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Greetings to my honored opponents.

I have risen from my sick bed to inform you that the flu has laid me low for the last three days.

While I am sure that you would love for me to attempt to produce turns in a fever-ridden state, I have not been able to sit up long enough to look at the turns I have been sent. I do have files from all opponents at this time.

I am hoping to be back on line by Saturday.

Due to time lost, I will be thinking about some TCP play to make up.

I have no experience with TCP play. Can you switch from PBEM to TCP and back?

Going to lie back down now...

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Originally posted by Sgian Dubh:

Due to time lost, I will be thinking about some TCP play to make up.

I have no experience with TCP play. Can you switch from PBEM to TCP and back?

You have enough time, no need for TCP.

But yes you can switch back and forth freely.

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OK, listen up

I have just now switched over to a new computer, and am in the process of getting all my old files, bookmarks, etc added in. For the next day or two I will be kinda in limbo, so bear with me.

If you have any questions or concerns you can still e-mail me directly, as my internet access is up and running (obviously).

Any scores should go to Spanish bombs. He is also in charge of the reserves.

Any AARs should go to Ace Pilot.

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Originally posted by Walpurgis Nacht:

I'm not sure what the big time stress is? Didn't Kingfish say we had until JUNE! I have not even started my setup for 1 of the games yet. The others are well under way and I suppose I'll be sitting on finished games for over 2 months waiting for the finals. :(

This is no time to be cool....this is a time for madness smile.gif
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Originally posted by Melnibone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Walpurgis Nacht:

I'm not sure what the big time stress is? Didn't Kingfish say we had until JUNE! I have not even started my setup for 1 of the games yet. The others are well under way and I suppose I'll be sitting on finished games for over 2 months waiting for the finals. :(

This is no time to be cool....this is a time for madness smile.gif </font>
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Originally posted by PittPanther31:

Exactly what he said. Please, give us the cheat code or somefink.

I HATE THIS SCENARIO . . . Ok, had to get that out.

I don’t hate it. I look on ‘Space Lobsters of Doom: Urban Renewal scenario of ROWV – Evil Bridge!’ As an opportunity, a challenge, an enrichment activity, but it is evil... simply a malignancy of distress and suffering that some designer… (*) well… I should wait till the 50,000 word AAR note I guess?

Pop open another vodka bottle Comrade. Come on over for a smoke.

For now, you will find me .. living in a trailer down by the river…. But not for long.

Going to look at the next move/chapter now…. Can you smell the addiction?

Dawg of War

*Rumor is that Marquis de Sade is the ‘Space Lobsters of Doom: Urban Renewal scenario of ROWV – Evil Bridge!’ scenario designer…. The same Marquis who gave rise to the term sadism - enjoyment of cruelty, which first made it into a dictionary in 1834. He was French you know. But this is only rumor*

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Malakovski - I'm going to follow the advice of Holien in regards to your suggestion.

Originally posted by Holien:

Hi, Ace I have just dropped in to see how things are progressing and I note the comment about releasing the AAR's before the end.

IMO I would not do this as players might complain about ideas on style and format being taken by other players. After all a player could say that is really neat I shall re-write my AAR using that approach and then you would end up with "style clones" and make judging far harder than it already is.

I know it is a pain in the butt that players have to wait sooooo long for the end but that is the downside to having soooo many players with different play rates.

Also you would not want any to slip out to players who are still playing the scenarios, hence you lock the AAR's down until the end.

I hope this helps


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I just don't know what all you guys are whining about. There's a perfectly good bridge there.

Now if the designer had made it foggy and neglected to tell you that the bridge was blown at the far end, then you might have something to complain about.

IMHO St Edouard's is far more perverse. Who in their right mind would attack a fortress on a night when you can't see your enemies until you step on them?

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Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dieseltaylor:

I mean come on guys why do so few use it?

I think the answer, at least in part, is because it's slighly daunting to set up.

If this is the reason, there's plenty of help available! I for one would be happy to help anyone set up PBEMH.

Of course another reason is that it's not available on the Mac. Not much we can do about that.

GaJ. </font>

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Just received and returned my last setup. All games now a-go-go.

PBEMH - eh. It's made me feel inept. When I try to start games from within it, it can't, and just stops on the 4 button page (new, select, network, exit, or sumfink). I might add that none of the tutorials explain how it's supposed to work, other than that it's fantastic and cures cancer, so I'm only assuming that it's supposed to load the password and kick things off fully. Or sumfink.

Also, I still have a game (non-ROW) running in CMAK 1.01, and can't figure out how to get PBEMH to handle that.

A log of sent message would be handy - every now and then I get lost over whether I've sent a file through to my opponent, and the wait/play/send/new column isn't always the most helpful.

And keeping track of conversations in the taunt screen is a bit of a challenge, with no rolling history to jog the old grey matter.

Other than those gribbles, I rather like it, and have managed to get it working well enough for my purposes. If more people would use it - and so send and receive pbm files - I imagine it would be even better.

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"Marquis de Sade and the ‘Space Lobsters of Doom: Urban Renewal scenario of ROWV – Evil Bridge!’ scenario designer…. Who gave rise to the term sadism - enjoyment of cruelty, which first made it into a dictionary in 1834. He was French you know..."

I think you have a bridge thing....I think you are really Marquis de Methode Champenois!


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Installed PBEM Helper. It is very handy to have with multiple games going on a PC.

I agree with you JonS about keeping track of the conversation. I can't seem to keep track of what my opponents last reply was unless it's right there in front of me. smile.gif

The play movie feature is nice. As close to watching one full movie as I expect you can currently get.

Thanks for the recommendation Diesel and GAJ and anyone else.

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Comrades! I am not Marquis de Methode Champenois but I do have an affinity for those tiny bubbles of Méthode Champenoise…. The oldest and most traditional way to make sparkling wine was supposedly developed by Dom (Pierre) Perignon, a Benedictine Monk in the Champagne district of France, born in1638, and is known as Méthode Champenoise.

It all began back during my treatments at St. Edwards Sanitorium… Still remember that foggy, foggy night with the bridge that had no end… my cellmate was a chap named Grimthane….

Yo - Marquis de Sade!

MuHawhawHAW!!! - Yoself!

Eet is a BEAUTEEFUL picture eez it not?


You Impressionist are a bubbly lot.






Is dat right Marq?

Dawg out for Chow mo War latter

[ February 18, 2005, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Dawg Bonz ]

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St. Edouards, dammit! :mad: Not St.Edwards, not St.Eddy. Say it with me now, St.Edouards.

Honestly, if you can't get the name right of the place your fighting at, withdraw your troops till you reach a place you do know the name of.

People who made this mistake should have 5 points deducted from their score for each mistake. Or give 5 points to me, should the offender run the tournament. :rolleyes:smile.gif

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