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I Challenge Cdrfar to tell Peng His Real Handle....

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Well thats it, then. Famine takes a sabbatical and the Creator is Suspended for 30 days. I hereby declare myself the One and Only Horseman.

My first offical act is to disband the Apocalpyso.

<big><big>NOW</big></big> you're talkin' Armegeddon!
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Well thats it, then. Famine takes a sabbatical and the Creator is Suspended for 30 days. I hereby declare myself the One and Only Horseman.

My first offical act is to disband the Apocalpyso.

Btw, where's Death?


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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Well thats it, then. Famine takes a sabbatical and the Creator is Suspended for 30 days. I hereby declare myself the One and Only Horseman.

My first offical act is to disband the Apocalpyso.

<big><big>NOW</big></big> you're talkin' Armegeddon! </font>
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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

I think he got a bad bottle of Thunderbird last night.

So you're saying there's such a thing as a good bottle?</font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

There's lots of good bottles of Thunderbird out there.

Hehe, no. No matter where it came from or what it costs the results are always the same: assault, drunk and disorderly, public urination, murder, burglary, indecent exposure . . .

Well, at least some of those things are bad.


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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

There's lots of good bottles of Thunderbird out there.

Hehe, no. No matter where it came from or what it costs the results are always the same: assault, drunk and disorderly, public urination, murder, burglary, indecent exposure . . .

Well, at least some of those things are bad.

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Surely not in Australia ... or at least not ILLEGAL?

I think that only one is illegal there but the rest are encouraged. Actually I think they lobbied to have drunk and disorderly and public urination be Olympic events when they hosted the games.


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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Surely not in Australia ... or at least not ILLEGAL?

I think that only one is illegal there but the rest are encouraged. </font>
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Well thats it, then. Famine takes a sabbatical and the Creator is Suspended for 30 days. I hereby declare myself the One and Only Horseman.

My first offical act is to disband the Apocalpyso.

I thought what Peng & Seanachai did WAS the Apocalypso?!?!
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Well thats it, then. Famine takes a sabbatical and the Creator is Suspended for 30 days. I hereby declare myself the One and Only Horseman.

My first offical act is to disband the Apocalpyso.

I thought what Peng & Seanachai did WAS the Apocalypso?!?! </font>
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Well thats it, then. Famine takes a sabbatical and the Creator is Suspended for 30 days. I hereby declare myself the One and Only Horseman.

My first offical act is to disband the Apocalpyso.

<big><big>NOW</big></big> you're talkin' Armegeddon! </font>
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Guest konrad

Seanachai Tribute

["Now we've got a truth to die for!"

"No. Men should die for lies. But the truth is too precious

to die for."]

"...'That's all very well,' said the demon, hefting the

scythe' 'but why not try to see things from my

point of view? This means a lot to me, and you've

got to admit that your life isn't all that wonderful.

Reincarnation can only be an improvement- uh.'

His hand flew to his mouth but Rincewind was

already pointing a trembling finger at him.

'Reincarnation!' he said excitedly. 'So it is true

what the mystics say!'

'I'm admitting nothing,' said Scrofula testily.'It

was a slip of the tongue. Now- are you going to die

willingly or not?'

'No,' said Rincewind.

'Please yourself,' replied the demon. He raised

the scythe. It whistled down in quite a professional

way, but Rincewind wasn't there. He was in fact

several metres below, and the distance was increasing

all the time, because the branch had chosen

that moment to snap and send him on his interrupted

journey towards the interstellar gulf.

'Come back!' screamed the demon.

Rincewind didn't answer. He was lying belly

down in the rushing air, staring down into the

clouds that even now were thinning.

They vanished.

Below, the whole Universe twinkled at Rincewind.

There was Great A'Tuin, huge and ponderous

and pocked with craters. There was the little

Disc moon. There was a distant gleam that could

only be the Potent Voyager. And there were all the

stars, looking remarkably like powdered diamonds

spilled on black velvet, the stars that lured and

ultimately called the boldest towards them. . .

The whole of Creation was waiting for Rincewind

to drop in.

He did so.

There didn't seem to be any alternative."Terry Pratchet

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

I saw it and it was beautiful. He said what everyone was thinking but didn't dare utter. The Bard is gone but he's not forgotten.

Pearls before swine, my boy. I'm next. </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

...don't make me come back there...

Bard, you daft old fart. You CAN'T! Banned, remember? But I know you'll still read all of this, just to see what a crap-fest you stirred up. Yeah, we all know the size of your ego is only equalled by your ID. Or your belly. Or sumfink.

...after coming in here and seeing my exalted status mocked, my integrity questioned... making free with me...
Can't mock that which has been thrown away, eh? Going out with a bang don't mean much when it's all for the show.

Ya gets what ya pays for, Mouthy. Haven't been heard from in a coons age (showing my racism? piss off, it's the damn badgers that are the racists. And don't get me started on the beavers), and you expect to waltz in here and we all fall to a hushed expectation? The past is the past, and you haven't exactly been playing a major role around here. Not even a second lieutenant role. Ya never did coronate the queen (who did show us boobs. Not her boobs, per se, but more than you've done for us), and not one lousy miracle. So, get busy and start making up for lost time. You've got a month, let's see if you can come up with anything.

Remember, tomorrow I'm picking up a new car.
More likely a 10-year-old, noxious cloud spewing rust bucket with cigarette burns in the vinyl seats, and dried vomit in the back. When did they stop inporting yogos? Be sure to get a rear window defroster, to keep your hands warm while pushing.

do you really think you yappy small dogs are up to a visit from an angry UberGnome?
Shall I send you directions, or do you think you can find the mapquest site? Oh, and if you do see an UberGnome, be sure to show him the proper respect. Wouldn't want to get bitch slapped, would you?

One last kick in the puss, Squeaky. Note the latest sig change. I'll fix it when I hear this is more than a pity me stunt. Leave the hype for the boy bands. "We are both men of action. Lies do not become us."

Note: There are those that will say I'm just being mean, because he can hit back. Damn right! This smacks of just another "oh, I'm leaving, miss me" type sendoffs. Too pat, too easy. And completely out of character.

Any replies, as transmitted thru a third party, or emailed to me personally will warrant a complete retraction.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I hereby declare myself the One and Only Horseman.

One and only horse's ass. I'll see you dead (see how much nicer that sounds than 'I'll see you sick'? Oh well, such is your lot as a lesser horseman) before I'll see you as the One and Only.
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I got some really swell fan mail from a gentle GF reader

Yeah, Seanachai got three from the same prick. Of course that gutless wonder doesn't have the balls to use a real e-mail account. The internet is a really wonderous place for sacks of **** like that
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

I got some really swell fan mail from a gentle GF reader

Yeah, Seanachai got three from the same prick. Of course that gutless wonder doesn't have the balls to use a real e-mail account. The internet is a really wonderous place for sacks of **** like that </font>
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I hope you are joking Stikkie....... because the sad git who is writing this stuff has one depraved mind...

I am rarely *shocked* but how anyone with a normal mind can write such stuff is beyond me...

This is one sick ****........

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