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This is depressing. BTS uses a bugbomb to delouse the CM thread, and before we honest folks can re-enter the premises, those noisy cockroaches MrSpkr and his even more annoying twin Panzer Leader are already back smelling up the joint. Don't cockroaches ever sleep?

Even worse, Joe Shaw found his way back. It just gives you that sick queasy feeling, like driving half way across the state to dump off an old smelly dog and then having him follow you home again. Will somebody please just put him to sleep for good?

Game Updates:

Marlow plays two turns and declares victory by swarming his minions on one side of the map. Guess he hasn't figured out that weapons can be aimed in different directions. He'll figure it out soon.

Seanachai and I dumped a rune nightmare to start a new scenario. Ya know, his email notes are as long as his Cesspool posts, but they make more sense. How does he do it?

Elvis is a real person, contrary to Cesspool lore. He even brought his wife and unborn child to Washington to receive the Consigliori's blessing. However, he refused my suggestion to name his kid "Peng". So he will lose his battle with me.

My quality opponents don't stoop to Cesspoolian Depths of Despair, so you all don't deserve to hear how I'm beating them. In fact, you gits deserve nothing at all, except maybe another obnoxious serving of Joe Shaw Slop, which will probably be along shortly. He erupts every hour on the hour, just like Old Faithful, but Joe smells worse.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In fact, you gits deserve nothing at all, except maybe another obnoxious serving of Joe Shaw Slop, which will probably be along shortly. He erupts every hour on the hour, just like Old Faithful, but Joe smells worse.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah yes, my adoring public calls again. It's something of a burden you know, can't go to the movies without being stopped by some lowlife Lawyer asking for an autograph, but one does what one must to appease the masses.

Speaking of lowlife, I see with revulsion that Panzer Leader has been taken to squire by PawBroon ... there's no undestanding the French. I also note, Lorak, that my young squire Speedbump is STILL shown as a serf AND as a squire, yet another example of your ineptitude but we get what we pay for I suppose.

I am able to report, by the by ... and by the way too, that a week without you lot is like a reprieve from the Governor ... a temporary and pleasing stay of punishment that's too soon ended with yet another session of torment that follows closely on it's heels.

Oh, and about my turns, I'm not yet ... in the mood.


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Joe Pshaw even though good sir Pawbroom took me as his apprentice (and a wiser choice was never made by a frog) I still think of you as my surrogate mother.

For, it was my loathing of you, and my constant annoyance of the inane things you posted, never quite witty, always a little bit off color, that finally brought me to the point of deciding that the cesspool need more men of character.

And so, the cesspool in a way benifited from your gittiness, since it brought a true rapscalion (me) aboard.

Now then, and I say the next bit as the voice of all good kaniggets here, since I, as a squire, would never dare to utter such things, please shut up and let people with at least a modicum of intelligence take the lead here, shall we?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now then, and I say the next bit as the voice of all good kaniggets here, since I, as a squire, would never dare to utter such things, please shut up and let people with at least a modicum of intelligence take the lead here, shall we?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I see I've overstepped my bounds and must ask the forgiveness of Sir Pawbroon (while he doesn't possess the modicum of intellegence mentioned by Panzer Leader he IS the Knight responsible). Please DO take the lead of Panzer Leader and allow him outside to, uh ... do his business. He's whining at the door again and I fear that he has designs on the left leg of Bauhaus.


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Frikkin' Main Boarders break the Forum again and we get the blame. Ah well.

WhirliBerli is to having pretty houses collapse onto the tops of him troops. If I can take solace in a pendin victory in a silly ME, then I will. Beggars can't be choosers.

Dame Achin' spanked me senseless with heated snowshoes without even breaking a sweat. Senor Lorak please punch in

David Aitken's Frosty the Hun-Men: Win

dalem's plodding body bag ballast: Loss

I will attempt to reclaim my honor in our jungle rematch.

Marlowbrow. What can I type that could describe the utter lack of anything that has happened so far in our rematch? My recon jeep has reconned some MG fire, but that's about it so far.

SpeedyHump is dying a whole bunch trying to wrest control of my mountain resort. So far I am dying not so much in comparison. Feels strange not to be dying a lot.

Joe Flaw deserves no mention. Notice the lack of mention.

Law-yer is owed a setup. He shall have one.

Everybody Wang Chung tonight.

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When paradise is eclisped by the orb's dark void, and blackness seizes the small and fearful denizens scampering about the feet of giants, then driven to depths of frenzy and passion unknown they send unwanted (and unwashed) emails and thus as the forum lay like Romulus before, tatterd and in despair leeo, a minor nit spake thus <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hi there , your an awfully , cute pool boy ,You want to have some luch with me . I need to come get some cement, give me a call I'm going to leave shortly

. I Love You very much. Love [censored to protect the innocent] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now leeo is about as alluring as a coon hounds vomit after a squirrel hunt, but he seems so innocent here. The shy lad soon sent a disclaimer saying his wife inadvertenly sent it. Hmmm the options....1) that's NO wife! 2) leeo needs to embrace and accept himself or 3) His wife didn't "mistakenly" send it to me!

That being said we have adjourned to the boudoir of the CM battlefield to settle this as full blooded men, (...er, at least me. no saing about this youngster) Bauhaus, I may have found you an apprentice and don't turn your back!

[ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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It's a 4 days week end here already as it had been for most of May since Frogs are known Unproductivists

So let's pretend you are the Only Light in my life and answer that simple question

{It's a sham, I am |NOT| (really) looking for advice from you and neither [do] I expect Peng to notice my {ripping} of his ({[multiparenthetical]}) device use}.

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Continue not playing new ones of you (Aitken, Marlow, Morse, Mk4...)

<LI>Do a MODing How To guide

<LI>MOD the Daimler or tweak the Humber to Wasp's standards

<LI>Who are you sodding git? Schmuck off!

I think that's all.

For all of you who hadn't received turns from me for ages I'd say, that's proof enough I am playing with you...

[ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:


That gets better every time I see it. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

4 days absences and my PawBroonian fluency has gone to hell, can you find it Berli?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would say he was speaking in tongues, but I didn't understand a feckin' word he said. However, Babelfish offers this translation...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>during of the 4 days week the end like, May since frog known of Unproductivists groesst have here already the part consequently you pretend only light you in my one lifespan and you answer { requires simply pretence, I |NOT| (precisely) you seek advise and to neither nor D [ ] I you plan you to other Peng you consider my { violent break } its ({ [ multiparenthetical ] }) unit } uses * again continues with the play you (Aitken, Marlow, Morse, Mk4...) * MODing like leading * in an exemplary way Daimler or you twist Humber D normalizes D Wespe * which sound it git sodding? Jewels you exclude function! I think, with who it morning all. He will be all, you that rotations of me will be the acts had not received that I would say, ploughs you it sufficiently the play of proof I with you...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whatever that means

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I have consulted with Fred (#176) who, as we all know is fluent in gibberish, and he offers the following translation

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It is another undeserved 4 day weekend here in France because Frogs are useless buggers. Pray let me answer your question (what question he is answering is unknown -- ed)

* Continue to ignore the more useless bastard here (Aitken, Marlow, Morse, Mk4...)

* Do a MODing How To guide for morons

* MOD a useless piece of Pommie junk or tweak another useless piece of Pommie junk to Wasp's standards

* Who are you kind sir? *CENSORED* off!

I think that's all my tiny French brain can handle.

For all of you who hadn't received turns from me for ages I'd say, that's proof that I am a useless Frog bastard and every bit as useless as you suspect...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that clears things nicely

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

I guess I would have to Squire #176<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think #176 would make a perfect squire for you if Panzer Leader is any indication of your horrible lach of judgement.

I see you have time to post... perhaps your time would be better spent sending out the bloody turns you owe us

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

No offense, Mensch, but these things are better handled by sane people.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ROTFL.... Hahahahah!!!! foo! your a sad excuse for a protoplast your actually LOOSING our game, let me enlighten you all here in the cess, gather 'round and Uncle Mensch will tell a comical story.

"once 'pon a time there was a mad man who always rushed the flags first to get the quick points (dat be me boys and girls) so menschy learned from his mistakes finding its easyer to attack a flag then defend it. Menschies Bagguette Boys stayed back moving up slowly only allowing a small group to take the flage and see what the Mr.Winnie Senachai would do... mr. I know everything yourgoing to loose rushed his companies of troops to the flag and the middle of the town, meanwhile Menschys troop of Greyhounds managed to take out about 5 HT'S and a Puma me finks and a Recoiless rifle, still not commiting his two companies of Snail eaters. meanwhile dropping 60mm mortar fire and 120 VT arty on mr. ouch ouch my troops are getting slaughtered senachipoo. now that every building is blow'n up real good like God took a like'n to 'em hes upset...moral of the story, watch out Mensch has learned alot from Mr. Berlichan and PeterPeterPepperNZ, I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I am all out of ASS.. er no wait.. well you understand."

now run allong now you little rats.. menschy has to plan Senachies next turn of pain.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Pawbroon's (translated) Quote:

...Jewels you exclude function!... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that pretty much sums it up. What more is a Frenchman to do?

Personally, despite the fact that MY jewels are functioning perfectly, I am going to take my addled kaniggets advice to do something productive for the community, and I am writing an article on defending against the assault. Being the squire of a lech like Pawbroon has given me great experience in defending against an assault.

So, let's see, an update is in order here.

Speedyhump(good one Dalem): I run the gamut against his concealed guns and circling fighter-bombers, and yet somehow manage to get my men off the board to safety. Two turns left and I've ALREADY got 7 points towards victory!

Mr.Sprnklr He may not know it, but I got a bunch of armour reinforcement last turn. But then... his Jarmo's! immediatley smoked 'em all, so I guess it don't matter...

Chicken Hustler Playing the great scenario Valley of Trouble II and it is great fun.

And finally (dare I mention it) michael dorosh: We are replaying the famous attack by Canada onto the shores of the Alaskan capital, and now that we are in about turn 10, despite the fact that he has lost an armoured corps and an infantry regiment, he has managed to creep within small arms fire of my chalky cliffs. Damn him!

Panzer Leader out

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Good Morning, Cesspool!!

I'm still tingling from the doubleheader I went to last night. The Phillies won both games (of course) and I got to sit in the wonderful Vet Stadium once more. I found that when you are one of 20 phans in a huge arena, your voice will carry.

PS It was the hapless Pirates who were bludgeoned by the Phils.

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hello you ugly stupid people. I'm back from E3 where games are good and girls are perky.

I think i am lucky to be back considering Chrisl almost killed me in his Car of Death (tyre lost tread on the freeway).

But thanks anyway Chris for showing me the desert and stuff! Very good.

Anyway, some of you migiht get some turns when I get over my jet lag, although it may be more fun not to send turns, hahaha


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I can't remember if I posted this my mind has been in a fog lately but.....

Yes, it is true that I received my blessing from Lawyer. JamesBailey was present as a witness. Several beers and a some beef stew was sacrificed in celebartion of the event. As it turns out Lawyer happens to be a very fun guy to hand with (who would have guessed). And I'm not saying that because he insisted on picking up the tab he really is a good guy. James also was a great guy....it is strange how none of you CM people I have met are right bastards...You must all try harder.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

As it turns out Lawyer happens to be a very fun guy to hand with (who would have guessed). And I'm not saying that because he insisted on picking up the tab.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is this some sort of Bauhausian confession?

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