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How The Peng Challenge Was Won And Where It Got Us

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I'm convinced that this Member # is based on and is proportional to intelligence!

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes indeed, and it would be wonderful for you were it not based on an INVERSE proportion...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hamsters:

Is anyone else freaked out by the fact that Berli has a lower user number than Steve?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Not me. Perfectly natural. In a sense. If you don't bother to define natural.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Christ, man, couldn't you be a little more subtle?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Christ? Quite the opposite and subtlety doesn't come easy when you're... well, you know...

Him. That guy. Satan.

I've never been very fond of subtlety myself. More of the "screw the feints and the posturing, just rip 'is 'ead off" kinda guy. So I'm kinda symphonic err wossname sympathetic to the devil, in my own way.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Originally posted by Croda:

[qb]to create idiotic usernames and post drivel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you. It's what I do. I'm just much better at it than you are.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Boy is this page white.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No it isn't.

© An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a


(g) No it isn't!


[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Roborat ]

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GAMEY is as GAMEY does! While that's not something my Mom used to say, it's certainly true. The problem, however, is that it's become OVERUSED. For example, back in the old days you had movie STARS ... and everyone knew that if you were a STAR you were at the pinnacle of your profession. But then someone noticed that if you were in films AT ALL that someone would call you a star! That wouldn't do, so some clown came up with SUPERSTAR!

I present this small history lesson because I've become disturbed (well, not in THAT way ... okay in that way too, but that's not the point) by the over usage of the term GAMEY in this The One The True CessPool. While it's undeniable that jd eaked out a draw against me through the use of GAMEY, edge hugging tactics, and Mace won his game by GAMILY buying ahistorical tank mixes, and ... well, you get the idea ... anyway, it's getting so that everyone is labelled as GAMEY! Except for me, of course, and those that do are just being GAMEY.

So, my friends (and GermanBoy), I say it's time to do one of two things (no Bauhaus THAT'S NOT one of them), either reserve the term GAMEY for the REAL Gamey Bastards (i.e. anyone who beats me ... I know, I know, that won't narrow the field too much) or come up with a term analogous to SUPERSTAR to identify them.

It's getting so you can't tell the Gamey Bastards without a scorecard!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Joe, dont make me puke. Definition of a guy? You???>!!!

Check this out folks. From my squire challenge battle vs Roborat.

1st a REAL man. Sgt Foobar is a freakin animal, taking no prisoners, laying waste to everything in his path..Why he's killed 4 afv's so far!!!


What!!, the same sherman has gotten all your armoured kills. Well, I see what is my primary target now. not only will I hunt down that tank, I will make sure to machine gun the survivors, and run them over for good measure, then shoot them again.

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News from the Front

The "Front" being, of course, the latest MG Effectiveness thread.

Pillar thinks that experience has nothing to do with troops' ability to move in the face of machinegun fire.

• I saw someone claim that machinegun crews should be able to move as fast as riflemen.

PBEM Report

Come to think of it, I haven't heard from Meeks lately. Looks like another resend job.

Elvis is denying responsibility for his actions.

Leeo and I have disentangled in the dark for the time being, and I am attempting to prevent my men from killing each other long enough to kick the remnants of his Sturmkompanie off the VL.

I can't find Græmlin in the dictionary. Methinks the folks at UBB have nothing better to do than enhance the functionality of their smilies (ie. change the appearance and give them a new name, like... Windows XP).

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Dear Sir mace,

I sit here board with nothing to do but read the drivel on the main board. I have cleaned the sheep(extra conditioner for that extra bounce you like), trimmed thier hooves, and marked each of the females with a pink ribbon and a bell(for ease of finding), as well as shined your boots, and cleaned the litter box. Would you be so gracious as to send me a game? I would love to learn at the hands of such a master(or something).

Your humble and unworthy squire,


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It would seem that we are approaching the moment of truth......has our continuity, as a anarcho-syndicalist ater-ego been restored? Frankly I think the communal zeitgeist was more interesting when we were 40 pages into a single thread. This re-posting threads every 10 pages (or less) has no substance and casts a rather sad shadow of it's formerly pengish self. I haven't noticed words from on high. I hope anew, but hold no bets......

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Yes indeed, and it would be wonderful for you were it not based on an INVERSE proportion...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aha, it appears that way to you because you're standing on your head (or more likely sitting on it).


PS Armornut, my squire, for whom I hold high hopes (of successfully carrying out a good sheep drenching and tail docking). I will process a setup tonight after my return from the front (aka work).

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At bloody last!

I've been going to my bookmarked forum page (without the ****e brickwork) for days and receiving the 'forum is offline for repairs' bollocks all that time. I decide to go back through the traditional route to get here: the homepage; discussion forums; et bloody cetera, and I find we've got a new pad. Well, someone's hung new wallpaper, at least.

So, where was I? Nowhere, actually, because I've been in such a rage over the 'offline' business that my words have evapourated.

No, there is one thing, but it's hardly a surprise. The game with Croda has ended on turn 60. The score? Yes, I was coming to that. Hold on to your hats; 92:8 to me. It's only fitting for one so blatently talented.

There are thousands of other battles going on, and I'm sure you'l forgive me for forgetting you for a while, but I'm off to Scotland. Loch Lomond for Easter. Perfect. Well, it would be if I can stay away from that Scottish hoard of *ankers OHMYGOD and Dave 'the rave' Aitken.

That's it. Please go forth and multiply.


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Originally bellowed out by Roborat:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What!!, the same sherman has gotten all your armoured kills. Well, I see what is my primary target now. not only will I hunt down that tank, I will make sure to machine gun the survivors, and run them over for good measure, then shoot them again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats right honey, and it is none other than SGT FOOBAR, of the free french army! If you have any MORE Crack Panthers you dont want, I will happily brew them up as well. I could lose this battle, and still claim victory, seeing how well my namesake is doing.


As they say in the FPS world,Come get some, biaatch

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]

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DavidYes it is true I am not taking resposibility for my alleged actions. A platoon knee deep in snow advanced on an enemy platoon that I knew was in position to get up close and personal shots on my boys running in the open snow. I remember thinking when I plotted the turn "ya don't want to go running into that mess until you've nicked him up a bit". I get the movie back and guess what my men are doing.

I would like to formally charge David Ohmyaikenhead with cheating. He somehow was able to, thru telpathy is my guess right now, get into my head and cause me to do things I would never consider doing on my own (sit down bauhaus).

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Ahh, so good to be posting again.

A little Lorak news. ISP is out again at my house, (still trying to fix the storm damage). Hopefully I'll get all my turns out tonight.

Tome updates:


Joe Shaw-draw




Herr Oberst-loss







Thats about all I have time for now. I be sure to stop back in a little while to bore you all to tears.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Damn Gus Dur, I paid him a fortune to make sure they crossed the points of thier bullets, and you still returned!

Corruption just ain't what it used to be!

*Sigh* Well then send me a setup, you kiwi/pom wannabee.

In the meantime, I'll let the top aussie shiela know you're spoiling for a punchup!


btw about this new colour scheme:


Any prefrences Jellybean or can I be as gamey as possible? I should be able to continue the game in theater due to the internet connections we have over there smile.gif

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Sorry Mr Elvish, the breathalyser indicates that you were in control of a copy of Combat Mission while several hundred times over the legal alcohol limit. Either that or Peng was in control of your copy of Combat Mission while you were several hundred times over the legal alcohol limit.

That said, I must plead guilty on charges of gamily utilising sound tactics, using accurate mortar fire where the opposition could only fling shells randomly, knock out enemy AFVs with said artillery where the opposition could only button them, and press home the attack even after losing most of my armour where the opposition could only flounder, run around and take every opportunity to get killed in imaginative ways (the defence submits Exhibit A, the Humber shooting gallery).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

You all stink, especially Stuka for landing me with Paras on defence along with his gamey human wave tactics.


Gamey? Gamey?

ArrrGhhhhh!! I'm gonna chuck a Germyboy sized hissy fit right now!

How dare you! I've never been so insulted in my life!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I've never been so insulted in my life!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hi, my name's Stuka and I like to leave myself wide open for attacks...please heap scorn on me now!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Hi, my name's Stuka and I like to leave myself wide open for attacks...please heap scorn on me now!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Rack off, NEWBIE!

You are beneath my contempt with a # in the 3 thousands.

I raise an eyebrow in your direction and perhaps flare a nostril a little but no more.

You are simply not worthy.


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"Ranking", "number", "newbie"... Everybody seems so concerned with trivial things like status and seniority.

Perhaps you'd all relax if'n you had a respectable number, say, one below 691.


And PeterBeater, it's April now, so you no longer own my sig. If you want it back send me another setup.

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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