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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Oooooooh, them's fighting words. Looks like we might have a marine catfight on our hands. Nothing better than seeing a couple of pinheads square off. Well, there are better things to watch actually, but decorum prevents me from listing them here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, Gyrene... one question... who were you with?

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Ok, Gyrene... one question... who were you with?

MAG16 HMH462 & HMH363

Hehe, you got the air winger part right, I was a CH53 freak (6113 mech/gunner), but if living in the dirt, working on those dirty bastards in the bush 16 hours a day running your own security patrols on your time off is the glamorous life of a winger than make me a grunt already.

Bout you?


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Hi, I'm Kiwi Lee, and I'm so good that I've grown sick and tired of being cornholed by all you knob polishers. I've played 50 million games, and I've won all of them (if'n you exclude the 49,999,995 where I had some bad luck).

In fact, I'm such an arrogant bastard who is so full of himself, that I'll give birth to my own head the next time I sit to take a dump.

I really don't want a game from any of you knob-gobblers, I just wanted to pound on my chest, hoping to attract another Bastidge as assinine as my self so that when we meet, We can create a brown-hole of bluster from which no full-of-himself warrior wannabe can escape.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

I really hate responding to this tripe sober and in the morning, but at least I know that both shall soon pass.

1. Thanks oh-so-much to B & G for covering the ground that this is as much your thread as the Balkans are known for their peace-loving citizens.

*. My Most Just and Gracious Lord, jd knows all things, and there is no reason to rehash it.

3. Hmmm... I'm going to guess that your terms are very thin at one end, much, MUCH thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the far end... "[" miss "]".

MCMXXVI. Thank you too for dragging Billy James' corpse in here with your Pragmatic Prattlings about "I define this" and "my Truth is that." Hey: it only works as a means-to-and-end, and Pods Don't Have Ends!

And as for "good english poonds" -- please see "peace-loving balkans", above, for a recapitualion of that breathtaking statement...

B. Asked and answered, asked and answered.

VX. I missed the neutering party? DAMN! However, I am quite sure that right now, crusing serenely just under the surface of the Cess, there is a fellow-'Pooler with just the right settee-uppee, waiting to burst forth through the surface into our midst like a 688-boat stuffed full of doners and hangers-on through a fishing trawler. Anyone? Beuhler?

The End. Oh, it's Kleinfelter's Syndrome, and so sorry about your having to bring the wrong size "driver-balls-and-bag" to the "course" so to speak. Must suck to be a Pod...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Icky, we shall have a game you and I, and there is one and only one reason for it. You have enumerated in the manner of a true PodPengishthing. Zymurgy (GOD of fermentation) Bless you, sonny-boy, for you truly have it in you, whatever you may be and whatever it may be that is in you, it is there, and what it is too {brackets miss brackets}, and for this you must be awarded something above and beyond my scalp.

By Golly it does my several hearty like bits good to see something post as you have just then.

BERLI! that skulking game set up if you will. And while you are at it, let's get germanboy (the snivelling wank) to make one for you and me. I really liked the last one.

The hell of it is that I am currently away from my pit, as I have been on hazardous duty this weekend:

And here is the nut of that acorn. Elvis is with child, and "friends" who live closer in proximity to him than I, decided that a co-ed baby shower would be a good idea. (They have since been gutted and thier inedible bits left by the side of Route 70 in Manahawkin, NJ somewhere). As women "oohed!" and "aaahhhed!" over onesies and powder and jumpers and various silly things the men sat on the porch and poured shots of imported Irish whiskey and cracked bottles of Yeungling's Lager, and vowed that they would make a concerted effort to locate Elvis's bananna and two plums just as soon as he got that bit of ribbon and garland off his head.

MEN! A CALL TO ARMS! Should the females in your life suggest that a co-ed baby shower might be a good idea, take a great fat pointed stick and thwack them in the noggin with it, several times, until the thought goes away. Baby showers are for WOMEN. Co-ed baby showers, while saturated with booze to ease the pain, are still no place for a man to spend his saturday night.

Please berate Elvis with great beratings for being the object of such objectionable festivities. I have, now its your turn.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

I didn't bother to read page six, so I'm repeating a joke that is no longer funny<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't you new people read any more? You need to study the thread more carefully before you post. Or did you poke out your eyes like Peng and now you just have someone take you to the reply page and type at random and your little monkey fingers gave you a rehash of a rehash from the main board?

Btw-- how're things going with young harpooner? If I guess right you both have had some reinforcements by now, but you haven't seen too many horrors yet. Watch out for the vortex...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Should the females in your life suggest that a co-ed baby shower might be a good idea, take a great fat pointed stick and

thwack them in the noggin with it, several times, until the thought goes away. Baby showers are for WOMEN.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well DUH! Are you telling me that Elvis is so stupid that he actually fell for this? I mean I knew he was stupid but geeze ... even a scum sucking newbie wouldn't tumble to that!


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originally whined by the all lowercase chrisle:


mean things in a mean way, meanly and with malice aforethought.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fine! first you kick my ass, THEN you steal my M. O. .


uh, have I mentioned my dislike for smilies lately?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

uh, have I mentioned my dislike for smilies lately?


Yeah. Have you tried the damage to the visual cortex thing yet? It should work, but there is one caveat--it's possible that you could be left with a form of "blindsight" that keeps you from consciously perceiving that box of smilies in the lower left, but still allows the smiley signal to get to your subconscious.


It can happen. I suspect that this would be a bad thing, and cause your head to explode violently. Probably your best bet is to rip out all of your eyes (or snip them off, if they're on stalks).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

BERLI! that skulking game set up if you will. And while you are at it, let's get germanboy (the snivelling wank) to make one for you and me. I really liked the last one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you wish the attack or the defence?

Germanboy is on holiday. It will be awhile until he returns

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The worst part about the "co-ed" shower was that my bastard brothers (and I assume Peng) drank my full bottle of Paddys that me Mum brought back from England. WE CAN"T GET PADDYS HERE! One of you Brits please forward me a bottle STAT.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

The worst part about the "co-ed" shower was that my bastard brothers (and I assume Peng) drank my full bottle of Paddys that me Mum brought back from England. WE CAN"T GET PADDYS HERE! One of you Brits please forward me a bottle STAT.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

what are you doing up this early?

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Oh Lorak Would you kindly scribe the following, (not that I believe you capable of kindness of any kind mind you).

DekeFentle (DRAW)

Berli (DRAW)

I suckered him into accepting a cease fire before he could wipe the paltry remainder of my once valient hordes from the map.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well DUH! Are you telling me that Elvis is so stupid that he actually fell for this? I mean I knew he was stupid but geeze ... even a scum sucking newbie wouldn't tumble to that!


joey my boy, it is physically impossible for any newbie or for that matter anyone at all to SUCK scum in this forum. Your industial strength suckage removes it as soon as it can be spewed. When was the last time anyone saw any scum to SUCK around here? See what I mean? joey (The one true Kinniget of SUCKAGE) has got it all.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

Edited because I always do.

[ 04-22-2001: Message edited by: DekeFentle ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Edited because I always do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No DekeFentle, it was edited because you're always an idiot. I give you points, my lad, for persistence, but that's all. You seem to think that by repeating various incarnations of the word SUCK that you can somehow get my goat (GOAT, Mace Goat, not sheep). Try something different, son, something with some ... wit, some cleverness, some humor, some literacy ... any of the above? No, I suppose that's too much to ask.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:



Gee joe if I tried for that literary witty thing that you are soooo good at, wouldn't I be stealing your thunder? I thought that was against the code of Croda or some such PENGian rule.

I must say that having you around does indeed keep the place clean. Do make sure and you pay some attention to the corners laddy. A glance in the general direction should suffice with the omnipotent suckage power you employ. And do pay Hamsters abode a visit, he's somewhat behind on his spring cleaning.

We would all be greatful if you could stay pointed in this thread as your occasional wandering tends to draw in all manner of undesirable filth from the general forum. That being said I urge you to keep on SUCKING joey you're doing a right fine job of it. One should, after all, do what one is best at.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

Edited so joey might feel a little superior to someone.

[ 04-22-2001: Message edited by: DekeFentle ]

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Lorak, some days ago I won a victory over dalem that was one of those infantry-vs-infantry attack Frog vs. Fat Boy affairs. Nothing remarkable. I shall save the rant for our rematch, after I've handed him the baseball bat and jumped into the bucket to win the kind of upset victory that will gladden the heart of amphibians everywhere. But nonetheless, record:

Nijis: Whop! Splash! Ploosh!

dalem: Croak.

In other news, PeterNZer, despite having demonstrated all the tactical finesse of a Cape buffalo on a PCP rush, has at last battered his way into the flag areas and will probably pick up some sort of victory. Meanwhile, the hotel which Sir Ogspiffle sent his prized flame halftrack over to inspect turned out to be hosting a bazookanists' convention, affording me an easy early kill. Marpits, for his part, will shortly see some ominous silhouettes coming to do him harm from out of the blowing snow.

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If you two prefer, I have a brand new scenario that was made with input from Warphead and McAuliffe, so blame them. Being tested at the moment, i can send after testing or as is now. It involves pointy sticks, Fog, hills, forest, more pointy sticks, and Germans and Canadian in the Reichswald Forest. Let me know if you are interested.

In the meantime, you all still suck. I loathe even having to post here.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Originally posted by MrPeng:

BERLI! that skulking game set up if you will. And while you are at it, let's get germanboy (the snivelling wank) to make one for you and me. I really liked the last one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you wish the attack or the defence?

Germanboy is on holiday. It will be awhile until he returns

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

[QB]If you two prefer, I have a brand new scenario that was made with input from Warphead and McAuliffe, so blame them. Being tested at the moment, i can send after testing or as is now. It involves pointy sticks, Fog, hills, forest, more pointy sticks, and Germans and Canadian in the Reichswald Forest. Let me know if you are interested.


Sounds awful... I'm game.

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Which one of you guys turned off Hamster's ISP. He doesn’t post or e-mail any longer. Just when I had his Jumbo in my "shrecks sights too. Harpy his 2nd. Cousin must have been hot-seating Ham's computer 'cause he hasn’t been seen either.


Geez, throw me a smiley people!-Mr. Peng.

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