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The Peng Challenge Telethon for Australia: How Many Times Can You Just Look Away?

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Great Googily Moogily, Joe. How can you be so insipid? What happened in your life years ago that made you so very….wrong? You know me, Joe. I am fond of old people. I have encouraged you throughout the years to find your teeth and have helped you wander around with your walker. But, come on now Joe. I secretly expected more of you. You claim to be above the rest of us. I had thought that you were smarter. Are you smarter, Joe? Tell me truthfully, Joe. Of the two of us, who calls the Bard while at an airport in Minnesnowta for a bootie call? Hmmm…could it be…YOU?

As of this moment, you are scratched off my list of heroes! Before, it was you, William Shatner, Lee Majors, and ALF. I guess Justin Timberlake will take your place. You disappoint me Joe Shaw. You did NOT take us to funky town. Now, you hush up and munch on your geritol before I place some more fire ants in your adult diapers.

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Joe, ye watery-eyed piddle-garglin' tit....ye owe mae a feckin' turrrn.

Hiram, shove ye haid batween ye spindly laigs an' sit doon.....hard. Mah wee span' go' tha feckin' squirts an' Ah thought ye'd cam tae visit. Thain Ah noticed tha smaill widnae sae bad sae at culdnae bin yoo, Jimmy.

Oi Boo, cam here mon....a wee bit closer....closer....*poot*

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Joe, ye watery-eyed piddle-garglin' tit....ye owe mae a feckin' turrrn.

Hiram, shove ye haid batween ye spindly laigs an' sit doon.....hard. Mah wee span' go' tha feckin' squirts an' Ah thought ye'd cam tae visit. Thain Ah noticed tha smaill widnae sae bad sae at culdnae bin yoo, Jimmy.

Oi Boo, cam here mon....a wee bit closer....closer....*poot*

OGSF ... how nice ... or not. I'll send a turn when I feel like it and you'll like it laddie! When playing a personage as exaulted as I one must be prepared to endure the odd day ... or forty seven ... without a turn. It's a price YOU should be glad to pay for the privilege ... Hell man I'm willling to forget that you're Australian for a bit ... most of that is for Peg's sake of course but still ...

Hiram ... you've been after the cough syrup again haven't you? You'll be paying for it tomorrow you know, the queasy tummy, the pounding head and trying to wash off the dregs of the bottle still smeared over your face and hands.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Oh, Yes Indeedy!! I'm back in the saddle again thanks to a Mister Steve Grammont. I now have my original account back.

And here I thought the only weirdness we could lay at Grammont's door was being an unrepentant Right Wing Liberal (which is a bit like being a Libertarian, but without the gaping stupidity and/or the insanity that manifests itself as the certainty that the Queen of England is orchestrating the international drug trade while serving secretly on the the Tri-Lateral Commission).

But I was wrong. Now we have to wonder what sick, disturbing secrets might be crouching like scorpions beneath the rock of his past, inadvertantly to be over-turned and discovered by the wandering New Jersey anchorite idiot Hiram Sedai.

GRAMMONT! I don't care what sort of sordid and vile deeds you've engaged in and now seek to keep from the eyes of a judgemental world, for there's nothing that could be more reprehensible and disgusting than being nice to Hiram.

Get a grip, man. Give him a member number in the 12,000 range and have him neutered, for Godssake.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Oh, Yes Indeedy!! I'm back in the saddle again thanks to a Mister Steve Grammont. I now have my original account back. Tremble and run away. Lock your doors and ensure your mailboxes are sealed.

Sheram Sedate, you are a waste of bandwidth. Not to mention oxygen. Your only redeeming quality is the fact that you have somehow managed to attach your leechlike suckers to Lady Sedai. If it weren't for the small fact that you reside on a different continent, I would personally stomp your slimey appendages into a greenish goo.

When you look in the mirror in the morning, and your eyeballs rotate inwards to avoid exploding from the sheer ugliness they face, don't you feel the least bit of remorse? Can't you find it in your fluid circulation chamber to release this planet from the pain of your existence and simply implode?

Now extrude a wriggly ocular-equipped pseudopod (no, not that one! I said ocular-equipped!) and read this:

I challenge you, Hiram Sedai.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

And we will put those drunken descendants of criminals in their place

My place -

I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of ragged mountain ranges,

Of droughts and flooding rains.

I love her far horizons,

I love her jewel-sea,

Her beauty and her terror –

The wide brown land for me!

Thank you Seanachai, for the telethon.

All proceeds should be forwarded to my home address.

Once again...thankyou. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI! OI! OI!!!!

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Ms. Sedai,

I am in receipt of your files and will attempt to convert and send back this evening.



Thank you, kind sir. I am forever in your debt.

Well, at least until our game starts up again. Then I shall let loose with heavy firepower and run your guys out of that building...

I just have to find the right balance remembering I cannot just obliterate the building altogether. Pardon me whilst I mull over my options...

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Well, I thought I'd dust off the old MOPP suit and nip quickly into my one-time haunt. I'm glad to see, that after a period of fermentation (always a bit stinky), the MBT has settled comfortably back into its old incarnation, with only occasional bubbles of swamp gas (or is that just Jo Xia?

My only purpose for this visit was actually to tell the Gnome that if he doesn't have any music by Kate Rusby, he should run, not walk, to his nearest purveyor of musical content and pick up one of her albums. Her greatest hits album, Ten, is a good place to start.

I think I'll sod off now before the suit starts to break down.


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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

My only purpose for this visit was actually to tell the Gnome that if he doesn't have any music by Kate Rusby, he should run, not walk, to his nearest purveyor of musical content and pick up one of her albums. Her greatest hits album, Ten, is a good place to start.

You working on a commission basis?


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

My only purpose for this visit was actually to tell the Gnome that if he doesn't have any music by Kate Rusby, he should run, not walk, to his nearest purveyor of musical content and pick up one of her albums. Her greatest hits album, Ten, is a good place to start.

You working on a commission basis?

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

My only purpose for this visit was actually to tell the Gnome that if he doesn't have any music by Kate Rusby, he should run, not walk, to his nearest purveyor of musical content and pick up one of her albums. Her greatest hits album, Ten, is a good place to start.

You working on a commission basis?

Mace </font>

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I have one or two questions, if i may (which I will ask regardless of your feelings on the matter) firstly: What is coventry when it is used in your context?

secondly: Who are the knights of the pool?

and thirdly: what is the cubic m(2) storage area of your combined vagina's sand-wise? - naturally assuming a density of about 4kg/200cm(2).

Furthermore, i would like it to be known that I do not consider myself witty and neither - in my opinion - are you. I post merely to piss you off and waste your time, becuase it amuses me so to do it.

good night to you, you princes of maine, you pricks of peng.

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Originally posted by Elvis:


You are a soothing force, much like Preparation H on swollen tissues. Your reliability and predictiveness are only surpassed by your lack of novelty.

You are as toilet is to paper, like blow is to flies, as cows are to pies, like kitty to litter, as chum is to bucket.

Thanks, Elvis, for being so friggen predictable.


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Originally posted by A.E.B:


I once fought a drunk Kangaroo for money. And you lot think that we Australians are lacking in culture!



Yep. It's true what they say about accountants.....


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Sometimes I hate Minnesota.

Tonight I'm in a restaurant. They have two things on their menu I'm interested in - a "Meatball Grinder" and a "Calzone". Not trusting a Minnesota restaurant chain to get even close to the mark for a calzone, I order a meatball grinder.

They bring me...

A calzone. Not a good calzone, not a terrible calzone. I say to the waitress "But I ordered the Meatball Grinder" and she chirps "That is the Meatball Grinder." So I'm left thinking that, if their grinders look like crappy calzones, must their calzones look like crappy grinders???

Luckily the bill came and cleared everything up, for the bill was clearly marked "Grinder: Calzone".


Sometimes I hate Minnesota.

[ July 13, 2003, 02:17 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by Speedy:

quick hide the beer.

That's nice that is !

You know, lately, everytime you yanks get yourself into a war we offer to help you guys out. Now you wanna hide the beer? :(

What happened to hospitallity eh?

Don't knock kangaroos either, they're bloody delicious. ;)

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Neener, neener, neener, IN YOUR FACE!

Thanks to the brilliant help of Schrullenhaft, CMBB is now up and running! I am reinstalling all my mods and after I get back from work tomorrow with the files for patches 1 & 2, I will once again be able to grind your pointy little noggins under my size 12 feet and throttle you with my monster-sized hands. (And you know what they say about guys with big hands and big feet, don't you? Right. We need to buy big shoes and big gloves!)

So prepare to once again cower in fear as I make mockery of all you little mousey plans!

[serious] If anyone out there has a copy of the scenario I designed called "Hold the Ridge", could you send it back to me? It got lost when I was forced to reformat and I was tweaking it a bit before I sent it in to the Depot. Thanks) [/serious]


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Neener, neener, neener, IN YOUR FACE!

Thanks to the brilliant help of Schrullenhaft, CMBB is now up and running! I am reinstalling all my mods and after I get back from work tomorrow with the files for patches 1 & 2, I will once again be able to grind your pointy little noggins under my size 12 feet and throttle you with my monster-sized hands. (And you know what they say about guys with big hands and big feet, don't you? Right. We need to buy big shoes and big gloves!)

So prepare to once again cower in fear as I make mockery of all you little mousey plans!

[serious] If anyone out there has a copy of the scenario I designed called "Hold the Ridge", could you send it back to me? It got lost when I was forced to reformat and I was tweaking it a bit before I sent it in to the Depot. Thanks) [/serious]


Actually SWINES is incorrect, the correct term for either singular or plural members of the porcine family is SWINE ... quite useful that, you can refer to a single SWINE such as Boo_Radley or a number of SWINE such as ... uh ... a LOT of Boo_Radleys ... or Australians.


[ July 13, 2003, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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