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Delta Peng, What's that Challenge You Have On?

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A Brief Gamey Interlude

As an incredible New Year's gesture of good will towards those of us less fortunate in the gamey strategy department, I have decreed that my current battle with OGSF be declared NULL and VOID. Void of any will on his part to proceed that is.

And this after only losing 1 Valentine IX, 4 KV-1S and 10 T-34 M43's in two turns whereas I lost 1 PZIVG *sniff*. I can't understand his wimpy state of mind, but there you go. Pity for the downtrodden IS necessary sometimes. I'm sure he will enjoy the next slaught... err battle that I have foisted 'pon his feeble interlect.

Unfortunately, this has used up my quota of New Year goodwill and consequently Nidan1 has been forced to accept a CRUSHING 58 to 42 Minor Defeat in "My City of Ruins" with he playing as the overpowering but ultimately powerless Kraut.


Too many victories of late ..... where is somebody who can show me some BOTTLE??


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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Is anyone interested in hearing the cricket score?

By all means post them just to annoy some of our overseas collegues.


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Originally posted by OGSF:


At were Scotch Single Malt Whiskey Ah neglaicted tae menshun!

So you think you've done something cause you can't even build a decent fire, ruined what might have been a decent Irish Whiskey. Then you go prancing about all proud and happy, like you ruined it all by yourself. Wasn't even you built that smokey thing, embarassed to be called a fire, in the first place.

And to boot, you're happy to be having one of these things living in your house.


What the heck is that? and can anybody help him get rid of it? for humanities sake?

I'll send over a few platoons of Russki's to build you a decent fire in the morning.

edited 'cause the gnome thinks he sees leprechauns

[ January 02, 2003, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Sigh. I'm back.

What a wretched extended weekend. I should have stayed in town and watched you lot slap-fight each other on the Peng Challenge Thread like a lot of weepy little girls. Instead, I was whisked away to some Northern Minnesota 'ski resort' largely infested with people incapable of instilling any sense of courtesy, manners, or intelligence into their children, probably because they hadn't a trace of these qualities themselves.

The terms 'wanker' and 'pillock' pretty much served to describe every adult in the place, and the hallways should have had handy ritalin dispensers for their inbred, hyper-active, verminous children. There weren't even any particularly attractive 30 year old Mom's running around the place.

Oh, I suppose one could have relaxed the usual societal and moral barriers and indulged in degenerate and despicable fantasizing about 'young girls', ala Woody Allen (Oh, to be a comic genius!), but the crop of 15 to 18 year olds at this place were so given to blank, pendent lower lip, buck-toothed looks of near idiocy that even the most hardened and dedicated pedophile would have taken the pledge.

Well, I'm not yet caught up on the Thread of threads, but I do see that we have new chums posting.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but is there actually an idjit in here with 'SS' tacked on to his screenname? And another who's attempt at what (by charity) we might call an 'Irish' accent will soon put him into the 'AussieJeff Lower Form Group of Those Forbidden to Attempt Dialect or Written Accents?'

I see we've also returned to the trademarked Dalem school of 'Thread titles taken from vaguely remembered songs that were playing when he acquired various STDs as a young man'.

Hopefully I will be able to read through the innumerable, pointless bits of gibberish posted of late in the various incarnations of the MBT by this weekend, finding, perhaps, the odd gem of humour, pith, and wit here and there, to somehow give the illusion of it all being worthwhile.

Until then, continue to indulge the usual game of 'worrying the old dish-towel' amongst yourselves until my return.

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Sigh. I thought we'd lost you, Seanachai.

We'll have to try harder next time, that's all. I blame dalem for our failures.

And now for some Ultra-Gamey UPDATES!

Speaking of failures, dalem has FAILEd to send a turn. He is a pillock and git of the first order. But then, you knew that.

lars either owes a turn or has lost. In either event, he is a failure and git of the first order.

Mace owes me a turn. He doesn't know it yet, but he has already lost. In case I forgot to mention it, he is a failure and git of the first order.

buzzsaw attacks like old people have sex: slow, and sloppy. He owes me a turn, and is a failure and git of the first order.

Iskander is still hiding behind his wife's skirts to avoid his inlaws, who already realize he is a failure and git of the first order. He is losing (badly) and owes me a turn besides.

Joe Shaw of course is a failure and git of the first order. He owes me a turn as well, though I must thank him for warning of his upcoming visit to dallas. I suspect I shall have to schedule oral surgery that day or somefink.

Lurkur is a failure and git of the first order who is sending trucks to meet my armored cars. He owes me a turn, too.

R_Leete is a failure and git of the first order. He owes me a turn, too.

Hakko Ichiu has crushed one side of my force with his Uberfinns, but I beat up his other side -- which happened to be the one with all the victory flags. He is, of course, a failure and git of the first order and owes me a turn.

Wildman stopped sending turns long ago after my tigers started picking off his tanks one by one at range. This confirmed my suspicion that he was a failure and git of the first order. Needless to say, he owes me a turn as well.

Speedbump has graciously offered to send a few books on World War II my direction. I suppose he was put off them when he learned they had few pictures (and none of nekkid womyn) and more than ten words per page. He is a failure and a git of the first order, who also owes me a turn.

If I didn't mention YOU, it is only because you are a failure and a git of the first order, and beneath my notice.

Sod off!


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Originally posted by Croda:

Any Auburn fans/grads out there, I'll be remembering you on my: People to soon become shat upon list. Hate you damn dirty bastages. I hope you all get boiled in your own jelly.

Croda you bald headed jelly sucking, marshmellow bodied analy retentive arsehole....welcome back from whichever primary school you've been lurking ouside (of).

It's about time you showed your uglyness, I need a bunny to kick the hell out of in CMBB.

Now you may have whipped me mercilessly in CMBO , and I may have enjoyed it, BUT - this new game shall see your demise at my rock-hard fist. Send me a set up if you've still got Balls.


ps. Even Hiram misses you.

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And then there are those times when even the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... the Hammer of the MBT, the feared and hated Cudgel of the CessPool is moved by Pity ... as Frito said in "Bored of the Rings", "It's a pity I've run out of bullets." ... have at him lads. And don't be swayed by the soft hearted though well meaning Ladies of the CessPool ... they know not what they do.


Well well. I think it's about time for you to retire to the ol' Rancheroonie. Can't hack the pace anymore. Won't stand up for the RULES. Gives in like a soggy papertowel. Rolls over like a silly puppy and says, "do what you like, only rub my tummy first" ...gawd you're pathetic.

Forgotten about challenging low life SSN's have we ? Brain cell gone to sleep. Pah. Croda would do a far better job (if he was allowed to post more often)

We Hates you.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sigh. I'm back.


Hopefully I will be able to read through the innumerable, pointless bits of gibberish posted of late in the various incarnations of the MBT by this weekend, finding, perhaps, the odd gem of humour, pith, and wit here and there, to somehow give the illusion of it all being worthwhile.


Easy. Just go back and read all your own posts. They fit THAT bill perfectly.

And to add cos I can't be bothered setting up another post......

The best thing that happened for the SCOTCH TOSSERS around the world, was when they took the Grate Engineer "Scotty" into space on Star Trek. They got two things wrong...

They should have left him there...


They should have taken them ALL - and left them there !


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... as Frito said in "Bored of the Rings", "It's a pity I've run out of bullets."


Gawd, I remember reading "Bored of the Rings" during my freshman year. Funny, funny stuff. The whole fight scene in the Inn at Whee! when Stomper gets his sword stuck in the cement pig...rofl.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

lars either owes a turn or has lost. In either event, he is a failure and git of the first order.

I lost to your paratroopers about two months ago, but if you're still waiting for turns I think I'll claim it as a moral victory.

You second order git.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Smoke in bed.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Vadr:

Well, I'd like to challenge dalem to a game, for the plain and simple reason that he (she?) posted the absolute poorest first post I've ever seen in a Peng thread in 2 years of lurking.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />We think we're funny.

We think we're witty.

Neither, I'm afraid (well, ok, you're pretty funny, in a sad sort of way...)

Now, one of you Old Timers (or whatever it is you call yourselves) will say: "You Vadr, are a mere SSN and unworthy to challenge anyone with a 3 digit member number".

To which I reply: Dalem deserves to have his assets kicked by a SSN for that worthless first post. Besides, How am I supposed to tell who is a SSN and who isn't? The "instructions" in that first post were pretty vague after all...

So, how about it you sad Helen Reddy lovin' hippie? 1000 pt QB, you can take either side, I don't care. Better yet, find something historical and send it along (QB's are lame).

Or, if you'd like me to pick the vehicle of your demise, doing so would be my pleasure...

Oh yeah, in advance thanks for the assuredly warm welcome, you may all just Sod Off



Insert witty Sig here...</font>

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Ahhh, stepping in for a breath of fetid air.

OK, my Aussie - Kiwi brethren. I made the effort to feel your enthusiasm for cricket. I visited some web sites and read some of the articles, and I admit it changed my mind.

I pity you lot more than loathe you now. Would you descendants of England's finest care to expound on what a "grunt muscle" is and why having it injured prevents you from playing cricket? No, never mind. We don't care. Really, we don't.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Would you descendants of England's finest care to expound on what a "grunt muscle" is and why having it injured prevents you from playing cricket?

It seems it's a "soft tissue" injury.

And it's not even the first time the guy injured his "soft tissue".

Furthermore, the article states that he "was unable to take the field after tea".

Could the presence of a bit of crumpet have something to do with this injury?

How many sheep were loose on the field?

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Would you descendants of England's finest care to expound on what a "grunt muscle" is and why having it injured prevents you from playing cricket? No, never mind. We don't care. Really, we don't.

Pillock!! If YOU don't know WHAT or WHERE your "groin muscle" is, I'm certainly not going to help you get in touch with it!



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