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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

*yawn* like, whatever...........

Piss off boy who likes dogs and girls in that order.........


I'll take 'em in any order they want - they each have their strong points.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

I have handled myself ... I am pleased.

I have read that I need to Challenge.

I Challenge you all.


Some noisy ranting by a long-winded, egotist, with delusions of adequacy; a challenge told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too!

- Ancient query from an infant Croda

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

All US tanks (not TDs) were equipped with gyrostablizers from the M3 "Stuart" onward. I have also read secondary sources indicating that the stabilizer was often disconnected in the field, but I have never read anything authoritative on that. So far the common gaming technique seems to be what has been mentioned: "let the Veteran crews have them". It seems like a reasonable way to handle it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Grogs, What Grogs? We don't got no Grogs. We don't need no stinkin Grogs!


I looked at his posts, and I think this one has Grog like tendencies. Since you are the keeper of the Grog Brick, please bring it out and apply it vigoriously.


We are fierce historical inaccuracers

- PawBroon

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-30-2000).]

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I looked at his posts, and I think this one has Grog like tendencies. Since you are the keeper of the Grog Brick, please bring it out and apply it vigoriously.


At least I know when to leave my Grog at the door. Drop the Brick and no one gets hurt.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

So much blather, squireless. Send a setup so that you will know the pain, humiliation and degradation of complete topplement to both Knigget and Squire.


Don't worry you nugget, you'll get yours, hopefully tonight. I'm thinking something in the 2500-3000 point range. No infantry, no armor, just 21cm's.

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This is a fine example of what's wrong with America, Britain, the Internet, and the Newtonian view of the Universe.

You sniveling little parvenu, do you want to parade your little placard here for your rights? You think you have made a contribution to anything, anywhere?

This forum is exempt, do you hear me, by special dispensation of Pope Steve himself, from your stupid bourgeois "rules". And your schoolboy washroom humor. And the close female relative you rode in on.

You don't have a right to be here, etc etc etc<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Je suis reconnaissant pour l'accueil eu les moyens à moi dans ce fil beaucoup, et j'espère que vous ne me trouviez pas ennuyer aussi. Après que j'aie épuisé les parties privées de ma soeur j'essaierai et continuer participant à ce fil. Merci!

If you don't understand any of this, I can translate.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

j'aie épuisé les parties privées de ma soeur <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You did what to your sister?

You are a sad, twisted, sick, little individual!

My sheep and I are totally disgusted with you!


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Afraid you walked into that one Stuka old boy.

As for you OGSF, your damned Mosleyite FO has been executed for treason. Despite his slaughter of my fine British lads I will still grind you and your cowering hamsters into a slimy pulp with strawberry jam.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Sorry, Stuka, I wasn't talking to you! wink.gif



Just like little girls fighting. Quit pulling each others pig tails and shut the hell up!


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Just like little girls fighting. Quit pulling each others pig tails and shut the hell up!


I wasn't talking to you, either!

Mace (milking it for all it's worth)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

Je suis reconnaissant pour l'accueil eu les moyens à moi dans ce fil beaucoup, et j'espère que vous ne me trouviez pas ennuyer aussi. Après que j'aie épuisé les parties privées de ma soeur j'essaierai et continuer participant à ce fil. Merci!

If you don't understand any of this, I can translate.


M. Bates, you still suck.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I wasn't talking to you, either!

Mace (milking it for all it's worth)


Mace, just go and do what we all know you're here to do. Kiss Kitty's backside and provide us with some comic relief.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Mace. Quit not talking to people and send me a response to the death of Wittman. Your last pitiful Tiger has a Cromwell in front and a firefly behind, range about five metres. END IT NOW!!!

As Mark Foreskin astutely pointed out, I am a "violent little man". biggrin.gif


I remember it perfectly: The Germans wore grey; you wore blue...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

I have arrived and it pains me in delightful ways.

I have browsed and I have read and I have drunk deeply of the vitriol and poison that abides here.

I am pleased.

I have read that there are no rules and so I have brought no rulers, none of which are large enough to measure my disdain for twaddling teat-lappers such as yourselves in any case.

I have also read that there are rules to the Hating. While this could be confusing to anyone of less stature than myself, it is nothing more nor less than I expected from the mewling, closed-eyed, pink-skinned, furless pouch-weight that no doubt dripped out of the vermin-infested athletic supporter of some weak and sackless god-pretender back in the LongAgo BeforeTimes when such waste was allowed to breathe the good air of this world.

I have read that I need to Hate.

My Hate is writ large.

And I Hate you all. Though I may not ever bathe your particular name in the cleansing fire of my Hate, trust that it is there, as a wriggling maggot trusts in the safety and nourishment of rotting flesh.

But this boon I grant you: Lest your weak and brittle spines crack under the weight of your grossly inflated skulls, do not attempt to raise your eyes to meet my loathing gaze. The comforting embrace of the blanket of cold fire that is my disgust for you all will smother you soon enough.

I have read that I need to love CM.

Know that I love CM as He Who Is Named Peng loves the death rattles of smilies, as an Aussie loves his sheep, and as Rob/1 loves his antiDictionary from the Bizzarro World.

I have read that I need to Challenge.

I Challenge you all.

PBEM QB is my current method of distributing pain and humiliation (which will be yours).

dalem@provide.net will be the instrument of your instruction.


What luck...another would be mean-spirit has the rock he lives under kicked away and he burrows his way in here while scrambling away from the sunlight. How fortunate for us.

DalemEvans - I can almost see you sitting at the keyboard, typing away, pining over your post as you carefully craft it in Word before pasting it into the submission box; ensuring no misspellings, no slips of any sort that would belie your trepidation. You even faked research into the ettiquette of the 'Pool. Faked? Oh yes, most certainly. For anyone who would have taken the shortest breath of this rank air would know that you don't challenge everyone! A man stands before another man and calls his name. A coward challenges all, daring to look no one in the eye.

I'd prefer you were Rob/NoOne, stumbling around in here thinking he's hot stuff. You aren't even like this hateful fool M.Bates, who is most likey as ugly in face as he is in character. You are simply afraid. You dip your toe in the 'Pool and thrash it around to make a commotion, not having the stones to dive straight in.

I'd spit on you if you were worthy of my saliva. I'd roll my eyes at you if there weren't the chance of my cathing a glimpse of you. I won't even waste a strategic nuke on you. It's much more fun to watch your little dance. You remind me of the scrawny 13 year old strutting around with his friends, tensing every muscle in his upper body in a vain, peacockian attempt to appear dangerous.

Please practice your meanness and come back to visit. We can always use a new whipping boy. And practce your juggling...Hiram tells me you were worse than the last guy that we fed to Mace's sheep.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: You rock, Croda<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Waxx_IK:

The American is still here! You can't get rid of me! I shall always be here! Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Errr...Waxx, are you quoting from either of the presidential candidates in your current election?

If your going to post here, ferkristsakes, you've got to insult someone, but make sure it's done with style and panache!

btw, make sure you've done your homework, cleaned your teeth, chased some 13yo floozie in your neighbourhood, and annoyed the parents before you go to bed!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

You remind me of the scrawny 13 year old strutting around with his friends, tensing every muscle in his upper body in a vain, peacockian attempt to appear dangerous.



While it titillates me to think that I make you think of 13-year-olds, I'd rather follow your advice and challenge someone directly. If you can free your diseased member for a few moments, hows about you & me in the town square? I'm still on 1.05 PBEM, so let me know if I need to upgrade to The Patch.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

Mace. Quit not talking to people and send me a response to the death of Wittman. Your last pitiful Tiger has a Cromwell in front and a firefly behind, range about five metres. END IT NOW!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd love to! Unfortunately I'm here <---

My PC, with CM installed is 40km over there ---> .

Thus due to cirsumstances beyond my control, I am unable to observe the firey death that your have dealt me until I get home (which due to a 4.30pm meeting in about 2 hours, will not be for some considerable time - btw, any mongrel who books a meeting at 4.30pm on a Friday afternoon is inhuman, and should be brought up on charges of crimes against Humanity)


As Mark Foreskin astutely pointed out, I am a "violent little man". biggrin.gif


Emphasis on the "little"? Perhaps Stuka and yourself should get together and compare your....never mind!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Waxx_IK:

The American is still here! You can't get rid of me! I shall always be here! Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!


And then there was Ear Waxx, the Ugly American, with absolutely nothing to say, no reason for being and wasting good air of the pool.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally whined by Mace:

Thus due to cirsumstances beyond my control, I am unable to observe the firey death that you have dealt me until I get home...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fiery? Sadly, no. The bitches still won't burn. On the bright side, that annoying little crack shot sniper who plugged two of my TCs has finally been run to earth. After about a hundred rounds of 37mm reduced his hiding place to kindling, he made a dash across the street. Almost made it too, the little prick. Now his bullet-riddled corpse lies right where it belongs, in the gutter. I'm going to pretend it's Waxx and do donuts on it with a Stuart for the next fifteen minutes...


I remember it perfectly: The Germans wore grey; you wore blue...

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