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Now is the Challenge of our discontent, made horrid cess by this son of Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

"Bloody well don't need to"?

How terribly, awfully posh of you old boy.

One would never know that you were a dastardly Gorman would one?

One does believe that there are treatments avialable for 'Brit envy', what?

Toodle pip!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Brits are indeed quite envious of my ability to speak their language. The best I have heard of a native English speaker mutilating my native tongue thus far has been 'Wo ist der Strassenbahner?'.

One of your fellow countrymen still believes I am a Brit with German envy. You sure have your fair share of morons in Australia. BTW, how's the cricket?

Today is a good day, because Railtrack will go into receivership tomorrow. I hope they shut down the railways in this country completely. Will be interesting to see if anyone notices a difference.

Not edited because I am smarter than you all. Then again, so is your average lobotomised cockroach, so it does not mean much.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

You sure have your fair share of morons in Australia. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't believe we have greater share of them than any other country, but Australia does have the better quality of Moron.


PS. I look forward to suitable responses. Lawyer's I am most eagerly waiting for.

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Well fer cryin' out loud this is falling off the first page.

Thanks to the Brits, as well as the Aussies, Canucks, Krauts, & Frogs, for being 'specially less poopy-headed than usual. That's about as far as I can go in this context. LIGHT 'EM UP!

I have the shootin' irons laid out for moving and they appear to have multiplied in my absence. Naughty, naughty guns. Since I'll be just a few km from Camp Pendleton, this may be the first time I wasn't the best-armed guy in the neighborhood. If you subtract the pneumatics, I'm only at about squad strength right now... the dreaded Dodge O'Death provides a nice tactical mobile element.

Ne'er fear, spandex-clad earphone-plugged roller-skating neighbors, ol' Mark IV is on the job, scanning the skies... bet the filter in my WWII gas masks need changing, though. I can smell LAWYERS even with the things on.

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A solitary figure emerges from the ever present fog that shrouds the Cesspool. His measured cadence through the muck strikes like a triphammer upon the skull of a fresh coprse. Bits of 'Cess rise to the surface and lazily turn in eddies caused by his wake. A once mighty temple rises from the miasma, cloaked in gloom and withered vines whose rustling of leaves portend things to come. Before him rise the steps to the ancient ruin, worn concave by the passage of countless feet. The lone figure carefully makes his way up the steps avoiding bloated bits of 'Cess that slide of his legs like a rain of fetid lemmings. Upon the summit of this mount stand two solitary figures garbed in hooded robes that obfuscate their identity. Almost unnoticed are the supine forms ringed about the two, kowtowing their medulas upon exposed sacrum in a preceived effort to achieve rectal-cranial inversion

Solitary Figure I have come to thee, offering up a challenge. What have you to say for yourselves?

Robed Figure One Well, I've heard that Ground Zero place is mighty scary. I'd come and check it out if I didn't have to get the mini-van fixed and take the kids to soccer practice. Plus the wifey gets mighty vexxed if I go places without her. She's afraid I might look at other women or somefink. I might get all hot and bothered, come home and try to get randy with her. That just wouldn't do at all. Besides Thursday night is when all the good shows are on CBS and I wouldn't dare miss them.

With these utterances the fabric of reality goes pale and through it is glimpsed a bland office cubicle where mindless drones toil away answering phones for their faceless masters

Robed Figure Two This Ground Zero bar intrigues me. [sotto voce] Are there gay men there? I don't like fancy boys because I find myself strangely attracted to them [/sotto voce] My friend says we'll be mighty busy going to fabulous places like the Mall of America and a walking tour of St. Paul to see all the Snoopy statues. I think we'd be far to busy to check out a place like that.

Again the pale of reality fades to be replaced with a dimly lit basement room with shag carpeting and 70's era wood paneling. A computer provides the only illumination and a dog eared June 1986 copy of "Hot Male Tushy" is carefully tucked behind the monitor

Solitary Figure Let all gathered here be witness that a challenge was made! The Fear that knaws in your bellies is the lack of immoral fortitude that I had expected to see when I came to this place. You simper like beaten dogs, scared that you master will come home and take notice of you. If you had spines you would try to hide behind them. A great lesson might be learned by you from the noble cockroach. It knows it is inferior to other beings but will hiss mightily before being stepped on. You however do not even show this bit of courage. I say again, are any here willing to travel with me on my weekly sojourn into the pits of Hell? Feh, I leave you like the digested remnants of a White Castle 30 pack, laying there becoming more wholesome with age. Are there none that would stand tall at my side, unbowed by morality and willing to slake their bloodlust in debauchery? For when the day comes that we who are legion storm the gates of heaven I shall remember thee. Cowards not fit to be ground to dust by the steel shod wheels of my Sturmhamster chariot. If by some peculiarity you awake one morning and find that you suddenly have a pair then you only need call out my name (or email me, whatever) and I shall answer thee.

exeunt Hanns

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Originally posted by Hanns:

in a preceived effort to achieve rectal-cranial inversion


Ummm...right...moving on...

Send me a setup...just keep your "head/arse retroblaster" away from me...and wipe that smegma off your keyboard boy...it's nasty.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hanns:

Let all gathered here be witness that a challenge was made! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Function: adjective

Etymology: Late Latin specificus, from Latin species

Date: circa 1631

1 a : constituting or falling into a specifiable category b : sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be referred to a particular category

2 a : restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation, or effect <a disease specific to horses> b : exerting a distinctive influence (as on a body part or a disease) <specific antibodies>

2b seems apropos here; otherwise, it seems you failed to read and/or comprehend the rules, posted on page farging 1 of this and every other Peng Thread. If Jefferson had been thinking, they would be in the preamble to the Constitution as well, but he was being a selfish mook.

They are also decipherable in the inscriptions on Easter Island, and encoded in the Dead Sea scrolls, where it also says "Hanns, you farging idiot, never post dhhrrunk, never post to this thread at all, hasten to the canal with thine pockets full of denarii and throw thyself in". The thoughtful thing would be to tie a balloon to your a$$ so we can find the denarii.

Thanks for your contribution. Get lost, 'k?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hanns:

Solitary Figure I have come to thee, offering up a challenge. What have you to say for yourselves?

Robed Figure One Well, I've heard that Ground Zero place is mighty scary. I'd come and check it out if I didn't have to get the mini-van fixed and take the kids to soccer practice. Plus the wifey gets mighty vexed if I go places without her.

With these utterances the fabric of reality goes pale and through it is glimpsed a bland office cubicle where mindless drones toil away answering phones for their faceless masters


Bloody hell, where do I begin? Is this supposed to refer to me or Peng, you degenerate pillock? I mean, seriously, there's just the barest concept it might have something to do with Peng, as he actually has offspring. As for myself, I'm unmarried, unwanted, short, more than half-mad, and about as intimidated by a Midwestern Bondage/S&M Club as I am by the concept that you'll ever send an actual setup to someone. You leather collar wearing, incontinent toy-poodle of a CM player (if you even are, lad, as we've seen no sign of any actual knowledge of CM in yer 'challenge' to meself and Peng).

Robed Figure Two This Ground Zero bar intrigues me. [sotto voce] Are there gay men there? I don't like fancy boys because I find myself strangely attracted to them [/sotto voce] My friend says we'll be mighty busy going to fabulous places like the Mall of America and a walking tour of St. Paul to see all the Snoopy statues. I think we'd be far to busy to check out a place like that.

Robed figure number 2? I'll take what's behind robed figure number 3, thank you very much! No one goes to the Mall of America, you goat's bowel movement, except perhaps to visit the Apple Store. Once again, we're presented with testosterone posturing, and this time from some submissive wank who likes being flogged by women.

Solitary Figure Let all gathered here be witness that a challenge was made! The Fear that knaws in your bellies is the lack of immoral fortitude that I had expected to see when I came to this place. You simper like beaten dogs, scared that you master will come home and take notice of you. If you had spines you would try to hide behind them. A great lesson might be learned by you from the noble cockroach. It knows it is inferior to other beings but will hiss mightily before being stepped on. You however do not even show this bit of courage. I say again, are any here willing to travel with me on my weekly sojourn into the pits of Hell? Are there none that would stand tall at my side, unbowed by morality and willing to slake their bloodlust in debauchery? For when the day comes that we who are legion storm the gates of heaven I shall remember thee. Cowards not fit to be ground to dust by the steel shod wheels of my Sturmhamster chariot. If by some peculiarity you awake one morning and find that you suddenly have a pair then you only need call out my name (or email me, whatever) and I shall answer thee.

It's gnaws, gnaws, you Square-head bastard!

Immoral fortitude?! We're the bloody arsed defenders of the faith, you yapping poodle! (see above). We haven't come here to drop trou and catch a few leather straps across the bum, we're the Knights of the Cesspool! Not a bunch of Templars far gone in hedonism attempting to manipulate the Western financial and political system to justify our own degeneracy...

Oh! I see You're working from the understanding that we are the Illuminati of the Combat Mission Forum to assume that we've also inherited the "young boy, melon, and hashish" standing of the Templars!

Well, laddy-buck, I'm here to tell you that we've only inherited the hashish! And not many of us get a shot at it, I might add, what with Mensch around the place.

As for the "lessons of the noble cockroach", I believe they involve 'running like hell when the light comes on, and hiding underneath the old stove.'

Not really the lesson that warriours will take to heart. Not even as poor a figure as myself, maundering on, creakily swinging onto the back of my Rosinante, with my gibbering, half witted Squire Sancho at my side.

As for "slaking their bloodlust in debauchery"...actually, we mainly slake our bloodlust in CM. Also, coffee, immense amounts of whiskey and beer, and, as mentioned with Mensch, hashish.

And as to calling out your name or emailing you, well, rent a clue, lad. You call us, we don't call you. You're still making that most inane of beginner's mistakes. You're challenging the crowd. Now that you've come out of the shadows of yer own desires, and postured around a bit, pick someone out and challenge 'em to a match.

Oh, and try to challenge the other idjits, and not yer betters.

[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Didn't have the time or inclination to respond to you before. Now I have the time, and I am tired enough to have the barest inclination.

I did a search to find information about ground zero... I found two reviews. One review, I couldn't read for all the porn popups, and besides, it was written by some goth freak anyway (antone other than me feel they should be given the death they pine after?). The other review was a serious one dealing with the club scene in MiniAppleLess. This review contained a section on drinks... in which the reviewer pointed out that they take an eterinty to arrive (intolerable in my opinion). I must say, based on this, that the venue does not appeal.

On the subject of mistress jean... who cares? What would lead you to believe there ae any submissives withing the Olde Ones... or, for that matter, within the MBT in general (other than Mace)? I envision a woman guarenteed to piss me off within 5 minutes of opening her mouth. While a bar room brawl appeals to the former Marine in me, I'm getting a bit old for that ****e.

I say nay... take your challenge elsewhere

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Let me re-iterate for those who don't seem to understand. I am not challenging Seanachai or Peng or anyone besides another SSN like myself to a CM:BO game. I am challenging them to meet me at a bar where I have offered to buy them drinks and watch the show

AM I FECKIN' CLEAR! tongue.gif

I understand my status in the Cesspool (e.g. none) well enough not to challenge my superiors. If there any SSNs I will most willingly stomp them a new @-hole with whatever set-up a third party sends me. Since the only other SSN other than myself seems to be Flabgroggin' I find the field rather narrow. Deadhead Red seems to be MIA and therefor not a target at this time.

Oh, and BTW Berlichtingen everyone knows that the 'net only contains factual information and accurate reviews. If you're too lazy to walk to the bar to get a drink then you don't deserve one. Ground Zero is a mellow place if you're not a puritanical bible-thumper. I believed there might be others here who enjoyed something different. Perhaps I was mistaken.


[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Perhaps I was mistaken. Hanns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GOLLY ... ya Think? Look pal, take your quasi-banner ad campaign for your sleazy little M&M bar someplace else ... maybe ... www.babesnchains.com ? 99.9% of us (vii)DON'T live in MinnieSoda {thank GAWD} and (()) DON'T care to know ANYTHING more about it than the fact that Seanachai lives there!

Now as Seanachai ... or maybe it was Peng ... like I care ... stated, IF you're going to stick around AND DON'T TAKE THAT AS AN INVITATION, follow the bloody rules (post one, page one, this thread) and CHALLENGE SOMEONE ... damn ... bloody ignorant SSNs.

Oh ... a viable alternative would be for you to just SOD OFF!


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Was this freak trying to get a challenge or an orgy started? Reminds me of yesterday at Barnes and Noble where I was looking for an obscure military book and found a copy of "Joy of Gay Sex" tucked between "12th S.S. Hitlerjugend" and "Screaming Eagles"

[NOTICE]No offence meant, just thought the paradoxical nature of the occaision was worth mentioning. And I have always had a hearty respect for gay humour. (Hearty, but not THAT hearty...)[/NOTICE]

Here's a title(or two):



PENG CHALLENGE at the Moulin Rouge

And Don Seanaquixoti, allow me to collect your vorpal sword and saddle your trusty steed, the lands are ripe with enemies of truth and beauty.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

You know why I like talking about Bren tripods?

Seriously, can anyone help me out here? Why do I keep reading that thread?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because you are a complete moron. However, I will note that your utter stupidity does not reach anywhere near the level of certian cretins of the antipodes. However, when I finish my current games (and my game against CM player is going to suddenly surprise him in a way he wont like at all) I desire to challenge you to a game where I defend with lots of tripod mounted Brens against the gamey bastard Germans played by a lackwit (you).

How about, want a go in two weeks?

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Excuuuuuse me.. I just wanted to wade in here and splash some sewage in Mr. Spocks direction.

The fetid little toad lost to me in his precious scenario. And just like the Golem this slimy toad at the end still couldn't accept the fate which was been laid before him.

He of coarse cried foul about a charge I made on the only flag he controlled. He called it gamey but considering he had only 4 men left who were pissing their pants and kissing their asses goodbye and I had 7 men left who had plenty of ammo and were still alert I would call it not gamey but his complete and utter lack at anything resembling a secure position. The pud.

So Mr. Spooge take a long walk on a short dock, you gimpy bastard.


Mr. Spock - Looooooooooser! Loser!

Shandorf - Not just a winner but the kind of winner who goes home after the big game and f**ks the prom queen kind of winner.


[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

He of coarse cried foul about a charge I made on the only flag he controlled.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, you had the other flag.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> He called it gamey but considering he had only 4 men left who were pissing their pants and kissing their asses goodbye and I had 7 men left who had plenty of ammo and were still alert I would call it not gamey but his complete and utter lack at anything resembling a secure position.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I guess the three tanks within 20m of the flag don't count?

Ah well, I am glad it is over. Given the level of intellect you bring to the game, this board, and your therapy group, I am glad that I don't have to deal with you anymore. You have the wits of a slug, the class of a leaky colostomy bag, and the innate wit of a ruptured sewer line.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I guess the three tanks within 20m of the flag don't count? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



Mook! Uck! Uck! Eeeek! Eeeeek! I don't have to deal with you anymore. Oook! Ook! Eeek! Eeeek!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You still have to play me in the tourney you quivering pile of toe-jam.

Besides, a luffa chafes more than your mental kung-fu. Do yer worse.


Yo, Mama.


[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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