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Originally posted by Speedy:

Umm Noba what are you doing on the floor?

Western Australians (bolded because they're still Aussies) - never could hold their grog the way we Easterners could.


PS Slapdragon, are you stalking me? Everywhere I go I see that news clipping.

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Good evening! A short visit by a honorary Penger. PLease move on. Nothing to see here.

How are the lowliest lifeforms on this (and every other) planet going? I don't even hate all of you with a passion. No, I don't care for you at all. Last night I emptied an 8 week old tetrapak filled with orange juice into the toilet and I swear I saw Mace swimming in the green, slimy paste. Coud've also been Berlichtingen though. After I finished vomiting, a huge bottle DOMESTOS (DOMESTOS gets them all!) took care of the buggers. Oh how I despise you. Even Mensch smells better than you sometimes, and THAT means something.

And so I move back into life, filthy and feeling better. Why do you look like a 3-eyed holsteiner? I said from the start there's nothing to see here...

[ August 27, 2002, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: Lindan ]

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At does af'n ye turrn off afore ye git tae tha stinkin' refinery, ya sand wedgie.

Wha din'ye inflate an inner tube an' paddle oot tae Rottnest, find a feckin' quokka an' practice kissin' at's spotty arse while sum yobbo play's quokka soccer wi' at? Ye knuckle dragger.

Ahh. Then be morrre Specific - you left over from a sheeps stomach stuffing ceremony. Last time I was on Rottnest, only the bluddy tourists took notice of the Quokkas.

Go sit on your caber.


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Originally posted by Noba:

So. Good old Joe puts up a call for my elevation (or otherwise) to Kanniggithood, and promptly gets no reply.


Incorrect you ungrateful swine.

So you are suggesting I missed someone ? Pah. I wasn't talking about you, Eevil Grand-Liege, but the Groggy old Slapdragon .

Back to sticking pins in dolls. That's a good older one.


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posted by Speedy :

Umm Noba what are you doing on the floor?
Laughing so hard I fell over. King Carey is going to play for the Crows...



Edited to remove the totally unwarrented bolding. Thanks Mace.

[ August 27, 2002, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

King Carey is going to play for the Crows....

For those wondering what the hell Noba is talking about:

Wayne Carey is to Aussie rules football what Gunny Bunny is to CMBO (ie. bloody useless).

[name of football player and team not bolded out of disrespect and spite]


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Blast and damn I haven't the time for this, I've a bloody useless and stupifyingly boring business meeting to attend and I've got to respond to you lot.

Berli, regarding the comparison of Leeo's thread to those to those of Panzer Leader you are quite correct. It's much like having a root canal I suspect, you forget how bad they really DO hurt until the next time.

As to Noba, I didn't exactly ... or even partially ... call for his elevation to Knighthood, I merely responded to his mewling, piteous cries of "How comes I'M not a Knight then, eh, eh, eh?" by asking his liege (how surprised are WE that it would turn out to be Slapdragon eh?) provide chapter and verse on his status. Until Slapdragon shows up HERE to provide that information, we've another Australian who'll just have to console himself with thoughts that they are, after all, higher on the roll of nations than Sri Lanka.

Papa Khann ... {sigh} ... are you so anxious to leave my bonnie little tutelage then? Have I not provided for you, listened to your woes (and bloody desperate work it was too) and counseled you in your times of trouble?

Still, I must admit that you've fufulled the tasks I've set for you, but ... well dash it all man ... it's your papers you see. They're just not up to standard. Now of course Lars could never hope to match the glittering prose of Agua Perdido, that finest of Squires, and Harv, try though he might, could never quite turn the phrase that Speedbump could (well, he IS Canadian you know) but your papers are ... well, let's give it ONE MORE TRY SHALL WE THEN?

For your final and penultimate quest, prepare me a paper of appropriate length to be posted here that all might judge it on the topic of: Combat Mission: From Perth to Syndey - An Examination of the Value of a Combat Simulation That Would Allow for the Devastation of Australia ... I'm counting on you lad, don't let me down ... and stay away from ALL bodily fluids of cobras ... that stuff can't be good for you.


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It's okay Persephone, that's my angle. One guy might be "the hippie" another might be the "law giver" and yet another might be "the poet" (the laddy reckons himself a poet?)

So see, my angle is "Universally Despised" pretty neat, huh?

Oh and while we are at it, I know you ladies have been snickering at me when I pass - well, I promise you, I *WILL* find me yarbles.

But in the meantime: have you not heard me sing?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Honorary? You is or you ain't. The exit is right over there. Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out... not that I care really

There ain't no doors in here. You can't fool me.

Now be off to your dungpile before someone REALLY gets annoyed. I'd like to fart in your general direction but as I know that you savour the taste it might be better to simply piss in your part of the pool. thank you.

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Originally posted by Papa Kahn:

So is the boat still circling the lake sans occupants? Not that I wish to imply that no driver would in any way be less hazardous than you driving was, Lard. But now you've gone and made me curious.

Hell, all you have to do is tread water until the boat comes around again.

It's not like it's the first time I've done this.

So what's the matter with my driving? It's a big lake.

And BTW, I don't mind going down to the boat in the morning and finding it covered with empty beer cans (happens all the time).

But I found one that was HALF FULL!!!

Papa Kahn, J'accuse!!!

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Wayne Carey is to Aussie rules football what Gunny Bunny is to CMBO
Hear, hear, Mace

They are welcome to him. Let's hope he spreads the kind of "tem spirit" he did in N. Melbourne and the Crows can spend the next 3-4 on the bottom couple of rungs. Leaves more room up above for Geelong.

PS: Even though I am Australian, I would like to offer my assistance to the Bard on his next trip down south to sort out the whole Slapdragon thing. I'm quite good with a stake and can bring my own accelerant.

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Lars, Joe, dalem, Seanachai, and Chakka Khan all in the same boat, out on a big lake???

Berli, where's the f'ing big storm when we need one!?! Surely you have some ability to create calamity on the water other than nearly swamping a couple of lamers in a canoe...


Oh cruel opportunity lost...

Gamey Updates

Seanachai, haivng survived his jaunt out on the water (nasty look at Berli), will probably use his pompous little Brits to harass my only worthy unit around the map for the next few turns until the QB mercifully ends, and all because it cooked his two Stuart V's.

More arty is living up to his name, dropping yet more of his big nasty artillery on my advancing hamstertruppen. Luckily we are close enough that some of his own fleeing Amis take hits too. As for last turn, all I can say is "Marshmallows anyone?" Damn Andreas for his wet ground, up and down terrain, and force allotments.

Boxy seems to have forgotten that she is supposed to be atttacking. From my scouts, I do hear tell of quiet moos, and cud chewing sounds above the background noise of the crickets on occasion, and with my Commander's Eagle Eye View, I have noticed a small deforested patch in the woods in her setup area that wasn't on the map during setup. I am quite confident that she must be hungry, and that her main force must be close by this new glen. I will have to shell that place and disrupt her meal. I should probably split a couple of squads and send them on an "edge around" play just to see if she is being a gamey wench.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Hell, all you have to do is tread water until the boat comes around again.

It's not like it's the first time I've done this.

Why does that not surprise me?

So what's the matter with my driving? It's a big lake.

Why, nothing at all. That is, when I try to convince myself that the detour we took through that section of dock was sound navigation. And the fact that it's a big lake made it all the more amazing that you could manage to impact so many other watercraft during such a short journey.

And BTW, I don't mind going down to the boat in the morning and finding it covered with empty beer cans (happens all the time).

But I found one that was HALF FULL!!!

Papa Kahn, J'accuse!!!

Well I can assure you that my beer can was empty when I put it down. However, I did notice dalem jiggling and hopping from one foot to the other. Wasn't he in the back of the boat alone for awhile?


[ August 27, 2002, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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