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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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Propaganda sufling sentimental Love instead of Vicious Hate, 3.2.1....

13 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

Girkin is just new "юродивый" %) In times of turmoils in such type of people other want to see "voice of God" )))

Ekhm ekhm ...

But yes, he even grew the beard.

6 minutes ago, Grigb said:

He (and other RU Nats) are angry Putin is celebrating in Moscow while RU front is collapsing. Moscow will salute today right in time for UKR victory.

[UPDATE] I think there is new nickname for Putin - the Traitor.

Interesting. FSB soon will knock on several doors...

Edited by Beleg85
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3 minutes ago, Grigb said:

Do not underestimate him. Bin Laden was not particularly gifted man.

"Юродивый" hystorically was not the equal to "crazy fanatic" like it means now. There were people which like jokers could say about true things carelessly on authorities. That behavior considered as some sort of "madness", but simultainously in their "mad speeches" desperated people heard "the Will of Heavens" %) 

And about Girkin... Well, he is clever, educated in military sebse man, maybe not bad commander with enough kharisma and faith (though even among other Ru nats he has enough ill-wishers). Even Dmytro Yarosh told he respects Girkin as commited enemy.  

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45 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

-Still we should be wary not to be overoptimistic; sooner or later muscovites will manage to took control of this chaos

These are the key questions right now with respect to RA re-establishing some sort of line other than the Russian border  - "Can they?", "Where?" and "When?".

I suspect they can, plus the UA will need to reset at some point, their logistical system is also being strained by success.  But remember this entire week is a result of months of slow but steady - and highly precise...getting that dig in - attrition of the entire RA operational system.  Once again the UA, thru the use of deep strike capability combined with what I am sure is a historic ISR suite, has projected an enormous amount of friction on an already pretty badly shot up RA (I suspect losses in Phase I were on the high end of estimates).

This form of corrosive warfare - combined with some of the best IO I have ever seen - does not disappear, the RA system has cracks, bad ones that do not magically disappear if Putin declares "full mobilization" (the boogy-concept of this war, right next to WMDs).  It takes a military months to re-tool the damage caused by sustained HIMAR strikes, which really acted like an ersatz air superiority.  Russia's big mistake, likely the biggest of Ph II was convincing itself that it was still the attacker.  I am giving a special shout out to @Hapless here as he called this way back in Aug - the UA offensive had started with the deep strike-thru-firepower manoeuvre way back in Jul. 

As the effects of this precision strikes campaign accumulated the RA system got weaker and weaker.  However, they did not pull back to more sensible and defendable positions - not one step back!  And still tried to convince themselves, and the world to some extent that they were leading this dance.  Ukraine did a brilliant campaign of negative undeciding Russian offence, they then initiated a double offensive operation which has left the RA in null decision paralysis, and are now damned well creating positive decision all over the freakin place.  The trick was seeing that initial campaign for what it was - it wasn't desperate defence of the Donbas, although it may have started out as such, it was the beginning of this whole thing.  

UA will likely culminate at some point, Russia will dig in and try and pretend this was a planned withdrawal or some BS.  But the UA has solved for operational offence...done, and we have been waiting for that since March.  They can do it again, likely faster and better equipped.  The RA is reeling and its reserves are qualitative garbage.

And then there is the other question...how long can Putin hold on in the face of all this?  This is looking a lot like 1905 again, and that did not pan out so well for the czar and led to that basement in the Urals.  

Edited by The_Capt
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4 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

"Юродивый" hystorically was not the equal to "crazy fanatic" like it means now. There were people which like jokers could say about true things carelessly on authorities. That behavior considered as some sort of "madness", but simultainously in their "mad speeches" desperated people heard "the Will of Heavens" %) 

And about Girkin... Well, he is clever, educated in military sebse man, maybe not bad commander with enough kharisma and faith (though even among other Ru nats he has enough ill-wishers). Even Dmytro Yarosh told he respects Girkin as commited enemy.  

Sorry, misunderstand you. My mistake. In this sense you are right indeed.

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6 minutes ago, IanL said:

There is no leash dude. The west armed and trained the Ukraine army and then stood back and watched.

Ya "leash" is a bit insulting.  The US does not work that way, at least its military as far as my personal experience is concerned.  A leash insinuates that Ukraine is somehow the pet or under control of the US and the West.  The reality is that these sorts of operations are one long continuous negotiation.  The US has likely expressed some "red-lines" that it is not comfortable crossing; however, things would have to get pretty bad before they started threatening to pull support.  If the UA decided to make a drive for Moscow for example, that may do it...maybe.  As to the military objectives in-country, the US and the rest of the west have largely been...guns? you want guns...we got guns....training?  How many?  ISR?  Here is the most we have ever put up and out in the history of warfare.

Think stakeholders not shareholders. 

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1 minute ago, The_Capt said:

Is he going to apologize for his abysmal Phase I or Phase II analysis/predictions?  No, no, we are better than that...take the highroad, it is a win for everyone.

I would imagine Kofman is getting some pretty dank looks around town these days.

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Some interesting picks form ex military intelligence colonel in Finnish military (some of his last postings were in Ukraine):
- he refuses to name sources
- around 10 brigades committed in Kharkiv, pretty much all in with little reserves. Shows total intelligence supremacy.
- commander of the OP is Oleksandr Syrskyj (commander of the Ukraine ground forces)
- Ukraine is passing the front to second echelon in Kupjansk

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8 hours ago, Simcoe said:

That's crazy. Imagine the US in Afghanistan or Iraq taking 50,000 casualties in six months. 

...But this is Russia, where the life of cog in state machine is nothing. On some Russian TV-show this well-fed man in costly suit says that: "The westerners and Ukrainains absolutely don't understand a fact, that for Russia such term like "unacceptable losses" just doesn't exist"

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So I am not going to reopen the "tanks are dead...no they are not" debate...please gawd no.

However, is it just me or do light forces seem to be leading on this whole thing again?  I am sure there has been some heavy action but we still are not seeing big armor from the UA - unless I am missing something?

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