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DAR - Snow For The Hungry AXIS PBEM

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I must admit the planning and movement to contact stuff is always my favourite bit of any battle. The tension! 

1 hour ago, George MC said:

Really enjoying the sitreps. 

Thanks, I often find myself getting a bit lost reading some AARs so I thought I’d include it with every turn, I may cut them down when things start kicking off to concentrate on certain localised battles but we’ll see how it goes. 

1 hour ago, George MC said:

Oh I often pretend I’m in the point scout unit and play the unit that way as if my life depended on it!

Me too! What’s not mentioned is my movement methods but I’ll start adding that in where appropriate. On the whole if they have decent overwatch and the ground is relatively open then I’ll use short QUICK dashes with listening halts, but if I am approaching a suspected enemy position, am in close terrain or in the open with no idea where the enemy is then I’ll HUNT, with listening stops of course. I just need to remember to be patient as I quite often think scouting is taking too long but it always pays off when I take my time. 


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2 hours ago, Monty's Mighty Moustache said:

the planning and movement to contact stuff is always my favourite bit of any battle. The tension! 

Could not agree more.  That's a major reason why I find replaying a scenario to be an awful experience (unless one experiences a completely different enemy set-up and Ai plan).  95% of the fun is scouting the unknown.

Re scouting techniques, while it's great to fully identify with the 2-man teams which get sent out first, the vast majority of scenarios are designed so that there is no possibility of enemy contact for maybe 100 meters or more. 

Most scenarios have short-ish time limits - so one rarely has time to scout "properly".  However, usually, one can QUICK move scouts for the first 100 meters or more (with a couple rest stops) especially if they have some trees or other cover at the end of their movement.  After that one has to use shorter waypoints and allow much longer "listening pauses" at those waypoints. 

When one gets nervous re enemy contact it also helps keep the scouts alive if you start using HUNT with HIDE orders.  If an enemy gets a bead on the scouts, that contact can be lost when they HIDE.  Works well vs the AI as the AI will forget the info fairly soon.  Of course a human oppo will remember and perhaps AREA FIRE at tentative contacts - something the AI cannot do.

Edited by Erwin
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The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Minutes

Minute fourteen was quite quiet, everyone was advancing or repositioning in minute fifteen things started to hot up.


The HTs start to move across the bridge overwatched by the 251/17 and the StuG.


The infantry are at the crossroads. There's a lot of open space on the approaches to NAI1.



The infantry and vehicles pull back and reposition.


As they do so something goes bang behind them. It looks like a mortar shell so I was right to reposition. Now this cannot be a called in mortar as the Soviets take about a week and a half to organise such things so either it's an on-map mortar team firing direct, in which case it's a terrible shot, or it's pre-planned. This happened right near the end of the fifteenth minutes so I'm guessing Grunt has called a pre-planned area fire with a delay of 15 minutes. Will see what transpires over the next few minutes.



The rest of the infantry have caught up with the scouts so they start to push ahead a bit.


B team from 1st squad approach the treeline at NAI4.


Suddenly a crack rings out. A MG gunner (why is it always the MG gunner!) from 2nd squad that is moving up is killed outright. My first casualty.


B team get the spot in the trees off to the right.


This is confusing for a number of reasons. How did the scouts get so far without getting shot? Why did this OP shoot? If they have the spot then a small covered arc would allow them to gather intel without giving themselves away and given the conditions I don't think I would have seen them until I stumbled upon them. They may have just moved up from other positions, or perhaps this is one of many teams he has in the treeline (although I doubt it). Interesting.

Nevertheless the 251/17 is going to plaster the area with fire next turn and all the infantry are going to drop and see if they can spot them and return fire.




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The Sixteenth Minute


The probing continues. The StuG is brought across into a fire support position, next turn I will start moving my infantry forward again.



They continue to reposition to get eyes on NAI3. Another mortar lands, this time on the other edge of the scrub. A light or harassing area fire is my guess.



We quickly get a spot on the contact, it's a Soviet sniper. He gets another shots off and wounds a man from 1st squad/B team. I forgot to tell these guys to stop, my fault.


The sniper is soon spotted by other units as the 251/17 area fires and he's quickly suppressed.



He's taken out by the other MG gunner in 2nd squad. They will now stop and tend to their dead comrade and hopefully recover the other MG42.


That was expensive, 1 KIA and 1 WIA for 1 sniper. There are no further contacts this turn so this must have been an OP. I'll let the troops tend to the wounded then I'll get them all into the treeline as some of them are still quite exposed.



1st Kompanie and the Tigers continue to chill (literally) back in the setup zone. Hans dropped a cigarette and burnt a hole in his trousers but mostly there's just a lot of grumbling.



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The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Minutes


The dismounts start to cross the field leading to the trees and buildings in the distance. They're using successive bounding overwatch to move across the field with the HTs as a base of support fire on the road.


One HT moves onto the highway to take up an overwatch position.



A view from above. 2nd squad is hugging the fence and advancing through the trees, 1st squad is much more exposed and I'm expecting them to draw some fire first. Once they get about half way up this field though they'll be in defilade from the buildings.



The probe continues toward NAI3, scouts out front.


KONTACT! As expected he has at least one unit on the hill at NAI3. It's an AT rifle team, which makes me more certain that that's what fired at them on the northern approach a few minutes ago before withdrawing. Looks like Grunt is using them as a piquet line, which makes sense given he'll be expecting my force to be mechanized. I can't get too close to these things with my Hanomags as they can do some damage even at a distance.


The situation from above. The scout team will now stop and see if they can identify any other units on the hill, they don't appear to have been spotted by the AT rifle team. The squads will wheel around to the trees on the right and try and advance a bit to see if they can spot any other units.

The mortar fire continues to fall, but not near my troops. It's definitely an area fire mission.



The dead and wounded are still being tended to so the scout team pushes on through the woods to get to the South side and get eyes on the farm to the West.


I'm bringing two HTs up to the edge of the treeline to cover the open ground to the left...


when this appears in the distance. As 2nd squad/A team tend to their dead comrade another AT rile team comes walking out of the trees and they get the spot.


They lose contact briefly and then re-acquire (they were HUNTing this time) and send some lead his way.


The situation from above. The AT riflemen moving forward is interesting. He must know I've got at least one HT and probably a platoon of infantry given how much fire his sniper took so unless he thought he had a covered route to try and get a sneaky shot at one of my HTs I'm not sure why he'd move them through such an open area. Perhaps he just wanted to get eyes on now his sniper is dead. At turns end one of the HTs I was moving up gets the spot too and is aiming. I'll make sure his frontal armour is facing in that direction.





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Minutes Nineteen to Twenty One


All quiet on this flank, the teams bound their way up the field and are quite close now. Either the buildings are not occupied or he has outstanding fire discipline.





It's around about this time that I noticed something odd. Nobody in 1st zug, 2 kompanie has a C2 link even though the HQ team is close by.


Inspecting the panel it appears there is no zugfuhrer in the team so none of the troops have a leader. Curious.


To remedy this situation I decide to bring up the kompanie HQ to provide moral support.



Meanwhile 2nd squad is pushing to the right of the scout team to see if we can uncover anything. The AT rifle team are still sitting on the hill not reacting so I assume he hasn't seen me yet. He can stay there until he does and then I'll have to drive him off or knock him out.



The AT rifle team goes to ground and we lose the spot. Next turn I order some area fire from one of the HTs and the AT rifle pops back up and takes a shot at my firing HT, hitting the weapon at a range of about 200m and knocking the gun out. Damn. The driver gets a bit spooked and backs off but I move him back up decisively in an aggressive way next turn so Grunt thinks the gun is still operational. There were no casualties but I can't let this HT operate alone.



I order another HT to area fire in the AT rifle team's vicinity and he soon runs back into the trees and we lose contact.




2nd squad/A team have finished tending to their dead comrade so I bring them into the treeline for cover. They did not manage to recover the MG42.


Meanwhile 1st squad continue to push into the trees along with the scouts.




Mortars continue to kill snow, it's a slow rate of fire and I suspect on at least a long or maximum duration mission so if he wants to waste ammo blowing up scrub then that's fine by me. Everyone else is still scouting. Given where that AT rifle near NAI4 came from and retreated to he seems to have his MLR set quite far back. I'm expecting to run into something at NAI1 but still no enemy activity yet.


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Minutes Twenty Two to Twenty Seven

Not a lot happened in these minutes so I'll report on all of them together.


Still no contact on the left, 2nd squad is at the farm at the end of the twenty-seventh minute so I'm bringing the StuG up for for fire support along with a couple of the HTs. There are a couple of nice hull down firing positions for them to take up.






The impatient side of me is thinking this is taking too long, but given the amount of trees and buildings here and the fact I don't really have that much infantry to start with I'm going to be cautious and take my time. I will move a tiny but quicker (use QUICK instead of HUNT to cover the open spaces while being overwatched by fire support) but I'm not going to be reckless.

Given where his other OPs were situated I am expecting contact around about the third set of buildings in the image above as that would be in line with the other contacts I have had. We'll see!


The AT rifle team finally spotted 2nd squad moving around the trees on the right and took a few shots. None of them hit and my guys barely noticed such was the range but now he has spotted me it's time for these guys to eat some HE. I don't want him getting intel for free.


To that end I have decided to carry out the switch I was thinking about and swap the StuG that was with KG RECHTS with the Panther that was with KG ZENTRUM so both Panthers are with KG RECHTS. The StuG will then be brought up to fire on the AT rifle team on KEY TERRAIN 1 and either take them out or drive them off, I don't want to use a SPW (changing terminology to be more Germanic) as they've proven already that they can be damaged at range.

I don't know if he's seen any of my armour yet but this will obviously get his attention so if he's going to get a confirmed spot then I'd rather it was on a StuG than a Panther. Hopefully when the Panthers do get involved it will be a nice surprise for him! Then I'll unleash the Tigers (insert maniacal cackling and hand wringing here)!


No other contacts have been reported, I think KEY TERRAIN 3 is clear so once the OP is driven off then I'll retask KG ZENTRUM.

The mortars are still dropping. Poor scrubland, RIP.


The AT rifle team that ran away into the trees did not reappear and no other contacts were reported. I am bringing the rest of 3 kompanie up (1st zug, they only have two zugs) to fan out along the treeline and get more eyes on the farm. Investigating/clearing KEY TERRAIN 2 is going to take time and I'll need more than one platoon given the amount of trees. I'm expecting to run into troops in here as that seems to be where the AT rifle team retreated to.




2nd zug are pushing through the trees, scouts out front and have made it pretty far without any contact.


Finally the Panthers are reunited. Here having a cosy chat with 3 kompanie HQ.




On the left and right they'll continue to probe and see what they can uncover. In the center everyone is holding position until I can deal with that OP on KEY TERRAIN 1 (added them back to the graphic for reference).

I realise I didn't share my prioritised intelligence list before now:

  1. What is the enemy OOB? - Unknown but the presence of a sniper suggests it's not JUST a cavalry regiment as they don't have any organic snipers. It might not be a cavalry regiment at all.
  2. Does he have any armour?
  3. What other AT assets does he have?
  4. Is he defending back or up front? - Looks to be back with OPs out front.
  5. Is Obj ROT occupied? - YES
  6. Where is his piquet line? - Once NAI1 is investigated then I'll know for sure.
  7. Where is his MLR?

We also found out through our Dutch intelligence network that the enemy may have armour in the AO, something to keep an eye on.


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The Twenty-Eighth Minute


First set of buildings is clear. On to the next! A SPW has been brought up to a rise in the road that provides a hull down position and 1st squad are still pushing through the trees on the right side of the highway.



Still no contact. Surprising, seems like a perfect position for an OP to me.


The StuG fires...



And hits!


The AT rifleman is down. His mate doesn't hang around.


The rest of the zug  are retasked. I'm going to send the scouts and one split squad between KT1 and KT2 to see if we can trigger any ambushes and see what's on the left side of KT2. The rest of the zug are mounting back onto the SPWs.

This is a movement to contact, I'm planning to pull them back if they make contact with a sizeable force but we'll see as the situation is still very fluid. Hopefully I'll make enough noise that it might force him to redeploy his forces somewhat. It will also give us a view onto the backside of KT1 to see if he has any OPs positioned there.


The mortar fire is still coming in.


1st zug continue to fan out in the treeline.


2nd platoon continue to push through the trees, I'm skirting around the outside as it's a bit quicker than going through the middle and I'm not expecting any contact here anyway given where his AT team came from earlier.



The scouts get a sound contact. Achtung! Panzer! It looks like it's overwatching the bottleneck next to the marsh on AoA4. I'd expect him to have infantry ahead of the armour so this could well be the MLR.




On the left we're continuing to move to contact.

In the center the StuG will keep an eye on the KT1 while the panzergrenadiers reorient and push up the open ground to the south of KT1

On the right 2nd zug is going to go to ground and the panthers are going to move up a bit so they are in a better position to counter his armour should it decide to do something rash. The scouts are out of contact with the zugfuhrer so I'm going to bring them into contact so he can share the info with the tanks. 1st zug will continue to fan out along the trees to get more eyes into the area.

I can now update my intelligence requirements: 

  1. What is the enemy OOB? - Unknown but the presence of a sniper suggests it's not JUST a cavalry regiment as they don't have any organic snipers. It might not be a cavalry regiment at all.
  2. Does he have any armour? - YES
  3. What other AT assets does he have?
  4. Is he defending back or up front? - Looks to be back with OPs out front.
  5. Is Obj ROT occupied? - YES
  6. Where is his piquet line? - Once NAI1 is investigated then I'll know for sure.
  7. Where is his MLR?
  8. What types of armour does he have?


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On 9/24/2021 at 8:47 AM, Monty's Mighty Moustache said:


Everyone hit the snow but no more shots fired and no contacts. I will move the scouts on the next turn to see if I can provoke a reaction.

I am wondering if a recon by fire will provide a better result. Setting up a fire base to over-watch that direction, get a two men scout team to randomly fire in any suspicious spot, hopefully it will trigger return fire.  I haven't played this scenario yet. But from description on weather , the visibility should be between Mit Karacho and Vengance. An effective spotting range on moving infantry units should be less than 100~150m, but if someone is firing, the muzzle flash will reveal his position to 300m away.


On 9/30/2021 at 7:16 AM, Monty's Mighty Moustache said:

2nd squad/A team have finished tending to their dead comrade so I bring them into the treeline for cover. They did not manage to recover the MG42.

Maybe you should get the Camera close. Hopefully there is a surprise waiting for you. In CM WWII Games, LMG can be picked up by anyone except another LMG gunner, flamethrower , bazooka / Panzerschreck.

Sometime the weapon UI won't show the LMG has been picked up. But if you get the camera close, you will noticed that the LMG is on the first aider's back. He will switch to LMG in an intense fire fight.  

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24 minutes ago, Chibot Mk IX said:

I am wondering if a recon by fire will provide a better result. Setting up a fire base to over-watch that direction, get a two men scout team to randomly fire in any suspicious spot, hopefully it will trigger return fire.  I haven't played this scenario yet. But from description on weather , the visibility should be between Mit Karacho and Vengance. An effective spotting range on moving infantry units should be less than 100~150m, but if someone is firing, the muzzle flash will reveal his position to 300m away.

Ah, you read my mind! The plan when I played this turn was to move to contact (I write these based on what I was thinking at the time) but I have since decided that some recon by fire may be required. I need to get the support SPWs up close enough to the suspected positions though as the visibility is about 340m and I'm not quite close enough yet (we are a few turns ahead from this report).

25 minutes ago, Chibot Mk IX said:

Maybe you should get the Camera close. Hopefully there is a surprise waiting for you. In CM WWII Games, LMG can be picked up by anyone except another LMG gunner, flamethrower , bazooka / Panzerschreck.

Sometime the weapon UI won't show the LMG has been picked up. But if you get the camera close, you will noticed that the LMG is on the first aider's back. He will switch to LMG in an intense fire fight.  

I seem to remember when I played that turn that I thought they did recover it. I think I'll check when I get a sec, good suggestion!


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The Twenty-Ninth and Thirtieth Minutes


Still nothing. I've brought the StuG up into a hull down overwatch position and am going to switch to alternate bounding overwatch with the infantry to speed things up a tiny bit. I'll sacrifice a bit of security for speed but with the vehicles overwatching should anyone get shot at then I will be able to send a hail of fire back their way.


2nd squad are moving onto the next set of buildings. You can't see them but the two man scout team from 1st squad are already in the trees on the right side of the highway.


I thought I'd start providing detailed disposition images in addition to the SITMAP below to show exactly how the forces are arrayed and moving.



2nd squad and the scouts fan out into the open ground. I am going to move the SPWs as close as I dare to the treeline off to the right and perform some recon by fire and see if that stirs anything up.




The Panthers are moving up to react to the armour contact should he decide to pop his head out of the trees. 2nd zug continue to scout forward and the HQ is being brought to within contact of the lead elements so he can relay the spotting info up the chain. I've also detached the shrek team from 1st zug and am moving it up with 2nd zug to see if he can get within range of whatever is lurking in the trees.


1st zug are in the treeline and I've brought some fire support into the trees. If that armour contact moves then I'll have to back these off, the range from this position to the position of the contact is over 400m but to the building in the image it's only about 250m.





Everything is proceeding as before, still moving to contact on 2 of the axes, nothing to update intelligence-wise yet.

AoA1 is looking quite promising at the moment. If his armour is guarding AoA4, and I assume it's at least a platoon, then I may be able to charge up the highway and into his rear area. I need to confirm that first of course but at the moment KT7 is looking empty. Of course the moment I assume as much a battalion of IS2s will show up, so I'll be patient.

Obj ROT is also quite isolated so I may entertain the idea of taking it simultaneous with whatever push I make on the schwerpunkt, it will give him something else to deal with at least. Decisions decisions.


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The Thirty-First Minute


Kein kontact! The second set of buildings seems clear. The probe advances, a little quicker now I am using alternating bounds. The SPWs and StuG are providing overwatch.




The probe continues here too. Advancing until I can bring up my fire support to rake the tree line and see what falls out.




It's MOVING! The armour contact moves up to a bend in the road, I'll have to back off my SPWs next turn as this thing is getting a bit too close for comfort. If he's moving it then I can only assume he has infantry on the move ahead of it.



2nd squad/2nd zug continue to push up the left side of the trees, nothing so far.


1st zug's sniper has been given free reign to advance from the treeline and see what he can see.


Overwatched by the zug's SPWs in the treeline (that's him on the far left of the image).


The scouts in 2nd zug get a spot through the gap in the bridge ahead. It's an infantry squad of some kind. They only spot one guy with a PPsH so it's not clear if it's an infantry squad or a SMG squad, I'll need more information to determine the true nature of it.


They were WALKing, not HUNTING so I assume he feels safe back there. I do wonder where they are going though, they walked down the river bed and seemed to be turning to their right at the end of the turn. This in conjunction with the armour contact moving makes me think he's either sent them out on patrol, is moving up to counterattack KG RECHTS or perhaps it's in reaction to KG ZENTRUM? He will no doubt know they are pushing up the center. Hmmm. I assume this is a platoon or possibly even a company as the Soviets don't tend to cope well without some leaders around.

Right at the end of the turn 1st squad/2nd zug get a (fleeting) confirmed spot on the armour. It's a T34-85, 1943 model. If there's one there's bound to be at least a platoon knocking around, with a company or more in the AO.





It surprised me to see him moving up on the right flank. I don't know for certain but I think he lost contact with KG RECHTS when I drove that AT rifle team off and this could be a combat patrol but it's a pure guess, everyone is going to stop and we'll see how the situation develops. The T34 is just out of range of the SPWs but I'm pulling them back anyway and the Panthers are being moved up to just behind the treeline so they can interdict if he moves it any further.

I can again update my intelligence requirements: 

  1. What is the enemy OOB? - Unknown but the presence of a sniper suggests it's not JUST a cavalry regiment as they don't have any organic snipers. It might not be a cavalry regiment at all. He has at least 1 T34 in support.
  2. Does he have any armour? - YES
  3. What other AT assets does he have?
  4. Is he defending back or up front? - Looks to be back with OPs out front.
  5. Is Obj ROT occupied? - YES
  6. Where is his piquet line? - Once NAI1 is investigated then I'll know for sure.
  7. Where is his MLR?
  8. What types of armour does he have? - Spotted 1 x T34-85 (M1943)

Now I know he has armour and have spotted at least one type it's time for a blood board, I'm assuming he has a company of T34s, it's the Soviets afterall.


It does look like AoA4 is well defended, but this may be a screening force, I need more information before I can commit the reserves to a course of action. One thing is clear though: things might get a bit violent soon.


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The Thirty-Second and Thirty-Third Minutes


The unopposed movement continues, we've cleared the second set of buildings and on to the last set.


Plenty of supporting fire available if I need it.



I'll be bringing the StuG up next turn,



No pictures as nothing happened. Given what's happening on the right, which is not too far from where these guys are, and they're in open ground with trees to the right and front and high ground to the left I've thought better of the decision to send them this way so they will be pulling back.

I have other plans for them, but where will they be going?????


A mortar round drops in the scrub near where I spotted his AT rifle team a while ago. I assume it was a spotting round and given how long it takes for Soviets to call such things in I wouldn't be surprised if it was called in around the time we had that encounter. It means a HQ unit can see enough to call in an area fire on the woods I'm currently moving through. Hmmm.


2nd zug's HQ unit get a spot on the same infantry squad the scouts spotted last time and fire a few shots. I should have put an arc on these guys. They didn't appear to hit anything.


The Panthers are moving up to overwatch the farm buildings...


just as his tank starts moving forward again.



It stops at the bend in the road and fires on 1st squad/2nd zug. The first shell nicks one of the landsers...


The next one kills 3 men in the squad outright. That leaves 1st squad with 2 troops still functioning and one of them is wounded. I guess that answers the question as to why he moved the tank up, I'm not convinced he knows about the Panthers as I'm not sure he would have done so, or would he?



2nd zug HQ gets a spot on the T34 at the end of the turn.


Another spotting round falls, this time next to where my SPWs are parked up but causes no damage.




On the left I'm continuing to push. At this point I'm not expecting any contact in KT7 at all but we'll see.

In the center I'm pulling back and re-mounting the scouts and KG ZENTRUM will be retasked.

On the right it looks like he's calling in area fire on the woods. I would engage the T34 with the Panthers but they are still just out of visible range so I'd have to move them up and he is stationary in a very good hull-down position (the ground slopes up to the farm) and I think he may take at least one of the Panthers out at this range from an elevated position. I can't even distract it or try and get him to button up with fire from other positions because of he's on a reverse slope. It also could be a ruse, he may know I have armour with KG RECHTS and is trying to draw them out so he can hit them with unseen hidden AT assets. Not worth the risk.

I am un-assing the area as they say as this is supposed to be a recon force and I'm not willing to risk losing a Panther or two to take out 1 T34. I'll be withdrawing what I can of 2nd zug (I think 1st squad are done for) and repositioning the SPWs so they are away from any mortar strikes. I'm only going to pull them back though, he's unlikely to try and push through the woods when he's bombarding it so I may have a chance to re-occupy the trees and should he try crossing the open ground I'll have eyes on it.


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The Thirty-Fourth Minute


The StuG moved up this turn to provide fire support.

KT7 looks to be clear of enemy. Surprising as I would expect AoA1 to be pretty heavily defended. 1t7NhJD.png




The scouts are pulling back and being remounted. They will be moving out once everyone's back on board. The mortars may have stopped, only one fell in this turn where it's been two per turn since he started killing bushes back in the fifteenth minute.




The T34 immediately backs away from its position. This could be bait afterall.


2nd zug's SPWs pull back from the treeline away from the mortar fire. Another spotting round fell this turn, it definitely looks like a large area fire mission.




On the left we've almost cleared KT7 and it looks like nobody is home.

In the center I will be repositioning the rest of 2 Kompanie once everyone is on board. The going is slow in this weather on foot.

On the right I'm pulling 3 Kompanie's 2nd Zug back but 1st zug seem to be out of the area to be shelled so I've left a squad forward to keep eyes on where the T34 was. I'm rearranging the armour a bit, the StuG with KG ZENTRUM will go and join KG RECHTS and I'm going to move the Panthers off to join these fellas below. Tigers on the prowl!


Any guesses as to where they are going?


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