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Sir Peng, I take your challenge to Lord Raglan

Guest Germanboy

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Originally posted by jd:

Oh BTW Spawnette of Dusk, I sent it on Tues. or Weds, last...learn how to use "Get message" willya! So I guess I'll just have to send it again and this time try to stop impaling the ice cream cone on your forehead.

I don't have any problem getting everyone elses e-mails. Perhaps my e-mail client has taste... no... that can't be it... it excepts files from Bauhaus

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Originally posted by Roborat:

What's that?? do I hear some faint squeaking?

Hey Kitty, I think one of your hamsters is loose again. I think Dalem was doing some felching again.

Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Utilize your internet connection for what it was truly intended for and look it up.



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Tome update:



Game updates:

Moriarty... his men decided to crowd a house in the deep night fog... my FT decided he wanted Bar-B-Que for dinner.

Germanboy... Game is about over, Littered Allied AFV's, and my german AT guns are all over the place. Will he exit enough units to rescue the para's? Only time will tell.

Iskander... Pool table map, little cover, he is pouring smoke everywhere. He must be on of Berli's love children.

GiTom... Shooting has just started to heat up in this one. Too close to give odds, but I'm sure I can still manage a loss.

Hakko...His men seemed to have stopped moving and have sat down for a cuppa.

A couple of other games going, but none worth the pools notice or time.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, Andreas wrote:

Your illustrations, do you draw some of your inspiration from Manga?

I replied:

To be honest, I despise Manga. =)

Maybe I lied. Or maybe I have not a clue what I'm talking about.

A few weeks ago I downloaded the 75Mb Oni demo on a 56K modem. A few days ago I bought Alpha Centauri. Today I deleted them both. Combat Mission resumes its rightful position as the only game worth the attention of a single one of my neurons.

I also bought a new drawing pen. It has a 0.8mm rounded fibre tip. This is a Good Thing.

Actually, drawing is nothing about ability, it's about how expensive your pens are.

Now I shall return to wondering why Errol Flynn was pretending to be English in the cinematic version of the inspiration for the current incarnation of The Only Bloody Thread That Matters.

Best wishes from the land of rail disasters and farm crises.

Ooo, and that reminds me:


It says:


1. Make money

2. er...

3. Destroy our own industry



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And GOD spake thusly:Guys, lets try and keep this to the one thread if we could
... well okay, maybe not GOD, but KwazyDog is a reasonable facsimile in CM board terms anyway. But I was particularly pleased to see that even the minor attempt to form a rival 'pool has been put down with firmness (Geeze Bauhaus ... put that away). There is now and forever only The One The True CessPool and only those with steel in their spine need apply ... no Bauhaus, the plate in your head doesn't qualify but you're here already and there's not much we can do about it.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Quick message from Mace, who can't post here today.

He rang me and said he's having a problem with his Ethernet card, but I suspect that's not the real reason. Maybe it's because I'm the suspicious type. Maybe it's because in the background I heard champagne glasses, cheezy porn jazz music, and sheep. Whatever.

Anyhow he says he won't be able to post any email turns for a couple of days.

Now I'm going back to talk to the big kids.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

The future has taken root in the present. It is done. The mod of the apocalypse!! Get it at http://www.fluffkitty.com/


I don't know whether to be relieved or saddened....



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I sent Kitty a new pic but it seems that she has tired of this tangent for her creative effort and there were likely few spots to fill other than the French anyway.

Nope. It's done. You are the Volksturm guy. I was originally going to make you the Fallschirmjaeger officer but I couldn't fit you in the picture right so I swapped you and jd. ;)



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

Jesus Dress Up!

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Originally posted by Kitty:

The future has taken root in the present. It is done. The mod of the apocalypse!! Get it at http://www.fluffkitty.com/


Lorak gives a "Job well done !" to Kitty.

Oh and how I revel in the joy at observing the hell that Kitty has unleashed on the unwashed and unprepared masses.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Christ on crack, you people post like Fat Albert after a box of Lucky Charms (Matt loves his purple horseshoes). I was off skiing, so I missed this gem (Excerpted from Jefe Ebonics 101):

You see Croda use to be my whippin' boy but then it just got to be no fun beatin' him like some chained mutt at my side.

Well, I'm out of statements of exclamation, Jefe, so you'll just have to settle for an old one. Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiitttttttt honkey! What kinda jive talk is that? Jd and Seanachai are chatting up a storm, barely covering their unrelenting fear of my forces on the field of battle. Woe, woe is my opponent.

Ok, I'm reading page 7(!), so I'll get back to you scurvy dogs when I'm done.

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Time to bestow the famed Putrid L'Rose with Floating clusters upon Ms Kitty for her mods (although looking at Coleslaw and the Elf will make me prefer the Germans methinks!)


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Five pages and nothing, NOTHING!

Well, except for Aitken, I thought he was killed by the SPAZI. And what the hell is a dalem, anyway?

Meeks, you smarmy vermin. This isn't an actual definition of dalem, but you may find it of some value in your search for info on the dalem thing...

Begin Flashback -


Originally posted by dalem:

p.p.s. Oh, and Mr. Peng, this is for you:

Very clever. No one has ever posted a smiley

in a lame attempt to raise my ire before. You must be one of those extra clever dalems I have heard tell about. "They" say that the new genetically modified

dalems are mostly harmless and will not affect the more cautiously developed

naturally artificially selected dalem crops or the bees that pollinate them. Yup.

"They" say the new clever dalems are more resistant to disease, yeild more and

more clever taunts, and wont harm existing symbiotic relationships with fungi

and fauna.

It must be true, because "they" say it is, and you have just proven that you are

much more clever than the average garden variety dalem with that smiley toss.


"Here! Catch Peng! Its a smiley! Ha ha ha gotcha with that one ol' Pengy, old fellah. Ho, ho that's one for me."

Yeah, ya really got me with that one dalem, old sod. I'm just havin a regular old

freakout over here:

"Gah! Seanachai! Didja see that? dalem did the ol' smiley chuck at me! I'm

wiggin over here. What the hell do I do now?"

And then Seanachai takes 2 and a 1/4 hours explaining in blank verse that this is

an old dalem trick and it goes way back to the ancient dalem days when men

were men and dalems were not genetically modified to be more clever than the

average coelenterate {or picnic basket (or park ranger)for that matter} and that

if he recalls correctly there is a song or two about the pre-gm dalem days and

the women that harvested them {big buxom meeks-loving women with flaxen

hair and significant body odor (or was it the dalems that have/had the body odor?)}.

Well that is neither here nor there, because as you can see I have absolutely no

intention of rising to your little smiley bait mrloweercasegeneticallymodifieddalem.

Please take note of my sig, in honor of a group of rodents whose tails you are

not worthy to polish with your tongue.


edited to fail to mention PawBroon again

{(old sig)} - "I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head" Hamsters/Meeks

- End Flashback

Sorry for the re-hash boys but Meeks wanted to know...



That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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Bah, what's for dalems or Mongols or habitses anyway. We say phooie and titwit and natter-bob on all of them. Once upon a time there was a tree and in this tree there was a large, some would say enormous, grouping of rodentia. Not insectivora, mind you, but gorgeous fury power in an easy to care for package. That's right gentlemen, that tree is back, and frankly, it's a tree, so it can't feel anything, but those unkempt hamstertruppen that make that tree their residence are pissed, PISSED, and they're ready to make something of it.

When we're through with Peng, you can keep his remaining retina as a pimento of his emasculated fortitude. Like Spock with a tricorder, we's gonna whup all over his shrivelled, chigger-rotted buttocks. Pathos greater than that felt by yon orphaned child looking for the first time upon his mother and then seeing her hit by a Santa's sleigh being ridden by none other than the animated corpse of Herr Manfred von Richtofen shall be heaped upon any who even so much as think of the thing that once was Peng.

Fear, fire, foes! The fox is back in the henhouse, the womenfolk are all ready ravaged and yes, the fix is in. You die, Peng, and when you do, the where and how will be up to us. Be thankful that at least you have the luxury of naming when.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Lookin' to sign up!? Why, I have a contract right here...

Sure, sure... just let me find a pen...

What's this about swampland?

Oh well, there ya go.

Okay, now do we serve cookies or something?


"Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

"They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

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Poor Mr. Clark. Such a nice fellow on the Outer Board, dissembling, conciliatory, apologetic... now utterly confused and lost in the Bad Part of Town. Patting the sleeping Beast on the nose and cooing "nice doggie".

I give ya a day or two. There was another nice guy here, once... we played soccer with his mother's head. menschy picked out the eyes and then we had to bowl, instead. I hate bowling.

Speaking of Hate... elvis has a Tactic! He has parked a Panzer battalion in a neat line so he can admire his little parade. I think he has lines painted and the vehicle number of each one stencilled in it's place on the asphalt. And that is where they're going to die.

In other news... Peng has returned a turn!

Moriarty's death rattle seems to have shaken the track off one of my Shermies. He has a Gun. I'm a-gonna kill it. And everybody around it and their families, too.

Kitty, thanks for the mod, quite the most dashing of the lot, though that's like being the cutest pig in the pen. Not sure what the royalties are per download, but as soon as my lawyers are done with the Metallica case they'll be contacting you.

I was killing some others but I'm too busy to remember you. Try sending a turn, it jogs the memory.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

yammer yammer yammer

Peng spent a lot of time on the original post about dalems, added some pithy new comments about dalems, and all for the benefit of little Meeksy. I think we can all read betweeen the lines though, and when you do that, amongst all the bile and thesaurus-flipping, Peng's clear message comes through. He really seems to be saying "Help! My diaper is full!"

Well, PengPong, Peng-a-licious, Mister Penga-Linga-Ding-Dong, I would suggest getting Meeks to change and powder you (as per normal), then prepare for a setup from a dalem.



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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

Sure, sure... just let me find a pen...

What's this about swampland?

Oh well, there ya go.

Okay, now do we serve cookies or something?

You perfect git. It's not swampland Berli's selling, it's eternal damnation. Although the rates are good. You give him your immortal soul, and you receive eternal damnation. Oh, I know you're supposed to get wealth, power, and women (although in your case, I'm sure a nice lie down in a quiet place would answer) as part of the deal, but generally you're screwed out of those. Still, I think that Berli returning eternal damnation for your soul still means you're getting the better end of the deal. I mean, what's he going to do with that pale, shivering, weak-as-water bit of spiritual detritus? Probably just toss it behind a wardrobe in Hell and leave it there with the dust bunnies. Not something you'd mount on the mantelpiece and point out to visitors with pride, that's for certain. Now, muster your little bit of manhood, whatever might be left after your lie down, and try taunting someone, or sod off. You're taking up valuable space that we could be using to store old tires, or Lawyer could be using to store bile, or somefink.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Guest Germanboy

I hope David won't mind, if he does I shall remove it...

Prove of what really happened on our trip to the South Coast. The only hope this country had for decent public transport, clean streets and acceptable food scuppered (pun intended) by a sheepshagging Kiwi and a breathless spoof on GI Joe. Can't run with an HMG, can't be a true American then. Just ask CavScout...




Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Thank you Kitty. I have downloaded almost no mods at all and none for a very long time.

Why is there no mod for Hiram?


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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If the world revolved around art and music instead of language and the written word think about how many of us would be totally disabled.

Some things must be pursued in the appropriate venue, that is, here.

Yep, this really made me stop and think.

What do we have, here? Gandhi? Kant? Khalil Ghibran? The Rainbow People's Manifesto? Why no, it's a noted philosopher and patron saint of feelin' alright, making an impassioned plea for alternative literacy.

"You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of grammar!", he as much as crows, as though to expunge the awful metaphor to which his wagon is now euphemistically hitched, though his cart is before his horse, be it of another color, or not. Well, now let's see whose ox is gored, as I must take this one by the horns.

A world revolving around either art or word would still be a cold and dreary place, would it not? I am perfectly satisfied with the heliocentric thing, and language as a medium for the exchange of ideas, and grammar and spelling as the metaphorical dollars and cents of the international idea economy, and art as laughable scraps of colored fabric framed on the walls of Marriotts' where I check in.

Yeah, you guessed it. I am otherly-abled when it comes to art, being hung up on Vermeer, Tintoretto, and Velasquez.

Treepuff/155 wasn't here when his newly adopted pet/1 was urging the closing of our fair 'pool, so I urge calm and forgiveness upon my foul, dank, and slimy brethren.

No, really, I do.

But isn't encouraging the illiterate to post like shooing one-legged chickens across a busy highway? Are you doing right by the little tyke? Wouldn't a brick upside the head reinforce attention to detail, or at least the common courtesy of using the little "Spell Check" button, so much like the linguistic equivalent of a turn signal, in that its use represents a courtesy to other drivers?

Thoughtfully Yours,


out of my little box

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by David Aitken:

You are right to be cautious, I have a global copyright on broken image links. See you in court, punk!!

To paraphrase the Canuck who showed up here once:

A bit late, and a pound short...

Bloody Geocities, what is that? Run by the Maneuverist School of the US Army?



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Ah, Mark IV.... you have indeed eskaped from your litle box.

Are you trying to gode me into a serius respons? I dont think The Thread is the apropriute plase. It would be like trying to convirs on a rooler coster ride.

I was unawhere Rob/1 declard war aginst The Thread awhile bak. For that he shuold be strung up bye his tows and beeten to within an inch of his life. Atempting to stifle The Thread is akin to book berning IMO. However, after the beeting he shud be alowed to post to the other threads in piece. His giberish is know werse than 50% of the rest of the crap out thier.

Now I am off to bild a stronger box in wich to house you. It will be a cold and dreery box, just like yur world. Injoy yor fredom wile you can. Perhaps you can put it to good use by volunterring to teech a adult literasy clas. Hehe...

Your Master, Treeburst155

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