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****ROW V (Part 5)****

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About 8 turns to go on Tiger Valley.

I'm not sure I see Loaded for Bear finishing up before Christmas at its current rate.

The biggest problem I'm now facing is that we are past the original deadline and now I'm having troubles finding time to get my turns out. I knew for a long time that my work schedule was going to change in late October ( giving me less time for turns ) but I figured we'd be done by that time.

Guess not.

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Kingfish, I've emailed you this but I'll post it here too, just in case;


I'm playing Mike Dorosh in Loaded for Bear and he doesn't feel he can finish in the time available, what with different time zones etc.

i'd love to finish if there is someone else i can play. if you have no-one, i am friends with Elmar, who i think has already played LfB but had the Soviet side there as well:

Elmar Bijlsma {email address deleted}

i'd be willing to play him if you can't find anyone else, ideally someone close so we can do a few turns a night.

I've CC'ed Elmar into this so he's got visibility of me dropping him in it.

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Hmmmm, Ill have to check my schedule.

18:00 to 20:00 flagellation.

20:30 to 22:00 walking on hot coal

22:45 to 00:30 opening of veins.

Yeah, I guess I could fit in more Loaded for Bear. Nearly finished with my assigned portion of self abuse anyway so if Kingfish agrees I would be happy to play. With a clear schedule and without an Atlantic Ocean to hinder play I could do several turns a day easy enough, so no eyebrows need be raised should people wonder weither it is proper for an as yet non-finisher of LfB to take on an extra scenario.

Best send turns to my gmail account though, which is elmarby@ yadadyada.com, my regular mail is disrupted till I find the inclination to unravel the troubles that plague that account.

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My opponent in Tiger Valley feels he cannot complete the match so I would like to find a replacement. This is a Group 3 (finalists) match. There are 11 turns remaining and the battle could still go either way. My opponent had the Axis forces.

Any volunteers to help us out here? I would prefer an experienced opponent who has not already played the scenario from the Allied side. Someone from a similar time zone (i.e. Europe) would be preferable, but not essential. The main thing is to have someone who can commit to returning an email a day or so until the match is finished.

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My offer to pick up any slack is still open. Upto KF / organisers if they want this to happen?

Tonight is a good night for some quick turns as Her in Doors is outdoors and I have become him indoors.

If you see what I mean...

Also would rather be playing than doing stuff I am supposed to be doing...



P.s. Just seen that both of you are UK players and if you are around tonight we could crack some turns out, not played ROW V so a bit of a Newbie, you will have to be gentle with me.


[ November 04, 2005, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Is there a result known for LfB only counting the pre-deaded units? I am hoping to finish this scenario this weekend and I foresee very little satisfaction out of this game other then seeing how many Germans I took along with me. The pre-deaded Krauts might mudding the water a bit.

And no, I do not care how many men I myself lost. I am afterall playing a Russian commander and caring about such trivial would be a-historical. ;)

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Thanks again for picking up a game. I've sent you the passwords and briefings to the address listed in your profile. Let me know if you have not received them by tomorrow.


I can have the Russians surrender on the copy I have and send you the saved game file. Would that help?

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Originally posted by Kingfish:


I can have the Russians surrender on the copy I have and send you the saved game file. Would that help?

Nah, I reckon it is easier for you if mPisi and I sort something out afterwards by ceasefiring on our first file. I just wondered if you or anyone else already had this data.

Mind if I publish the results here? I obviously would include only the casualties prior to first playable turn and not the men available at that time as that falls under FOW.

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Quick update,

5 Turns to go with Steve, not as quick progress as I had hoped for, but should be done by this weekend. (Steve has yet to play a TCP Ip game.)

Not sure what the new deadline is?

Still happy to pick up "Other Means" game so that it is kept out of hands of tourney players.


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Originally posted by Holien:

Quick update,

5 Turns to go with Steve, not as quick progress as I had hoped for, but should be done by this weekend. (Steve has yet to play a TCP Ip game.)

Not sure what the new deadline is?

Still happy to pick up "Other Means" game so that it is kept out of hands of tourney players.


I'm playing LfB against Elmar cheers. It's going swimmingly now.
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It's interesting to see the damage done in LfB prior to us getting involved in the battle. I must say that I was always somewhat peeved that the Soviet player up to turn 50 had managed to squander a number of his precious few tanks for little result apart from a few destoyed halftracks & maybe 1 Pz IV? To top it off, the initial starting position of the remaining Soviet AFV's were not exactly ideal as they were easily picked off by superior German armour at distance as one tried to manoeuvre them into some kind of cover from their often exposed starting points. :(

In summary, whoever played the Soviets to that point should have been shot in true Soviet fashion! ;)

Come to think of it, perhaps that explains why we came in at that point with the battle just over halfway completed.


Jim R.

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Are we at the stage yet where final scores can at least be posted for the St Nazaire battle? I mean, for a relatively small battle like that it shouldn't take this long just to complete that relative tiddler. I always thought I was slow but I'm like the freakin roadrunner in comparison with some of these slow pokes!


Jim R.

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