Tank man has not returned the setup of "crodaburg". Can you blame him? He may be smarter than his posts would indicate.

Boo Radley is creeping forward slowly. Right into the TRPs, that's a good boy. He's blowing more smoke than a hippie at Woodstock. My 88 pillbox is nailing tanks each time it fires. He might have some left to get blasted by my Panthers, but not many.

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Got the map. Thank you Goanna.

I should be glad but I'm not. I stared at it for longer than I really wanted to and it didn't improve much and then I remembered Julie and had a violent twinge. Bother. So I turned the map around and noticed that if you look at it with the road running from the top to the bottom it looks like a crevice separating two firm buttocks. And then I remembered Julie again and imagined meself running hooves across the rough, thrusting hemispheres...

I like Julie, so I'll sing a Julie song. I'd ask you all to join in but I won't bother. You won't understand my torment and you'd probably get it wrong and spoil everything.

High on a hill was a lonely donkey

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay heehaw

Loud was the voice of the lonely donkey

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-honk honk

Folks in a town that was quite remote heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay heeeeeyoooore

Lusty and clear from the donkey's throat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-hook honk honk honk honk

One little girl in a pale pink coat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee eeeeyawwww

She yodeled back to the lonely donkey

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo big boy

Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay heehawwww

What a duet for a girl and donkey

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

[ March 19, 2002, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:


There is something seriously wrong with this boy.

I sleep better knowing that there is 3500 nm and several Customs agents between us.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw :

...it would be Immigration and Naturalization that would determine IF he can come in and considering how well they've been doing lately ...

Agreed. They let Lorak back in. Talk about your missed opportunities...
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