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The family tree of wargaming

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Its interesting to see when looking around this forum that I am not the only one who was out there boardgaming on my own way back when...

Anyway, this got me thinking that CMBO/BB must be able to trace their heritage back to the good old days of figure wargaming. Remember those wonderful battles using 20mm or HO/OO scale plastic figures from Airfix, Esci et al?

There must still be figure wargamers out there but are they a dying breed? There will always be a few, I hope. But given the quality of games such as this the hobby's tabletop days could be numbered....

This then led me into thinking what could be done to make CMBO/BB the ultimate "PROPER" wargame.

here's my wish list!!

A few unpainted buildings

Trees that keep falling over

The odd metallic figure, unpainted.

A river that is made from Road terrain pieces.

The whole underlying terrain made froma kingsize duvet! I swear I did this as a kid! :D

A tank that has a glued down turret that can't rotate.

A mascot at the rear of your sides setup zone (normally a bizarre fantasy character like an Orc or Wizard)

Some dice lying about.

The rule book that gets in the way.

A glass of beer.

And the piece de la resistance: When a squad is destroyed a hand descends from above and either takes the casualty away or flicks it off the table!

Any more suggestions to make us old and grizzled wargamers feel at home?

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Originally posted by Mercury:


here's my wish list!!

A few unpainted buildings

Trees that keep falling over

The odd metallic figure, unpainted.

A river that is made from Road terrain pieces.

The whole underlying terrain made froma kingsize duvet! I swear I did this as a kid! :D

A tank that has a glued down turret that can't rotate.

A mascot at the rear of your sides setup zone (normally a bizarre fantasy character like an Orc or Wizard)

Some dice lying about.

The rule book that gets in the way.

A glass of beer.

And the piece de la resistance: When a squad is destroyed a hand descends from above and either takes the casualty away or flicks it off the table!

Any more suggestions to make us old and grizzled wargamers feel at home?

A little like this?





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Originally posted by The Commissar:

Hawk, what game are you guys playing?!

That's from a big AK47 clash we had. We also play a lot of 15mm WWII battles (using the Command Descision system) and have tried 6mm as well.

We're a bunch of guys from late 20's to 40-something who gets together regularly and play a lot of war/strategy games, both board, miniature and computer. The fun of playing at my age is that one can afford more and better toys... :D

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Units that fly all over the place when the cat jumps on the monitor.

The sound of dice being rolled just before your T34 bursts into flames.

Messages from the AI like 'I'm sorry, but rule of sub-section 6 of the Use of German Field Kitchens in 1943 section says you can't do that'.

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All the pieces shaking as your opponent stomps off muttering something about "lousy die rolls". :D

WW2 ending as the bar is just about to shut. :D

Suddenly getting a flank attack as the Orcs on the table next to you get nudged by the dice landing on them.

And the cat always jumps on your units just you're about to make that winning die roll.

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We used to play Tractics with 1/36 (or was it 1/72) scale miniatures, on a sand table in our basement that was 16'x7'. I used to ref, and we'd have 2-3 guys on each side, playing a massive battle, BLIND play (each side had to leave the room while the other side took their turn, then they left, then I'd remove all their unspotted pieces (marking the sand a bit so I could remember where they went), then invite the 2nd team in to make their move...

Ah, the memories.

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Originally posted by Firefly:

Units that fly all over the place when the cat jumps on the monitor.

The sound of dice being rolled just before your T34 bursts into flames.

Messages from the AI like 'I'm sorry, but rule of sub-section 6 of the Use of German Field Kitchens in 1943 section says you can't do that'.

Oh yes!

My Friend Brad called them 6-sided-demons!

The sound of dice rolling/rattling should be a .wav file playing during the "crunch" when the blue line shows the turn calculation....

ah the sound of dice rolling! Thats what Combat Mission is missing! :D

-tom w

[ November 10, 2002, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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We need........umm.......fire templates - that's it.

You know - those wire/cardboard thingies you used to put over targets and roll a dice to see where the shell actually lands - still used in many games.

The first games I ever played used one for direct fire - marked 1-6, you put 3 1/2 over the centre of the target & rolled a dice - if you rolled a number that was on top of the target you hit it - IIRC the numbers weer 3/4" apaprt at short range, 1" at med range and 1 1/2" at long range!!

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Some really sick bastard could make a bunch of mods to replicate the look of a miniatures game. Here are some suggestions:

1. Make the LOS and and LOF lines much wider, color them yellow, and mark them in black with inches.

2. Mod all troops so they're only 1 color base uniform color from head to toe, but have this only in the low spots and make the high spots shine like bare metal. Mod all vehicles on similar lines to troops, but maybe add a few globby camo dots here and there.

4. Mod all vegitation to look like hunks of green-painted moss, pipecleaners painted brown, etc.

5. Mod all ground textures to look like foam rubber with paint applied.

6. Mod all building textures to look like a mix of model railroad buildings and blocks of wood painted brown with irregular black windows here and there.

7. Change all shooting sounds to recordings of some drunk making child-like gunfire noises, followed by rattling dice.

8. Change the reload sound of ordnance to a beer top being popped.

9. Change all the voices to some drunk saying what the unit is doing. Things like "one inch, two inches, three inches...", "damn, failed another morale check", "hah, got you!", etc.

10. Change the end-of-game bugle riff to some drunk saying, "Damn, is it 4:30am already?!?!?"

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Have the AI argue with you about the LOS to a miniscule part of a tank poking round a corner.

Be able to drive trucks in front of your tank for protection.

Have zillions of bazooka men hiding everywhere.

Must have at least 1 or 2 ridiculously gloss green painted tanks.

When plotting moves be able to cheat a bit to make units move just a little further than allowed.

Hassle the AI to hurry up its turn and talk about introducing time limits.

Spending the whole day playing and still not finishing a game!

Ahhhh memories smile.gif

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

BTW, nice aligator in the river. It is little details like this that keep "tabletop" wargaming alive and kicking :D


If I remember correctly, that crock was a mobile victory location, moved by the umpire based on certain rules unknow to us players (a.k.a. "whim"). smile.gif
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As a stout Warhammer 40,000 player let me be the first to say:

"WTF are you talking about! That's front armour value 14 buddy! With Eldar holo fields! Your measily las cannon is no use against this puppy."

Followed shortly by:

"Oh... It is rear armour value 10, opentopped vehicle, no fields... I QUIT!"

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