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Apocalypso! 4Horsemen!! But no Seanacoochie or Peng To Challenge Them?


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OK, some bidness.

BooBoo, Wildchild

Updates! Where are the updates? I want blood and gore and Wildman a turn would be nice.

* * *

Earless one, I call you our laddie. You still owe me a battle from two forums ago. Send me any setup your little long haired (better for covering up the lack of ears) hippie freak heart desires.

* * *

As a final order of business, I claim the right to make the newest forum Grog “Dook” my own personal pet grog should he wander in here. He showed some promise in the CAS thread, and I’m putting my dibs in on him now. He has a little flair, unlike the rest of our dour humorless four horsemen type grogs.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:


Did ssssomone ssssay lawn gnomesssssss, I hate lawn gnomesssss.

Oh how cute! He's started playing with dolls in his retirement! It's so sweet when they start reliving their youth again. Now, little Nidan, be a good boy and check your mail.


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Originally posted by tiny_tanker:

Those grues... always making a squishy mess on the floor. tongue.gif

anyway..... are there any knights out there who need a squire?


(Jeez, kids these days. No sense of history, no penchant for research, no desire to search through the dusty archives.)

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Leeo you filthy grue loving tart! i will not stand for this!! or sit for that matter!i will crouch whilst i challenge you in a match of whits, for it is obviously something you could never handle. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I just hope the gravity of this post doesn't make you dizzy and cause you to fall on your arse, ye silly git!!

(gets out a big blue tarp)

here stand on this on case your head explodes, wouldn't want to make a mess in here after all. :D :mad: :D :mad:

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Leeeeeo, mind taking that sucker of scum outside? It's incessant jabbering is getting on my nerves. And just look at the pathetic way it's clinging to your calf, gnawing on your knee with it's little teeth. At least it's not humping it.


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Originally posted by tiny_tanker:

Leeo you filthy grue loving tart! i will not stand for this!! or sit for that matter!i will crouch whilst i challenge you in a match of whits, for it is obviously something you could never handle. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I just hope the gravity of this post doesn't make you dizzy and cause you to fall on your arse, ye silly git!!

(gets out a big blue tarp)

here stand on this on case your head explodes, wouldn't want to make a mess in here after all. :D :mad: :D :mad:

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gimme a break, i'm a noob trying to get used to my new legs in this place. if it weren't for my love of comedy and CM i would be very afraid to step in here.... especially after the warm welcome i have received ;)

you look like a jolly lot none the less, maybe i'll hang around for a bit and see what happens next.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

OK, some bidness.

BooBoo, Wildchild

Updates! Where are the updates? I want blood and gore and Wildman a turn would be nice.

* * *

Yes, a turn would be nice wouldn't it?

UPDATE: (Such as it is after 6 or so moves)

Wild Thang has taken over Schloss Peng by driving a few halftacks in WAY ahead of his forces. They went careening into the place as if driven by a pair of drunken banshees out on a joy ride from the netherworld for the first time in decades. He totally tore up the flagstones and clipped a building with one of his fenders.

I really don't see you getting your security deposit back on the place.

Oh, and he shot up one of my AT rifles.

Happy, Pappy?

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Originally posted by tiny_tanker:

gimme a break,


i'll hang around for a bit and see what happens next.

Excellent idea! I'll just fetch a sledgehammer for the breaking part, and then we can fetch some rope before we go over to the tree for the hanging around bit.

Listen, kiddo, you want to challenge someone, you're gonna have to do it so they really feel you mean it. Skip that grrrr stuff. Take Leeo's advice to heart and do some research on the MBT history.

Ok, that's this month's Mr Nice Guy quota expended, all in one go. Now sod off, you wartlicking perverted slimecoated worshipper of a gnome!


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

*Lifts her skirts and curtseys*

Except for the curtseys, that reminds me of some of the Aussie country town girls I used to know!

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by SirReal:

well as me mum used to say, "if you want to be noticed fast, either break somthing or piss someone off." off to a good start i'd say.

I'm liking this place already. To the archive! challenges will follow, maybe...... if i figure all of this out.

just one more thing...... how did you know i was being drawn in by the alure of the ubergnomes cult?

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We am confused.

While this is, of course, a relatively natural state for which we am in to be, yet this new confusitory sensationalisticarama feeling stems from cell research or perhaps a bit out of the lack of understanding have we for the common usages of common words posed juxtly against one and another.

viz "tiny tanker" Is it underscored somewhat? feh. why bother to check? Now. on about this shall we cause ourselves to deflate. or is it conflagrate or inflagrante? who knowses? Well. I am how you call found dumb at the way the thing has put forth his her or its nomenclattering - is it a small person in a tank of normal size? or is the tanks small as well and is it a giantess straddling same? What gives?

Alzo there is the waffle house down the side alley a bit with the emotical iconification thingermabobs wot gets used up a lot over there I'm told. we hold these truths to be self abusive that the automatical icon is not in particular welcome in these particular particles or articulate confederations.

Hence, as we continue our persuit of the happy anglaise as a supernumerary lingua doloroso we find our selfs plugging fent posts in the ground for which it stands and making a stand agin (not fer) them thingers as they are put forth from these great times a nation. Or something.

More now than before as well do I find myself dancing with vigor and abandon to apocalypso musica fresca and tab. Drives the wife nuts - not in a good way as one may at times hope after 11 (my favorite number) wedded blisspotatofull years as it were. No. this is more the "stop that idiot moving aboot you effing pathetic mook of a fat person." kind of nuts driving. We do love to dance here tho and the island sounds of the end of the world as one would have it are where - as some might say - it's at.


Me an the King played somfink you cooked up - an eMEe wot we did at firstly PBEM and finished up a treat via TCP. A most swellelegant & balanced and fair minded piece of work. An eMEe fought to a draw is a good thing - when it is the King and I as we are well matched wits-wise (three between us mefinks). Praps Elvis himself can illuminata the thing was what it called. Playing was High Excellent!

Others can smell the glove. yiz owe me turnses.

El Pengorino

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What does Sirreal and a raw chicken that's been left in the trunk of your car for several days in July in East Texas have in common?

Give up?



Bonus question:

What's the difference between Sirreal and a raw chicken that's been left in the trunk of your car for several days in July in East Texas?

Give up again?


You can always use the raw chicken to beat Sirreal over the head until he's dead, but you can't use Sirreal to beat the chicken over the head until it's dead, because it's already dead.

But it might be fun to try.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


snip boring parts

I think someone's a bit cranky, hmmmm? Feeling a bit peaked, are we? Hmmm? Watching all your clanketty things go BOOM bringing you down? Hmmm?

And I haven't even started working on your infantry yet.


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