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The Peng challenge, a thread that will live in infamy

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Just can not be chance that I found this book. It has to be a holy sign from the one true Peng himself.


I bet its got Stukas in it.

But no Ju-88s, thank you Mr Spkr, 'flying pencils' indeed. Hummmph!

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I never thought I'd be an old fart at 26. And considering that I'm one of the youngest in the group, damn are you some smelly old farts.

Shaw, thank you for that wonderfully dull crack at fire and brimstone. I now know no more than I did coming in, but at least you were able to bore me.

Stalin's Organ (I won't ask which organ)...



That's about the wittiest thing anyone here can say that you will grasp.

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I'm sure Mrspkr will be along shortly to give excuses, but let it be known now, that I have defeated a Kanigget of the Cess soundly in mortal combat.

It was a Total victory, and poor Mrspkr's forces were totally annihilated. Not a broken crew survived. In fact in the last turn (actually it auto-ended, so in the turn before last) the only vehicle to make it off the map was a destroyed half-track that just rollllllled on off the map edge!


Panzer Leader: Victorious.

Mrspkr: Slewn.

Oh, did I mention, it was a TOTAL victory?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka finally sobered up enough to post: Shaw, thank you for that wonderfully dull crack at fire and brimstone. I now know no more than I did coming in, but at least you were able to bore me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then my work was not in vain, however my labors are not finished. While you are correct to chastise MrSpkr (I think, if not who cares) as to his misidentification of the Stuka as {chortle} a JU-88, you were equally at fault by referring to the JU-88 as the Flying Pencil. That aircraft was the Donier DO-17 ... 217 ... something like that, I'm too important to actually do the research. There were, of course, multiple variants but the Battle of Britain varieties were called the Flying Pencil.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I never thought . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You got that right

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stalin's Organ (I won't ask which organ)...



That's about the wittiest thing anyone here can say .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep, that about sums it up too, although some of the other floating lumps of partially digested vegetable matter do do a bit better, so I'd tend to restrict it to you.

God only knows how a snotty nosed pimply cheeked brat like you is allowed to exist. Obviously you've outgrown nappies but not the need for them. Sigh...potty training obviously took a downhill dive in the late 70's!

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Meeks ye skanky wee bit o' damp spaniel crotch! Cannae send oot turrns eh? Tha's a wee bat conveeeenient, eh? Ye're a tosser's excuse fer a glob o' stoat spittle. A festerin' lump o' enematic haggis. Bah tha way....didye noo get mah e-mail tae ye? Nooo? Tha didnae surprise mah. Ye pillock.

Croda, (kin Ah call ye tha'?), hoos tha wee bat o' schoolin' gwin? Shouldn' ye bae dwin ye haimwork, laddie? Eh? Sae SOD OFF AN DOO AT.

Hiram, happy trails an' didnae neglect tae stap bah fraim taim tae taim. Jimmy.

Tha raist o' ye kin confine yesailfs tae a small cupboard, wait till ye pass wind an' thain light a match. Ye snivellin' sporan sniffers.

Stuka - nice one, mate.


Aidited tae remove spacific referrence tae yoo, ye bastarrrd.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

you were equally at fault by referring to the JU-88 as the Flying Pencil. That aircraft was the Donier DO-17 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah Ha!

Caught in my uber-cunning trap and exposed as the GROG you are!

No more hiding in the closet for you, little man.

Pray, tell us a little about the penetrative power of your DO-17. Can you run with them?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Caught in my uber-cunning trap and exposed as the GROG you are! No more hiding in the closet for you, little man.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah Stuka, poor deluded lad that you are. Were I an actual GROG I'd have known (or indeed cared) whether the correct designation was Do-17 or Do-217. Your pathetic attempt to cover up your blunder is apparent to all.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

you were equally at fault by referring to the JU-88 as the Flying Pencil. That aircraft was the Donier DO-17 ... 217 ... something like that<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And you have compounded that fault, Sir Joe.

The Flying Pencil was in fact the Dornier Do 17Z.

The nickname carried over to the Do 217 series.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The nickname carried over to the Do 217 series.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And therefore, pay attention now Mace I know that logic is not among the strong suits of those down-under (easy Bauhaus), the NICKNAME of the DO-217 WAS ... by your own admission ... the Flying Pencil. That it may not have been the original holder of that nickname does not invalidate the nickname nor my identification of it. Was the M4 the only AFV to be called the Sherman? I think not.

Now stop trying to prop up that imbecile Stuka. Yes, he may be a fellow Ozzie but he is, admit it, an idiot.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Gloating over his one victory in the pool to date omitted<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Congratulations. You won a single victory in an oddball scenario that hadn't been properly beta tested. You are, indeed, a legend in your own mind.

After I acquire the Wine by crushing the grogs (and shandorf in the Outer Board tourney (and let's be honest, the Wine is the ONLY reason I am bothered with it, unlike shandorf, who seems to believe one should derive one's self-esteem from the opinions of fuzzy toothed grogs, or Berli, who is merely expanding his enterprise in an effort to gain still more souls), I shall come back and destroy you in a proper QB.

Until then, gloat if you must. I can understand that a being as pathetic as yourself must grasp at any straws that might support ANY sense of self-importance.

NOW to business:

Berli you loggerheaded, swag-bellied cox-comb. First you send an email demanding terms for battle, then exhibit a yellow streak a mile wide by refusing to reply to my most generous offer for YOU to name your terms. Thou art a pussilanimous varlet. Send me your terms, or resign in disgrace -- make your choice, knave.

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Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well. If it isn't little Meeksie. Long time no viddy, droog. How goes?

I know you, isn't it your picture in the newspapers? Didn't I see you on the video

this morning? Are you not the poor victim of this horrible new technique?

And Crodette! An embarassment of riches, to be sure... Eggie-wegs. I would like to smash 'em!... now menschie, and the lunatic fringe is complete....

Meeks, when it comes to mumbled/shouted oriental curses, believe me, I am the original focus group. I am trabanjin, worser than galage-man ('k, I'm a little slow with the M1A1 vacuum), and a hawse (referring to my birth year in the Chinese zodiac)!

Sullender while thewe is stir time! I still have your turn, srut!

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

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Ok. Results for the Berli-Claymore game are in.

Claymore: 99

Berli: 1

Berli....Berli, what in the hell is this news I see on the outer board?

Is there one more Evil than yourself?

And in 3 turns no less.

Tich, tich.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Ok. Results for the Berli-Claymore game are in.

Claymore: 99

Berli: 1


Good word, man. Berli, are you chasing Phillies Phan's record? You just missed it, it appears. I do have to ask, how do you get so slammed down in three turns that your entire force surrenders and the other guy only loses one man? Did your opponent buy a TRP you could set up on or somefink?

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I Am Returned.

Now, mind you, the Return of an individual from Paradise involves more than a bit of disorientation and re-adjustment.

And so it is with myself. Three days ago, I was sitting on a beautiful Canadian prairie, feeling a smile play across my face as I listened to music that God goes to bed congratulating himself over having created.

I have spent the last two nights either sending out turns, or getting caught up on the Thread of threads. Tomorrow, look you, I shall rejoin the Peng Challenge Thread, posting once again as the first amongst equals.

Until then, I'm off to bed, listening to Scottish music and dreaming of Emma. For she is a consummation devoutly to be wished for.

I rather liked Goanna's thread title, but Stuka's isn't bad. Mace's, sadly, was complete ****e.

If we're going to quote Roosevelt, I think the next incarnation of thre Thread should acknowledge Churchill.

Something like: Never Have So Many, Owed So Much to the Peng Challenge Thread.

Or, my personal favourite:

'Sir, the Traditions of Her Majesty's Navy are Rum, Sodomy, and the Peng Challenge!'

Now, I'm off to bed.

When I left Minneapolis, certain low fellows were posturing about censuring me.

Tomorrow, I shall further address this sort of idiocy.

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