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Computer Games Magazine CM2 article...

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I took a closer look at the pics.



A quick question, will the existing Axis MODs be moslty compatible with the new texturing.

Take the Stug you posted for example, could it be MODed with the previous work released by KwazyDog or Fernando or Tiger?

Or if not, would it be just because some new BMPs were added (IE MG) and that it would only require to tweak that?

In other words, would we be playing with Fernando's excellent Panther and PzIV in CMBO and with stock textures in CMBB?

Niec stock texturing BTW...

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>1. That CM2 will cover the Winter War. It

>will not and we never intended it to. One

>bite too many for us to chew I am sorry to

>say ;)

Damn ! :(

I have read before that Winter War is habitually left out of games because the parameters of the game engine do not fit the Winter War scope of fighting, both in odds and in the final outcome (for example the conventional AT capabilities of the Finnish army did not warrant the 1 200 tanks the Red Army lost in combat).

In other words Winter War throws a monkey wrech into the game engine. Is this what happened here too ?

I take it Finns will still be included in the game. What will be the parameters you use to model the Finnish army ?

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I'm made up Steve has taken time out to answer out questions.....He's made my day !!!

But I wish I could get this magazine in the UK and not just have to imagine what the pictures of the game look like.....How long do I have to have sleepless nights waiting to see something....?? :(:(:(:(:(

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BTS is already going out on a limb trying to depict the entire Axis-Soviet conflict in one game. While the fighting in the west 44-45 definitely evolved it was nowhere near as changing as the situation in the East.

Environmental, technical and doctrinal changes where monumental and almost every year, and front brought a unique set of circumstances. If anything the Winter War would risk being unfairly treated should BTS over extend themselves.

Personally I think the CM engine can cope and with the additional experience from CM2 and further tweaking and improvements I’d bet on it smile.gif


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>BTS is already going out on a limb trying to

>depict the entire Axis-Soviet conflict in

>one game. While the fighting in the west

>44-45 definitely evolved it was nowhere near

>as changing as the situation in the East.

Agreed. It must be a monumental task to find a yardstick that applies to all models of all the weapons systems that were used. Coding wise that is.

>Environmental, technical and doctrinal

>changes where monumental and almost every

>year, and front brought a unique set of


Yes. The game engine has to be able to handle desert terrain and dust as well as boggy terrian and snow.

>If anything the Winter War would risk being

>unfairly treated should BTS over extend


That is what I am asking BTS about, actually. smile.gif

>Personally I think the CM engine can cope

>and with the additional experience from CM2

>and further tweaking and improvements I’d

>bet on it smile.gif

No contest there. :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero:

I have read before that Winter War is habitually left out of games because the parameters of the game engine do not fit the Winter War scope of fighting, both in odds and in the final outcome (for example the conventional AT capabilities of the Finnish army did not warrant the 1 200 tanks the Red Army lost in combat).

In other words Winter War throws a monkey wrech into the game engine. Is this what happened here too ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Luultavammin vain yrittävät minimoida työtaakkaansa. Pelisarjassa on tulossa vielä Välimeri (Kreikka, Afrikka, Italia) sekä Varhainen sota, joista toiseen (arvaa!) veikkaisin myös talvisodan sopivan. Ota huomioon, että eihän CM kakkoseen sisälly myöskään Puolan sotaa, vaikka se itärintamaan sisältyykin. Siis CM2 = 1941-1945, CM4 = 1939-1940...

Joka tapauksessa, minusta on vain HYVÄ asia, jos talvisota on vasta CM4:ssä. Miksikö? Siksi, että uudistettu engine tulee vasta sen jälkeen, ja senhän luvataan sallivan mm. useamman kuin kahden pelaajan moninpelin! Lisäksi meillä on enemmän aikaa lobata hevoset mukaan...

Jos kirjoitan tähän Steven nimen, hän varmasti häkeltyy. :D

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I take it Finns will still be included in the game. What will be the parameters you use to model the Finnish army ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The parameters of Royal Swedish Army in 1960's, of course... tongue.gif

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Unless you wonder about Sergei and his handle: Sergei is the name we Finns gave to the post war Soviet twin barreled 23mm AA gun. :D

>Luultavammin vain yrittävät minimoida


Älä ! :D

>Pelisarjassa on tulossa vielä Välimeri

>(Kreikka, Afrikka, Italia) sekä Varhainen

>sota, joista toiseen (arvaa!) veikkaisin

>myös talvisodan sopivan.

Öööööö :D

Ottaen huomioon, että joidenkin WWII time-line tietojen mukaan (mukana myös joitakin USA College kotisivuja) Winter War ei koskaan tapahtunutkaan. Attack on Poland jälkeen tulee tietysti Weserübung ja heti kohta perään The Invation of France and the Low Countries. Siinä välillä ei tapahtunut juuri mitää sotahistoriallisesti merkitävää.... :D

>Ota huomioon, että eihän CM kakkoseen

>sisälly myöskään Puolan sotaa, vaikka se

>itärintamaan sisältyykin.

Jos näin on niin sittenhän CM2:een ei tule myös Puolalaisia joukkoja. Roight ?

>Siis CM2 = 1941-1945, CM4 = 1939-1940...

CM4=Pacific, jos vanhat merkit paikkansa pitää. Pacific Lobby on sen verran vahva, että sen yli taida päästä. smile.gif

>Joka tapauksessa, minusta on vain HYVÄ asia,

>jos talvisota on vasta CM4:ssä. Miksikö?

>Siksi, että uudistettu engine tulee vasta

>sen jälkeen, ja senhän luvataan sallivan mm.

>useamman kuin kahden pelaajan moninpelin!

>Lisäksi meillä on enemmän aikaa lobata

>hevoset mukaan...

Hevosvetoinen tykistö ei kuuna kullan valkeana taistellut etulinjassa. Joidenkin lähteiden mukaan. smile.gif

>Jos kirjoitan tähän Steven nimen, hän

>varmasti häkeltyy.

Lisätään tähän vielä BTS ja jotain muuta höpinää ja sen jälkeen muutama $$$$ merkki niin eiköhän saada tämäkin aihe lukittua. :D

>The parameters of Royal Swedish Army in

>1960's, of course...

Are you sure about that ? smile.gif

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>I do not want to be a spoil-sport, but you

>are very welcome to give a translation to


Finnish for foreigners 101


>Unless you wonder about Sergei and his

>handle: Sergei is the name we Finns gave to

>the post war Soviet twin barreled 23mm AA


Niille, jotka ihmettelevät Sergein käyttäjätunnusta: Sergei on nimi, joka annettiin Suomessa Neuvostoliittolaiselle kaksipiippuiselle 23mm IT tykille.

>>Luultavammin vain yrittävät minimoida


Most propably they are trying to minimize their work load.

>Älä !

No ****.

>>Pelisarjassa on tulossa vielä Välimeri

>>(Kreikka, Afrikka, Italia) sekä Varhainen >>sota, joista toiseen (arvaa!) veikkaisin

>>myös talvisodan sopivan.

Upcoming version include the Med (Greece, Africa, Italy) and Early War. I bet one of these (quess which one!) will be appropriate for Winter War.



>Ottaen huomioon, että joidenkin WWII

>time-line tietojen mukaan (mukana myös

>joitakin USA College kotisivuja) Winter War

>ei koskaan tapahtunutkaan. Attack on Poland

>jälkeen tulee tietysti Weserübung ja heti

>kohta perään The Invation of France and the

>Low Countries. Siinä välillä ei tapahtunut

>juuri mitää sotahistoriallisesti


When you take into account the fact that according to some WWII timelines (among which are several USA College web sites) Winter War never took place. After the Attack on Poland came Weserübung and soon after that the Invasion of France and the Low Countries took place. Nothing of military historical importance did take place in between.

>>Ota huomioon, että eihän CM kakkoseen

>>sisälly myöskään Puolan sotaa, vaikka se

>>itärintamaan sisältyykin.

After all CM2 does not include the Polish campaign, eventhough it is a part of the events in the Eastern Front.

>Jos näin on niin sittenhän CM2:een ei tule

>myös Puolalaisia joukkoja. Roight ?

All things being equal there will not be any Polish troops in CM2. Mittee ?

>>Siis CM2 = 1941-1945, CM4 = 1939-1940...

So, CM2 = 1941-1945, CM4 = 1939-1940...

>CM4=Pacific, jos vanhat merkit paikkansa

>pitää. Pacific Lobby on sen verran vahva,

>että sen yli taida päästä.

CM4=Pacific, if the pattern holds. The Pacific lobby is so strong (on the account of being an American one; translators note) that it will be hard to overcome.

>>Joka tapauksessa, minusta on vain HYVÄ

>>asia, jos talvisota on vasta CM4:ssä.

>>Miksikö? Siksi, että uudistettu engine

>>tulee vasta sen jälkeen, ja senhän luvataan

>>sallivan mm.useamman kuin kahden pelaajan


Even so I (Sergei) feel it is a GOOD thing that Winter War will be only in CM4 Why ? Because the totally improved game engine will come after CM2 and that is promised to accomodate such features as more than two player multi player games.

>>Lisäksi meillä on enemmän aikaa lobata

>>hevoset mukaan...

Furthermore we have time to lobby the inclusion of horses.

>Hevosvetoinen tykistö ei kuuna kullan

>valkeana taistellut etulinjassa. Joidenkin

>lähteiden mukaan.

Horsedrawn artillery did not take part in front line fighting. According to some sources.

>>Jos kirjoitan tähän Steven nimen, hän

>>varmasti häkeltyy.

If I write Steves name here he will surely be confused

>Lisätään tähän vielä BTS ja jotain muuta

>höpinää ja sen jälkeen muutama $$$$ merkki

>niin eiköhän saada tämäkin aihe lukittua.

I'll include BTS and after some blabber a few $$$$ signs so we will get this tread locked in no time.

>>The parameters of Royal Swedish Army in

>>1960's, of course...

60-luvun Kuninkaallisen Ruotsin armeijan parameterilla tietysti.

>Are you sure about that ?

Oletko ihan varma ?

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: tero ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero:

The Pacific lobby is so strong (on the account of being an American one; translators note) that it will be hard to overcome.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Us Aussies were there too!!! :D

btw, Tero, thanks for the translation mate!


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I'm sure everyone replying also means 'congratulations, well done, fantastic' but without a single quibble in the world you guys deserve a major mention in despatches for the quality of your achievements. Well done. CMBO is a wonderful wargame system to play, and as a dedicated Ivan waiting patiently for my orders, I'm sure CM2 will be up to the same high standard.

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>I'm sure everyone replying also means

>'congratulations, well done, fantastic' but

>without a single quibble in the world you

>guys deserve a major mention in despatches

>for the quality of your achievements.

>Well done.

I was saving that to the occasion when the final product is released. No disrespect intended.

That Finnish language exchange or ours was just HORSE play smile.gif

BTW: I am still expecting Steve to answer my questions.

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: tero ]

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Yeah, I'm sorry about the mistakes in the article. As Steve notes, there was some confusion, mostly on my end. Steve talks a lot, smile.gif and in going through the tapes of the interview, "CM2" and "CMII" got me confused--we jumped around a lot. So everything Steve said about relative spotting is true, but only for the next game in the series.

On the Winter War, well, that's my fault too, in that once he said the Finns were in I figured, hell, what else would they do but fight the Winter War? Again, sorry for the errors.

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Hi Steve,

It looks like you've got your hands full with all of these questions but I have to ask this one:

What kind of improvements will be made to the Campaign System? Are improvements being made in the Setup Zones between battles? For example it was very hard to create an objective oriented campagin such as the Battle for Arnhem Bridge. The current setup zone system puts reinforcements on the wrong side of the river. Also, the computer AI always wants to move towards the opposiste map side instead of attacking towards the bridge (I think Victory Flags would solve this problem)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Us Aussies were there too!!! :D

btw, Tero, thanks for the translation mate!


1975 Canadians, too, at Hong Kong. A small contribution, but they suffered 100 percent casualties, so it is strong in the national consciousness...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Some quick answers for y'all...

I don't think we will be able to model partially colapsed buildings. It is on the list to try, but it might not be possible until the engine rewrite. This also answers the question about "mouseholing" (i.e. going through walls using TNT instead of going outside and back in). We can't do this unless we can have individual states for individual walls.


I am wondering now how CMBB will handle cityfighting differently from CMBO if "mouseholing" will not be possible? There was mention of different building types/shapes, will there also be different sized buildings to simulate large complexes, ones that say would encompass 6-8 tiles or more? Thanks.


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Engineers blowing up bridges!

Maybe not on the fly, but it would be nice to construct a scenario where engineers in defense can blow a bridge. Maybe let the designer buy a "wired" bridge, or something. It would be fun to watch a panzer column roll up expecting to cross a bridge, and some engineer sod pops up and presses a plunger. Oops.

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