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Combat Mission AAR: Consulate Crisis

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11 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:


Captain Amato, A Company’s commander is informed of the attack on the consulate and the new urgency to get to the consulate. A few moments later as his Marines are moving down MSR Wiley, they take fire from an RPG followed by small arms fire, and a firefight breaks out halting forward movement.


+1  Cool stuff.    

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The AAVs carrying B Company begin rumbling ashore. However due to the attrition of AAV’s, the loading was less than organized. It will take a few minutes for the Marines of B Company to organize themselves on the beach before they make their way towards the Canadian consulate.

On MSR Coyote the scouts and engineers who arrived in the first wave nearly 40 minutes ago have secured initial positions that will allow B Company to quickly move down the MSR and get to their objectives faster. The Global Hawk UAV circling above the city has spotted what appears to be an operational T-62 tank sitting outside the Canadian consulate on MSR Maple. A team of scouts splits off and clears a large 4 story building complex and gets eyes on the T-62. One of the javelin teams from B Company’s command element is brought up ASAP to deal with the tank.

Though tired from the run to the rooftop, the javelin team is able to target and engage the enemy T-62, destroying it. The javelin team then displaces off the roof.


A second T-62 is spotted at the intersection of blocking position Bunny. It also appears to be operational, and so the javelin team is redirected to a new firing position to engage the other T-62.

A minute or so later, the javelin team is in position and engages and destroys the second T-62.


As the javelin team displaces, they draw fire from across the street. There are Regime infantry in platoon (-) strength in a building complex along MSR Market, directly in the way of the proposed route to the Canadian consulate. Word of the new situation reaches B Company’s CO, CPT Pulido. He takes a minute or so to consolidate his thoughts and weigh his options, then decides on a new plan of action. B Company will divert from MSR Market to an alternate route to get to the Canadian consulate and will request a danger close airstrike on the building complex housing the Regime infantry.

The alternate route is approved, but the danger close airstrike is denied. Even with plenty of hard cover around, the target is within 150 meters of friendly positions. 500 meters is danger close, and 200 meters is considered too close unless the situation is dire. This situation is deemed ‘not dire enough’ by higher headquarters. The enemy strongpoint is noted and passed up the chain of command as a possible opportunity target once the Marines have left the area, and CPT Pulido begins to brief his platoon leaders on the new plan of movement.


With the platoon leaders briefed, they begin moving down the alternate route. 1st platoon is in the lead and takes up a position that has eyes on the edge of the western consulate wall. A patrol of Regime MP’s are spotted and engaged.


After a brief firefight, some of the MP’s have had enough and surrender. The firefight begins to die off. One of the MP’s takes advantage of this and, using the surrendering MP’s as a shield, aims and fires an RPG at the Marines.


The RPG flies left, missing the Marines who quickly pour fire into the men in response, neutralizing the MP’s. After seeing the RPG gunner and human shields cut down, the rest of the survivors decide to properly surrender. The Marines, now wary, keep rifles trained on the surrendering personnel and do not approach. The surrendering men do not try anything further.

The situation back at the US consulate becomes dynamic. Its probed a few more times by dismounted Regime infantry. Each time the probe is repulsed by Marine security. Initially it is difficult to determine what the enemy is trying to do. Neither the Global Hawk nor U-2 see an enemy force massing for an attack against the consulate. In fact, the neighborhood surrounding the consulate seems to be rather barren. This situation quickly changes when the Global Hawks sensors detect BMPs moving in the general direction of the consulate. Armed personnel are also seen slowly making their way through neighborhoods in the direction of the consulate. This is bad news.

Edited by IICptMillerII
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1 hour ago, DerKommissar said:

Can the Javelin be launched from in-doors, now? I remember having to have to get my Javelin teams on roofs, in old SF.

I never played SF1 so cannot comment on how that game played. The Javelin's are definitely launch-able from indoors as long as the missile's initial kick out of the tube puts it outside. The first stage is just to clear the tube and the team. The second stage is more dramatic. Probably would not want that second rocket going off indoors.

1 hour ago, DerKommissar said:

Did backblast get nerfed? Because I noticed US AT teams launching bazookas from buildings, in CMFB.

Propelled WW2 AT weapons were not nerfed but they are now allowed to be fired from indoors. The back blast does have an effect. Depending on the room size it can range from not much effect to suppressing the team to causing casualties.  There was a long debate on if infantry commonly did launch these things indoors and in the end BFC was convinced that it was common enough to allow it. I forget which version got that change but it was a while back.

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5 hours ago, IanL said:

Question: do you have AI programmed for the Regime forces or another human player?

H2H. Programming the AI would have taken far too long and required testing to make sure everything was working correctly.


3 hours ago, DerKommissar said:

Can the Javelin be launched from in-doors, now? I remember having to have to get my Javelin teams on roofs, in old SF. Did backblast get nerfed? Because I noticed US AT teams launching bazookas from buildings, in CMFB.

In SF2 both the AT-4 and Javelin can safely be fired from indoors. With the Javelin, as Ian said, there is no initial backblast. The missile is ejected from the launcher tube via a small burst of propellant. This is known as a "soft launch mechanism." Once the rocket itself has cleared the tube/building/soldiers, the actual propellant ignites. This all allows the javelin to be safely fired from inside enclosed spaces including buildings. The AT-4 in SF2 (Black Sea as well) is the urban conversion model, which incorporates a small mechanism at the back containing water designed to absorb the back blast allowing the rocket to be fired indoors without the damaging effects. 


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3rd platoon, A Company commanded by 2LT Branch is the lead platoon making its way towards the US consulate. They just turned onto MSR Liberty when the BMPs movement was spotted. CPT Amato informs 2LT Branch of the newly developing situation and the increased urgency to get to the consulate. As if on cue, one of the squads of 3rd platoon takes fire from point blank range.


It’s a single soldier who wildly mag dumps. No one is hit by the fire and the soldier is quickly killed by a Marine, but this is another close call of many that has also halted all forward movement towards the consulate. If this keeps up its only a matter of time before casualties are suffered, or worse the relief force is so delayed that the consulate is overrun.

Mere seconds later, a BMP comes screaming down a side street and into an intersection just 60 meters away from 3rd platoon. It appears to be trying to get close to the US consulate and is oblivious to the Marines.


One of the Marines quickly shoulders and fires his LAW rocket and hits the BMP in the rear, stopping it and setting it on fire. Disoriented Regime infantry begin spilling out of the back and into a hail of fire from the Marines.


Not all goes in favor of the Marines. Just to the left of where the BMP was taken out is a two story building occupied by Regime soldiers. They open fire on 3rd platoon caught in the open in the middle of the street with at least one PKM machine gun and cause two casualties. The building is too close to the Marines location to call in an airstrike, so the building will have to be taken down the old fashion way. 3rd squad moves into an adjacent building and engages the enemy at very close range. At the same moment that 3rd squad moves into the adjacent building, a team of Regime soldiers who apparently have a similar idea come face to face. A violent, point blank range firefight develops.


The team of Regime soldiers is killed, but so is a Marine. Casualties are starting to mount for the Marine Landing Party.

A second BMP appears at the corner of the intersection, but before it can fire a Marine with a LAW hits it in the lower front chassis. The BMP driver panics and tries to reverse but instead spins in a circle. In a last desperate act, it pops its smoke dispensers, but the effort is futile. Another Marine fires a second LAW into the side of the BMP, destroying it.


3rd platoon has had a hell of a time on MSR Liberty, and the consulate is still half a kilometer away.

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Elements of 1st platoon, B Company cautiously advance to the outer wall of the Canadian consulate. The surrendering MP’s are captured and processed, brought to an EPW (enemy prisoner of war) collection point on the beach and held under armed guard by some of the combat engineers.


Local security is established along the West wall, and the Marine assaulters are called up to breach a hole in the wall. The assaulters are equipped with demolition charges that can be used to breach walls and structures and are also equipped with thermobaric warheads for the two SMAW launchers. The breach is made in the wall, revealing a doorway leading into the compound. The Marines prepare to breach and clear the Canadian consulate.


Note: the explosion from the breaching charge looks like it should be fatal to the Marines. The explosion effect is merely cosmetic. The Marines suffer no casualties or ill effects from their own breaching charges.

The Marines stack up at the doorway through the wall breach. Immediately they can hear commotion inside, indicating the complex is occupied.


Moments later Regime MP’s being running right past one of the Marine security elements on the South West corner, oblivious to the Marines location. They appear to be trying to escape from the consulate before the Marines enter it. When they stumble into the Marine security position, their withdrawal turns into a panicked rout. What follows is nothing short of a slaughter.


The Marines engage at point blank range with rifle fire and hand grenades. There is no return fire. The fleeing MPs are overcome with terror and don’t bother shooting back. Theyre quickly put out of their misery.


At the same time the slaughter on the street is happening, a team of Marines enter the consulate. For a few moments, all is quiet. Then there is an explosion of gunfire. A Marine is immediately wounded, but the fire is quickly returned.


With both of his comrades killed, the surviving MP decides to throw down his rifle and surrender. Moments later, the Marines rush the room and take down the prisoner. The prisoner turns out to be the radio operator for a MP company command element. The corpse of the MP captain is lying on just nearby. The radio operator is processed and brought to the EPW collection point and noted to be a possible intel asset. The bodies of the company command element are searched for any important documents/intel.


The entire consulate is searched for survivors, as well as to secure any sensitive items that remain. After a thorough search, CPT Pulido passes up the disconcerting situation report: none of the consulate workers are in the consulate. They must have been moved to a new location by the Regime. Evidence in the form of bullet holes and a few blood stains are found as well, indicating that there may have been some kind of struggle when Regime forces stormed the consulate. That, or there was indiscriminate killing. Sensitive items such as documents, hard drives and portable electronics such as laptops are recovered. All other electronics (printers, scanners, shredders, etc) are destroyed in place, and the consulate is officially declared secured and sanitized.

All of this information is passed up to higher headquarters. The fate of the Canadian consulate workers is unknown, though they are now presumed to be in Regime captivity. Theater intelligence assets are given the additional task to search for any sign of the captured consulate workers. It is unclear what the Regime intends to do.

The fate of the consulate personnel is concerning, but no longer a concern of the Marines. B Company is instructed to hold firm at the Canadian consulate while A Company continues to make its way to the US consulate. When the US consulate is secured and evacuated, all forces will collapse back to the beach at the same time.

Its up to CPT Amato’s A Company to reach the US consulate so everyone can ‘get the hell out of dodge.’ Thus far that has proven easier said than done, and that trend appears to be continuing. Both the Global Hawk and U-2 sensors show more Regime infantry slowly massing in the neighborhoods adjacent to the US consulate. Time is of the essence.

Edited by IICptMillerII
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An update for those of you following along:

Unfortunately, I will not be able to finish this AAR until later this year. I'm going to be away for the next few months. I did my damnedest to get this finished before I had to leave, but in the end there just wasn't enough time. 

However, I fully plan on finishing this AAR when I return. The good news is that there shouldn't be too many more updates until we reach the conclusion, so when I get back I should be able to bang out the last few parts. Apologies for the unexpected mid-AAR cliffhanger.

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1 hour ago, IICptMillerII said:

An update for those of you following along:

Unfortunately, I will not be able to finish this AAR until later this year. I'm going to be away for the next few months. I did my damnedest to get this finished before I had to leave, but in the end there just wasn't enough time. 

However, I fully plan on finishing this AAR when I return. The good news is that there shouldn't be too many more updates until we reach the conclusion, so when I get back I should be able to bang out the last few parts. Apologies for the unexpected mid-AAR cliffhanger.

OK, so your going to be like those two authors on the book "Northern Fury". Were going to have to wait until the end of this year to get the book and to finish reading your AAR 🙂

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On 9/8/2019 at 10:56 AM, IICptMillerII said:

Sensitive items such as documents, hard drives and portable electronics such as laptops are recovered. All other electronics (printers, scanners, shredders, etc) are destroyed in place, and the consulate is officially declared secured and sanitized.

Was this process similar to what MOS did re the radio broadcast and destruction of transmitter concept in Coup?  I like the idea that one can actually destroy items like this (abstracted of course as in Coup) but that this action can trigger other events.

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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to pop in and give a quick update. This AAR isn't dead. I'm back among the living though I have very little free time at the moment, and I currently don't have the files for this AAR with me. I may be able to get them next month, but if not the AAR will not resume until the Spring. Apologies to those who are eagerly awaiting the next update. I hope that knowing the AAR is not dead and just on hiatus is some consolation.  I'm excited to get back to this when I get the chance, especially now that C:MO has been released. 

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  • 4 months later...

As promised, I'm finally able to get back to this AAR and wrap it up. The following is the second to last part of this AAR, and the conclusion will follow shortly. Despite being delayed by that pesky Real-Lifetm this AAR has been fun to do. I also think its been a successful proof of concept for hybrid AARs, and I definitely plan on doing more in the future. Hope those following along enjoy the ending!



Back on MSR Liberty, things have become eerily quite after the explosive exchange of fire with the two BMPs. 2LT Branch begins to get his 3rd platoon moving again. The second story building on the corner directly to the front could still have enemy combatants inside. Elements of 3rd squad, 3rd platoon advance up to a side entrance and prepare to breach and clear the building.


The building is cleared with no incidence. Having secured the building, the Marines of 3rd platoon begin moving further down MSR Liberty towards the consulate.

Meanwhile, a flight of two Super Cobra’s are called in to provide overwatch to hopefully prevent any more armored vehicle surprises, and to assist the consulate in defending itself against any more attacks from the adjacent neighborhood.

3rd platoon moves down MSR Liberty and arrives at the US Consulate without further incident. It appears that the violence of the day, combined with the orbiting Cobra’s, has finally convinced the enemy that discretion is the better part of valor.


The Marines quickly establish security and overwatch positions on the consulate. Those not pulling security assist the consulate personnel in securing all the sensitive equipment and data and prepare them to be evacuated. Based on the condition of the consulate, and the overall tempo of the battle, a change in plan is suggested and approved; the consulate personnel and Marine security (to include 3rd platoon) will be flown out of the city by heavy lift helicopters from the Wasp. Initially this was not considered due to fear of local MANPADs, but with Cobra’s orbiting over the city and not drawing any fire, it appears the MANPAD threat is either thoroughly suppressed or nonexistent.

Three CH-53E Super Stallions take off from the Wasp and arrive without incident at the US Consulate. The loading is somewhat complicated due to the limited landing space, though this too proceeds without incident. The consulate is fully secured and evacuated via the Super Stallions, which return to the Wasp.

As the CH-53’s are egressing from the city, the Marines begin to fall back towards the beach. With the airspace considered to be safe from MANPAD’s and other enemy air defense assets, more Marine aircraft are called upon to assist in the egress of the landing party from the city. Four MV-22B Osprey aircraft and the fourth CH-53E Super Stallion fly to the beach to load Marines and captured enemy personnel. The rest of the Marines board the AAVs and head back to the Wasp. The egress is a chaotic logistical event, but proceeds without any interdiction from the enemy. The airspace remains clear, and Regime forces in the city do not attempt to contest the departing Marines. Three and a half hours after first making landfall, the Marines successfully depart, and Task Force Wasp begins moving out to sea, away from the city.


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1 hour ago, IICptMillerII said:

As promised, I'm finally able to get back to this AAR and wrap it up. The following is the second to last part of this AAR, and the conclusion will follow shortly. Despite being delayed by that pesky Real-Lifetm this AAR has been fun to do. I also think its been a successful proof of concept for hybrid AARs, and I definitely plan on doing more in the future. Hope those following along enjoy the ending! 

+1.  NICE!!!  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


  Thanks so much for doing this.  It was a really cool AAR and was lots of fun following the evolving battle.  I've been periodically checking back to see if you'd finished it.  I just now found that you had.  What was the final tally of casualties?

  I think this really was a successful proof of concept for combining the two systems.  Very nicely done!


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20 hours ago, Heinrich505 said:


  Thanks so much for doing this.  It was a really cool AAR and was lots of fun following the evolving battle.  I've been periodically checking back to see if you'd finished it.  I just now found that you had.  What was the final tally of casualties?

  I think this really was a successful proof of concept for combining the two systems.  Very nicely done!


Thanks for the kind words!

There is still one more post to come, with the final casualty tallies, a summary of the operation and a quick post-battle analysis. I just haven’t had time to finish the final post, but I’m hoping to have it done soon. 

I agree that it’s a good proof of concept for combining the two games into a hybrid AAR. I had a lot of fun putting this together and seeing it play out, and I have a few different ideas for future projects as well. Again, it’s just a matter of finding the time to actualize it. 

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