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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:


Have you still failed to understand the power you are dealing with in the LORAK ?!

Don't you think it is odd that every time you try to slander me, a foot of snow falls on your home?

Lorak the loathed

Omnipresent authority figure


Lorak, you swine, could you tighten your aim on Berli, as I am getting damn tired of shoveling. Your sloppy use of seasonal artillery is hitting us here in Minnesota as well as those rotters down in Chicago. Adjust fire, sir.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Ahh a new year, a new millienium, CM2 yet to come, life is good, at least until I look around and see the depths of depravity, degradation and lacivious behavior to which I have associated myself with, ie you all,...so as I said, life is good. No wonder the missus and I took in Quills loosely based on the Marquis de Sade. (A good movie btw, imho). Since I am at work , I shan't and shall try to remember what is going on. A painful proposition at best. Now on to other things......

Marltoad is of course croaking (see above). The pupil has indeed surpassed his liege, runttheformerbetagod As it was a game from his initial entry into the pool, I felt it incumbent to go easy on the little tyke. After all he wasn't a squire of mine so I tried to make him feel welcome and of course threw the game. Now since the ungrateful rat bastard is trying to pump up his overrated and undersized ego, I shall, upon our re-match crush the worm beneath my jackboots. I have decided to actually play the game (unless I lose again and appropriate whining will commence).

CrodawhowillneverbeaKnaggit after losing his mum's affections, has embarked on a massive attack (6500 pts) against my defenders (5000 pts). He actually has at least 1 "crack" tank crew... ahh what profligacy. He blathers that I have run away, okay, think what you will my young apprentice, just know that there are a thousand mauser's drawing a bead onyour pointy, pockmarked forehead. So believe what amuses you....

Anubisjackalboy and Spaced find themselves both reenacting an old time TV show... The Fugitive. Their last tanks are runnig from the onslaught unleashed upon them. Complete topplements are in the offing. Now if Macey would stop pretending to work, he might actually finish this game so I can give him a rematch that might give him a chance (since rune screwed him in this scenario - Battle of the Bulge)

SerSnatch for it is he, has confessed his transgressions and seeks our pardon for his lack of timliness. Perhaps his probe has been blunted, eh?

MormonWivesboy and I have just started. Seems Herr Shaw is confident. He apparentely forgot to place his units, thus they are all still on the back map edge. Seems he has at least a platoon of Panthers....yet he wishes play to proceed.

Finally, and not least, well actually least, both Pawed Meeks remain AWOL. However, their games await in stasis, as they are both losing........


[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-02-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

SerSnatch for it is he, has confessed his transgressions and seeks our pardon for his lack of timliness. Perhaps his probe has been blunted, eh?


Who is Sir Snatch? Did he change his name from Vaginahead?


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

What's this retired crap you filthy sack of filth? You'll be lucky to have any of your men live long enough to retire in our next installment. You heard of Andersonville? That'll be nothing compared to the horrors I plan on bestowing upon your gamey buttocks! Don't let your men get captured, because it will be a long road through Hell before they see the light of day again. Ask dalem what it's like. He had a good 20 men surrender throughtout the game, chicken-**** bastiches. So, now that I have killed dalem's little dog, I'll be certain to suffocate you with his steaming entrails.


Well now, dog guts. I never done had them 'fore. Anythin liake chittlins? Thar's nutt'n better 'n a steamin mess o' chittlins fer the holly-days. As fer the rest o' your gabberin 'bout how you is a gonna kick my "gamey" britches, bring it on you Damnyankee.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Work intrudes on life. I will be unavailable for CM for the next few days.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Evil takes a holiday. I mean Evil does some work. hehe


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Ok, tomb updates:





Ahh...Seanachai, So nice to see they finally let you out..er. your back. Nice to see someone who understands the power of the Lorak and the insane uses it can be put to.

Sadly you seem to be upset with my snow barage. For someone claiming to be a celt, I just can't understand your lack of wonder at the joy that is nature.

Sad, sad, sad... seems the heathens that reside here need another lesson in culture.

Excerpt from "The Celts":

'Long, long ago beyond the misty space

Of twice a thousand years,

In Erin old there dwelt a mighty race,

Taller than Roman spears;

Like oaks and towers they had a giant grace,

were fleet as deers

With winds and waves they made their 'biding place,

These western shepherd seers.

The Druid's altar and the Druid's creed

We scarce can trace,

There is not left an undisputed deed

Of all your race,

Save your majestic song, which hath thier speed,

And strength, and grace;

In that sole song, they live and love and bleed-

It bears them on thro' space.

Oh,inspired giant! shall we e'er behold,

In our own time,

One fit to speak your spirt on the wold,

Or seize your rhyme?

One pupil of the past, as mighty souled

As in the prime,

Were the fond, fair, and the beautiful and bold-

They, of your song sublime!

Ahh, So nice to bring knowledge to idiots.

Perhaps in my next lesson I futher expand upon the "Tuatha De Danann" or maybe "Fionn and his Fian"

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-02-2001).]

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There is a Question that some clearly desperate person has asked the 'Answers From Cesspooligans' on page 5, bottom post. He has been waiting all day and does seem pathetic so I would ask you to go there and give this nice young lad some helpful advice.

Did I mention that he is a great guy if a horrible CM player and not a bad dancer.


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Crude-Duck! It has come to my attention that while pounding your chest like some viagara engorged gorilla, you are neglecting to mention (quite inadvertedly of course) the current status of our kanigitt challenge.

I will hereby take it upon myself to let all and sundry know the true and devastating extent of your impending topplement:

My champion frenchies hold everything that is to be held, my armour has taken to racing against each other for the veiwing pleasure of the troops, while the champagne corks have already begun popping at headquarters while awaiting the news of your imminent surrender.

Colin the daschund is having a whale of a time running around the fields littered with the corpses of your volkksturm, pausing only to nibble on some of the exposed squishy bits before bounding off again into the fog ...yip!....yap!....yip!.

Those of your men that I can see that are not lying face up are lying face down, praying for the bayonet to the base of the skull that will release them from their torment.

You are a cruel and heartless leader, by refusing to surrender you are achieving nothing save the slaughter of more of your grandfathers.

OGSF Has lost all his armour in a fruitless attack against my infantry only defense. My little 75mm recoiless took out 2 105 Shermies within 10sec of each other, which has left his meagre infantry now unsupported and engaged by several field guns, numerous infantry and MG's, in short you are screwed.....

Mensch I await the return file with baited breath, after all its only been 3 weeks since the last move.

Come to think of it, I'm awaiting files from Peng, Herr Eyeburst, and Blousemouse. Whaddarya, all scared?!


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

...Come to think of it, I'm awaiting files from Peng, Herr Eyeburst, and Blousemouse. Whaddarya, all scared?!


Against those green Pillsbury doughboys you got?!? Hardly my good man. In fact a turn is on the way. A turn full of running German hobnailed boots getting ready to kick some Ami keister. A turn full of the rat-a-tat-tat, er, well no machine guns, so the bang-bang-bang, er, well no semi automatics, the shick-shick-bang of scores of Mauser rifles sending a deadly hail of bullets into the soft underbelly of your troops. Pull in the laundry and pack yo' bags, 'cause the troops are on the move. In those immortal words, prepare to Die Alot Now.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

[bOGSF Has lost all his armour in a fruitless attack against my infantry only defense. My little 75mm recoiless took out 2 105 Shermies within 10sec of each other, which has left his meagre infantry now unsupported and engaged by several field guns, numerous infantry and MG's, in short you are screwed.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tha' sneaky bastarrrd dodged tha mortar barrage, waited 'till tha smoke drifted awah on tha breeze, then plinked mah poor wee 105 Shermies in tha side, lak tha skulkin' bushwacker tha' he is. Nae matter, the fox as well an' trooly amongst the chickens noo.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MormonWivesboy and I have just started. Seems Herr Shaw is confident. He apparentely forgot to place his units, thus they are all still on the back map edge. Seems he has at least a platoon of Panthers....yet he wishes play to proceed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As if I had a choice ... consider my options if you please. I could have requested a restart, but Mr. JD Morse, Esq. (aka "didadadah dahdidit") would have certainly demanded a recount ... can any view current events and doubt this? And, being an attorney as he is, can any doubt that he would have heaped calumnies upon my head and called me unfair and even GAMEY! I think not. I, therefore, chose to take the high road and manfully play on in the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. This despite the indisputable fact that my troops were lined up along the near edge in parade ground formation, no infantry embarked, no troops hidden, even my armor in plain sight for all to see (but Panthers? Perhaps ... and perhaps not.) But did I quail from this task? I did NOT. I instead resolved to fight it out and let the results fall where they may. Should I prevail in this unequal and inequitable struggle the glory will be all the greater. Should I fail, I shall fail through poor luck and circumstance and, as a result of the completely capricious nature of my placement, not a lack of tactical acumen on my part. In other words, I'll have been robbed. It's a plan.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Should I fail, I shall fail through poor luck and circumstance and, as a result of the completely capricious nature of my placement, not a lack of tactical acumen on my part. In other words, I'll have been robbed. It's a plan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This from a Mortgage Banker!!!! Mr. Compassion? Mister "Tell the Widow Jones that she has 2 days to pay the mortgage, plus accumulated interest, fees and costs or she'll be out on the street for Christmas"!

While I maybe the agent of such evil, let's not forget that it is the client/banker that sets the course and makes the decision to evict. I am, merely a humble servant, of darker powers......


[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-03-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Tell the Widow Jones that she has 2 days to pay the mortgage, plus accumulated interest, fees and costs or she'll be out on the street for Christmas"!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nonsense, as an attorney you should be well aware that mortgage law requires a minimum of 3 months prior to the initiation of foreclosure proceedings ... mind you the rest is right.


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In an uncharacteristic wave of un-pool-like kindness and good feeling I'd like to share this special Post-Holiday sale I came across. Get all the things you REALLY need. Stock up for spring! No money down, no payments for thirty days!

Special Acquisition Items

I guess E-Business is bigger than I thought...


Is "patheti-sad" a word?

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You nasty bunch of vomit-laden pustules. I spend a few days away and I come back to find JUNIOR members are posting freely to the peng thread! What in gods name is going on?!

Well my pc is still shagged, north england is a snowy waste. But the real ale was nice.

I shall attempt to continue to destroy you (those I'm playing) in the next week or so.

You may now return to your scheduled mewing and fawning.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Well my pc is still shagged...


You are a sick, sick puppy. At least Mace is nice enough to stick to living things like sheep, but when you go off and start shagging your computer, well, it just isn't right.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra:

Get all the things you REALLY need, etc, etc...


I'll take a refurb T-72, and an LCAC to carry it on, thank-you-very-much.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

You are a sick, sick puppy. At least Mace is nice enough to stick to living things like sheep, but when you go off and start shagging your computer, well, it just isn't right.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Must be a result of his 3,5 floppy.


I just told a Cesspooler to do a search.

I feel like Jeff H...

Hiram Sedai

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Ok you lot!

The Tyler Durden in me is sick to death about the sheer volume of opiate schmaltzy pretty in pink supportive mails you fags spammed me with.

What is it with you?!

Where is your Peng spirit?

I never had that feeling of having joined a friggin Weight Watchers support group before.

Well! Thank you then!!

I'm not overweight!

And since you were playing hardball, I had a Bordeaux St Emilion 1945 for Xmas.

In your face...



I just told a Cesspooler to do a search.

I feel like Jeff H...

Hiram Sedai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Ok you lot!

The Tyler Durden in me is sick to death about the sheer volume of opiate schmaltzy pretty in pink supportive mails you fags spammed me with.

What is it with you?!

Where is your Peng spirit?

I never had that feeling of having joined a friggin Weight Watchers support group before.

Well! Thank you then!!

I'm not overweight!

And since you were playing hardball, I had a Bordeaux St Emilion 1945 for Xmas.

In your face...



Shut up, you Phrench Phag. Is Tyler your live-in lover?? Are you putting on some weight? Your pink frilly spandex crouisant hugging pants are a bit tight.


Phetid Phrenchies with their Phries


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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