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Frequently Asked Questions answered by cesspoolers from the Peng Thread(tm)

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Ok, here's a one for the ol' institutional memory. (No, not institutionalizable memory, you cheeky Cess divers!)

Can someone tell me how the "Sneak" command has or has not been changed over the course of CM's development/patching? I do a search, but there are so many varying Sneak explanations that I get easily confused. More easily than the usual easiness, even.

I'm particularly wondering if Sneak has ever been changed and then changed back, or not, and, if so, why or why not. See? Give me the theory! Thanks!


P.S. Oh, also, does a good hard BUMP damage a Stuart?

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Bugger....Allright then who threw this out with the rubbish, come on if the person who did it doesn't own up you will all be punished ............................. Mace go get your sheep suit will you, there's a good lad.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Initially the 'sneak' command was flawed and would make the troops under the 'sneak' order march right past enemy troops without opening fire.

That has been fixed to make it a 'move slowly and quietly until contact is made"

At least thats been my understanding of it.

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Stuka, I haven't examined this in depth, but a recent PBEM experience makes me think that's not correct.

I had a platoon sneak right through an enemy platoon at a range of under 5m during a playback. Not only did no one open fire, my platoon was not even spotted. They massacred the enemy platoon the next turn. This was in a TCP/IP game using one of the more recent betas.


Massada Lo Tipol Shenit

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

The Sneak command used to be "move carefully and quietly and hold your fire". Now it is "move carefully and quietly and return fire if fired upon".

Babra, how do you know your platoon wasn't spotted? If the enemy was Sneaking their spotting ability should have been good.



Have you no manners, sir?! Begone from the Pool and do not return until you are prepared to speak of, 'Big honking guns' and 'You know, that one tank, with the big honking gun'. I'm ashamed to say I know you.

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I believe that Meeks has been hit with the brick one time too many...


This is not the pool. This is the pool's public service to the forum. People come here to ask questions, people from the cesspool give them answers. Simple as that.

This started about the time you were leaving the bear's smaller intestines.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Babra, how do you know your platoon wasn't spotted? If the enemy was Sneaking their spotting ability should have been good.


Because my opponent's very emphatic "WTF..." when the playback started tipped me off smile.gif Until that point he had no idea I had units as close as 3m to his.

I didn't ask him if his troops were sneaking or not. Mine were.


Massada Lo Tipol Shenit

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by arax3:

Sorry, no quote. Most of this "cesspool" is just "spam" for amusement of those with no lives. Are there any serious questions/answers? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There have been serious questions, and they have gotten some pretty good answers. Read through them.

The rest is just idle chatter to keep this bumped up, where it may eventually do some good for some poor newbie, wondering where the FAQ for the game must be...

Cesspoolers play a LOT and know a few things (except Meeks). But they are very dangerous when they get bored... best ask a question or move along.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by arax3:

Sorry, no quote. Most of this "cesspool" is just "spam" for amusement of those with no lives. Are there any serious questions/answers? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The members of the 'Cesspool' are, as a general rule, long time CM players (most remember the 'original three'. Aside from Meeks, there are some of the Groggiest Grogs hanging in the 'Pool'. If you have a legitimate question, someone here will probably have the answer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martyr:

Can someone tell me how the "Sneak" command has or has not been changed over the course of CM's development/patching?


From the 1.01 readme:

"* Sneaking units, when fired upon in cover, are more likely to stop and return fire rather than keep moving."

From the 1.03 readme:

"* Sneaking is now more sensitive to incoming fire when it decides to stop (i.e. "advance to contact")"

1.04, 1.05, and 1.1 don't have listed changes to sneak. You can actually find them all cataloged in the 1.1 readme file if you keep going toward the bottom-- Charles just updates the readme and keeps going.

I still have the beta demo around somewhere, but I think only in a compressed state.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Was that a 1.24b Beta or the full 1.1 Babs?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It was one of the later betas, but I don't recall which one. As I understand the way it transpired, since my units were not spotted and certainly weren't fired upon, they did not cease their sneaking to engage the enemy forces a few metres away. They just kept right on sneaking, passing right through the enemy platoon at right angles. It was rather a bizarre <s>ocurrence</s> <s>occurren</s> event smile.gif


Massada Lo Tipol Shenit

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra:

It was one of the later betas, but I don't recall which one. As I understand the way it transpired, since my units were not spotted and certainly weren't fired upon, they did not cease their sneaking to engage the enemy forces a few metres away. They just kept right on sneaking, passing right through the enemy platoon at right angles. It was rather a bizarre <s>ocurrence</s> <s>occurren</s> event smile.gif


That sounds about right to me. Imagine the situation: your squad has been ordered to infiltrate the enemy outpost line. Pvt. Bloggs on point signals that he's seen the enemy, but they haven't seen him. You signal your squad to hunker down until they pass. Just to be on the safe side, once they're past you, you mow them down from behind and they never knew what hit them.

You could just as well moved your squad deeper into enemy territory if you wanted them to scout. Seems like "sneak" has worked admirably well for you. I only wish it would do that for me.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

You could just as well moved your squad deeper into enemy territory if you wanted them to scout.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I really had no way of knowing my men weren't spotted. At the time, I was certain that they were. If I had known then all the nuances of the sneak command I might have tried to slip away. Nawwww, prolly not smile.gif


Massada Lo Tipol Shenit

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