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Why is this forum so happy?

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

Terribly sorry old boy, you're not as bad as Goodale. If anything you're worse as you tend to end up spattered across every forum and thread going.

Postcard? Not likely. The most you're getting from me is vague irritation.



Actually, you seem to be on several of the lists, now that I go to add you...yes, and look, you're on this one twice...I have to get some decent administrative help.

Well, in any case, you're on the list! More than one, probably, and you probably belong on both/all of them! Even the one that hasn't got a title right now, so I shall have to sort out from the other names just what it is that you're on that list for.

Good God, I think you're on my Christmas Card list. That can't be right, can it?

Excuse me, while I go sort through this for a while...

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Originally posted by Reincarnated:

Well, IMO, this forum is nice in a sort of dictator/big brother way. Civility is maintained in most cases by the nature of the game and the passionate approach of the players, but those of us who have been around for any length of time know that things are not as nice as they look on the surface.

The forum is MUCH better than most others but don't look in the basement or ask why the walls are freshly painted. Worse, watch out for the police. Be careful not to run afoul of any self-proclaimed enforcers. When they speak, politely nod your head and mumble something that ends with "comrade" as you shuffle along waiting for your bread for the month and staring at your worn shoes.

Oh, and if you disagree with someone be sure to include several entries from the bibliography of the book you are citing as evidence. If you don't your best chance will be to take your own life.

You know, I heard a rather humourous program on the CBC one day about how many Canadians there are that don't even know all the lyrics to 'O Canada!'. Quite droll how many of them, when the mike was shoved in their face, couldn't get all the way to the end of the song.

stands back quickly

Stay back, everyone. If it is him, he should explode into raving idiocy any moment now!

But fear not. Once he's revealed himself the Four Horsemen shall ride out.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, I heard a rather humourous program on the CBC one day about how many Canadians there are that don't even know all the lyrics to 'O Canada!'. Quite droll how many of them, when the mike was shoved in their face, couldn't get all the way to the end of the song.

probably .00001% of americans could do the full star spangled banner.

dang it's long

...blah blah blah...

land of the freeeeeee,

and the hoooooome

of the


On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,

Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,

In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:

'T is the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore

That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion

A home and a country should leave us no more?

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,

Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land

Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us as a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,

And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by russellmz:

probably .00001% of americans could do the full star spangled banner.

I thought our National Anthem was 'A World Turned Upside Down'.

Why are you quoting the Hockey Song? </font>

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[stares glumly at a frosty patch of half frozen earth]

I just wanted to point out that I'm not happy.

Never have been and, doubtless, never will be. Not that I'm complaining. One just has to ask every now and again, "Is this it?". And one gets the reply, "Yes". *sniff* Well, that was unexpected. "Oh", I say to meself ('cause no one really cares), "wouldn't that be exciting in a strange sort of way considering yer current abode and yer artistic sensibilities yearning to be unleashed from a locked, hulking mass of fungal-encrusted donkey?". "No, not really, its not exciting at all but I'd thought I might be a tease".

Multiple personalities, pathetic.


[ October 22, 2003, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Long? Of course. The tune is 'borrowed' from an old English drinking song. More pints, you see, 'til the dawn's early light.

Bah, you must be from the countryside where they have lock-ins. Here in London you are more likely to see dawn's early light while propping up a lamp post.

Yeknod - are you still up for the preview, you Berkshireite?

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Bah, you must be from the countryside where they have lock-ins. Here in London you are more likely to see dawn's early light while propping up a lamp post.

No lock-ins in London? I would have figured the opposite, that's a real surprise. The best thing about NYC bars are lock-ins. Of course, I frequented Irish bars, so that may be part of it.

Nothing beats that accusatory finger of red hot flaming guilt pointing at you as you leave the bar. Some call it the sun, but I know better.

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Unfortunately, I don't think that explains it either, as the anger seems to be independent of age. Yes, the younger people make broader and less educated statements filled with offensive language, but the older folks tend to launch into page long diatribes. These essays may be filled with facts, but their anger is so great that they've lost control and start twisting facts out of control to feed the bitterness. Post after post, what angered them in one topic carries over to a new topic, where, at first opportunity, they launch into vicious invective to prove a point lost elsewhere.

I like this paragraph!! :mad: You used lots of angry words! :mad: GGRGRAGRAAGRAGRGRGRAGRAGRGRG!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Before this thread melts into pengish waffle [oh yes, combined 'em and kept 'em uncapitalised. *snigger*], I go with the following:

posted by Capitalistdoginchina:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Other Means:

also, the game is a long drawn out thing. you play over days to months by email. you make friends this way. i think the general forum tends to lack this social glue and is the poorer for it.

{edit for apostrophe redface.gif }

I think that just about covers it for me. Online players at other game sites only know the other players by their screen name/alias, and once they die they just dissapear off screen... ..During PBEM we sometimes get to know the real person a lot better.</font>
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Originally posted by HarryInk:

I don't entirely go with the thing that I get to know the real person, but I enjoy the banter and the tidbits that you share about your lives (kids, spouses, r/t whatevers).

And the generosity of folk around here with info expresses a real enthusiasm for sharing the history. Even though the actual history was such dour sad stuff (read The Forgotten Soldier for example), this is a vital expression of it.


This may very well be true, but why wouldn't this generosity and love of history translate in the IL2 thread? I'm quite sure those guys love their planes just as much as you guys love your tanks.

I still don't know what anyone thinks of the theory that the subjectivity of a simulation causes anger. When history says a plane is "manuverable", it's hard to know whether that means turn radius, turn rate, energy bleed, etc, etc. I don't think that problem is quite so intractable in tanks. Perhaps the anger in the IL2 forum is an expression of frustration over the fact that we will never know how those WWII really flew?

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CM is so good game that there is no reason to start nagging smile.gif IL2 is too hard game to make any kills and cultural detail wasn't quite in right balance in first version. I am really glad they patched it, now it is more easier to get kills for average sunday pilot like me and even when you fly Brewsters smile.gif

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Originally posted by sightreader:

This may very well be true, but why wouldn't this generosity and love of history translate in the IL2 thread? I'm quite sure those guys love their planes just as much as you guys love your tanks.

I still don't know what anyone thinks of the theory that the subjectivity of a simulation causes anger.

Well, I don't know about your theory, but I do know that discussions concerning CAS in this forum tend to degenerate in a hurry. Perhaps it has something to do with the topic.

I do agree with you on the subjective nature of the material. I don't know what effect this has on the behaviour of forum residents, but I suspect it has little to do with it. Maybe the answer has more to do with how this forum is policed? I've never been on the Il-2 forum so I can't compare.


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Hmmm interesting, I always thought everyone was overly friendly on this board because most of the poster were rather inept, aging, lazy, malaria loving, somewhat socialistic gay puffs, as signified by their not using capital letters in their onboard names. Either that our people avoid incendiary postings.

It would seem I was mistaken.


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