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In a few days we will exceed the total American dead in the Vietnam war.  We will have reached that total in 3 months.  Most of the US has not even started flattening the curve which was the whole point of the lockdown.  The figure of 60,000 dead that was mentioned only 17 days ago was the best case scenario based on us adhering to a stringent lockdown. I think we can all pretty much agree that this is no longer a figure on the table and estimates will necessarily be revised higher.  Yep this sounds like the right time to change course.

Hard to believe this was only 17 days ago.


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3 hours ago, sburke said:

Well apparently we are going to be and it seems the logic is based on fear of an underground movement of speakeasy hair salons.  of all things.....  there simply are no words.  I think I'll go gargle some disinfectant and shove a UV light up my arse.  Science is dead.

Are you not worried about the Gov't/NWO or Illuminati putting chips in any vaccine? lol

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12 minutes ago, sburke said:

In a few days we will exceed the total American dead in the Vietnam war.  We will have reached that total in 3 months.  Most of the US has not even started flattening the curve which was the whole point of the lockdown.  The figure of 60,000 dead that was mentioned only 17 days ago was the best case scenario based on us adhering to a stringent lockdown. I think we can all pretty much agree that this is no longer a figure on the table and estimates will necessarily be revised higher.  Yep this sounds like the right time to change course.

Hard to believe this was only 17 days ago.


Didn't your CIC say that under 100k would be a good result also?

Don't know what im getting all uppity about Boris and his merry men have managed to **** up our response also. although we have many here in the UK saying he's  done a great job. ffs

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15 minutes ago, para said:

Didn't your CIC say that under 100k would be a good result also?

Don't know what im getting all uppity about Boris and his merry men have managed to **** up our response also. although we have many here in the UK saying he's  done a great job. ffs

well to be honest. I think in that moment he was actually right.  The last briefing was frankly the best move for him to make.  Get in, get out, don't start ad-libbing, don't argue with the press.  It just isn't in his make up though to leave it at that unfortunately.  The one surprisingly good thing going on that gets little attention is what Melania is doing and note this is from The Washington Post.


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I see the other game of directing folk towards attacking the Chinese government is gaining traction, I just had an unsolicited text message asking me to watch a 50 minute "You tube" program saying the CCP virus came from the research laboratory in the area.

I sent the person back this link asking them to read the article. 


IMO This theme is a way to distract and turn people's anger away from why their country was not ready. Someone has to be blamed for this woe that has befallen the whole planet. 

Of course seeing China's reported numbers is not going to help with this... China not allowing an independent investigation will again just feed this agenda and drive further wedges between people to give governments the leeway to be more aggressive and justify war.

Mind you the Russian and Chinese Government are playing the same game which gives thos Governments cover to fight back...

History shows it is used time and time again, threat of Communist domino theory anyone? 

Interesting times. 

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5 hours ago, sburke said:

I think I'll go gargle some disinfectant and shove a UV light up my arse.

Weren't you an early adopter of this therapy back in middle school? That would explain everything. What dude did you name the UV light after?  We all want to know. Come on .. fess up. It wasn't Dan Marino was it? 

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34 minutes ago, Holien said:

woe that has befallen the whole planet. 

We will get through.  Things already seem to be improving.  Of course there could be a second wave like in 1918.  I'm reading an interesting book on that  :).  But one step at a time.  Seems like most things will continue on, maybe with some modifications.  Apparently the pandemic won't even slow down / delay Brexit.    

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50 minutes ago, kevinkin said:

Weren't you an early adopter of this therapy back in middle school? That would explain everything. What dude did you name the UV light after?  We all want to know. Come on .. fess up. It wasn't Dan Marino was it? 

and we go right back to normal Trumpian mode.  Great use of your education there bucko. Feeling pretty proud of your clever retort I'll bet.  Go tell all your buddies and show off how witty you are.  

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29 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

We will get through.  Things already seem to be improving.  Of course there could be a second wave like in 1918.  I'm reading an interesting book on that  :).  But one step at a time.  Seems like most things will continue on, maybe with some modifications.  Apparently the pandemic won't even slow down / delay Brexit.    

I wouldn't get too far ahead on that one.  Europe as a whole seems to be getting better, but Africa is just starting to get hit.  US is now opening up before we have flattened the curve.  Sincerely hoping that people still exercise significant restraint and we can avoid anything too disastrous, but certain indications are that we won't.   Asian countries are a real mix but expectations are not good.  Even in Japan where it seemed things might not get so bad is now dealing with an increasing rate.


Granted it is the NY post and the pic makes it hard to verify.  The one item that really makes that flight an interesting one- 2 people wearing full hazmat suits.


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38 minutes ago, sburke said:

Feeling pretty proud of your clever retort I'll bet.  Go tell all your buddies and show off how witty you are.  

Yep. it was an arrow up the butt wasn't it?  As far as buddies go, we are deploying to the 9th on the speakeasy golf course for one more hole .... its almost dark. Thank God our wives are are at the speakeasy salon for another 2 hours. Are you going tell on us?  Better not ... this is New Jersey. 😀

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Maybe we should all read about this:


This technique has been around for a while. It's important to understand in any discussion on how the US will get out the mess we are in. The last time I reviewed PCR was 4 years ago and it was related to bacterial detection - not a virus. Just so people know, PCR is to the microbiologist as the telescope was to Galileo. 


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8 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

We will get through.  Things already seem to be improving.  Of course there could be a second wave like in 1918.  I'm reading an interesting book on that  :).  But one step at a time.  Seems like most things will continue on, maybe with some modifications.  Apparently the pandemic won't even slow down / delay Brexit.    

Brazil is taking a turn for the worse.


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35 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Those poor people.  I was expecting the Dharavi slum in Mumbai to have some terrible problems.  But I'm not finding much information on that.  

I have a couple team members, but they are around Delhi and obviously in a different social strata.  Not getting much news either.


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16 hours ago, BFCElvis said:

Let's lay off the personal shots, OK, guys? This thread is outside the forum rules enough as it is. But these are singular times. So we've left it go.

Thanks Elvis et al, for me this thread highlights different opinions and allows a collaborative discussion about this buggerance as one of my beloved authors would say. A pity he has passed away, as he would have had a field day....

Even those opinions that I find odd are good to hear as long as people respect one another without the personal provocations.

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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

China getting more bad press from UK's The Telegraph:


I am no Chinese government fan and they are to be watched and held to account,  how this is done is the problem.

We need to work together in the west to better deal with them in a fair and consistent manner. Of course democracy changes leadership every 4 years and it is difficult to gain a consistent approach. 

Governments need to be held to account for what they have truly done, not what is being used to whip up fear.

For example we went to war in Iraq on the basis of weapons of mass destruction which was a lie built up to sway public opinion, let's make sure we are more wary in future...

There is a move in the Conservative party to examine what China is upto.


Time will tell what will come from it...

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"Chen Wen, Minister and First Staff Member of the Chinese Embassy in the UK...  hit back at calls for an international inquiry into China's handling of coronavirus outbreak, saying it would be "politically motivated" and would not do anybody "any good".

So, that's the end of that enquiry then...  <_<

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17 minutes ago, Erwin said:

"Chen Wen, Minister and First Staff Member of the Chinese Embassy in the UK...  hit back at calls for an international inquiry into China's handling of coronavirus outbreak, saying it would be "politically motivated" and would not do anybody "any good".

So, that's the end of that enquiry then...  <_<

You can lead a horse to water...

There will be consequences for China the world's perception will change and how they handle these requests to better understand the virus will help influence people. 

From the buzzfeed article 


Shirk said that if the US and China can’t repair their relationship, the second and third waves of the coronavirus outbreak could be even more dangerous than the first.

“What really gets me, even in the middle of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States jointly led the global effort and totally eradicated smallpox,” she said. “Could you imagine the United States and China doing that?”


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1 hour ago, sburke said:

I have a couple team members, but they are around Delhi and obviously in a different social strata.  Not getting much news either.


I guess below, from that article, is how they are doing it.  So far it seems to be keeping it in reasonable control.  And the article was dated April 22 so should be current enough.    

fighting to keep cases -- at nearly 200, with 12 deaths -- from spiralling out of control and overwhelming hospitals.

The severe lockdown imposed in five virus hotspots in the slum since the first cases were reported in early April is a key part of that undertaking.

"No-one is allowed to go in or out, everything, including grocery shops, is shut".  "Police are using drones to make sure people obey the rules," 

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How are they going to feed them?

In China I saw reports that the government took care of organised food delivery.  No problems if you have easy street / building and apartment numbers.

Let's hope the Indian government has thought it through...

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Gotta say that as a data guy, this has been a tough event to judge.  The deaths are more accurate than positive cases, for sure, but even that is not reliable.  In some cases, for some periods of time, there is a major under counting.  In other cases, for some periods of time, it is an over counting.  It's not just places like China, Africa, etc.  It's also developed countries, including the US.  Case in point... in the US it just was discovered the first death from COVID-19 was 3 weeks earlier than previously thought.  That's under counting.  Plus there's all the people that weren't counted because there were no tests to waste on dead people.  NY upped it's count by 3700 last week to add them in.

When I see people arguing that since we don't have accurate data we shouldn't be using it to make decisions I think about what I do for a living.  Combat Mission is based on data and yet what we have to work with is horribly incomplete, often inconsistent, sometimes Classified, and generally falling short of rigorous scientific standards.  Yet with intelligent use of what we have available to us coupled with a science based approach, plus a bit of smarts, we've made a damned fine simulation that has broad acceptance as capable of producing realistic results.  Using some of the logic I see about COVID, we might as well not have made Combat Mission at all or at best just threw up our hands and used an arbitrary abstract system.  It's bad logic for CM, it's bad logic for public health policy making.

That said, the lockdowns are becoming dumb.  Dumb in the sense that it's not a plan to combat a crisis, it is a reaction to not having planned to combat a crisis before it hit.  Having no well thought out and executed plan going forward is as bad as not having had one before things got bad. 

What we're living in right now is  the military equivalent of the Maginot Line thinking.  We'd be better off thinking like Guderian :)


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