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Will Peng Challenge the Doodads?

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You sad sorry sacks of ****e...

Wait a minute, let me take that back. That was an insult to sad sorry sacks of ****e everywhere,

Right now sad sorry sacks of ****e are trying their best to make a life and in some small part, the world a better place.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are being born, falling in love, coming together to celebrate life and death.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are joining hands "waiting for a better day". Lighting candles of hope against the Greater Dark.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are working 18 hrs a day running corner stores so that Sad Sorry Sack of ****e Jr can go to college, become a lawyer and screw rich people for a living.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are building our highways and byways, despite the fact we continue to cook the Earth with our antiquated internal combustion engines.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are on our side on the war on terror..hell it looks as though one is leading us.

So I apologize to all sad sorry sacks of ****e everywhere for lumping in the poor excuse for carbon molecules who make up the Peng Thread.

What is even worse is that these self proclaimed pond scum..wait Pond Scum are now driving our taxis..ok don't get me started...

These Peng Scum have fallen so far from the ideal which was the Peng Challenge. The Peng Challenge was a dream at one time..one had to whisper it lest it be blown away.

But you of the Peng thread have wasted your chance. Yay you have filled the beauty that was Peng with annoying Pythonesque references and ranking system.

I have reached back into the mists of the board and have found the Holy Scripture. And like J.C. at the temple I am here to throw out you money lenders and renters of buggery.

Oh feel the just wrath of the True Spirit of Peng.




Let him do battle with me for I am not unlike a 13 yr old girl..call me Joany if you will...GOD RIDES WITH ME and let not any slack jawed, punctuation inhibited boffins with the tactical ability of Don Knots character in the Ghost and Mr Chicken stand in my way.

In short I challenge the entire lot of you!!

To quote me ol' Mom "Shall I do you one at a time or shall we call it double the price for the lot all at once?"

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really pissed now in all senses of the word. but have to maintain some level of sanity as its the goddam entire archive of all of my company's architechtural drawings - about 15 thousand individual CAD drawings of various parts, pieces, installations, buldings, etc etc - pretty much the ENTIRE COLLECTION of intellectual property that my company owns - yup all of it going accross the wire from one old server to a new one - and plenty of time left for something bad to happen. Goddammit! I have been here since 9 this morning waiting for all of this **** to migrate! Goddaammmit I am drunk now. but cannot enjoy it. NO Now I have to effing wait for this stuff to get accross the wire! should have finished HOURS ago! DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! gigabit cards, gigabit switches and STILL TAKING HOURS AND HOURS! I HATE COMPUTERS!!!!!

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MrPengish: talk to me will!

MrPengish: I am going out of my MIND

willthiel: sorry buddy, i got caught up in my work

willthiel: plus . . . i'm not loaded

MrPengish: it is nearly 2 am here and I am stillwaiting for this ****ing migration to finish

willthiel: a sad state of affairs I must say

MrPengish: i have been her on and off since 8:30 am YESTERDAY

willthiel: i would say "you poor ****er" but you probably make 3-5 times what i do annually

MrPengish: the ****ing thing has beena t 9 more minutes to go for the last 40 ****ing minutes - it keeps processing files but it is liek stuck on 9 more minutes!

MrPengish: goddammmit you make more than I do

MrPengish: I cant go to the ****ing middle east

MrPengish: not that I would want to

MrPengish: and what has that got to do with anything!

MrPengish: jesus I am about to go insane here

MrPengish: i cna barely keep my eyes open

willthiel: see now thats a misconception lots of folks have. My COMPANY may make a lot of revenue, but after expenses and taxes etc. I barely have enough to keep myself in narcotics

MrPengish: i have to finish this before I sleep - it all has to work the files the printing the whole KANT BUY NARCOTICS!!!??? Well why didn't you sday so?

willthiel: plus, my clients in oman never pay on time, so its like loaning money to the third largest oil company in the world with no interest

willthiel: sounds like you could use an illegal diet pill right now

MrPengish: i never realized that you were deprived of narcotics - shall I send a wee bit of heroiin to you then? a bit of the old crack cocaine? would that help? it is cheaper than dirt here you know

MrPengish: the hell with pills I need some goddam meth!

MrPengish: ok i am going to go kill myself now

willthiel: ok, i will tell the cops the exact time if you leave im running

willthiel: its the least i can do

MrPengish: thanks

willthiel: frankly, if I were you, I'd call Elvis collect and see what he thinks

willthiel: make sure its collect

MrPengish: I'll be sure to hit the F2 key to alert them - it shows the time stamp for each entry

MrPengish: i just left my girlfriend - she is drunk and sick in a hotel room - with my EX friend Shane - he tried to BANG her while I was over here checking on the progress of this idiot mission - and goddammit I don't think I can handle any more nearby friends right not

MrPengish: now

MrPengish: how i hate being alive

MrPengish: I have lusted after this woman for 9 years


MrPengish: and never got anywhere because of course I am MARRIED

MrPengish: Hell I even waited through her FAILED MARRIAGE

MrPengish: and in ONE NIGHT my "friend" bange her in the hotel room

MrPengish: "I'll take care of her" he said

MrPengish: bastard

willthiel: arent you still married? and if so, why would you have a girlfriend

MrPengish: good questions

MrPengish: yes and why not?

MrPengish: she actually isn't really my girlfriend

MrPengish: I have just lusted after her for the last nine years of our lives

willthiel: well (a) would typically preclude (B) unless your wife is either very understanding or very oblivious

willthiel: ah well then you should be happy that at least someone (i.e her) is getting laid

MrPengish: and found her tonight in a position in which she seemed amenable to extra curricular activity

willthiel: but shane has to go up against the wall in any case

MrPengish: as luck would have it - the gods intervened and got shane in the way so that I am still "faithful" to my wife - at least in deed if not in heart, and I have not banged a woman who is not my wife

MrPengish: nor did I get shane in the rear - as I was here tending the migration while he betrayed me in a very good way at the hotel

MrPengish: all is well that ends well

MrPengish: now if this goddam migration would finish so I can get the damn server back up an drunning I could go and get an hour or two of sleep

MrPengish: before I have to take my lustable girl back to her car

willthiel: whooo, thats a hoot, you have to take her to her car after?

MrPengish: she is passed out naked wrapped in a duvet - her car is in the parking lot of the bar where we all met

willthiel: good thing you dont have to wash the sheets and clean up the used condoms too

MrPengish: that is a good thing

MrPengish: yes

willthiel: mmmm passed out naked. gotta love that picture

MrPengish: oh will if you only knew what this whole scene was doing to me

MrPengish: i am out of my mind with jealousy

MrPengish: and completely drained from the fear and loathing of the file migration for the whole damn day

MrPengish: and I still have more work to do

MrPengish: i am damn near to snapping

willthiel: sounds like a hunter s thompson book for sure

MrPengish: hehe

MrPengish: here is a good one - this is what a good goddam system admin I am

MrPengish: the very last bits of this file migration are going on right now

MrPengish: do you know what I am migrating to my new server?

willthiel: drawings, specifications and technical data

willthiel: no, I'm not clairvoiyant, i read the cesspool

MrPengish: right now the folder that has all of the quarentined viruses that we have caught for the past two years is migrating! I AM ****ING COPYING GODDAM VIRUSES! OH **** ME IN THE HEAD WITH ASPIKE

willthiel: ha ha ha aha ahaahahhahahah

oh now i need a rest

MrPengish: i forgot to delete the folder before I started the process

MrPengish: i hate you

MrPengish: i hate me more - but I hate you too

willthiel: do i smell a Goanna update in the cesspool coming on

MrPengish: it reall sucks being this ****ing stupid

MrPengish: go ahead

MrPengish: I will never go back there again

willthiel: no, i meant from you

willthiel: how do i hate the lizard king, let me count the ways

MrPengish: just copy and past this whole thing from the IM thing and put it on the thread

MrPengish: it will be a hoot

Or not. Who cares?! it is better than the crap you lot have spilled out the last two months. Just me and the Lizard King havin a yak.

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That's the best post I've ever read, Peng.

Have you ever considered serialising it?


PS Did I ever say how much I love Mondays! I also love Tuesdays to Fridays! Everyday at work brings something new.

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btw, here's a little song to help you with your server migration.



All those backups seemed a waste of pay

Now my database has gone away

Oh I believe in yesterday...


There's not half the files there used to be

And there's a milestone hanging over me

The system crashed so suddenly

I pushed something wrong

What it was I could not say

Now all my data's gone and I long for yesterday-ay-ay-ay


The need for back-ups seemed so far away

I knew my data was all here to stay

Now I believe in yesterday


[ May 20, 2002, 05:18 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

In short I challenge the entire lot of you!!

And the entire lot of us will tell you, in full four part harmony no less, to "Sod Off!

And if we're in the mood (which isn't very likely), we might even do it with orchestration while acting it out with finger puppets.

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

...I have reached back into the mists of the board and have found the Holy Scripture...In short I challenge the entire lot of you!!

Call us back back when you've actually read it, you not-singling-out-someone-specific-with-vicious-and-eloquent-abuse-in-hopes-of-getting-a-game-while-putting-the-boot-in eighth-wit. Or, better yet, don't. Really, Captain--Pippu would be ashamed.

As for the rest of you sad, sorry sacks of ****e (I'm not afraid to cavalierly demean unhappy, pathetic bags of waste along with you lot), I'm back from the dire wastes of Virginia Beach (down, Bauhaus!) and trying to fend off exile to Crystal City or (worse!) Rosslyn.

My email situation is still hopelessly tangled and inoperative. But rest assured, those of you unhappy idjits mired in inactive battle with me, I will get to your turns Real Soon Now.


Agua Perdido

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Sigh..well don't say I didn't try..

The history of this challenge was not to provide an exclusive club to a collection of sexually frustrated nerds but was to provide an open playground to any and all who wished to be free from the PC niceness and seriousness living in the outer boards.

BUT you have taken than and turned it into a private club complete with silly rules and ranking system.

My open challenge was to bring everybody out and attempt to bring The Cesspool to where it once was and now so sorely has fallen away. I guess I lack that power because you cannot push a rope so to speak.

Your responses have pretty much confirmed my suspicions about the collection of people who live here.

Now at this point many may expect me to depart in a huff but I think I like it in here and if I must be a ignored voice in the wilderness than so be it but at least I can swear and rant without people running off to Madmatt.

Someday you will all see the light and The New Age of Peng Challenge began here....

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

You sad sorry sacks of ****e...

Wait a minute, let me take that back. That was an insult to sad sorry sacks of ****e everywhere,

Right now sad sorry sacks of ****e are trying their best to make a life and in some small part, the world a better place.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are being born, falling in love, coming together to celebrate life and death.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are joining hands "waiting for a better day". Lighting candles of hope against the Greater Dark.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are working 18 hrs a day running corner stores so that Sad Sorry Sack of ****e Jr can go to college, become a lawyer and screw rich people for a living.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are building our highways and byways, despite the fact we continue to cook the Earth with our antiquated internal combustion engines.

Sad sorry sacks of ****e are on our side on the war on terror..hell it looks as though one is leading us.

So I apologize to all sad sorry sacks of ****e everywhere for lumping in the poor excuse for carbon molecules who make up the Peng Thread.

What is even worse is that these self proclaimed pond scum..wait Pond Scum are now driving our taxis..ok don't get me started...

These Peng Scum have fallen so far from the ideal which was the Peng Challenge. The Peng Challenge was a dream at one time..one had to whisper it lest it be blown away.

But you of the Peng thread have wasted your chance. Yay you have filled the beauty that was Peng with annoying Pythonesque references and ranking system.

I have reached back into the mists of the board and have found the Holy Scripture. And like J.C. at the temple I am here to throw out you money lenders and renters of buggery.

Oh feel the just wrath of the True Spirit of Peng.



Let him do battle with me for I am not unlike a 13 yr old girl..call me Joany if you will...GOD RIDES WITH ME and let not any slack jawed, punctuation inhibited boffins with the tactical ability of Don Knots character in the Ghost and Mr Chicken stand in my way.

In short I challenge the entire lot of you!!

To quote me ol' Mom "Shall I do you one at a time or shall we call it double the price for the lot all at once?"


Sigh..well don't say I didn't try..

The history of this challenge was not to provide an exclusive club to a collection of sexually frustrated nerds but was to provide an open playground to any and all who wished to be free from the PC niceness and seriousness living in the outer boards.

BUT you have taken than and turned it into a private club complete with silly rules and ranking system.

My open challenge was to bring everybody out and attempt to bring The Cesspool to where it once was and now so sorely has fallen away. I guess I lack that power because you cannot push a rope so to speak.

Your responses have pretty much confirmed my suspicions about the collection of people who live here.

Now at this point many may expect me to depart in a huff but I think I like it in here and if I must be a ignored voice in the wilderness than so be it but at least I can swear and rant without people running off to Madmatt.

Someday you will all see the light and The New Age of Peng Challenge began here....

Damn, I swear I just heard something..

Mace, did you fart again???

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Actually Capt Ol'boy its just that your a frozen, leech of a Candian who we detest almost as much as Aussies.

Hey (straw?)! I resemble that remark and demand to be included in any and/or all references to frozen leeches of Canada or I'm gonna tell the Justitruck on you.


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Originally posted by Harv:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wildman:

Actually Capt Ol'boy its just that your a frozen, leech of a Candian who we detest almost as much as Aussies.

Hey (straw?)! I resemble that remark and demand to be included in any and/or all references to frozen leeches of Canada or I'm gonna tell the Justitruck on you.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by The_Capt:

What is even worse is that these self proclaimed pond scum..wait Pond Scum are now driving our taxis..ok don't get me started...

Back off, you snivelling scum-wannabe. No taxi rides from House Persiflage for YOU.
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I don't mean to be the one to break it to you, Croda, but that movie blows.

You paid attention to Croda's opinion about something? You're more deluded than I thought.

[ May 20, 2002, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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