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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

[bIt is highly unlikely that you would ever, even under the most forgiving circumstances, be able to run with an HMG to your forward assault positions<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quite right, sir. I wouldn't 'run', I would 'maneuver', as I used to do in my youthful RPG-ing days.

DALE WITH HMG42: "Okay, I'm going to maneuver up to the sandbags now."

CM ENGINE: "So you're moving up to the sandbags with the HMG42 and all its ammo? That's kinda heavy and bulky, y'know. We read that somewhere."

DWH: "Wait! I'm not just moving, I'm maneuvering, don'tcha see?"

CME: "What?"

DWH: "I'm moving with all my ****, at a maximum pace (which should be pretty fast), but I'm not exposing myself to any fire. I'm ready for anything, and fast, but not so fast that my team gets tired or drops ammo or anything. Got it?"

CME: "How the hell do you think--"

DWH: "Oh yeah, I think I'm stealthy and all quiet too. And pistols. My MG team should have pistols. Next patch, okay?"

CME: "You little f....."

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PawBroon, my esteemed Gallic counterpart. You owe me a setup. Put aside the Tintin comics that you are slowly rewriting with Peng Challenge Thread posters in the stories, and send me a file.

And YK2, why hast thou forsaken me? Where is my next turn?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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On another French note, in my first game with PawBroon, if I haven't otherwise noted it (don't seriously expect me to pay much attention to what I post to most of you, it's just too sordid and upsetting), we achieved a ...


A sodding Draw. And after my brave French lads held 2 of 3 VLs for the entire game, with the other one contested at the end. We agreed on a ceasefire, mainly to free up time to begin a new game, and in hopes of giving ourselves more time to belittle, mock, and dismiss the rest of you. That last would have been achieved, except the French have now dropped off the map.

On another front, I have defeated Berli. Allied Tactical Victory, final score 55-31. I am now 3-0 against Berli.

Yes, that's right, I have beaten Berli in yet another game. How, you ask yourself, my quivering little dormice? As I have several times pointed out to the puffed-up, pigeon-chested, thingy-rattling crowd that periodically shows up here to vacuously compare their latest rate of drool passage, I defeat Berli because Berli is not merely about winning, Berli is about playing Combat Mission.

What does this mean to people who spend as much time at zoolove.com as they do visiting the Britney Spears chatrooms while posting under assumed names their opinion of whether 'Titanic' or 'Gone With The Wind' was the most romantic movie ever made (you know who you are, you useless wastes of diluted and mutated testosterone)? It means, simply, that Berli doesn't choose battle parameters or troops merely to maximize his ability to win, he chooses setups and buys troops to play the game he wishes to play, within the framework of what is given.

In our last battle, I purposely chose Meeting Engagement, clear weather, day, village, moderate tree cover, modest hills. This is, perhaps, the most standard but interesting setup, and allows the stronger and more knowledgeable player the ability to use what he's learned. The only quirk, actually, was that both sides were limited to 'Mechanized', and Berli had the Germans, who have way more interesting and powerful 'vehicles' to choose from than my Brits.

Berli chose Fallschirmjaegers, piled the bastards into trucks, and drove them into the center of the village where the VLs were like a gang of drunken Chicagoans heading down the Dan Ryan for Rush street on a Saturday night. My troops, on a ridge overlooking the village, had a glorious opportunity to use mortars and artillery on his troops. It should have been a slaughter. I got a tactical, and I never did take the major VL, all I did was put it into doubt. His only chosen vehicles were trucks and a lone kubelwagen (I chose two Daimler ACs, and a White Scout Car; one Daimler died, one was immobilized. I specifically chose Daimlers to deal with whatever German HTs and ACs Berli came up with, and there were none. Now, Daimlers have a ton of AP ammo, but not much else besides MGs, given their little 40mm guns.)

What does this mean to you, you scurrying rodents? Merely that there are players, and then, there are Players. Some want to win at any cost, some want to pay the cost of Winning. Berli is one of the latter.

Now, all that said, I beat Berli. Again. It's a clear win, and when Lorak returns to us, I wanted it marked down as such.

And the other reason I beat Berli? Because he's Evil. And I am the chosen of the gods.

And as for most of the rest of you? You're dog excrement. That horrible, crumbly, magnesium-burn grey-white late summer dog excrement. Barkers eggs, to you Aussie ****es.

How come we don't get anything like a sing-song from the Aussies? A very musical nation, Australia. You wouldn't know it from the dearth of singing we've gotten from the resident Aussies. You're a sodding disgrace to your nation, you lot.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 12-10-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Quite right, sir. I wouldn't 'run', I would 'maneuver', as I used to do in my youthful RPG-ing days.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Now, DaleM, I want you to take a deep breath, close your eyes, center yourself, and try to contact your 'Inner Croda'. Can you see your Inner Croda? If you're getting distorted psychic visuals, the stench of spilled cheap wine, and the ability to post well being overlayed by rectal, thingy, and bathroom references, you've reached your 'Inner Croda/File Corrupted/Reload'. Reboot, consider the advantages of an actual education, contemplate the glories that the written record is filled with regarding taunting and warfare, and try to focus on the 'True' Inner Croda. Do you see a witty individual curling his lip, preparing a memorable bit of smack, and flipping me off (in an insouciant manner)? That's your True Inner Croda. Now, go show Croda what you've found, and then I want the two of you to stand side-by-side and sing "Oh Flower of the Desert, We Bend Over For Your Camels".

With Feeling.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 12-10-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And the other reason I beat Berli?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good question, you sodding bastard. One that I am investigating right now. I suspect bribes to Charles. Hard coding in the game itself are the only explanation for your last two victories. In our latest clash, you did in deed put the VL in question... until I threw you back. At the end, the only pommies near the VL were dead and the AI still put the VL in question. You, sir, are scum and I will loath you for eterinity

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, DaleM, I want you to take a deep breath, close your eyes, center yourself, and try to contact your 'Inner Croda'

Then I wrote a bunch of doodle-doo about Croda. I sure do think about Croda a lot. MMmmm, Croda-Croda-Croda.... Croda-me-lad, it looks dark in there, maybe you should hold my


Anyway Sunchild, if, when you refer to 'my inner Croda', you mean the piece of me that wants to run my guys all around in a hostile fire mission while their little graphic representations go from three guys to two guys (who seem to want to do push-ups in the woods), just like Croda's guys are doing in our game right now, then I have to say that I don't have one of those.

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Please scribe thusly on thy webpage dedicated to the Pool of Cess:

Twas the 10th Day of December when the King of South Philly didst most surely smite me with the big smitey thing in a scenario most foul. To his fans he is simply known as Elvis

I confess that I could not see the final score because of the tears and the body wracking sobs that tore through my hirsute yet nicely developed frame. Elvis beat me while my girlfriend watched. Can you think of anything more emasculating?

So, Sir Lorak, please mark me down with yet another loss and Elvis down with yet another win. I can only hope this doesn't make me seem easy to beat. (place emoticon with winking action here)


[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 12-10-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> And I've been informed that I forgot to mention Von ****hole in my list of PBEMs. I also forgot to mention Berli. I wonder if anyone can figure out why I'd miss them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Von ****hole.....now that nick stinks.

Oh BTW I visited a spiritual doctor to remove my Inner Croda and was amazed at what was taken from me. I looked over and in the waste basket and saw a sight that will not be forgotten, ever. There in the dank refuse was a 3 inch Tiger tank commander with an open fly crying to himself about his/her sexuality and something about 8 ricocheting AP rounds off of a manly Jumbo . I quickly had a seat on said basket and gave the little **** a proper burial. So yes I can see where the nick came from.

Herr Eggbert......I hate you. You are a sad sack indeed. Green troops? You bastard! I am waiting for the push you said was coming but only see scared little boys in men's uniforms.

Seanaboo-boo.....I hate you more and expect that file soon.

Stuka....Pull up your pants. The senior citizens are gone.

Koopa-Troopa.....Where has Mr.T been lately? Chasing around all the White Women ?

The rest of you....Does the letters F.O. mean anything to you?

Von Shrad

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I did indeed polish Hiram off (sit down bauhaus) while his girlfriend looked on in horror. Were I not married I would claim her in the spoils of war.

I expect an endgame from Germangirl any minute now that should show me as besting him (stand up bauhaus).

This would only leave me with one current PBEM game and that is a game just begun with Germangirl in an ugly looking night bridge thingy created by Berli.

So my plate is almost empty and it is time I threw out some challenges.

Mark IV! Word on the street is that you have some game. If you think you are up to it send me a file. Any type,any side ect..as I have proven that you can give me nothing but green Polish infantry against vetern German armor and infantry and I will still remain on top (sit down bauhaus).

The same threat goes for you Seanidontknowwhatyournameisorhowtosayit and anyone else who thinks they are up for an early death.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

How come we don't get anything like a sing-song from the Aussies? A very musical nation, Australia. You wouldn't know it from the dearth of singing we've gotten from the resident Aussies. You're a sodding disgrace to your nation, you lot.


You want a sing-song then? Ok here's a few lines from a true blue aussie classic.

Whats amatta you HEY

Gottada no respect

Itsa not so bad

Itsa nice a place

Itsa not so bad

Itsa nice a place


Stay tuned to this station we will have more aussie classics whenever we can be bothered typing next.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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ROIGHT!!! Now for a bit of Sing-Song

Who's in the Playoffs this year?

The Eagles

Who's going to bring you some cheer?

The Eagles

These are a few of my favorite things:

1. Women with big butts

2. Women who give me beer

3. Women who are Eagles Fans

Go Eagles

as for the rest of you, if you aren't an Eagles Fan, sodd off you fecking sheep shagging fagots.

(Insert random name here), look at your driver's license and tell me if I spelled the last word in the last sentence correctly.


Since I'm fresh from an Eagles win I want to mess with a Cesspool Titan. I pick Andre-Ass. Do you have the time or the inclination to play an intellectually inept sod who spends his time posting about the hindquarters of females? Do you like females? (human) Should I change my name to Jerseyboy?


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Herr Eggbert......I hate you. You are a sad sack indeed. Green troops? You bastard! I am waiting for the push you said was coming but only see scared little boys in men's uniforms.


Yessiree, that's all I got... scared little boys in men's uniform on my side, and flatulent wharf rats in uniform on your side.

Your left flank still looks a mite testy to me, so I think I'll continue to roll your right flank up nice and tight (SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!!!) and squeeze until your line crumbles. Then we'll see whether your boys are rats or... er... um... boys... yeah, that's the thing, rats or boys or somefink like that.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Since I'm fresh from an Eagles win I want to mess with a Cesspool Titan. I pick Andre-Ass. Do you have the time or the inclination to play an intellectually inept sod who spends his time posting about the hindquarters of females? Do you like females? (human) Should I change my name to Jerseyboy? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not only have you dicovered that I indeed have a sense of humour that can be understood by you, not a mean feat, to reach that low, but also the favourite name I got called by those disliking me when I was about ten (incidentally, they were also ten, but let that not discourage you). Well done, a star in your taunting booklet, and an extra hour of staying after school, God knows you can use the extra education coming from it.

Now where were we? The Eagles? Makes me think of the funny things we had all over Germany, pointy beaks and all that. Not at all funny. A challenge, I seem to read that between the lines. Unfortunately I am very busy with games at the moment, but you shall have slot #3 (mefinks) and may graciously (or otherwise, who cares) await my challenge. If you dare.

Now sod off.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 12-10-2000).]

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Cowards...all of you..nothing but cowards. Your kind really makes me sick.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:



Mark IV has slain the better part of them. Still, his panzer crews were last seen fleeing their tanks and hightailing it down the route de la croute, so all is not lost... biggrin.gif


Years have passed and I keep thinking what a fool I've been;

I look back into the past and think of way back then;

I know that I lost everything I thought that I could win;

I guess I should have listened to my friends

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me;

All the lonely feelings and the burning memories;

Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door;

Burning bridges lost forever more

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

his panzer crews were last seen fleeing their tanks and hightailing it down the route de la croute, so all is not lost... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Various calumnies in the thread for wayward boys.

Elvis, you whining little dung heap, I have been too busy turning around turns, since wiping my Outer Croda this morning, to even monitor your pathetic challenge. The Carousel of Death turns swiftly today. But maybe I'll ride your little horsey if I get some time here.

Pawboomboom is dead, no doubt bouncing along the polluted bottom of the Seine like a soggy crouton.

PeterNZer is turning into a war at last. As long as that goddam 14 incher isn't belt-fed he is gonna die lots now. His frigging sneaking hulking stinking tank is much luckier than it knows.

Crodette has also moved to the front burner. His premature ejaculation blew the ambush, however, and his advance guard is now amid a web of targeting lines, like a spider with the shadow of the bootheel over it. Say cheese.

Hakko and I move into the deadly endgame of a scenario that began before BTS was formed, I think. Who knows?

Germanboy is breathing his last and painfully so. The scenario is more balanced than he is, of course. His boys are running fast but I am determined to use up all this cool ammo.

Babra: This one has taken a frightful toll, but who cares, they're only french. And I'm not German. He seems to share this outlook since he's been nuking us all indiscriminately.

I forget who else and no doubt with good reason. Droppen Sie dead. Auf Wiederkillen.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Cowards...all of you..nothing but cowards. Your kind really makes me sick.


I'll be your huckleberry.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

On another front, I have defeated Berli

....I defeat Berli because Berli is not merely about winning, Berli is about playing Combat Mission.....It means, simply, that Berli doesn't choose battle parameters or troops merely to maximize his ability to win, he chooses setups and buys troops to play the game he wishes to play, within the framework of what is given. .....Berli chose Fallschirmjaegers, piled the bastards into trucks, and drove them into the center of the village where the VLs were like a gang of drunken Chicagoans heading down the Dan Ryan for Rush street on a Saturday night. My troops, on a ridge overlooking the village, had a glorious opportunity to use mortars and artillery on his troops. It should have been a slaughter. I got a tactical, and I never did take the major VL, all I did was put it into doubt. His only chosen vehicles were trucks and a lone kubelwagen (I chose two Daimler ACs, and a White Scout Car; one Daimler died, one was immobilized. I specifically chose Daimlers to deal with whatever German HTs and ACs Berli came up with, and there were none. Now, Daimlers have a ton of AP ammo, but not much else besides MGs, given their little 40mm guns.)

What does this mean to you, you scurrying rodents? Merely that there are players, and then, there are Players. Some want to win at any cost, some want to pay the cost of Winning. Berli is one of the latter<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wha' a load o' long-winded bloody bollocks! Whee' say at in 25 worrrds, when ye kin do it in 250+? Sounds tae me laddy lak yer havin' a great big toss *and* tryin' tae gi' yerself a reach-aroond a' tha same tam.

Fraim yer description, Berligirly didnae lose cos he's a bleedin' CM artist starvin' ain a garret fer his principles...he lost cos he drove his parachutists intae toon on a bunch o' school buses. An' ye ainly won a tactical victory, cos ye too inept tae tak prrroper advantage o' his stupidity.

Here ye supposed tae be tauntin' an' humiliatin' yer defeated adversary, an' ye fawning an' flopping aroond him lak saim soppy teenage tarrt tryin' tae justify her boyfriend's unemployment tae her parents.

Send mae a setup wi' the same parameters and Ah'll demonstrate mah artistic style o' kickin' yer spotty wankin' arrrse all roond tha map! An' then ye can tell yer chums aboot how Ah ainly won cos Ah'm a brute who bought mah units tae win.....nae wot a prroper CM Puh-layer wid do.


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Herr Oberst. The new account is at last active. I await you on the field of honour...


Scarred on a hundred fields before

Naked and starved and travel-sore

Each man a tiger hunted;

They stood at bay as brave as Huns

The last of the Old South's splendid sons

Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns

And by ten thousand fronted

[This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 12-11-2000).]

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As much as it revolts me to go to the effort of describing your inadequacies sometimes for the good of the world it is worthwhile.

I have little time since I have life, work, you know, normal things. So here's the rundown.


Sorry, Elvis IS dead, well he is in our game. Started as a TCP/IP game last night where one of my Panthers on Rune's map took out 7 pieces of assorted English armor. That pretty much sums up the game so far. And I don't think anything will be changing.

Hiram Sedai

Seems to be refusing to continue to play VoT2, maybe he'll surrender.

Mark IV

Sorry I took so long to start killing you. It was kinda necesary since the map is so freaking big and you seem to be camping with everything at the back edge. Nevermind, some more 14" coming your way!


You are evil. We didn't really want Kommersheidt anyway.

The Rest Of You

Things are closer than they appear and stuff.

Go away, die now, etc.



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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dear. Dr. Stupid (yes that be you Stuka)

you taunt and taunt and I feel it only fair to share the last email with the lads and gals here in the pool

e-mail from stuka starts

Hey morning greg,

man that was a funny post last one.. boy mace must be pissing himself over that one.

But I must realy tell you I was offended that you packed me up with those Aussies Peter and Mace.. cuz well to tell you the truth.. I'm a pommie.. but shhhh don't tell anyone!! First they would hang me up by my nads here if they found out! and me wife too.. guh.. she thinks she married a genuine Crocodile Dundee but in secret I run down at mid day to have my loverly tee and biscuts... with a luverly cheeze too! ooh how I miss talking about Football here.... not this crap Rugby they play here.. guh I mean thank god the drive on the left side like in wonderful England.. otherwise I think I would pop a scone here.

Right well don't post this please.. btw.. die in your pbem you have no chance! muhahah.. not like that looser Seanachai.. boy hes a hot head when you pop one of his tanks..lol..

ok bud talk to you later

ps.. realy don't post I'm a pommie.. well as we say in England I'm one of the Lads.

garsh I miss the lads at the pub eating fish and chips and downing a Guinness

email ends from the pommie down under

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-11-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

ps.. realy don't post I'm a pommie.. well as we say in England I'm one of the Lads.

garsh I miss the lads at the pub eating fish and chips and downing a Guinness

email ends from the pommie down under


Traitor in our midst! Traitor in our midst! eek.gif


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-11-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

Ah well, mefinks an update is in order.

First of all I would like it to be known that even if I lose a game, I am still bedazzled by my own brilliance. And rightly so.

Mark IV - surrender is in the mail. The less said, the better.

Seanachai - You still have more Germans to kill. Do it and call yourself a man, don't do it and graze with the sheep.

Peter - if a zook team kills your Panther at 157m, is there a sound in front of the monitor? You may enlighten us. Just try that again with the other Panther, it makes me laugh. To say that our game is not going well for him would be the understatement of the year. He had it all in his hands, and squandered it. Adolf will spank him I guess.

Joe - we stumble around in the fog. The difference between him and me is that I have men left. Lots of them.

Bauhaus - enjoys having his lads in the HTs mortared, his TCs sniped at, and his Fallshirmjaeger platoon get wiped in an ambush that was beautifully sprung onto them. Don't mess with me Paras. Up the Ox and Bucks! Go the Royal Ulsters!

Geier - thinks he is winning. Final proof that they put something into the water supply of Gothenburg.

Major Tom & Bastables - we have yet to make contact.

Now a short report on the TCP/IP sessions. The first game was a monster, with 3,000 points each on the excellent 9120 CPX map (available from Combat HQ Annex). Peter and Chubbachops were taught the meaning of fear by me and the Dr. (Dr. who? Exactly!), our ambushing Jagpanzer IV/70 (two kills at 1,750 and 1,820m respectively, with 7 rounds - I can see no problem with optics there), and a Tiger or two. Even bringing crack infantry to the party was not enough to rescue them. The village is ours, and we loot, err, do with it as we please. It made Chubbachops violently sick to think of what he did to his men (could also have been that he can just not handle alcohol). In a second game, Chubbachops and the Dr. tried to take a village in an excellent scenario by Rune. They learned a few things about how to handle armour from me (yes, I know, amazing innit?) and I sat squat on the main VLs when it was over. Our respective armour was blazing merrily away, and the game called it a draw. All this despite the fact that I was the British (under)Dog with lots of scrapmetal instead of armour. The third game was against a non-Pengista, therefore no need to report it here.

SquawBroom and Peng - have not returned turns. Swine.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 12-11-2000).]

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